Question of the day
Wednesday, Nov 10, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller
* This is Pew’s eighth political typology…
Pew Research Center’s new political typology provides a road map to today’s fractured political landscape. It segments the public into nine distinct groups, based on an analysis of their attitudes and values. The study is primarily based on a survey of 10,221 adults conducted July 8-18, 2021; it also draws from several additional interviews with these respondents conducted since January 2020.
* Democrats…
They include two very different groups of liberal Democrats: Progressive Left and Establishment Liberals. Progressive Left, the only majority White, non-Hispanic group of Democrats, have very liberal views on virtually every issue and support far-reaching changes to address racial injustice and expand the social safety net. Establishment Liberals, while just as liberal in many ways as Progressive Left, are far less persuaded of the need for sweeping change.
Two other Democratic-aligned groups could not be more different from each other, both demographically and in their relationship to the party. Democratic Mainstays, the largest Democratic-oriented group, as well as the oldest on average, are unshakeable Democratic loyalists and have a moderate tilt on some issues. Outsider Left, the youngest typology group, voted overwhelmingly for Joe Biden a year ago and are very liberal in most of their views, but they are deeply frustrated with the political system – including the Democratic Party and its leaders.
* Republicans…
The four Republican-oriented groups include three groups of conservatives: Faith and Flag Conservatives are intensely conservative in all realms; they are far more likely than all other typology groups to say government policies should support religious values and that compromise in politics is just “selling out on what you believe in.” Committed Conservatives also express conservative views across the board, but with a somewhat softer edge, particularly on issues of immigration and America’s place in the world. Populist Right, who have less formal education than most other typology groups and are among the most likely to live in rural areas, are highly critical of both immigrants and major U.S. corporations.
Ambivalent Right, the youngest and least conservative GOP-aligned group, hold conservative views about the size of government, the economic system and issues of race and gender. But they are the only group on the political right in which majorities favor legal abortion and say marijuana should be legal for recreational and medical use. They are also distinct in their views about Donald Trump – while a majority voted for him in 2020, most say they would prefer he not continue to be a major political figure.
* Others…
The only typology group without a clear partisan orientation – Stressed Sideliners – also is the group with the lowest level of political engagement. Stressed Sideliners, who make up 15% of the public but constituted just 10% of voters in 2020, have a mix of conservative and liberal views but are largely defined by their minimal interest in politics.
* How the various types are represented among the general public and among party adherents and leaners…
* Now, take the quiz…
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* The Question: Which political typology are you? Take the poll and then let us know your answer in comments, along with anything else you’d like to say about this exercise…
online survey
- Fav human - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 12:01 pm:
I would say their analysis is pretty spot-on.
And I personally know many people who voted for Trump but certainly hope he doesn’t run again. The main reason for that is they think their are politicians who follow his policy but not his personality and behavior. They want those guys to have a clear shot. As do I
- Demoralized - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 12:02 pm:
Democratic Mainstay. I think that’s pretty accurate.
- OneMan - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 12:05 pm:
Outsider Left, gonna say that is a bit of surprise.
- Cubs in '16 - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 12:07 pm:
According to the survey I’m a ‘Stressed Sideliner’. That’s pretty accurate except that I vote with regularity and am not financially stressed. However, I am very much a mixed bag with regard to political issues.
- Justin - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 12:09 pm:
Progressive Left.
- Chito - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 12:11 pm:
50+ Latino Male, Establishment Liberal
- Pot calling kettle - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 12:12 pm:
Establishment Dem. Not surprised; I read an NPR article on this yesterday and figured I was an Establishment Dem or Progressive Left.
A few of the questions did not capture enough nuance, but I think it is, overall, a fair characterization.
- Cubs in '16 - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 12:13 pm:
Interesting and fun exercise Rich. Thanks
- Sir Reel - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 12:16 pm:
Establishment liberal. I always thought of myself as more Democrat than Republican, but I supported a number of Republican policies and have often split my ticket. But today because the Republican party has gone off the rails, I find myself more Democratic than ever.
- DuPage Saint - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 12:18 pm:
Ambivalent Right. I think that is true
- RNUG - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 12:20 pm:
Two takeaways:
I came out less conservative than I would have thought … but still conservative.
