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Remap, East St. Louis, Politics, Supreme Court and 2022

Wednesday, Oct 27, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The governor was asked today for his thoughts on the deliberations over the new congressional map. Pritzker said he wants to wait to see what the final drawing looks like before commenting. When pressed a bit, he said

But to be clear, I do want to say one thing, which is, as you know, the basic principle here is making sure that we end up with representation that is truly diverse, that represents the diversity of the state of Illinois. And so that’s something that I look strongly at whenever I’m looking at any of these maps. And, you know, I think it’s moving in the right direction, but I know that the legislature will be making adjustments or at least, I think they may be and so again, we’ll wait until the final version.

Not much there.

* The BND has a good story about what happened to what has been known as the East St. Louis House district

A map approved by the Illinois General Assembly and Gov. J.B. Pritzker in September carves out a chunk of state House District 114 represented by Democratic Rep. LaToya Greenwood, who is Black. The map takes thousands of Black voters from the East St. Louis area and puts them into District 113, pushing another chunk of Black voters into District 112. White Democrats represent both.

A fifth of Black voters were moved out of East St. Louis, and thousands of white voters were moved in, a lawsuit challenging the map alleges. In the current map, Black residents of voting age represent 37.1% of the population, but only 33.4% in the new map, according to the suit. […]

“I thought that Texas was passing a racist law on voter suppression,” [Frank Smith, chair of the East St. Louis Democratic Central Committee] said, referencing a recent voting restrictions law in the state, “but when I looked here at home, I saw the same thing in just a different way.” […]

“There has been a lot of misinformation about the intent and impact of the recent redistricting on the 114th District,” [Rep. LaToya Greenwood, D-East St. Louis] said in a prepared statement. “For the past forty years, persons of all racial and ethnic backgrounds have come together to elect an African-American legislator in this district, despite the fact that the district was not a majority African-American district. Under the new map, I believe the 114th District will remain a strong district for African-American representation in Springfield, and I would not have supported the map if I believed otherwise.”

* Chair Hernandez admits the obvious

The latest draft of a new congressional district map for Illinois met with much of the same criticism as the first draft during a House committee hearing Tuesday.

The latest proposal from legislative Democratic leaders was released Saturday. It divides the state into 17 congressional districts, one fewer than the state currently has due to its population loss since the 2010 U.S. Census. […]

During the hearing, Republican Rep. Tom Demmer, of Dixon, asked Democratic committee Chairwoman Lisa Hernandez, of Cicero, directly whether the maps were drawn to increase Democrats’ partisan advantage.

“I would say politics plays a part,” Hernandez said.

* This practice is as old as the republic itself, but it’s a fair hit

State Sen. Omar Aquino, D-Chicago, chairman of the Senate Redistricting Committee, told WBEZ he hasn’t ruled out running for a second Latino-leaning congressional seat that would be created in the Democrats’ map.

That situation, [Rep. Tim Butler, R-Springfield] said, is an example of the ethical conflicts that can occur when politicians draw maps.

A spokeswoman for Senate Democrats didn’t respond to a request for comment on Butler’s statement.

* On to campaigns. A Republican declares for Supreme Court…

Judge Daniel B. Shanes today announced his candidacy for the open Illinois Supreme Court Second District seat. He was joined by current and former public officials who emphasised Judge Shanes’s fair and impartial record, his experience as a judge and prosecutor, and his commitment to the Constitution as key reasons for their support for his candidacy. Quotes from each of these officials endorsing Judge Shanes can be found below and photos and video from today’s event are available upon request.

Endorsements of Judge Shanes

    Fred Foreman, former United States Attorney & Chief Judge for Lake County - “Judge Dan Shanes is an ideal candidate for the Illinois Supreme Court. His commitment to our Constitution and the Rule of Law is exactly what we should expect from someone on the highest court in our state. Through his service as an assistant State’s Attorney coupled with over 14 years as a judge, he has the necessary experience, knowledge, and commitment to the law, and I’m proud to support Judge Shanes.”

    Joe McMahon, former Kane County State’s Attorney - “When I consider the importance of our Supreme Court, I think that someone like Judge Dan Shanes is exactly who we need to set our state on the right path. A fierce defender of the law, an unerring commitment to the rights of the individual, and a fair and impartial record of rulings make him the right person for the job of Supreme Court justice. Judge Shanes will be a judge to make all of Illinois proud, and I encourage everyone in the Second District to support him.”

