A blatant plea for your help
Tuesday, Dec 7, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller
* I asked the good folks at Lutheran Social Services of Illinois to send me some photos of foster kids who received Christmas presents last year. We are well behind last year’s fundraising pace, so I wanted to show you where your donations go. Please, click here and help these kids…
* Wordslinger was a champion of LSSI, particularly during the long impasse. The Tribune published a letter from his sister today…
In the spring of 1977, my parents and my 13-year-old brother, Karl, made a much anticipated trip to Washington. Enthusiastic but unsophisticated travelers, they spent a lot of time wandering around the Capitol, no doubt on occasion looking a bit lost. After encountering U.S. Sen. Bob Dole several times, he laughingly said, “We’ve got to stop meeting like this,” and proceeded to take them under his wing.
Dole shepherded my family for several hours, giving them a VIP experience, which included sitting in on a committee meeting and being introduced to my parents’ idol, Hubert Humphrey. They were not the senator’s constituents, and as their strong accents conveyed in their conversation, my parents were Norwegian immigrants who were unable to vote, as well as die-hard Democrats!
My brother’s interest in politics and public affairs intensified and grew. As an adult, he was a regular and much respected contributor, known as “wordslinger,” to the Illinois political blog Capitol Fax, where he once recounted his memorable trip to Washington and encounter with Dole. Tragically, Karl died two years ago from injuries he suffered when he was hit by a car on his nightly walk home from the train station. As a tribute, Capitol Fax republished Karl’s account — it can be found at capitolfax.com/2019/07/02/one-of-wordslingers-best-stories. When this was brought to Dole’s attention, he took the time to find out Karl’s name and his address, and he sent a personal note of condolence to Karl’s wife, Sue, and their children.
With the death of Sen. Dole, America has lost a brave patriot, a dedicated public servant, and a kind and decent man. His life holds many lessons from which we can all learn. Thank you, sir.
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- The Young Gov - Tuesday, Dec 7, 21 @ 11:42 am:
This is a tremendous uplift of critical day to day service. This should also be a call for therapeutic foster homes. We have nowhere near the number of adults stepping up to do this relative to the need.
- jim - Tuesday, Dec 7, 21 @ 12:20 pm:
Rich. Thanks a ton for all you do. you are practically my go-to guy for Chicago news these days, let alone the rest of the state. i just wanted to point out that i think it was Wordslinger’s sister who wrote the letter, not his aunt. Happy Holidays!!!
- ;) - Tuesday, Dec 7, 21 @ 12:31 pm:
Bob Dole was a great man; a true representation of the greatest generation. The country needs more of that care and decency. Thanks for sharing; happy to contribute. Merry Christmas.