Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » After being mapped in with LaHood, Kinzinger announces he won’t run for reelection
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After being mapped in with LaHood, Kinzinger announces he won’t run for reelection

Friday, Oct 29, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* That escalated quickly…

* From the video…

I cannot focus on both a reelection to Congress and a broader fight nationwide.

…Adding… And…


  1. - HonestAbeLives - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 9:42 am:

    Kinzinger for Illinois Secretary of State?

  2. - John Lopez - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 9:42 am:

    Can one say “Congresswoman Catalina Lauf”?

    With this development and drawn into IL-11, Lauf has a legitimate path to victory to flip IL-11 from Bill Foster.

  3. - H-W - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 9:43 am:

    Well that stinks. Some of us psuedo-independents would have voted in the Republican Primary for Kinzinger. LaHood has been just a poster boy of the National Platform. He has yet to represent any legitimate interests of the District.

  4. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 9:43 am:

    Keep me updated, Mr. Kinzinger.

    Looking forward to what might be next.

    Thanks, OW

    To the post,

    Things got better for Foster, Underwood, LaHood…

    Maps should also be used to sort out “family business” and the political expediency of “what’s next”

    Bad news for suburban GOP hopefuls, between the map and elevating profiles. Kinzinger was a good foil. Now that’s gone.

  5. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 9:45 am:

    === With this development and drawn into IL-11, Lauf has a legitimate path to victory to flip IL-11 from Bill Foster.===

    Lauf is Jim Oberweis with conspiracy theories and pet tweets.

    Lauf is dangerous to democracy, will push Trump and Trumpkin thoughts, and is a vessel candidate for grifters or potential flack grifters who seemingly push Lauf constantly… maybe.

  6. - uialum - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 9:48 am: is available for the low price of $10,000 but has already been taken…

  7. - RKFD guy - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 9:48 am:

    I knew that “now is the time for choosing” sounded familiar - it’s Reagan, of course. He’s gonna run for President. In a primary against Trump, probably.

  8. - We'll See - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 9:48 am:

    Adam’s lobbying to head the RNC. /S

  9. - hisgirlfriday - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 9:51 am:

    “This isn’t the end of my political future, but the beginning.” ???

    Very bummed he is not challenging LaHood, but good for his wife and new child if they are getting more of his time.

  10. - Pundent - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 9:51 am:

    =Can one say “Congresswoman Catalina Lauf”?=

    Sure. But try doing it without laughing.

  11. - John Lopez - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 9:53 am:

    === Lauf is…with conspiracy theories and pet tweets. ===

    There are other options, and I’m working on them.

  12. - Candy Dogood - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 9:53 am:

    This is a smart move if, and only if, the battle for the soul of the GOP goes his way. At this point that requires some of his colleagues in the house GOP caucus going on trial for their role in plotting a coup attempt and the rest of his colleagues turning their back on them.

    This is also a smart move it the assumption is that the GOP will continue to at as a complicit entity and try to protect those who threatened our nation in order to install Donald Trump to a 2nd term.

    Being the first rat off the ship matters to the other rats who got off the ship, especially if that first rat helps them pretend like they were in the first wave of rats and not one of those reluctant rats that had to swim up from the ocean floor after they got off of the ship.

    In the short term, though, Kinzinger has caved to a Trump loyalist who is standing with those who planned a coup and isn’t taking that issue with him into a primary and refused to vote in favor of the commission to investigate that attack.

    Even Rodney Davis voted in favor of the commission.

    LaHood is a brand of traitor whose father was taking bribes from foreign powers. That’s not hyperbole, those are facts and clearly Adam Kinzinger doesn’t want to take that argument to the GOP primary voters.

  13. - Nearly Normal - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 9:53 am:

    I guess BloNo is stuck with LaHood who does not represent the entire district but has the name recognition that will keep him getting re-elected. I am a registered Republican but am finding less and less to align with in that so many are enamoured with the former president and believe that he won in 2020. I did not always agree with Adam but I admire him for his stand against the insurrection of Jan 6. He grew up in BloNo and it shocked me how many here support the mob action of Jan 6 and attack Adam.

  14. - Pundent - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 9:54 am:

    =He’s gonna run for President. In a primary against Trump, probably.=

    Or possibly as an independent under a new party banner.

  15. - illinifan - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 9:54 am:

    Sorry to see this. He is a Republican I can vote for. Hopefully he remains active and finds a spot for his voice to be heard in politics.

  16. - Flyin' Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 9:58 am:

    Heckava party you got there, Durkin.

