It’s been a whipsaw day for the remap
Thursday, Oct 28, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Capitol News Illinois…
During a meeting of the Senate Redistricting Committee on Thursday morning, Senate President Don Harmon, D-Oak Park, said he expected the latest draft to be put into bill form later in the day. But he also said he expected that bill to be introduced first in the House, and as of midafternoon Thursday the House Redistricting Committee had not scheduled a meeting.
Just before 5 p.m. Thursday, House Redistricting Committee Chair Lisa Hernandez, D-Cicero, declined an interview request with Capitol News Illinois, noting she was working with fellow lawmakers.
“I don’t know yet,” she responded when asked if the maps would pass Thursday night or be delayed until January.
Part of the problem lawmakers face is the fact that, under the Illinois Constitution, any bill passed after May 31 cannot take effect until June 1 of the following year, unless it receives a three-fifths majority in both chambers. That’s 71 votes in the 118-member House, and 36 votes in the 59-member Senate.
And if three House Democratic members object, the bill can’t pass.
* But…
And Marty might be right.
Stay tuned.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 5:39 pm:
Oops. Sorry. I accidentally turned off comments. They’re on now.
- Steve Brown's Ghost - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 5:44 pm:
Marty, Marty, Marty.
Don’t make predictions.
- John Lopez - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 5:48 pm:
Dave Wasserman tweeted the congressional remap will wait until January, but he hasn’t used his trademark “I’ve seen enough…”.
He did predict to me in an interview last week at U. of Chicago all of the competing interests to result in Democratic infighting.
Wasserman was right.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 5:48 pm:
Wonder if the GOP decided to draw any maps, court requested or not…
Goodness gracious, at some point you please as many as you can and let the voters sort out the rest.
- End game - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 5:53 pm:
Marty Moylan is still carrying water for Madigan.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 5:58 pm:
For me, Mary Miller and Marie Newman;
How both are treated in a final map will be something to compare and contrast to the other maps.
It’s a small side story, I know, but it’s interesting to me to the overall final ratio of party splits too.
- SaulGoodman - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 6:12 pm:
“He did predict to me in an interview last week at U. of Chicago all of the competing interests to result in Democratic infighting.”
Yea - Wasserman really going out on a limb there.