Unclear on the concept
Wednesday, Nov 24, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller
* I get some weird emails…
Hi Rich,
Just to follow up one last time: Young Americans for Liberty (YAL)—the nation’s most active youth libertarian organization—has just launched a new petition to end the seemingly “endless” COVID-19 pandemic, expecting to garner 100,000 signatures from students, faculty, and alumni in the coming weeks.
See the official press release below. Are you interested in the story?
Thank you,
Um, petitions don’t end pandemics. Vaccines, proven treatments and mitigations end pandemics.
- Leslie K - Wednesday, Nov 24, 21 @ 9:56 am:
Perhaps they should rename the petition “Who wants to stick their head in the sand and ignore the ongoing pandemic?”
- MisterJayEm - Wednesday, Nov 24, 21 @ 9:56 am:
“A petition‼ Why didn’t I think of that⁇” — Dr. Jonas Salk (1914—1995)
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 24, 21 @ 10:01 am:
“But… but… it’s a petition. With words and everything”
In the past decade or so it’s occurred to me that “libertarian” has devolved into this signaling of “we think we’re smarter than everyone but we’re gonna do things that keeps proving we’re not”
The science of a petition isn’t the type of science necessary to stop global pandemics.
- Flyin' Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Wednesday, Nov 24, 21 @ 10:01 am:
Sorry Rich, you’ve been scooped.
IRN aired this “story” two days ago.
- Bruce( no not him) - Wednesday, Nov 24, 21 @ 10:01 am:
I think they want the German model.
===Some would say this is cynical but probably by the end of this winter, pretty much everyone in Germany will be vaccinated, recovered or dead …===
- Very old soil - Wednesday, Nov 24, 21 @ 10:05 am:
They should form a task force or appoint a select committee
- Just Me 2 - Wednesday, Nov 24, 21 @ 10:08 am:
Unfortunately they and all of FOX News think if we just ignore the problem it will go away.
But hey, Democrats in Illinois do the same thing all the time and look how well it turned out for them? Illinois has never sucked so much and they’re still in power sucking money out of our wallets.
- Lt Guv - Wednesday, Nov 24, 21 @ 10:09 am:
They should have their privilege to pollute the world with electrons revoked.
- Anyone Remember - Wednesday, Nov 24, 21 @ 10:11 am:
There are days these people appear about as “sane” as the historical figure who declared war on the sea …
- Langhorne - Wednesday, Nov 24, 21 @ 10:12 am:
It might actually accomplish something positive, if they required people to get vaccinated within the last 30 days In order to sign the petition.
- thisjustinagain - Wednesday, Nov 24, 21 @ 10:13 am:
YAL: Because science is too hard for us, so we’re signing petitions to ban it.
Adults in room: Laughing hysterically.
And I’m starting a petition to ban petitions. C’mon sign today to end petitions once and for all.
- Anon221 - Wednesday, Nov 24, 21 @ 10:18 am:
From the petition…
“We reject the idea that these restrictions may be permanent as a ‘new normal’ and DEMAND THAT the leaders of our country actively work to end the restrictions and culture of fear.”
YAL doesn’t seem to understand that SARS-CoV-2 really doesn’t care about their “Demand”. True leaders HAVE been actively working to end restrictions, and some restrictions have eased. But, the longer some in society buck any restriction at all to try and ease the potency of this virus, the longer the virus will persist and possibly get more virulent with mutations. A petition ain’t gonna counteract that new normal.
- zatoichi - Wednesday, Nov 24, 21 @ 10:22 am:
Guess this means if “100,000 signatures from students, faculty, and alumni” get collected the virus will voluntarily stop doing what it does. Why didn’t Fauci and CDC come up with this brilliant idea?
- TheInvisibleMan - Wednesday, Nov 24, 21 @ 10:23 am:
“They should have their privilege to pollute the world with electrons revoked.”
The Internet just hasn’t been the same since Eternal September.
- Norseman - Wednesday, Nov 24, 21 @ 10:35 am:
This petition ending the pandemic comes too late to save my uncle who died on Monday of COVID. Who knew a pandemic could be so easily defeated.
- Publius - Wednesday, Nov 24, 21 @ 10:37 am:
Everyone seems to want some kind of direct democracy where we can all vote on these things. Problem is that the majority would most likely to keep all these mitigations in place. Then what? Do they want to go back to the Articles of Confederation and need consus to do anything? That is the problem many times. A majority wants to do something but the rest don’t and we end up doing nothing.
- OneMan - Wednesday, Nov 24, 21 @ 10:39 am:
Come on, back in the day all sorts of problems used to be solved by putting on a show.
That’s what I learned watching The Little Rascals and old movies.
The on-line petition is the modern version of ‘lets put on a show’
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 24, 21 @ 10:44 am:
Norseman, sorry about your uncle.
TheInvisibleMan, thanks for the Eternal September reference.
- former southerner - Wednesday, Nov 24, 21 @ 10:47 am:
I support a petition to end stupidity which would simultaneously end this group and their petition.
- Flyin' Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Wednesday, Nov 24, 21 @ 10:50 am:
Reminded of the old Hank Jr. song-This is the coalition to ban coalitions.
- lake county democrat - Wednesday, Nov 24, 21 @ 10:50 am:
Japan is 79% vaccinated and has a culture that has no problem wearing a little mask when around others.
Their 7-day average is down to 100 cases, 2 deaths per day.
That’s how you end a pandemic.
- Ducky LaMoore - Wednesday, Nov 24, 21 @ 10:53 am:
If it is a petition to end the pandemic, then I assume it means they support the mandated vaccination of everyone.
- Annonin' - Wednesday, Nov 24, 21 @ 11:15 am:
Still searching for the religion that directs me to be ready to infect family. friends, co-workers,etc..
- 47th Ward - Wednesday, Nov 24, 21 @ 11:17 am:
100,000 signatures to end COVID?
How many to end cancer?
- H-W - Wednesday, Nov 24, 21 @ 11:24 am:
I suppose if you begin with the assumption there is no pandemic, then QED, there is no pandemic. Still, I am not sure why Y’all call yourselves libertarians. Imposing your will on others is contrary to libertarianism.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 24, 21 @ 11:33 am:
- Norseman -
My condolences to you, and your family, with the loss of your uncle.
- Dotnonymous - Wednesday, Nov 24, 21 @ 11:46 am:
I demand to be young again…gonna petition.
- H-W - Wednesday, Nov 24, 21 @ 12:45 pm:
So sorry, Norseman. May your family find peace in his memory.
- Norseman - Wednesday, Nov 24, 21 @ 12:48 pm:
Thanks all for your thoughts.
- JS Mill - Wednesday, Nov 24, 21 @ 12:54 pm:
@Norseman- please accept my condolences.
Count me in on a petition to end stupid.
I give it until Monday before our local morons demand that our school board sign this petition.
Right now we are one of the very few schools that are enforcing masking. We may not last much longer as the pressure from the kooks is getting intense.
- Common Sense - Wednesday, Nov 24, 21 @ 1:13 pm:
Thinking of starting a petition to end poverty. Then maybe racism. After that, cancer.
- Marine Life - Wednesday, Nov 24, 21 @ 1:33 pm:
They did the petition in all caps, so maybe that will make a difference?