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Rodney Davis announces reelection, Mary Miller still mulling

Tuesday, Nov 30, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This is not even a little bit of a surprise since the Democrats gave him such a favorable district…

Rodney Davis, a Republican from Taylorville, announced today he is running for re-election to Congress in the newly-drawn 15th Congressional district, which includes his home in Taylorville and much of the district he currently represents. He is the only incumbent member of Congress who resides in this district following the Congressional redistricting process.

“My family and I are excited to announce that I am running for re-election to Congress,” said Rodney Davis. “I’ve been proud to fight hard for and work on behalf of central Illinois families in this district for many years, both as a member of Congress and as a staffer to my good friend and mentor, former Congressman John Shimkus.”

“Democrats in Washington have put our nation in crisis with their big government, socialist schemes and dreams,” Rodney continued. “Republicans are primed to retake the House next year, and I’m ready to work with a new Republican majority to finally fire Nancy Pelosi and hold the Biden Administration accountable for their massive failures. I look forward to campaigning hard and earning every vote in this district over the next year.”

“Karen and I wholeheartedly endorse Rodney Davis for re-election to Illinois’ new 15th District. While the boundaries are new, Rodney knows this area well. He is a trusted and respected leader on rebuilding our roads and bridges, on farming and the needs of small businesses, and advocating for working families. Rodney knows us, and we know him.” - former Congressman John Shimkus, IL-15

“Rodney Davis is a great friend, and I’m proud to support his re-election to Congress. We’ve worked together frequently to help the people we serve, including working with President Trump to pass the Republican tax cuts. Rodney is a strong conservative who is committed to making Washington work for Illinois families, and I know he will represent central and west central Illinois well.” - Congressman Darin LaHood, IL-18

“2022 will be the year we finally retire Nancy Pelosi, and we need strong conservatives like Rodney Davis to get the job done. That’s why I’m proud to support Rodney for Congress. I look forward to serving with Rodney in the majority in the next session of Congress so we can put a stop to the Democrats’ march to socialism.” - Congressman Mike Bost, IL-12

“As Republican leaders in downstate Illinois, we are excited to endorse Rodney Davis for Congress in the 15th District. We know that Rodney shares our values, fights for our communities, and is standing up to the Democrats’ tax-and-spend, far left, socialist agenda. He is a leading Republican voice in Congress and has a proven track record of getting things done for Illinois families. We urge Republicans in the 35 counties that comprise the 15th District to get out and vote in next year’s primary and support Rodney.” - IL-15 Republican County Chairmen

IL-15 Republican County Chairmen Endorsing Rodney:

    Randy Pollard, former President of the Illinois Republican County Chairmen’s Association and former Fayette County Republican Central Committee Chairman
    Dave Bockhold, Adams County Republican Central Committee Chairman
    Patrick Simon, Calhoun County Republican Central Committee Chairman
    Terry Blakeman, Cass County Republican Central Committee Chairman
    Dee Shonkwiler, Champaign County Republican Central Committee Chairman
    Seth McMillan, Christian County Republican Central Committee Chairman
    Dustin Peterson, DeWitt County Republican Central Committee Chairman
    Scott Harris, Douglas County Republican Central Committee Chairman
    Doug Cochran, Edgar County Republican Central Committee Chairman
    Matt Hall, Fayette County Republican Central Committee Chairman
    John Spangler, Fulton County Republican Central Committee Chairman
    Dan Armold, Greene County Republican Central Committee Chairman
    Kathy Sparrow, Hancock County Republican Central Committee Chairman
    John Reilly, Henderson County Republican Central Committee Chairman
    Kevin Ayers, Jersey County Republican Central Committee Chairman
    Jim Drew, Logan County Republican Central Committee Chairman
    Bruce Pillsbury, Macon County Republican Central Committee Chairman
    Ray Wesley, Madison County Republican Central Committee Chairman
    Shawn Sievers, Mason County Republican Central Committee Chairman
    Mary Brookhart, McDonough County Republican Central Committee Chairwoman
    Jason Huffman, Menard County Republican Central Committee Chairman
    Jeremy Conaway, Mercer County Republican Central Committee Chairman
    Terry Richmond, Montgomery County Republican Central Committee Chairman
    Steve Hardin, Morgan County Republican Central Committee Chairman
    Dave Kinert, Moultrie County Republican Central Committee Chairman
    Jim Ayers, Piatt County Republican Central Committee Chairman
    John Birch, Pike County Republican Central Committee Chairman
    Dianne Barghouti Hardwick, Sangamon County Republican Central Committee Chairwoman
    Jeff Ervin, Schuyler County Republican Central Committee Chairman
    Brad Jefferson, Scott County Republican Central Committee Chairman
    Mary Suprenant, Vermillion County Republican Central Committee Chairwoman
    Cory Burgland, Warren County Republican Central Committee Chairman