  17. - Candy Dogood - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 10:03 am:

    ===He is a Republican I can vote for.===

    Lets not make comments pretending that Adam’s record in congress is that of a moderate because he drew a line at supporting a coup to overthrow our government.

    That’s supposed to be a minimum standard. Just because a majority of the House GOP caucus is fine with severing along side people who helped create a mob that was wanting to find and murder the Vice President and Speaker of the House doesn’t mean that what was a minimum standard for an elected member of congress is no longer the minimum standard.

  18. - BigLou - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 10:04 am:

    PleaseOhPleaseOhPlease let him say he is running for SOS.

  19. - Pizza Man - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 10:06 am:

    It’s quite honorable how Rep. Kinzinger ended his congressional run, preferring an all-out battle with (fairly) newcomer Rep. LaHood.

    While he knew his caucus primarily in DC was against him for voting for then-Prez Trump’s impeachment, he did consider another round.

    Well, he should flip to be a Dem?

    Lastly, he should be up for the renowned Profiles in Courage Award along with Rep. L. Cheney.

  20. - Not a Superstar - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 10:07 am:

    == Bad news for suburban GOP hopefuls ==

    Reminds me of the phrase “heighten the contradictions.”

  21. - SaulGoodman - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 10:11 am:

    **Kinzinger for Illinois Secretary of State?**

    What in that video makes you think that he’s running for Sec of State? Or any IL office?

  22. - Saluki with a Job - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 10:11 am:

    I don’t think he would feel that he is saving the republic by running for SOS. That video was well done, the music was a nice touch, the tone was spot on, very honest and very humble.

  23. - KOL - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 10:13 am:

    Do he and Liz Cheney go Rock Paper Scissors for Pres/VP?

  24. - Candy Dogood - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 10:13 am:

    ===It’s quite honorable how Rep. Kinzinger ended his congressional run, preferring an all-out battle with (fairly) newcomer Rep. LaHood. ===

    The other way of looking at this is that it’s quite cowardly and craven to refuse to primary a member of the United States Congress that has stood with an effort to shield people responsible for the coup attempt on our government from accountability in order to avoid wasting his political capital, or even just losing the election out right when the GOP primary voters support a candidate that supports those who plot coup attempts.

    But perhaps your definition of honor is different than mine.

  25. - Flyin' Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 10:15 am:

    From U.S. Congressman to state S.O.S.?

    As humble as that video may appear, I doubt there has ever been a politician that humble.

  26. - Arsenal - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 10:15 am:

    ==With this development and drawn into IL-11, Lauf has a legitimate path to victory to flip IL-11 from Bill Foster. ==

    The new IL-11 is super Democratic.

  27. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 10:16 am:

    === It’s quite honorable how Rep. Kinzinger ended his congressional run, preferring an all-out battle with (fairly) newcomer Rep. LaHood.===

    LaHood is “such a newcomer” he heads the NRCC’s fundraising…. (Sigh)…. “newcomer”

  28. - Rich Miller - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 10:16 am:

    HonestAbeLives, it’s too early to be that drunk. Please go sleep it off. Thanks.

  29. - Central Illinois Centrist - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 10:18 am:

    ==== Keep me updated, Mr. Kinzinger.

    Looking forward to what might be next. =====

    Couldn’t agree more

  30. - Goalpost on Wheels - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 10:18 am:

    Makes for an awesome Friday.

    Keep going on about the non existent coup Candy, it only makes one look desperate and foolish.

  31. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 10:18 am:

    === The other way of looking at this is that it’s quite cowardly and craven to refuse to primary a member of the United States Congress that has stood with an effort to shield people responsible for the coup attempt on our government from accountability in order to avoid wasting his political capital, or even just losing the election out right when the GOP primary voters support a candidate that supports those who plot coup attempts.

    But perhaps your definition of honor is different than mine.===

    And if he loses, then what, there’s zero upside in losing this type of battle when trying to reshape things… because once you do lose, then that loss can follow and fuel more bad

  32. - Rich Miller - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 10:20 am:

    ===perhaps your definition of honor is different===

    It’s a valid point. But the choice has been made.

  33. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 10:21 am:

    ===Keep going on about the non existent coup===

    Lemme guess, you think the insurrectionists are patriots…

    Kinzinger saw the attempted insurrection for what it was. Ignoring it is empowering America’s enemies.

    Kinzinger’s own words, they stand in their own

  34. - Citizen Kane - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 10:25 am:

    Good riddance, I’ve said for a long time that his district would’ve been better off keeping Manzullo.

