Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x5 *** New congressional remap proposal posted online
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*** UPDATED x5 *** New congressional remap proposal posted online

Thursday, Oct 28, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Click here for the new map. Click here for demographic data.

…Adding… That map was posted by the House. But I’m told the Senate will also post it on its website. Adding: The Senate copy has been posted.

…Adding… The bill language is here. It was introduced by Senate President Harmon.

*** UPDATE 1 *** In this version, US Reps. Chuy Garcia and Marie Newman are in the 4th CD together. That’s really bad news for Newman. Sean Casten is in the 6th CD.

Mary Miller and Mike Bost are still together in 12.

Adam Kinzinger and Darin LaHood are still mapped together in the 16th.

…Adding… Comparisons…

*** UPDATE 2 *** Here you go…

*** UPDATE 3 *** US Rep. Marie Newman…

For the past month, hundreds of diverse community members from Chicago’s Southwest Side and suburbs have attended and overwhelmingly voiced their opinion at every single public input opportunity held by the Illinois General Assembly on the proposed congressional maps. Even after attending every single hearing in large numbers and delivering hundreds of testimonies, letters, calls and witness slips from voices in the district, the most recently proposed map is a clear attempt to appease one person and a small handful of affluent insiders at the expense of workers and working families on Chicago’s Southwest Side and suburbs. Illinois residents deserve fair representation and a fair map that includes public input — not one that turns a blind eye to it. This map undoubtedly does not live up to what Illinois residents deserve.

The “one person” is Sean Casten.

…Adding… Perhaps not coincidentally, Speaker Welch’s mobile phone is being bombarded with angry calls and texts about the new map.

*** UPDATE 4 *** The Senate floor vote was strictly along partisan lines 41-18.

…Adding… Press release…

The Illinois Senate approved a new map of congressional boundaries that will ensure communities across Illinois receive fair and equal representation in Washington.

The boundaries are designed to comply with federal and state law and incorporate suggestions gathered during several public hearings, including the creation of a new district designed to give the state’s growing Latino population greater say at the ballot box.

“I want to thank those who participated in our hearings for their constructive input. This is a fairer map for it,” said Senate President Don Harmon, who sponsored the map legislation. “This map reflects the wonderful diversity of the people of the great state of Illinois.”

Population shifts over the last decade meant the number of residents in previous congressional districts were unbalanced, with major population differences from one district to another. In addition, the loss of a congressional district meant that each district also had to incorporate approximately 50,000 additional people. This map creates districts with nearly identical population counts in each district so that every community in Illinois has an equal say in Congress.

The proposed boundaries can be viewed at The measure now heads to the House for approval.

Under the leadership of Senate Democrats, this year’s redistricting process focused on gathering as much public input as possible, allowing for the diversity of Illinois to be reflected at every level of government. In addition to gathering feedback during public hearings, Democrats established the state’s first online map making portal so residents could draw and submit proposed boundaries for lawmakers to consider. Proposed maps drafted using other methods were also accepted via email at

*** UPDATE 5 *** Trouble…


  1. - John Lopez - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 7:10 pm:

    Newman now in the IL-04.

    Put freshman Newman from one sophomore Casten and give her to another in Garcia.

    Think Newman is a one-and-done.

  2. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 7:16 pm:

    Who is better off today;

    Newman or Miller?


  3. - McGuppin - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 7:19 pm:

    Miller has a much better chance at beating Bost than Newman has in beating Chuy. IMO.

  4. - DTAG - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 7:22 pm:

    Miller is near the border of 12 and 15 and could easily run against Davis in 15. Newman is near the border of 4 and 6 and could run against Casten in 6.

  5. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 7:25 pm:

    ===could run against Casten in 6===


  6. - Tallone - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 7:28 pm:

    1000 feet Makes the difference between being in and R or D district for me.

  7. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 7:32 pm:

    ===1000 feet===

    Borders gotta be drawn somewhere.

  8. - Just Me 2 - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 7:34 pm:

    And just a reminder that according to the Constitution US Representatives do not need to live in their district, just their state.

  9. - Rahm's Parking Meter - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 7:35 pm:

    I still can’t believe the lines in the Northern and NW suburbs. I am for the map and would vote yes if I served, but it is a joke too.

  10. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 7:41 pm:

    Hannah doing Hannah things. Appreciate that tweet.

    What seems to be 100 years ago, a discussion to Miller and her fate, and who gets stuck with her, and her chances…

    Miller could choose to run more Trumpier than Bost, or more Trumpier than Davis.