IL-15 Republican State Lawmakers Endorsing Rodney:

    Jil Tracy, District 47 State Senator and ILGOP State Central Committeewoman for IL-18
    Sally Turner, District 44 State Senator
    Jason Plummer, District 54 State Senator
    Steve McClure, District 50 State Senator
    Avery Bourne, District 95 State Representative and ILGOP State Central Committeewoman for IL-13
    Tim Butler, District 87 State Representative and Deputy ILGOP State Central Committeeman for IL-13
    C.D. Davidsmeyer, District 100 State Representative
    Amy Elik, District 111 State Representative
    Randy Frese, District 94 State Representative
    Norine Hammond, District 93 State Representative
    Mark Luft, District 91 State Representative
    Mike Marron, District 104 State Representative
    Charlie Meier, District 108 State Representative
    Mike Murphy, District 99 State Representative

* Hannah Meisel

(W)ithout having to worry about a serious electoral threat in the new 15th district, Davis could focus a long-term goal — if the GOP takes back control of the House.

“Hoping to [stay in Congress] and be, eventually, the chair of our Transportation and Infrastructure Committee to work in a bipartisan way to bring resources back to Illinois,” Davis told reporters in August.

Presented with the chance to vote for a massive infrastructure package earlier this month, however, Davis and all but 13 Republicans voted against President Joe Biden’s $1.2 trillion-dollar infrastructure package. Davis panned Democrats for tying the infrastructure package to the passage of an even larger social spending plan dubbed “Build Back Better,” though its parameters are still being negotiated. Even so, Davis dubbed it “reckless.”

With no substantial Democratic challenger, however, Davis could still face a contest from his own party. Freshman U.S. Rep. Mary Miller (R-Oakland) is the only Republican in Illinois’ congressional delegation who hasn’t announced her plans for 2022, and could challenge U.S. Rep. Mike Bost (R-Murphysboro) in the much-expanded 12th District or mount a contest against Davis in the 15th district.

I’m told that US Rep. Miller has recently polled both the Davis and Bost districts.

* Miller’s spouse, state Rep. Chris Miller (no relation), has already signaled that the couple is moving out of their current house. Their house is close to the congressional district borders, so they could move into either district pretty easily. From Capitol News Illinois’ recent profile of GOP state Rep. Adam Niemerg

Niemerg’s new district is almost entirely different. It now covers an area stretching from Lawrence County all the way to Champaign County.

To add onto that, the new area Niemerg is running in, District 102, is also home to Rep. Chris Miller, R-Oakland.

“The boundary line for the 101 can’t be 200, 300 yards from my property line,” Miller said, referring to an adjacent district with no incumbent lawmakers in it. “The reasonable thing for them to do would be for them to move that line 400 yards east.”

Illinois law allows for incumbent lawmakers to run either in the district they live in or in a district which contains part of their previous district.

“Adam, (state Sen.) Chapin Rose and I have talked about this a good bit,” said Miller, adding that the three have come to an agreement where Niemerg will run in District 102 and Miller will run in District 101. Rose, R-Mahomet, will run in the Senate district that covers the same area.