  35. - SWSide - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 10:25 am:

    Pretty crazy to think 5 years ago the IL GOP delegation had Kinzinger, Dold and Kirk. Now…

    That’s not a great sign for the ILGOP.

  36. - Annonin' - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 10:27 am:

    Kinda hasty. Some were hoping Kinzy would whack the empty suit son of the Confessed Ex-Congressman. Smiley really had no base. Doubt he goes for SOS, but who knows

  37. - Mason born - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 10:28 am:

    Worst part about this is the Trump Nutties will assume this is about bucking Trump and not redistricting. Like they needed more catnip.

  38. - NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 10:29 am:

    ==I don’t think he would feel that he is saving the republic by running for SOS.==

    Isn’t that basic how Alexi feels right now in his campaign? By not mentioning what he’s running for?

  39. - Wensicia - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 10:29 am:

    I wouldn’t vote for him, but I admire Kinzinger for standing up to the Trump cultists. He’s young, I’m sure he’ll return to politics in a few years.

  40. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 10:31 am:

    Why I’m defending Kinzinger for his choice here?

    Yes, Kinzinger coulda stayed and fought, likely lost given LaHood’s assets, and that’s if Kinzinger felt this need to even take on LaHood… but… and it pains me to say… the GOP is not “one election away” from ridding the bad, the GOP is closer to one election from eradicating what good is left, including Kinzinger leaving the Congressional arena.

    The reason I know Cheney and Kinzinger and where they stand is that “that’s it, they’re the list”, there an no other Washington types bucking the cult leader or the cult.

    Maybe 4-6 years from now, let 1-2 cycles pass, then the former GOP party might find heroes. Maybe the party by then will implode abd be no more, but 11 months from now, too much bad will be before any good can rise.

    I’m looking forward to Kinzinger’s next move, very much so, and I hope he’ll be happy too.

  41. - Anon324 - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 10:31 am:

    “A broader fight nationwide…” makes it sound like he sees the necessary fight in the immediate term to be making sure Trumpism is defeated. Perhaps a role with the Lincoln Project or a similarly aligned group of rational Republicans?

  42. - Pizza Man - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 10:34 am:

    Let’s wish Kinzinger well. Had held a good fight while in DC within his own Gop troops.

    Now aim to knock out Alexi for SoS which should be an easy task against a light-weight-has-been-non-new comer.

    Wondering though what Kirk Dillard has in mind? going head-to-head with JB?

  43. - Flyin' Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 10:45 am:

    “going head-to-head with JB?”

    I wish Dillard would toss his hat so some commenters could be reminded, once again, that voters of his party have said no thanks to him for Gov.

  44. - Pundent - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 10:49 am:

    =But perhaps your definition of honor is different than mine.=

    I would far rather have Kinzinger challenge the party than LaHood. And that’s not a defense of LaHood. It’s an acknowledgment of where the impact would be greatest.

  45. - Lurker - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 10:49 am:

    He might as well run statewide. As a conservative myself, he’s the only Republican I would vote for.

  46. - Lucky Pierre - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 10:51 am:

    Adam Kinzinger realizes a bit late being Nancy Pelosi’s favorite Democrat and having $2 will get you a ride on the subway but not much else

  47. - Jo Jo Monkeyboy - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 10:52 am:

    Had not considered a Kinzinger run for prez, seems a bit audacious. But if he did make a third party run, who does he take more votes from if Trump and Biden are candidates? Disaffected republicans and “independents”, many of whom voted for Biden in 20?

  48. - Lucky Pierre - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 10:56 am:

    The Lincoln Project is full of rational Republicans?

  49. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 10:58 am:

    === Adam Kinzinger realizes…===

    … the Trump Cult is sick and disturbing and can’t see the damage they are doing. Leaving the stage now for another path is smarter.

    Man, - Lucky Pierre -, when I think about you with Rauner and how you agreed with Rauner staying away from Trump… to now this full-on MAGA… whew.

  50. - Now I'm down in it. - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 10:58 am:

    With his first baby due in January, who can blame the guy for avoiding the DC commute? And for what? To constantly be at odds with his own party and to see that go virtually nowhere? This seems like a rational choice to me. He’ll probably run against Tammy Duckworth when the time comes.

  51. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 11:03 am:

    - Lucky Pierre -

    J. Dennis Hastert?

    At least make your angst Illinois angst, unless you supported Hastert at some point and now want to forget it.