    Of course, Miller won’t be living in Davis’ district, and that could be an annoyance while also trying to call Davis disloyal to Trump.

    Miller could take on Bost, but Bost has literal decades of evolution to his Trump bona fides, not much running to any center for “Bost Toss”

    The Kinzinger - LaHood sideshow, if you will, that’s a bad break for Kinzinger. I’m now, as of this *4th* map, less curious, and it’s less likely going to have my attention.

    I would’ve really liked to see Kinzinger has a shot at making a case. I would’ve liked that. Now it’s going to be about the RCCC taking Kinzinger down, no holds barred to the Nth degree, that’s if this all hold up… of course.

    So, Miller still might hold the fate of Davis after all. This is a crazy business.

    Newman is on an island? Maybe. But Miller has choices and paths, Newman has options and choosing her poison.

    “We’ll see”

  11. - The Real Downstate - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 7:54 pm:

    The 17th bothers me. It could be like 3 points bluer (and trending blue too) if they just got rid of the unnecessary rural areas and smaller cities and added more of greater BloNo, Peoria, and Rockford. Makes no sense.

  12. - Pundent - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 7:54 pm:

    This might be coming into focus a bit. Minority caucuses get a bit more, maybe it’s enough? Marie Newman put on an island which seems to be a goal here. And Republicans left to accuse each other of being RINOs. But will it pass muster with the courts?

  13. - Blue Room Curtains - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 7:57 pm:

    Living in McHenry County, it’s been interesting to watch my representation change with each new map. We’re currently in Underwood’s district, then we were remapped into Kinzinger, then Raja, now Foster. Or is it back to Underwood again? Maybe we’ll win up with Casten. The mind reels.

  14. - South Chicago - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 8:05 pm:

    Some heads just exploded in the Beverly area of the 19th Ward. Newman had a decent base of support there.

  15. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 8:10 pm:

    Bost will have the support of the caucus apparatus and every Beltway interest group, he will be fine.

    Miller can get to 45 probably if she runs a scorched earth campaign, but the GOP will probably just give her a plum job.

    Kinzinger v LaHood? I think there is very little of his original district left, his smart move is to run for US Senate I think, although he might be able to get enough independents to pull a GOP ballot to win the Primary, I just dont know that districts GOP primary ballots well enough to say.

  16. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 8:18 pm:

    ===his (Kinzinger) smart move is to run for US Senate I think, although he might be able to get enough independents to pull a GOP ballot to win the Primary===

    You’d first need to believe Kinzinger can beat Duckworth, or realize it’s a fool’s errand to keep his national spotlight and opportunity for a national TV gig.

    In a weird way, Kinzinger for Senate reminds me of Rauner re-elect; who exactly is the Kinzinger constituency in that race that can win?

    It’s a fun speculation none the less.

  17. - Saluki with a Job - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 8:23 pm:

    Was happy to see Charleston and Mattoon stay intact and out of the Miller/Bost dogfight. But, that also means we are the Rodney Davis district. So there’s that, but I think Davis is probably better aligned than Miller, tractor pictures of her in tennis shoes on Twitter notwithstanding.

  18. - Pundent - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 8:26 pm:

    Not sure if Kinzinger is interested but SOS might be there for the taking. And the Trump litmus test might not be as strong there. Keeps his name top of mind. I’m not sure if just being anti-insurrection is enough to take out Duckworth.

    One thing IllinoisElectionData constantly reminds us of, there will never be another Jesse White.

  19. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 8:48 pm:

    ===Not sure if Kinzinger is interested but SOS===

    He’s on teevee every night. That would be one huge lifestyle change.

  20. - Ron Burgundy - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 8:56 pm:

    -the most recently proposed map is a clear attempt to appease one person-

    And Rep. Newman is clearly not that person.

  21. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 8:57 pm:

    To Newman,

    Isn’t it the contention of Republicans that the hearings have been… sparsely attended… few witnesses… heck, almost impossible to *find* if one wanted to attend.

    Can both be true, your take and the narrative of the GOP?

  22. - Keyrock - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 8:57 pm:

    SOS would set Kinzinger up for a future run for higher office, and also give him a base for party-building.

  23. - Original Anon - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 9:01 pm:

    I know the media take is that Rodney Davis received a safe Republican seat to avoid a challenge to Pritzker. I find it hard to believe Pritzker was that worried about a Davis campaign. Is there another reason?