And maybe now we know why Chapin Rose isn’t on the Rodney Davis endorsement list.

…Adding… Politico

— Congressman Darin LaHood has secured endorsements of all 21 GOP county chairs in the new IL-16. The 21 county party chairs “represent a key coalition of grassroots Republican support as LaHood launches his re-election campaign,” according to a statement from his team.

— Since announcing his run for IL-03 three weeks ago, Gil Villegas has raised $105,000, according to a source familiar with the campaign’s fundraising efforts. The word “overwhelming” was dropped. Villegas is a Chicago alderman who has advocated for greater Latino representation in Illinois since the latest census figures show an increase in the Latino population. […]

— Secretary of state candidate Alexi Giannoulias has secured a new labor endorsement and a high-profile donation Tuesday. United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers and Allied Workers Local 11 has endorsed Giannoulias, the former state treasurer. The 2,700-member union, which covers most of northern Illinois, represents all segments of the roofing and waterproofing industry. Giannoulias also reported $100,000 in donations Monday, including $6,000 from Bulls owner Michael Reinsdorf. He’s raised about $300,000 this quarter.

— Secretary of state candidate Pat Dowell has expanded her campaign team. Thaddeus Walls will serve as campaign administrator and oversee the day to day operations. Nick Daggers and J.R. Patton of the 1833 Group will handle fundraising activities. And Nora Brathol of Arka Pana Consulting will direct social media. Walls has worked for the campaigns of John Ossoff, Stacey Abrams, Fritz Kaegi, Lamont Robinson, and Lori Lightfoot. Daggers and Patton have raised funds for candidates and progressive causes across the country.


  1. - Ducky LaMoore - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 9:01 am:

    “Miller’s spouse, state Rep. Chris Miller (no relation)”

    Things are so bad in southern Illinois, that it has to be pointed out when spouses are not related. /s

  2. - truthteller - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 9:03 am:

    a great chance that we will no longer have to deal with this professional politician who has never worked a real job outside of flipping burgers at his father’s McDonalds franchises

  3. - TheInvisibleMan - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 9:05 am:

    “The boundary line for the 101 can’t be 200, 300 yards from my property line,” Miller said

    And yet, it is.

    This guy talks as if the entire world is just a backdrop for the movie which he thinks is his life.

  4. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 9:06 am:

    ==a great chance that we will no longer have to deal with this professional politician who has never worked a real job outside of flipping burgers at his father’s McDonalds franchises ==

    Well, no. He’s going to hold that seat for the next 10 years (if he wants to) and can probably get an equally safe seat after that.

  5. - Blake - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 9:07 am:

    I think it would be better to allow candidates to run in any district, having to reside in it by inauguration day, rather than limiting us to those already in the area. The existing limitation reduces our ability to get the best candidate for the district by limiting the available pool.

  6. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 9:07 am:

    Certain posters here will hate to hear this, but this is a sign of Pritzker’s strength.

  7. - The Real Downstate - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 9:09 am:

    So I think the four county chairs not endorsing Davis are from Brown, Douglas, Edgar, and Fayette.

  8. - Furtive Look - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 9:11 am:

    Grateful that I’m not in Rodney’s district any more, and cheered to hear that he and Darin are such good pals.

  9. - Jibba - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 9:12 am:

    ===Democrats in Washington have put our nation in crisis with their big government, socialist schemes and dreams===

    I’m very happy for Rodney that he can now live his authentic life as the partisan he truly is, not the bipartisan he always claimed to be.

  10. - JS Mill - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 9:13 am:

    =Democrats in Washington have put our nation in crisis with their big government, socialist schemes and dreams=

    Careful Rodney, you may hurt the gentle fee fees of both the Miller’s and their/your pal Darren Bailey given their unabashed socialist beliefs and practices.

    Chris Miller may be surprised when the democrats refuse to move the boundary as a courtesy to him given their feelings about his 3% sticker.