  52. - Middle Way - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 11:04 am:

    “Pretty crazy to think 5 years ago the IL GOP delegation had Kinzinger, Dold and Kirk. Now…”.

    SWSide, you make me want to grab a drink and it’s not even noon. Sigh… :)

  53. - Al - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 11:14 am:

    I think it would be great for Kinzinger to run for U.S. Senate. Give Duckworth the opportunity to raise those kids. One is only three years old.

  54. - Lucky Pierre - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 11:15 am:

    Do you actually think Virginia voters will conclude the Republican Party is a Trump cult or is an essential check on extreme policies on Tuesday?

    There is a canary in the coal mine if you care to look at recent polls across the board.

  55. - Wensicia - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 11:25 am:

    ==He might as well run statewide.==

    He’s not likely to win any primary with Trump Republicans voting against him.

  56. - Grandson of Man - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 11:25 am:

    Support Kinzinger/Cheney/Lincoln Project, et al. 100% in their battle against Trumpism. No question we need pro-democracy major political parties. But on the other hand, Kinzinger is a quitter. Trump never quits. He keeps fighting for people’s values. It’s why he’s numero uno—I mean number one (I know, speak only English in America)—with the GOP base.

  57. - Rich Miller - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 11:29 am:

    ===He might as well run statewide.===

    Get over it

  58. - Back to the Future - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 11:33 am:

    Not saying this would be a good or bad idea, but I am surprised more people are not intrigued by the idea of the Congressman running against Pritzker.
    He certainly seems like a better choice for the GOP than Bailey.

  59. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 11:37 am:

    ===more people are not intrigued===

    After months of speculation and now the reality of the map and where Kinzinger is politically and how Kinzinger goes about his business today…

    … for me, being realistic and honest to all this makes more sense.

  60. - sal-says - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 11:39 am:

    Bad & sad for America. Losing a stalwart defender of democracy. A bad FFF: F’ing Freaky Friday.

  61. - John Lopez - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 11:41 am:

    === The new IL-11 is super Democratic. ===

    No. The new IL-11 is super anti-Trump, not super Democratic. Look at IL Election Data grid, 2018 governor was Pritzker +2 and change, and 2016 U.S. Senate was Duckworth +3 & change, in same redrawn IL-11.

    Plus, Bill Foster will be 66 next year in a general, and hasn’t had to fight to keep his seat in years, and he did lose to Randy Hultgren in 2010.

  62. - Soapbox Derby - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 12:01 pm:

    Adam, you couldn’t win a GOP primary in this state if you handed out $100 bills.

  63. - Pundent - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 12:11 pm:

    =He certainly seems like a better choice for the GOP than Bailey.=

    Depends on how you define the GOP. When the majority of your party refuses to accept the results of the most recent Presidential race, it’s hard to see how one of the few people that disagrees would be a “better” choice.

    Right now purity Trumps winning.

  64. - Fav human - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 12:17 pm:

    lose to Randy Hultgren in 2010.

    Which given RHs performance against LU is an extremely sad thing to say.

    But if Lahood has to pay for his dad’s crimes, where does that leave Jan S??

  65. - NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 12:26 pm:

    ==Bill Foster will be 66 next year in a general, and hasn’t had to fight to keep his seat in years, and he did lose to Randy Hultgren in 2010.==

    But that district went all the way to Henry County at the time. Didn’t Bobby Schilling actually live in that district but moved to the 17th when he challenged Hare?

  66. - NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 12:32 pm:

    ==He might as well run statewide.==

    If he ran statewide and actually won the primary, how long would it take for this Democratic opponents to connect Adam to Rauner, and ask “Where Was Adam?” when Rauner refused to pass a budget for 2 years and the decimation which resulted. Why he didn’t speak out against Bruce.

  67. - H-W - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 12:32 pm:

    Kinzinger announcing a moderate stance while advocating contributions to a Republican PAC. Sounds like he will run for Senate in the near future.

  68. - allknowingmasterofraccoodom - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 12:33 pm:

    I am so glad he is indicating that he is staying in the game.

    And why would he run against JB? So he can start his next leg of his political career with a big loss? That would just be a stupid stupid move. And I don’t think he is stupid.

  69. - Back to the Future - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 12:39 pm:

    Pungent makes a good point.
    I just have a hard time thinking Bailey would have any chance of beating the Congressman in a GOP primary. After a year of campaigning going full throttle Trump and preaching vaccine nonsense a recent poll showed about 50% of Republican voters were not supporting him.
    The R’s have a lot of primary voters in the city, the suburbs and the Congressman has won downstate several times.
    Of course, Pundent make a good point on where many GOP folks are today on the Trump Tribe gang.