    Patrick Kenneally, McHenry County State’s Attorney - “Judge Shanes is an upstanding judge and someone who will rule with integrity on the Supreme Court bench. His record speaks for itself, displaying a years-long commitment to the rule of law and balance in his rulings that will benefit our state from the Supreme Court. Judge Shanes has always shown great deference to our Constitution and the rights imbued in it, and it will benefit all Illinoisans knowing they have someone as committed to their rights as Judge Shanes on the Supreme Court.”

Judge Daniel B. Shanes announced his candidacy for the Illinois Supreme Court Second District seat today in Lake County. Judge Shanes has more than 14 years of experience as a judge, first as an Associate Judge and for the last 11 years as a full Circuit Judge, having been appointed in 2010, then elected in 2012, and retained by the voters for another full term in 2018. He currently serves as the Chair of the Illinois Judicial College Board of Trustees by Illinois Supreme Court appointment, teaching judges to better serve people across Illinois. Prior to becoming a judge, Judge Shanes served as an Assistant State’s Attorney and Division Chief in Lake County, leading some of the County’s most challenging cases and spearheading reform efforts such as establishing Lake County’s Drug Court, a program of comprehensive treatment for non-violent repeat felony offenders driven by substance addiction.

* Something to consider when thinking about the upcoming Republican primaries. Here are the “Yes, definitely” responses from a Morning Consult poll taken October 22-October 24 of 1,999 registered voters, with “Yes, probably” results added to the final total in parentheses

Do you think the results of the 2020 presidential election should be overturned?

    Republican: 42% (60%)
    Republican women: 49% (66%)
    Republican men: 32% (51%)
    Conservative: 40% (57%)
    Homemaker: 40% (53%)
    Rural: 30% (44%)
    Biden Job Strongly Disapprove: 45% (64%)


  1. - Dotnonymous - Wednesday, Oct 27, 21 @ 1:41 pm:

    Elections can not be “overturned”…in a Democracy.

  2. - bkhartbnjo - Wednesday, Oct 27, 21 @ 1:48 pm:

    I have to repeat this:

    Elections can not be “overturned”…in a Democracy.

  3. - Jibba - Wednesday, Oct 27, 21 @ 1:52 pm:

    Interesting that Republican women lead everyone, even self professed conservatives. Been my experience that men are usually the leading wing nuts. Any theories? Heavy Facebook users?

  4. - Amalia - Wednesday, Oct 27, 21 @ 1:59 pm:

    Brittany, lol.

  5. - Steve Rogers - Wednesday, Oct 27, 21 @ 2:06 pm:

    Anonymous at 2:03 was me, but it looks like Rich removed Brittany’s comment, so never mind….

  6. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Oct 27, 21 @ 2:24 pm:

    Rep. LaToya Greenwood, D-East St. Louis is spot on with her comments and, may I add, more power to her. As the democrats and those on the left undermine their own goals with purity tests, it allows plenty of cannon fodder for the wingnut right.

    Every district does not have to reflect the population to an exact percentage. If that were the case I would venture to guess there would be fewer black districts and more latino districts. Time and time again, Illinois voters, at least in Cook and the collar counties, have been elected candidates of color even if the district is not a majority minority district. Gives me a little faith in people.

  7. - John Lopez - Wednesday, Oct 27, 21 @ 2:26 pm:

    Rich, on congressional remap, what was your take from Shia Kapos’ POLITICO reporting Congressman Bill Foster’s IL-11 will receive remap help in next, possibly final version?

    Are your sources telling you otherwise? Only way I see Foster getting help would be to give him the city of Elgin (population 114K+), and Raja Krishnamoorthi’s IL-08 and Brad Schneider’s IL-10 absorbing McHenry/Lake counties areas from IL-11 in exchange(?).

  8. - Georgie - Wednesday, Oct 27, 21 @ 2:34 pm:

    I would hope they would consider drawing a better map than they have for Foster, Casten and Newman. It is very disappointing what has been done to democrats by democrats.

  9. - thechampaignlife - Wednesday, Oct 27, 21 @ 2:37 pm:

    ===Do you think the results of the 2020 presidential election should be overturned?===

    Twenty percent through his term, and they are still fighting the last election instead of preparing for the next one.