    =Certain posters here will hate to hear this, but this is a sign of Pritzker’s strength.=

    Gasp, how dare you sir (banned punctuation)./s

  11. - Flyin' Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 9:15 am:

    Well, that’s one “moderate” R that mulled a five candidate primary and, if successful, Pritzker’s warchest and said, “no thanks”.

  12. - ChiGuy - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 9:15 am:

    “Miller’s spouse, state Rep. Chris Miller (no relation)”

    I’m confused. If they’re married, but share the last name Miller, did they have to do a name change or are they not married.

  13. - Fayette County - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 9:18 am:

    The Real Downstate Fayette County’s Republican Chair endorsed. Both him and the former Chair endorsed Davis.

  14. - Down the line - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 9:22 am:

    – “The reasonable thing for them to do would be for them to move that line 400 yards east.” –

    So the HGOP now wants incumbent addresses factored in?

    – “Adam, (state Sen.) Chapin Rose and I have talked about this a good bit,” –

    Was that a public meeting, or did they use the secret GOP map room?

  15. - The Real Downstate - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 9:25 am:

    Oops, good catch!

  16. - The Real Downstate - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 9:29 am:

    Brown, Coles, Effingham, and Shelby?

  17. - The Real Downstate - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 9:34 am:

    Some missing state legislators who haven’t endorsed: Daren Bailey, Chapin Rose, Chris Miller (obviously), Adam Niemerg, Brad Halbrook, Dan Caulkins, Blaine Wilhour, Keith Sommer. Probably missing others.

  18. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 9:36 am:

    The reality from the very beginning, I mean when “Shimkus decided to retire” beginning…

    Freshmen don’t dictate how their district may turn out when a state is going to lose a seat.

    Rent, don’t buy.

    Newman is learning that lesson too.

    For me, this is the best case. My hope was to draw Miller out, left tattered. Miller has choices, not really options. That’s good for Illinois, and the country.

    Looking at both Bost and Davis and their endorsements, Miller’s big hope is choose where she can scorch the earth best, since Bost and Davis seem to have their districts clocked, and Miller can’t even tell the time.

    The Governor’s GOP primary is truly a mess that might not be too helpful in this climate. Heck, the GOP doesn’t even have a statewide slate, and it’s December, no real word on AG, Comptroller, Treasurer… can’t beat someone with no one, or someone already behind the 8-Ball.

    This is great for Davis.

  19. - Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 9:41 am:

    -a great chance that we will no longer have to deal with this professional politician who has never worked a real job outside of flipping burgers at his father’s McDonalds franchises-

    Who’s gonna beat him? Miller? Do tell…

  20. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 9:47 am:

    Miller is hilarious. He, and others have stated how the current map was drawn for political purpose and yet he believes “they” should move the line for him? C’mon man! Listen to yourself and identify the hypocrisy. If BOTH Millers were to stay home Illinois and downstate constituents in these districts would be better off.

    As for Senator Rose…Chapin gonna Chapin. Trying to appease everyone by staying out of the way of the Eastern Blockheads is a bit weak. he should endorse both Bost and Davis.

  21. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 9:48 am:

    ===I think it would be better to allow candidates to run in any district, having to reside in it by inauguration day===

    You really need to start using the Google.

    US Reps. do not have to live in their districts, just their state.

    Illinois legislators can run in any redrawn districts that were part of their old districts and they have several months after the election to move in.

  22. - Steve Rogers - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 9:50 am:

    “Miller’s spouse, state Rep. Chris Miller (no relation)”

    Rich Miller is saying that he, Rich Miller, is not related to Rep. Chris Miller.

  23. - Chicago Blue - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 9:52 am:

    I love that he talks about fighting against the socialist democrats and failed Biden administration in one sentence while also claiming with a straight face that he’s going to focus on building roads and bridges. This is your modern Republican Party.