  70. - Pundent - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 12:41 pm:

    =when Rauner refused to pass a budget for 2 years and the decimation which resulted. Why he didn’t speak out against Bruce.=

    I’m not sure what happened in state government under Rauner could be connected to Kinzinger. Besides, he would have his hands full in trying to explain how he was against Trump’s impeachment (#1) before he was in favor of it (#2). But with the passage of time that becomes less of an issue. I’m thinking he stays on the sidelines for a couple of years to see if the tides start to shift in the GOP or if the opportunities for a credible third party/independent run might be in the offering.

    If the goal of the GOP is to banish the likes of Lynn Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, it could come back to bite them hard.

  71. - Pundent - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 12:49 pm:

    =I just have a hard time thinking Bailey would have any chance of beating the Congressman in a GOP primary.=

    Darren Bailey is the face of the GOP. Jim Durkin, Dan McConchie and other so called moderates tell me so. And the idea that Donald Trump is going to give Adam Kinzinger a pass is highly unlikely. A Bailey v. Kinzinger primary might actually be even worse for the party. I suspect they’re resigned to writing this cycle off and hoping to regroup in 2026.

    If Kinzinger really wants to take on Trump he’s far better off doing that on a national stage.

  72. - John Lopez - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 12:52 pm:

    === But that district went all the way to Henry County at the time. ===

    No matter. Foster’s new district goes all the way to McHenry County in 2022.

    Scott Kennedy’s metrics point to the right Republican nominee could make IL-11 competitive a year from now, given Prtizker and Duckworth didn’t run strong there in their respective first elections.

    Foster would be favored, no question, given the nearly $4 million he had in campaign cash Sept 30.

    But the right nominee, in a 2022 Republican year (like 2010 was)…you never know.

  73. - Dotnonymous - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 12:53 pm:

    Kinzinger is a good calculator…at least.

  74. - Cornerfield - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 1:29 pm:

    Super bummed. The wife and I were really excited that Kinzinger was mapped into where we live. We were looking forward to voting for him in the primary over the empty suit, Darren.

  75. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 3:21 pm:

    ===But the right nominee, in a 2022 Republican year===

    That is not Catalina Lauf.

    A peddler of conspiracy theories, a Trumpkin, one seemingly running “everywhere” for Congress…

  76. - NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 3:22 pm:

    Does David Gill try to challenge LaHood in the new 16th or does he move to the 17th?

  77. - Etown - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 3:24 pm:

    Class Act

    Unlike the former President and draft dodger he voted to impeach.

  78. - Unconventional wisdom - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 3:42 pm:

    Kinzinger was not going to be in the HR. He would not have won his own primary in the lines were not changed and he would not have beaten LaHood.

    Don’t see where he goes from here in terms of political office. Could run for State office but would not beat Pritzker or probably any other Democrat. Switching parties in Illinois at this date will not work.

    Hey, the country always needs more highly paid lobbyists.

  79. - CubsFan16 - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 3:49 pm:

    Not the type of video you put out if you’re running for any kind of public office, in my opinion.

  80. - John Lopez - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 3:59 pm:

    === A peddler of conspiracy theories, a Trumpkin, one seemingly running “everywhere” for Congress… ===

    As I proved in another thread, you’ve been unable to prove Catalina Lauf has pushed conspiracy theories herself, short of retweets of people she gave signal boosts to.

    No, alleged conspiracy theories will not seal Lauf’s fate next year, her character will, starting with taking from donors, who gave financially and she ended up taking 80 cents on the dollar, per the record.

    Not the way to practice the 80-20 rule.

  81. - Pundent - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 4:17 pm:

    =But the right nominee, in a 2022 Republican year (like 2010 was)…you never know.=

    Try as you might, you can’t take a Trump candidate and somehow spin them into a 2010 Republican.

  82. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Oct 29, 21 @ 4:26 pm:

    === you’ve been unable to prove Catalina Lauf has pushed conspiracy theories herself, short of retweets of people she gave signal boosts to.===

    That’s literally pushing conspiracy theories.


    “…short of retweets of people she gave signal boosts to.”

    My goodness, man, this is utterly sad to your own credibility.

    Retweeting conspiracy theories and theorists, including the Trump kids who peddle falsehoods is one spreading conspiracy theories.

    Just own it.

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