Campaign stuff
Tuesday, Dec 7, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller
* McHenry County Blog…
From Kane County Circuit Court Judge John Noverini comes this announcement of his candidacy for the Republican nomination for Supreme Court Justice.
Noverini served on the Kane County Board as a Republican from Dundee Township. He served as Chairman of the Dundee Township Republican Central Committee. Then, to the surprise of pretty much everybody, Noverini ran for Judge as a Democrat.
That was thirteen years ago.
I’m told Noverini attempted to get Democratic Party support, but was rebuffed. So, he switched back to the GOP.
* Keep in mind that Martinez is backing Kari Steele over Assessor Fritz Kaegi and Carmen Navarro Gercone over Sheriff Tom Dart…
The Cook County Democratic Party is demanding that candidates slated next week for the upcoming primary sign an “agreement, promise and pledge” that they won’t endorse anyone who is not backed by the party.
“We want to show that the slate is a team. We are stronger together in that regard,” Jacob Kaplan, executive director of Cook County Dems, said in an interview.
The new party directive made in an executive committee meeting without discussion from the 80 committee persons that make up the party leadership is drawing criticism.
“I’m absolutely upset with this especially after what I went through with the party,” Clerk of the Court Iris Martinez told Playbook. She was referring to party leaders backing county Board of Review Commissioner Michael Cabonargi over her run for clerk in 2020. Martinez, however, emerged the victor.
Now she and others are concerned the party is trying to control the democratic process by preventing individuals from backing anyone they want. It’s one thing for the party to endorse incumbents — in this case that’s Assessor Fritz Kaegi and Sheriff Tom Dart. But left in the cold by the decision are the women of color who are running for their seats: Kari Steele for assessor and Carmen Navarro Gercone for sheriff.
The pledge is here.
* Speaking of the assessor’s race…
Illinois State Treasurer Michael Frerichs and Comptroller Susana Mendoza endorsed Assessor Fritz Kaegi’s campaign for re-election in the June 28, 2022 Democratic primary.
“I am grateful to Comptroller Mendoza and Treasurer Frerichs for joining the broad coalition of support for our campaign,” said Assessor Kaegi. “I am proud to have them standing with us as we continue to fight to ensure a fairer and more equitable property tax system in Cook County.”
“Our communities must be able to rely on Assessor Kaegi to continue his steadfast work to fix Cook County’s broken property tax system,” said Comptroller Mendoza. “These challenges were created over the course of decades, and they won’t be fixed overnight. But every day, Fritz Kaegi and his team are working hard to ensure the very wealthy and big corporations are paying their fair share, and that we are lessening the undue burden on working families.”
A broad coalition of other officials have endorsed Assessor Kaegi, including Illinois Congressional delegation members Cheri Bustos, Sean Casten, Danny K. Davis, Tammy Duckworth, Bill Foster, Jesus “Chuy” Garcia, Robin Kelly, Raja Krishnamoorthi, Marie Newman, Mike Quigley and Brad Schneider.
* Press release…
Assistant Senate Minority Leader Donald DeWitte (R-St. Charles) has announced he will seek re-election to the 33rd District Senate Seat of Illinois. Senator DeWitte was initially appointed to the seat in September of 2018, before winning election to the seat in November of that same year.
“It is an honor and privilege to represent the hard-working people of Kane and McHenry Counties in Springfield, and I look forward to continuing to work diligently on behalf of the families and business owners in the region,” said Senator DeWitte. “I have worked hard to develop beneficial and respectful working relationships with both Republicans and Democrats in the House and Senate, and have always taken a collaborative approach to passing legislation.”
Shortly after taking office, Senator DeWitte assumed the role of chief Republican negotiator of the $45 billion “ReBuild Illinois” infrastructure bill, which addresses the state’s most pressing road and bridge needs, as well as the capital investment needs for health care facilities, education, and municipal infrastructure. Through a lengthy negotiated process, the legislation was signed in 2019. Of the $45 billion capital outlay, close to $200 million was channeled to the 33rd Senate District for road and bridge improvements in northern Kane County and southern McHenry County. It was the most significant capital investment in the region in decades.
- OneMan - Tuesday, Dec 7, 21 @ 12:53 pm:
Kind of the political circle-of-life there for Judge Noverini, he was dealing with quite a bit when he was the chair in Dundee so he is used to sharp elbows.