  24. - Nick Name - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 9:55 am:

    ===work in a bipartisan way to bring resources back to Illinois,” Davis told reporters in August.===

    In other words, pork. Pork made possible by the infrastructure bill Davis voted against.

  25. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 10:15 am:

    I am sure many non elitist Illinois residents will be surprised to learn working in a family owned restaurant business isn’t a real job

  26. - Anon221 - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 10:21 am:

    I’d be interested in how hard the Dems are going to challenge Davis in the new district. Gifting Davis an even larger territory less of a gift than of a concession if the Dems have written off their supporters in this new district to make Davis happy. I don’t see Mary Miller as a threat to him in this much larger district. Her politics will play better in Bost’s.

  27. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 10:28 am:

    ==I am sure many non elitist Illinois residents will be surprised to learn working in a family owned restaurant business isn’t a real job ==

    I think your algorithm might need some tweaking to understand vernacular. the phrase was “has never worked a real job *outside of* flipping burgers”

    “Outside of” was not a physical description of location, but rather an idiom used to express that flipping burgers was the *exception* to Davis’ usual pattern of living off of government employment.

    Now, I would like to point out that many public employees are fine and hard-working individuals, but of course I’m not the one whinging about government like Davis does. And that entire discussion is orthogonal to your point, which appears to be based on the need to get mad about something that no one said.

  28. - Sad Bears Fan - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 10:29 am:

    You have to think Bost and Davis’ CM’s worked to rally these endorsements to freeze Miller before she even has a chance to think… smart move by them both. Even if she does decide to run in 15 or 12, going to be hard to get rolling without the support of most county chairs and state elected officials. Which State Sens/Reps have endorsed Bost?

  29. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 10:45 am:

    A lot of big words by a non elitist that also imply all he did at the family owned business was “flip burgers”

    Regular people don’t like condescension about honest work.

  30. - Down the line - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 10:54 am:

    Changing that line would require passing legislation.

    Is Miller going to vote for that map?
    And how many GOP votes is he bringing with him?
    He should work a roll call.

  31. - Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 10:59 am:

    -Brown, Coles, Effingham, and Shelby?-

    I may be reading this map wrong but it looks like Effingham is almost if not completely in with Bost. Coles is split, obviously. Anyway, not a lot of population in the areas Davis’ team hasn’t covered.

  32. - Anon221 - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 11:06 am:

    Are the Dems going to let Davis keep his “gift” now that it appears that Budzinski will be safe in the new 13th? That’s a lot of Illinois for the Dems to ignore.

  33. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 11:09 am:

    ===imply all he did at the family owned business was “flip burgers” ===

    According to a friend in Taylorville, he didn’t even do that.

  34. - Huh? - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 11:25 am:

    “isn’t a real job”

    What constitutes a “real job”?

    When I hear or read someone saying an employment opportunity “isn’t a real job” I hear snob who doesn’t know what it is like to live pay check to pay check, what it is like to wash off the dirt and stench of a day’s toil before hugging your family.

    Been there, done that. Grateful I don’t have to do that anymore.

  35. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 11:27 am:

    == Regular people don’t like condescension about honest work. ==

    The same “regular people” you’re claiming to speak for consistently and quite often tell people who work in fast food to “get a real job” and that “these are jobs for high schoolers looking to make a few bucks”, but okay.

  36. - Leap Day William - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 11:28 am:

    === The same “regular people” you’re claiming to speak for consistently and quite often tell people who work in fast food to “get a real job” and that “these are jobs for high schoolers looking to make a few bucks”, but okay. ===

    This was me, btw

  37. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 11:48 am:

    ===I’d be interested in how hard the Dems are going to challenge Davis in the new district===

    Not at all.

  38. - DTAG - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 11:54 am:

    Who is Laut going to run against. I’m hoping to see a Miller vs Davis match up.

  39. - Dotnonymous - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 12:00 pm:

    No man extols the virtues of Capitalism more than the fellow who manages the actual Workers at his Daddy’s fast food joint.