  24. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 9:02 pm:

    First, I think every Congressman generally thinks that Springfield is a demotion from DC unless you’re Rod and “Governor” is a box you think you need to check before you run for president.

    Secondly I think Kinzinger fairs better running in a federal race with federal spending limits than running for governor, where honestly I don’t think he has a hope of beating Pritzker even if Griffin gives him $50M, which he would have to.

    Third, I dont think Kinzinger can win the primary for governor. My money is still on Darren Bailey, and if Kinzinger gets in that only helps Darren Bailey in my book. Running against Kinzinger is 3ven better than running against JB for his bona fides.

    Yes, Duckworth is pretty safe, but that’s going to make it impossible for McConnell to recruit anyone better then Kinzinger, and the nomination of his party will be a vindication of sorts.

    Finally a Senate race keeps him on the national stage, and whetever his next next step is, the national stage is where he wants to audition.

    Hell, if he wins the Senate race he is halfway to running for President in 2024. Lincoln lost his senate bid in ‘58 to set up the presidency.

    “I sure do miss these talks.”


  25. - DuPage Dave - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 9:05 pm:

    One of the maps ran a line between me and my neighbor. The school district boundary is on the other side of that neighbor. The village district boundary is two houses down from that. Go figure.

  26. - Nick - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 9:06 pm:

    Purposeful or not

    She’s the most freshmen member of the Dem caucus

    And the Latino caucus is just actually correct that Chucago deserves a 2nd Latino district.

    Someone was gonna have to get screwed over and seniority and even geography dictates… well…

  27. - Pundent - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 9:10 pm:

    YDD may be right. If Kinzinger is going to lose a race why not shoot for the moon and run for Senate. It’s certainly better than losing a primary to Darrin LaHood. And while I do think he would lose a Senate race given current trends, I think he’d run a credible campaign which would position him well for the inevitable post-Trump GOP. And in the meantime, he would do quite well on TV.

  28. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 9:12 pm:

    === SOS would set Kinzinger up ===

    it has not been that way since 1998.

    Since “Licenses for Bribes.”

    Since “Citizens United”

    If Kinzinger wants to be governor, he should find five people to give him $70M and run for governor.

    Why would a guy who has never shown any interest in state policies run for governor?

    Why would anyone who has $70M they want to blow give it to a guy with big problems with his base?

    If you are a venture capitalist, kinzinger is not a smart investment. He’s not some blank slate hot start-up like, he’s Toys r Us, a fixer-upper.

  29. - Hamlets Ghost - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 9:13 pm:

    Insofar as Marie Newman can run in IL-06 whether or not her current residence is in IL-06, this map actually favors MN over Casten. Righteous anger benefits MN.

  30. - hisgirlfriday - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 9:21 pm:

    Casten got in with less than 30% in a Dem primary and five female candidates splitting votes. Is it a guarantee he would beat Newman in a primary? He has always seemed a bit off-putting to me but I suppose some may feel the same about Newman.

  31. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 9:23 pm:

    ===Righteous anger===

    I’m guessing “righteous anger” helped her secure that short straw in these maps…

    Also “Righteous Anger” was the name of my college garage band… we played “Boston” covers with a piano, two banjos, and multi sized tambourines

  32. - Pot calling kettle - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 9:24 pm:

    The tougher, but possibly higher profile, run for Kinzinger is vs LaHood in the general as an indy or under some new party banner. He’s been dissing the Republicans for Trumpism and has started his own PAC. Lincoln was a Whig before he was a Republican and his policies and supporters were former Whigs. If some new party emerges from the ruins left after the Trump takeover of the Republican Party, Kinzinger wants to be a leader of that party.

  33. - Hamlets Ghost - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 9:25 pm:

    I never considered Boston’s music to be angry.

  34. - Ron Burgundy - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 9:28 pm:

    To the extent Reps Casten, Newman, etc. are feeling entitled to a seat in Congress, they are more than welcome to pick a district, run in it, and win just like everyone else.

  35. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 9:29 pm:

    ===I never considered Boston’s music to be angry===

    Probably a significant reason we were only a garage band and never a touring band. The “Behind the Music” to our story is still a top 38th watch episode.

    But, to Newman and Casten, if she decides to take on Casten instead of Garcia, that race in the primary might be interesting to how both see themselves and the other in Dem ideology and courting Dem primary votes.

  36. - DuPage - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 9:33 pm:

    General Assembly approves an at-large election of 177 representatives after the 1963 veto of a reapportionment bill.

    Maybe we should just have an at-large election this time around.