- The Opinions Bureau - Tuesday, Dec 7, 21 @ 1:02 pm:
Glad to hear Sen. DeWitte is running again. A voice of reason in a caucus too nearly bereft of it.
- Numbers matter - Tuesday, Dec 7, 21 @ 1:04 pm:
We need more folks like Dewitte.
- thisjustinagain - Tuesday, Dec 7, 21 @ 1:16 pm:
Dems: We’re strong and united, so sign this or you’re a traitor to our cause under any circumstances. That’s a great look…./sarcasm.
- Fav Human - Tuesday, Dec 7, 21 @ 1:19 pm:
Noverini switched solely because he felt it would help him get elected as a judge.
This is why he switched back. My dog (long since gone to dog heaven) is more qualified to be a Supreme Court judge than JN
- John Lopez - Tuesday, Dec 7, 21 @ 1:49 pm:
=== I’m told Noverini attempted to get Democratic Party support, but was rebuffed. So, he switched back to the GOP. ===
Sounds like 2021 is a repeat of 2007, when then Kane County Board Member Noverini was rebuffed by the local Republicans from running for Circuit Judge in the 2nd subcircuit, and instead of facing the appointed Republican Circuit Judge and former State’s Attorney in a primary, he switched parties and won in November over appointed Circuit Judge in 2008.
Judge Noverini playing percentages in a Republican primary against two Lake County Republicans, and let the competitive Democratic primary sap the competition for November.
And Noverini has never lost a contested election (1999-2008).
- ;) - Tuesday, Dec 7, 21 @ 1:50 pm:
Boy, nothing screams democracy more than a mandatory written loyalty pledge. I wonder who was the brain trust behind this idea. How the Cook County Democratic Party has really fallen and become an amateur mockery of its once great self. Shameful.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Dec 7, 21 @ 1:56 pm:
In 2020 the national GOP had a one page platform; whatever Trump says.
Something to ponder as you’re pondering all that democracy and all.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Dec 7, 21 @ 1:59 pm:
===…the role of chief Republican negotiator of the $45 billion “ReBuild Illinois” infrastructure bill, which addresses the state’s most pressing road and bridge needs, as well as the capital investment needs for health care facilities, education, and municipal infrastructure. Through a lengthy negotiated process, the legislation was signed in 2019.===
Rebuilding infrastructure isn’t a partisan thing, but voting along partisan lines towards it is what is hurting Illinois and the country.
Highlighting this says a great deal. Voters want things done.
- Donnie Elgin - Tuesday, Dec 7, 21 @ 3:30 pm:
Minority Leader Donald DeWitte is one of the good guys. His staff is very responsive when you contact him. He also gets it done in terms of legislation - sponsored dozen of bills three of which became laws. Not bad when you are in the super monority
- TNR - Tuesday, Dec 7, 21 @ 3:47 pm:
== Now she and others are concerned the party is trying to control the democratic process ==
Lazy reporters like pushing this narrative on behalf of aggrieved candidates. Here’s a news flash: Unlike other states, we have an open primary system in Illinois. Party conventions don’t pick candidates here. No one is required to go through the county party’s slating nonsense. If you don’t like the so-called machine, don’t participate in their process.
- City Zen - Tuesday, Dec 7, 21 @ 5:01 pm:
Always surprised to see how many people want to run for Cook County Assessor. What a thankless job.
Kari’s vision as assessor states: “I will fight for a property tax system that puts equity first. We need a property tax system that creates stability for businesses, relief for homeowners, and funds the necessary public services that Cook County residents deserve.”
Stability for business means much higher taxes, because that’s the only way you’re going to provide relief for homeowners. But you can’t provide relief for all homeowners if your primary focus is equity. It’s a zero sum game.
Why would anyone want this job?
- John - Tuesday, Dec 7, 21 @ 6:34 pm:
So glad that Clerk Iris Martinez does not take any crap from these party insiders and dances to the beat of her own drum. Continue pressing forward Clerk, opening doors and paying it forward to others- we see you.
- RobT - Tuesday, Dec 7, 21 @ 7:07 pm:
The CC party is so out of touch. Every single voter is worried about taxes and crime…Martinez should start her own slate.