  40. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 12:01 pm:

    ===Who is … going to run against===

    Whomever the grifters feel they can soak people for… the burn rate tells me so.

    The thing about Miller at this point, be it Bost or Davis, between the way those two districts are drawn, the actual support both have lined up, Miller’s choices are not ideal. Prolly why so many folks passed on running for the Shimkus seat… it’s a dead end. But, “we’ll see”

  41. - Anon221 - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 12:05 pm:

    ===I’d be interested in how hard the Dems are going to challenge Davis in the new district===

    “Not at all.”

    If I were a Dem (I’m an Independent leaning Dem) I would be very disappointed in that lack of interest by the party. I’m not looking forward to another possible 10 years of “Where’s Rodney”.

  42. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 12:08 pm:

    === I would be very disappointed in that lack of interest by the party===

    Really? You’d want them to spend money in a district that Trump won by 46 points? I mean, not even Jesse White won that district in the last two cycles and Jesse White wins just about everywhere. But, yeah, go ahead. lol

  43. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 12:14 pm:

    ==A lot of big words by a non elitist that also imply all he did at the family owned business was “flip burgers”==

    I mean, he was a high schooler and it was a McDonald’s. There wasn’t that much else for him to do. Do you think he was deciding on people’s health care plans or something? If so, why do you think so? Is there any evidence to support that?

    ==Regular people don’t like condescension about honest work. ==

    Oh please. Plenty of “Regular people” just absolutely drip with contempt for fast food workers. Look at all the people losing their minds about Culvers closing an hour early right now.

  44. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 12:17 pm:

    Also, LP, just, like, trying to not be snarky, it’s really weird that you’re so worked up over the idea that someone was insufficiently deferential to a high school job at McDonald’s. Like, I get that you just *really* like Rodney Davis and most other Republicans in IL, but you don’t have to swing at every pitch in the dirt, man.

  45. - Anon221 - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 12:19 pm:

    Rich, to me ignoring that new district is just another way to erode participation in government. Look at the counties in that area and I would bet there are few contested races in primaries for county and local positions, and even fewer in a general. If we want folks to get involved in politics and servant leadership positions at all levels, you need competition not conformity. To me it’s not a laughing matter. When it is, then we end up ignoring issues and concerns that don’t generate enough campaign interest or money all for the power of party.

  46. - The Real Downstate - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 12:20 pm:

    Ron Burgundy - I think you’re right and I think the fourth county might be Bond, which is interesting because a portion of Bond is in Davis’ current district.

  47. - Blake - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 12:21 pm:

    Rich, your reply to my post didn’t contradict what I said although it claims it did. Limiting state reps to their current & prior districts still limits who can run in the district. For example, in the past you’ve acknowledged some people’s bad luck about being a minority party in their district. A party could recruit such people to run in districts they would fit in a different part of the state.

  48. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 12:27 pm:

    - Anon221 -

    Sometimes districts are unwinnable, and it’s by design to win 2 other districts.

    Why waste money where it won’t matter. You don’t.

    LaHood, Bost, and Davis makes Underwood, Casten, Foster, Raja, Schneider… it makes them better to hold.

    That’s a pretty good trade for a party

  49. - Joe Bidenopolous - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 12:31 pm:

    =to learn working in a family owned restaurant business isn’t a real job=

    Oh, it can be a real job. It’s just one they didn’t earn. They got it by winning the birth lottery

  50. - Anon221 - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 12:35 pm:

    OW- Politicians may not want to waste campaign money and time in areas they consider a “lost cause”, but long term they may be wasting the district away and only strengthening divisions. The debates in re-election years that Davis was forced to have with his challengers like Betsy are necessary for a healthy country. Rodney isn’t going to debate his cardboard “Where’s Rodney” cutout.

  51. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 12:36 pm:

    ===Politicians may not want to waste campaign money and time in areas they consider a “lost cause”, but long term they may be wasting the district away and only strengthening divisions.===

    Seems like all involved are cool with that.