  37. - Hamlets Ghost - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 9:38 pm:

    I suppose my central point is that putting MN in CD4 by a few thousand feet may help MN if she chooses to run in CD6. Team Casten’s prayers were answered but sometimes it’s better if prayers are not answered.

    Sadly, I wish there were a place for both MN and SC in the US House.

  38. - Hamlets Ghost - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 9:47 pm:

    I agree 100% with OW that an SC / MN primary would be fascinating regarding the underlying values of suburban Dems. I like and highly respect both of them but they bring different perspectives to the national forum

  39. - IL 3/6/4/??? - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 9:47 pm:

    == at the expense of workers and working families on Chicago’s Southwest Side and suburbs ==

    MN is saying Chuy is going to hurt workers and working families???

  40. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 10:04 pm:

    === it has not been that way since 1998.===

    Could that also be because Jesse White saw no reason to move?

  41. - hisgirlfriday - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 10:20 pm:

    @YDD - Kinzinger-LaHood would be interesting.

    I would expect the Trump factor for LaHood to seal the deal but despite his strong showing against nominal opposition in the past my view is LaHood is not that popular in this district.

    Plenty of people lament he is too partisan/right-wing compared to his old man while others resent him because of his association with his old man and him just getting this office because of who his dad was. Contrast that with Kinzinger who is his own man for better or worse.

    An interesting thing to look at after maps are final would be where the Congressional candidate fared better than Trump in the areas of this district.

    I don’t think I have voted in a GOP primary since 2002 but a Kinzinger-LaHood tilt might get me to.

  42. - James - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 10:38 pm:

    Catalina Lauf is still running in 16 right? Could she win if LaHood and Kinzinger split the male and/or establishment vote? Please god no.

  43. - Been There - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 10:42 pm:

    ===He’s on teevee every night. That would be one huge lifestyle change.====
    So would losing in a primary. I could see him going statewide. I doubt Gov but SOS, as said before here, is a possibility. But I would agree maybe a run at Duckworth is also possible. For one the campaign money can be comingled.

  44. - John Lopez - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 10:45 pm:

    === Catalina Lauf is still running in 16 right? Could she win if LaHood and Kinzinger split the male and/or establishment vote? ===

    Neither Adam Kinzinger or Catalina Lauf are going to be in a primary in the new IL-16 against Darin LaHood. Kinzinger and LaHood are friends, in spite of their disagreement over President Trump, and Lauf has already dropped “IL-16″ from all her social media pages.

    Many think Kinzinger may run in IL-14 if he seeks reelection to the House, since that’s not too far from his Channahon/Grundy County home.

    Lauf is drawn into IL-11, and could be in a general against Congressman Bill Foster.

    But a Kinzinger-LaHood-Lauf contested primary will not happen.

  45. - G'Kar - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 10:59 pm:

    I’m thinking along the same lines as hisgirlfriday. In my neck of the 16th there are rarely any real races in the Dem primary. So, will indies and Dems pull a Repub ballot to vote against LaHood? I know this independent will.

  46. - SOX 11 - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 11:21 pm:

    Will Lipinski run against Casten now?

  47. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 11:30 pm:

    ===Will Lipinski run against Casten===

    “As a Democrat and a Catholic, I know the pope is not on Biden’s team”

  48. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Oct 28, 21 @ 11:44 pm:

    === Lauf is drawn into IL-11, and could be in a general against Congressman Bill Foster.===

    Good news for Foster. Lauf is a conspiracy theorist and Trumper. Should gin up angst.

  49. - Sox 11 - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 12:56 am:

    Would be an interesting primary Lipinski vs Casten. Are they both in the same district now?

  50. - Pundent - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 8:30 am:

    =Would be an interesting primary Lipinski vs Casten.= Lipinski is currently in the 4th with Garcia and Newman but could decide to take a shot in the 6th.

    But with his Washington Post article yesterday, Texas (and probably Mississippi) SCOTUS decisions in the background, it might not be the best opportunity for a staunchly pro-right Dem to run in the suburbs.

  51. - Margaret - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 8:40 am:

    = Perhaps not coincidentally, Speaker Welch’s mobile phone is being bombarded with angry calls and texts about the new map.=

    I hope Casten didn’t give out cell phone numbers…

  52. - Rich Miller - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 8:50 am:

    ===I hope Casten didn’t ===

    Um, no.

  53. - Honeybear - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 8:50 am:

    I hope Miller goes after Davis. I’ve got plenty of labor folks in the pincer tips of Davis’ new district. I’d love to work my butt off to take Miller down in the primary.