Of the people answering Rich’s poll, about 70% came out liberal. Not surprised but this is actually lower than I would have guessed from being a long term reader. Maybe the readers skew a bit more conservative than the commentators.
- ChrisB - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 12:21 pm:
I got Loading Quiz, but that’s not an option on the poll.
- Dan Johnson - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 12:23 pm:
This is really interesting. Progressive Left and Outsider Left seems like it turns on whether they participate in government/politics or not. If someone does vote and engage with that worldview, they are progressive left and like their place in the Democratic Party. If they don’t really engage, they are Outside Left, vote Dem but don’t really like it and feel a little homeless. That’s about spot on.
- bkhartbnjo - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 12:24 pm:
Establishment Liberal. Makes sense to me.
- wildcat12 - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 12:25 pm:
Democratic mainstay. Not surprising for me at all, although I would have also not been surprised by Establishment liberal. Fun quiz. I find it absolutely terrifying what a large portion of Republicans are populist right.
- illinifan - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 12:28 pm:
Demo Mainstay. Not a surprise always said I was socially liberal and fiscally conservative.
- ChrisB - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 12:29 pm:
Took it again. Ambivalent Right, and I guess minus the whole voting for Trump, sounds correct. I figure it was either that or Stressed Sideliner. The “No Candidate represents my feelings” question hit home pretty hard.
- Leap Day William - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 12:37 pm:
Very solidly Establishment Liberal, which tracks with my feelings about a great many things.
- Bruce( no not him) - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 12:40 pm:
==Outsider Left, the youngest typology group==
Well, I ain’t young.
- hisgirlfriday - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 12:41 pm:
Democratic Mainstay. Probably right for me at this moment but some of the questions are too general.
Was not sure how to answer the question about if I feel like there is usually someone running that shares my beliefs. I said yes but it is very often that candidate doesn’t win. Also was not sure how to handle the crime question. I think drug offenders are often punished too harshly but white criminals not enough so I said crime sentences are just about right but that doesn’t really capture my views.
This survey needs more questions on views about corruption.
- Amalia - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 12:43 pm:
democratic mainstay, which is what I thought I would be. like illinifan, socially liberal & fiscally conservative. thanks for putting up the quiz. I had seen the list and find it very interesting and informative, especially the percentages they assign to folks IRL. also interesting how the fringes push Left and Right, right?
- hisgirlfriday - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 12:43 pm:
White collar criminals is what I meant to say in last post. Eesh.
- DuPage Moderate - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 12:43 pm:
Ambivalent Right.
Tired of the government being in my life when they are inconsistent in their approach, hypocritical in their actions and illogical with their edicts.
Besides that, just want everyone to leave everyone else alone to be.
- Norseman - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 12:45 pm:
They labeled me Liberal Establishment. I would consider myself closer to Mainstay on their spectrum. Outside of these categories, I’ve thought of myself as center-left - having moved a little from center-right as the GOP disintegrated.
- Unconventional wisdom - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 12:49 pm:
As usual great comment and analysis.
- 47th Ward - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 12:52 pm:
Establishment liberal.
I find it curious that a question about trans people and gender identity is included given that something like only 1.4 million Americans identify as trans. That’s a tiny percentage of the population to be considered a factor in a survey like this.
But I have a feeling I’m about to hear why.
- Stressed Sideliner... - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 12:52 pm:
But I am a lobbyist. Oh well. (Shrugs).
- Lt Guv - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 12:53 pm:
Establishment Liberal, as I expected
- Rachel - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 12:54 pm:
Democratic mainstay. No surprise there. I think we need big changes toward larger government and a more open society but I think those changes need to be incremental giving people time to adjust. I fit the demographic perfectly - an older white woman.
- Montrose - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 12:56 pm:
Progressive liberal, which seems about right. There were a couple questions I hovered over that I think would have shifted me to “outsider left” had I answered differently. Maybe I am one of those “Doorway Left Liberals.”
- Cheryl44 - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 12:57 pm:
Progressive Left, which is not a surprise.
- Papa2008 - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 1:00 pm:
Thanks for the link Rich. Ambivalent Right. Would have preferred Unhappy Libertarian. But it’s not my poll.