    Saves time and money.

  52. - Anon221 - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 12:47 pm:

    OW- “Seems like all involved are cool with that.”

    And the voters??? How much erosion of interest in voting and the results of that have we seen over the decades? How more “red” has downstate Illinois changed over the past few years? My personal view, and you can chuckle at me and call me naïve, is that my vote doesn’t matter. My voice doesn’t matter- just go through the motions where you live and trust the other areas of the state to take care of your concerns. It’s disheartening at the very least.

  53. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 12:49 pm:


    Feelings hurt aside, until there’s a national uniformed way to draw maps, the worst this is is maybe the best we got?

    You could run. Force debates, make the press hear your concerns… if politics is a participatory exercise…

  54. - Anon221 - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 12:58 pm:

    OW-”if politics is a participatory exercise…”

    I agree with you on the maps issue wholeheartedly. And politics should be a participatory exercise, at all levels with healthy back and forth from voters to those in office. As for me running… in this environment of big money and big party status and viciousness in social media… I wouldn’t stand a chance of a snowball in July… even if it was kept in a freezer.

  55. - JS Mill - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 1:05 pm:

    =Regular people don’t like condescension about honest work.=

    Do you have a copy of the log that you maintained while supervising the “honest work”? I mean, if you don’t, how do you know it was “honest work”?

    And you act as if it was a local diner or something. It was McDonalds.

    Davis also needs to be careful about calling out socialism. That might hurt Bailey and Miller’s feelings. The comrades are good old fashioned socialists.

  56. - Primate - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 1:14 pm:

    It is an impressive launch and should have the desired impact. However, what sold it for me was that Congressman Davis was able to land the former Fayette County Chairman and past President of the IL County Chairman’s Association. Pretty sure the current Chairmen are happy to be listed alongside. - Snark.

  57. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 1:23 pm:

    ==How much erosion of interest in voting and the results of that have we seen over the decades?==

    I dunno how you’d run those numbers, except to say that voter turnout really isn’t dropping anymore, and may in fact be rising.

    ==How more “red” has downstate Illinois changed over the past few years? ==

    However much it is, I don’t know if we can claim its because one party of the other hasn’t been running hard there. Dems competed heavily in IL-12 in ‘12, ‘14, and ‘18. They competed hard in IL-13 in ‘12, ‘14, ‘18, and ‘20.

    I get what you’re saying about how it’d be better for democracy if everyone competed everywhere. I think that all else being equal, it’d be good for the parties to compete everywhere, too (you never know when sheer dumb luck will fall your way). But everything is not equal. The parties- just like everyone and everything else- have limited resources, and have to triage some things.

  58. - Anon221 - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 1:28 pm:

    Arsenal- The county I live in has been triaged to near death. And, sad to say, the local Dem party has been somewhat complicit. More of a 19th century family run concern.

  59. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 1:48 pm:

    ==The county I live in has been triaged to near death. And, sad to say, the local Dem party has been somewhat complicit. More of a 19th century family run concern. ==

    That sucks. I’m sorry. But another issue is if there’s even anyone there willing to run as a Democrat, even if just at the county level. If not, it’s not like the state or national party can force someone to.

  60. - Primate - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 1:53 pm:

    The Congressman and his team felt it was such a big big endorsement from the “Former…” that they listed him above the current Chairmen. I guess they just learned where they stand with his office and campaign. Now, go out there and work hard for the Congressman because he cares about you. - Snark again (with a bit of accuracy and honesty).

  61. - Anon221 - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 1:55 pm:

    Arsenal- “If not, it’s not like the state or national party can force someone to.”

    True, but they could strongly encourage the local party to be work a little harder, be more open, and less closed minded. When local party leadership is not held accountable for their actions (or lack of), then complacency sets in.

  62. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Nov 30, 21 @ 4:01 pm:

    ==Regular people==

    Jeez LP, if you’re “regular people” then we’re all in trouble.

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