  54. - John Lopez - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 8:51 am:

    === Lauf is a conspiracy theorist and Trumper. ===

    Catalina Lauf is definitely “Trumper” and running as one, but where is Lauf “conspiracy theorist”?

    She’s not being tracked by Media Matters for America so she’s not one of those conspiracy theorists whose slogan is represented by a 7-character acronym.

    There are plenty of reasons to not want to see Lauf elected to Congress next year but being a conspiracy theorist is not one of them, at least not until I know which conspiracy she believes.

  55. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 8:55 am:

    === but where is Lauf “conspiracy theorist”?===

    Please don’t make me pull up her retweets. Please.

    ===There are plenty of reasons to not want to see Lauf elected to Congress next year but being a conspiracy theorist is not one of them, at least not until I know which conspiracy she believes.===

    Love of Pete you all but were flacking for her.

    You wanna downplay her ridiculousness?

  56. - Pundent - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 9:07 am:

    =Catalina Lauf is definitely “Trumper” and running as one, but where is Lauf “conspiracy theorist”?=

    Does she believe that the 2020 election was stolen? Because that’s ground zero for conspiracy theories. And you can’t call yourself a Trumper without adhering to this basic tenet.

    The knots people will tie themselves up in to normalize craziness never ceases to amaze me.

  57. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 9:11 am:

    ===Does she believe that the 2020 election was stolen?===

    One of her most recent retweets “discusses” how the Arizona recount, the recount mind you, is also wrong *and* AZ should never have been certified.

    Lauf is dangerous to democracy, a pusher of conspiracy theories, and an avid Trumpkin.

    I do enjoy folks getting fleeced, the donors and Lauf, by the grifters… that burn rate, lol

  58. - Saluki with a Job - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 9:35 am:

    Kinzinger just announced he will not run for reelection to Congress.

  59. - John Lopez - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 9:35 am:

    === One of her most recent retweets “discusses” how the Arizona recount ===

    I cannot find that retweet, let alone who actually said it, in Lauf’s Twitter timeline. Please provide a date.

    Lauf told Daily Herald writer Russell Lissau, in a statement, the following in late August that was also published by Shaw Media.

    “There are legitimate questions throughout our country that have been asked about our elections, and those questions should be answered.”

    Nothing more, nothing less.

    On the fundraising, I cannot in good conscience give to any political candidate knowing 80 cents on the dollar goes to consultants and the election is 9 months away.

  60. - ChrisB - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 9:42 am:

    One block makes the difference for me. My polling place is in a different CD now, so that’s neat.

    Tough break for Newman. Including LG instead of just following Ogden seems purposeful, but she was always going to face another D in the primary. She could still move south a few blocks into CD6 if she wanted to though.

  61. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 10:51 am:

    - John Lopez -

    It seems every time you double down you get embarrassed

    === To all those trying to spin the Arizona Audit, spin this:

    The number of illegal ballots found in Maricopa County alone is over 4 times the current amount separating President Trump and Joe Biden in Arizona as a whole.

    Should have never been certified.

    That was a retweet of Boris Epshteyn on 9/23/21…

    You know, the Russian - American banker, Trumpkin.

    === Nothing more, nothing less.===

    Please just stop.

  62. - John Lopez - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 12:22 pm:

    === It seems every time you double down you get embarrassed ===

    Guess when I best a fool, you’re right.

    Number one unwritten rule of retweets: Not an endorsement, especially when she stated her position to the media in August concerning the election.

    So try again, what conspiracy theory does Catalina Lauf herself spread, beyond retweets (actually there are some so obvious tweets from her to be considered conspiracy)? Name it.

    Nothing more, nothing less.

  63. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 12:32 pm:

    === Number one unwritten rule of retweets: Not an endorsement, especially when she stated her position to the media in August concerning the election.===

    So when she supports the Trump kids, and retweets that, she doesn’t agree?

    So she is not endorsing what the Trump kids tweet? That’s an odd position.

    The tweet was in September, so timeline-wise, your August crutch collapses too.

    Why would anyone retweet something about decertify an election and then not own it.

    Seriously, if you aren’t grifting off Lauf and you are defending her, you are a bigger fool then can be imagined.


    ===So try again, what conspiracy theory does Catalina Lauf herself spread, beyond retweets===

    That’s how you get banned on Twitter, retweeting false propaganda. So you think Illinois wants a Congresswoman who retweets conspiracies?

    You think on that, lol

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