  10. - Siualum - Wednesday, Oct 27, 21 @ 2:46 pm:

    It just amazes that so many people have bought in to the big lie and are so willing to throw democracy out the window.

  11. - Lurker - Wednesday, Oct 27, 21 @ 2:49 pm:

    Surprised conservative percent is that high but I guess me and all conservatives I know voting against Trump is only anecdotal evidence

  12. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Oct 27, 21 @ 2:50 pm:

    ===instead of preparing for the next one.===

    I’d argue that they are indeed planning for the next one by trying to take control of the election authorities in various states. It’s happening right in front of us too. Pretty soon elections will be meaningless.

  13. - Blue Dog - Wednesday, Oct 27, 21 @ 2:56 pm:

    I would love to have seen a different result.

  14. - Pundent - Wednesday, Oct 27, 21 @ 3:05 pm:

    If you believe that election results should be overturned you don’t believe in democracy. And if your an elected official who espouses this you should not hold office.

    What I find more disturbing than the people that believe this, are the elected officials that are taking the steps to make this a reality. And as 47th Ward points out this is now happening in plain sight.

  15. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 27, 21 @ 3:09 pm:

    === Do you think the results of the 2020 presidential election should be overturned?===

    I’m not even remotely surprised by the results, but they are disheartening.

    I’m not surprised because FoxNews still allows members of Congress to speak to the “fact” that they “feel” the election was not legit in one way or another.

    Allowing lies to continue and to reinforce the untruths in others’ minds… yeah, I’m not surprised, sadly.

  16. - Brittany - Wednesday, Oct 27, 21 @ 3:15 pm:

    If an election is “won” via fraud, THAT’S the real attack on democracy.

    Just like spreading the blatant lie that the previous POTUS was a Russian asset was an attack on democracy.

    Just like spreading the lie that there is no evidence of fraud in last year’s election is an attack on democracy. In truth there is significant evidence.

    But obviously only left-wing lies and hate are allowed on this propaganda blog. Sad.

  17. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 27, 21 @ 3:19 pm:

    === If an election is “won” via fraud, THAT’S the real attack on democracy.===

    Narrator: It wasn’t.

    ===In truth there is significant evidence.===

    Narrator: there is no evidence, not in Arizona, not in Wisconsin, not in Georgia.

    Great example how being fed toxic thinking when evidence and facts refute, it’s impossible for the cult like thinking to wane.

  18. - Dance Band on the Titanic - Wednesday, Oct 27, 21 @ 3:22 pm:

    ===Just like spreading the lie that there is no evidence of fraud in last year’s election is an attack on democracy. In truth there is significant evidence.===

    Then why was none of this “significant evidence” ever presented in a court of law?

  19. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Oct 27, 21 @ 3:32 pm:

    Women GOP are significant more conservative per that poll.

  20. - Joe Bidenopolous - Wednesday, Oct 27, 21 @ 3:50 pm:

    ===they are still fighting the last election instead of preparing for the next one.===

    This is concerning but uplifting for ‘22.

    Still, 47th is correct. The right wingers are dismantling free and fair election in this nation right in front of our eyes. I’m fairly certain that as a result of their ‘tinkering’ with election law (and their willingness to object to certifying legitimate election results), there won’t be a Dem president after Biden in my lifetime. That may sound overboard, but look around.

  21. - Ducky LaMoore - Wednesday, Oct 27, 21 @ 4:05 pm:

    “Women GOP are significant more conservative per that poll.“

    Maybe a lot of formerly moderate GOP women are now moderate independents??? Pure speculation on my part.

  22. - Downstate - Wednesday, Oct 27, 21 @ 4:16 pm:

    Why does Chicago have it’s reputation for voting irregularities? I’m asking innocently. Chicago’s voting is always part of a punch line, but I never understood the basis for it, other than, maybe, the 1960 election.

    It’s interesting that even Democrats believe election results can be fraudulent. Her name is Stacey Abrams

  23. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 27, 21 @ 4:26 pm:

    === Why does Chicago have it’s reputation for voting irregularities? I’m asking innocently.===

    You’re not, otherwise you’d feel no need to say it.