- Fav Human - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 1:01 pm:
I forgot to say, I was Faith & Flag, as expected
- Unconventional wisdom - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 1:01 pm:
I also like this test. The Political Compass.
For those interested to see how they stand and how that compares to the political typology test.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 1:02 pm:
Stressed sideliner? Perhaps in that I’m not thrilled with either party, but I’m not a sideliner. I take an active interest in politics, just frustrated with both and the complete lack of willingness to negotiate and set aside party lines. Looking at the response %’s compared to all respondees, I would call my group Stuck in the Middle.
- SWIL_Voter - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 1:03 pm:
They’re probably asking about trans people for the same reason they’re asking about cancel culture: theyre dominant issues for the right.
Overall a pretty poor survey, but I think that’s because of the design. Tells us something about how people relate to the system as is, but very little about the differences in what we actually want. Very few of the answers actually represented my actual beliefs, but I was forced to pick ones that most closely approximated them. I don’t evaluate immigration from an identity perspective. Trade is how capitalism works. It’s only good or bad according to what you think about capitalism. Several questions are only on there because the right wing made them up as issues. Lots of things like that
- Ducky LaMoore - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 1:09 pm:
Ambivalent right. Okay then.
- Joe Bidenopolous - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 1:12 pm:
Outsider Left - which is a bit of a surprise. I figured mainstay or establishment liberal. I sure as heck don’t fit the age demo for outsider left and I’m way more involved in politics that it gives that group credit for. But, cool
- Dotnonymous - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 1:15 pm:
Progressive Left…Who knew.
- Leslie K - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 1:23 pm:
Democratic Mainstay, which feels accurate. Probably was establishment liberal in my younger days (heh–age does play a factor). Socially liberal, fiscally a bit more conservative, but firm believer in the social safety net.
It was a fun survey. I plan to share with friends.
- Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 1:24 pm:
From the previous post, meant to praise and identify with pragmatic progressives, those who know how and when to win big.
- Nathan - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 1:25 pm:
Progressive Left. I thought I’d be that or Establishment Liberal.
- Arguenda - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 1:26 pm:
Outsider Left; weird for a Gen X’er.
- Ok - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 1:28 pm:
Pretty poor survey that is mostly evaluating opinions about cable news issues de journalists, and not really about people’s beliefs.
Results are more like a test for how well you root for the home team.
Just the frame of the first question made me choke… “do you want lots more government spending??”
I mean, c’mon. What kinda of question is that.
- Ok - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 1:28 pm:
De jour
- Occam - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 1:33 pm:
==Maybe the readers skew a bit more conservative than the commentators.==
Interesting marketing insight for anyone willing to pay attention.
- Apparently not as old as I thought - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 1:33 pm:
I got Ambivalent Right — the youngest Republican group — which is interesting because I am neither young nor a Republican. Like a number of others, I thought the questions were pretty dumb and the answers offered as choices were worse.
- zamdeuce - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 1:36 pm:
Ambivalent right. Not surprised.
- H-W - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 1:37 pm:
I am an establishment liberal democrat is required to choose (as I did), but probably equally a mainstay democrat. I tend to be a pragmatist with regard to voting, and tend to vote in terms of what is possible versus what is preferable.
As a social scientist, I find this approach problematic in that I think in terms of continua rather that categories. However, I do like the attempt here to present a continuum of discrete categories across both party affiliations. The results presented here suggesting 6% of democrats could be categorized as belonging to the four primary republican categories (pink), and perhaps 4% or so of republicans characterize themselves according to blue categories, is an interesting observation.
- JS Mill - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 1:39 pm:
Ambivalent Right. A bit surprised, and more specific response options might have changed that a bit to the center, but I would say that designation feels comfortable. I would never have voted for trump but I have definitely voted for republican candidates many many times nationally and even at the state level.
- Aaron B - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 1:39 pm:
Thanks for the link, very interesting. Progressive left here but I kinda expected more like Outsider Left. I suppose that is probably mostly due to the fact that I mostly do align with the Democratic candidates so I connect more with them instead of connecting with neither party as an outsider would. I’m also older than most outside left people I suppose.
- Furtive Look - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 1:41 pm:
Outsider left. Not a surprise, even though I’m over sixty.
- Downstate Teacher - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 1:48 pm:
It has me as Outsider Left which I truly agree with. I liked the questions for this more than other ones I have taken in the past. I also liked the 0-100 approval rating system between the two parties.
- Blue to the Bone - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 1:50 pm:
Progressive left. Me to a T.
- Red Ketcher - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 1:51 pm:
Democratic Mainstay
( however, the Quizmaster didn’t know that I Supported Sem. McCain and admired Gen. Powell)
- FormerParatrooper - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 1:56 pm:
Ambivalent Right. Maybe, but I am not young either.
The questions seemed less nuanced than I would have expected.
- Skeptic - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 2:02 pm:
Outsider left for me. Frankly I thought I was way further left.
- Benjamin - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 2:13 pm:
Establishment Liberal. Just what I would have guessed beforehand from the descriptions.
- clec dcn - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 2:30 pm:
Not completely surprised ambivalent right. Not surprised that the blog was more liberal at all. I do think the question were not that great and in the end doubt it really tells much that can be quantified for anyone running for office. Generally I am a conservative and I don’t think I fit well here given comments I see. It was fun to do though.
- Tommydanger - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 2:31 pm:
Count me baseball, hot dogs, apple pie, Chevrolet and Democrat Mainstay.
- West Sider - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 2:33 pm:
Establishment Liberal- which is ironic given how generally annoying I find liberals.
- Old Timer - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 2:50 pm:
Ambient right. Seems accurate for me. Willy, where is your vote?
- Proud Papa Bear - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 2:54 pm:
Progressive left.
20 years ago I was a committed conservative.
Working in a school, finally having cross-racial friendships, and having a son who is treated as a second class citizen can really change your views.
- SKI - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 3:06 pm:
Ambivalent Right - says I’m less likely to be politically engaged, yet I can’t remember a cycle in the last 20 years that I haven’t worked. Plus I answered in the minority of Ambivalent Right responses 10/18 times. Interesting….
- Honeybear - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 3:15 pm:
Outsider left definately
- Banish Misfortune - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 3:19 pm:
Establishment liberal. I sort of want to save this list to track to see how comments track with their self identified stance. From reading comments for a while, I think they don’t always. Which is good, actually.
- Honeybear - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 3:23 pm:
Although in fair disclosure I scored as progressive left in the quiz. But I’ve given up on Democrats and their corporate owners.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 3:31 pm:
===where is your vote?===
Politically, I now identify as a Drunkard, which makes me a citizen of the world, (thus Illinois too)
- B Team - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 3:45 pm:
Stressed Sideliner…seems spot on.
- sal-says - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 4:41 pm:
Typology ? ? ?
Seems like Pew been smokin’ some bad stuff.
Too cute.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 10, 21 @ 4:49 pm:
To the post,
From someone I greatly admire and respect;
===Outsider Left, gonna say that is a bit of surprise.===
That was - OneMan - informing his “results”.
This quiz is fascinating to the snapshot of today and frankly to the sliding prism of where one may fall on the new political norms.
My respect for - OneMan - is on the record, and what I’ve always-always respected, and still do, is that - OneMan - is exactly the same politically to his beliefs. He’s a rock, solid and who he is, and I’ve always said, even in our tussles, I’m left of - OneMan - and this quiz proves the rule.
I measured out “Democratic Mainstay” just Left of my 308 friend - OneMan -
I do think a huge take to that is two big things that nationally happened and where I fall.
The lone legislative win for Trump, the massive tax break I felt was way too big for the fiscal needs of America…
… I’m a big proponent of the “infrastructure week” win that the GOP of today voted against… voting against jobs, needed infrastructure, and capital improvements that are needed to strengthen the country and our states, counties, and cities.
I guess being fiscally concerned how to pay for things and being fiscally prudent by spending on necessary things like infrastructure isn’t very Republican, lol
I did all this to give a huge shoutout to - OneMan - and while he was surprised, he’s never changed who he was and that’s what is really cool about him and why he’s still a touchstone, as I’m just left of him, as I normally am.