    There’s the stories of 1960, and I remember some quote, I think it was from Pat Buchanan where he stated to the effect the reason Nixon didn’t contest Illinois was what Nixon was doing in Kentucky.

    All tongue and cheek.

    The “vote early - vote often” funny, and yet there’s no tangible evidence of rampant vote fraud like the phony conspiracies of the last presidential election.

    ===believe election results can be fraudulent===

    Love of Pete.

    Abrams alleged claims were about “voter suppression”. Use the Google key.

  24. - Downstate - Wednesday, Oct 27, 21 @ 4:35 pm:

    “You’re not, otherwise you’d feel no need to say it.”

    I’m occupying way too much space in your head. I really don’t know the history of that reputation. But believe what you will.

  25. - hisgirlfriday - Wednesday, Oct 27, 21 @ 4:42 pm:

    Given the East St. Louis lawsuit, maybe the commenters here should have been a little more charitable in response to the Pantagraph editorial the other day that pointed out the simple fact that race and rural-urban divides factor into people’s reactions to the new map?

  26. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 27, 21 @ 4:51 pm:

    === I’m occupying way too much space in your head.===

    Anyone “concerned” about “the crumbling of the family” like Jeanne Ives prolly is trolling to gin up the irregularity talk, not innocently.

    Not occupying space in my head. Nope. Hard to forget someone who mocks victims of sexual abuse. Nothing more.

    To get this back to… to the post,

    The governor;

    ===but I know that the legislature will be making adjustments or at least, I think they may be and so again, we’ll wait until the final version.===

    This is why it’s not only prudent but honest to process.

    To have the person signing this next map comment on the likely and real changes ahead would be counter productive only because as this process evolves, the last thing a governor, any governor, who will be signing… after changes… is to be seen as predicating any changes deemed politically motivated or changed.

    “Watch what does happen”

  27. - Huh? - Wednesday, Oct 27, 21 @ 5:03 pm:

    “In truth there is significant evidence”

    No. This is a lie. There was no widespread evidence of voter fraud.

    Numerous election officials have repeatedly stated there was no widespread evidence of voting fraud. The US Attorney General said so. SCOTUS said so.

    The few cases of voter fraud that have been reported have been perpetrated by republican’t voters.

    If there was widespread voter fraud, why did Trump and his acolytes go 0 for 63 in court?

    There was NO widespread voter fraud.

    Go back to facebook.

  28. - Huh? - Wednesday, Oct 27, 21 @ 5:07 pm:

    “But obviously only left-wing lies and hate are allowed on this propaganda blog. Sad.”

    No. The commentators of this blog don’t suffer fools who get their knowledge from Qanon and facebook conspiracy theory posts.

  29. - Keyrock - Wednesday, Oct 27, 21 @ 5:21 pm:

    Downstate - Chicago used to have widespread election fraud up until the ‘80’s. Federal prosecutions and the weakening of the machine pretty much ended that by the 90’s. There’s just no sign of widespread fraud anymore.

    The Nixon story is likely apocryphal. Royko wrote that a discovery recount moved Chicago vote totals for the all-important (to Mayor Daley) State’s Attorney’s race, but not the presidential race. National Republicans stopped paying, and the recount wasn’t completed.

  30. - Kyle’s mom - Wednesday, Oct 27, 21 @ 6:19 pm:

    All these republicans running for Supreme Court in the second district… have they not looked at the numbers?!? It’s a democrat district. SMH

  31. - West Side the Best Side - Wednesday, Oct 27, 21 @ 8:02 pm:

    It’s encouraging to see someone running for judge basing their campaign on their experience in court as opposed to “upholding Southern Illinois values.”

  32. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Oct 27, 21 @ 9:08 pm:

    === Why does Chicago have it’s reputation for voting irregularities?===

    “By giving us the opinions of the uneducated, journalism keeps us in touch with the ignorance of the community.”

    Oscar Wilde

    “When the legend becomes fact, print the legend.”

    John Ford

  33. - ArchPundit - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 8:07 am:

    === Federal prosecutions and the weakening of the machine pretty much ended that by the 90’s. There’s just no sign of widespread fraud anymore.

    The introduction of punch cards reduced the amount of fraud more than anything else. It ended short penciling, but also required that election authorities be far more consistent in policy and procedure.

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