Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Question of the day: 2021 Golden Horseshoe Awards
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Question of the day: 2021 Golden Horseshoe Awards

Tuesday, Dec 14, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The 2021 Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Senate Republican Non-Campaign Staffer goes to Whitney Barnes

I think the quantity and strength of the nominations she’s received really speak to her character. While it’s true that she’s smart, hard working and respected by members of the caucus and the media, it’s how she interacts with the people around her that makes her a standout to me. Simply put, Whitney is a good person who treats everyone around her with respect and kindness - something that is sadly becoming increasingly rare in this arena.

Whitney announced this week that she’s leaving to join Nicor as its communications manager. Her departure will create a giant hole on that staff. Best of luck!

* The 2021 Golden Horseshoe Award for Best House Republican Non-Campaign Staffer goes to Joe Sculley

When you see how prepared the HGOP is with nearly everything budget you can look to Sculley. He is an excellent partner with Demmer and because of their relationship and oversight the HGOP can land plenty of budget punches when the rest of the world is wondering what GOMB is doing. A true artist at his craft who has an attention for detail that benefits the HGOP in so many ways. Also super fun.

When somebody gets a nomination like that they have to win.

* On to today’s categories…

Best House Democrat

Best House Republican

As always, explain your answers or they won’t count and nominate in both categories, please. And, remember, it’s 2021. The nominations are for activity in this year, not last year, or last decade or whatever. Thanks.


  1. - Blue Dog - Tuesday, Dec 14, 21 @ 12:01 pm:

    Greg Harris. dem. man stood up for his beliefs and the treatment of others.

  2. - The Opinions Bureau - Tuesday, Dec 14, 21 @ 12:02 pm:

    HGOP: Seth Lewis. A reasonable guy who votes his district, even when it means breaking with most of his caucus. Hope he continues his approach when he moves over to the Senate.

    HDem: Leader Robyn Gabel. An energy bill that both the enviros and labor support doesn’t come together with her steady hand. Many parents to that victory, but none as fundamentally essential as her.

  3. - Now I'm down in it. - Tuesday, Dec 14, 21 @ 12:13 pm:

    I nominate Greg Harris, whose commitment to those who need it the most has never wavered. We are all better off for the years he’s dedicated to serving the common good. I wish him the very best in his retirement.

  4. - Blue Dog - Tuesday, Dec 14, 21 @ 12:16 pm:

    treating human beings with decency and respect never is outdated.

  5. - New Observer - Tuesday, Dec 14, 21 @ 12:17 pm:

    Best House Democrat in 2021 has to be the new Speaker. Speaker Welch has kept the Democratic Caucus united in a year that most people thought would be chaotic with the Velmet Hammer gone. He has not just kept them unified, but they have excelled as a caucus under his collaborative, decentralized approach.

    Best House Republican would have to be Mark Batanick. He works his district, and he works across the aisle. As the Republican Floor leader, he is always fair and honorable. He was perfectly suited for that job. His loss to the Republican caucus will be a real loss of a statesman.

  6. - Pot calling kettle - Tuesday, Dec 14, 21 @ 12:21 pm:

    HDem: Speaker Welch - He has done an excellent job opening up the Speaker’s office and shepherding his caucus and chamber through a complex year (transition to new speaker, budget issues, redistricting, etc). I was very tempted to second the nomination of Greg Harris, he is an excellent leader and he will be missed. It was tough to pick between the two, but this year was key to Welch establishing himself and he did it well.

    HGOP: This is a tough one. The unwillingness to push back against the Trump wing of the party when there are unsubstantiated (and dangerous) claims on everything from election integrity to COVID. I hesitate to nominate because so many have crossed the line or refused to push back…That said, I’ll nominate Dan Brady. His door has always been open, he shows up to meetings (one on one, with groups, in-district and in Springfield) and he has always been willing to listen and bring other members into the discussion. He’s a good leader, he doesn’t avoid discussion, and I will miss him in the GA.

  7. - Mocking Jay - Tuesday, Dec 14, 21 @ 12:23 pm:

    Mike Halpin-House Dem. He is kind, patient and respected. He is able to get into the details about technical bills and be ablee to pick it up right away. A smart solid legislator that will be missed in the House.

    Best HGOP–Norine Hammond. She is no-nonsense and also super kind, something that is very rare these days.

  8. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Dec 14, 21 @ 12:27 pm:

    Will there be the Beaubien career Golden Horseshoe award?

  9. - Mr. Suburbs - Tuesday, Dec 14, 21 @ 12:35 pm:

    HDEM: Delia Ramirez pushed her way in onto the scene her freshman year to advocate for her district, immigrant families, and those experiencing homelessness and food insecurity. She just launched her congressional campaign for the new Hispanic district, and I bid her much success in that role!

    HGOP: Freshman Seth Lewis from DuPage County who is a fundamentally decent person. He has built up some relationships with Democrats, went out to their districts to better understand where they’re coming from, and has taken some middle of the road votes. Certainly not the “Eastern Bloc” recruited candidate I thought he was last cycle. HM goes out to another HGOP Frosh - Tim Ozinga and Marty McL.

  10. - Candy Dogood - Tuesday, Dec 14, 21 @ 12:38 pm:

    HDem: I also think Harris deserves this years nod.

    HGOP: I’d like to nominate any of the members of the Illinois House GOP who voted to censure Representative Chris Miller after his behavior in support of the January 6th Insurrection where he declared war against his fellow Americans. I’d like to further suggest that if none of them meet this criteria none of them are worthy of a Golden Horseshoe.

  11. - Nagidam - Tuesday, Dec 14, 21 @ 12:46 pm:

    HDEM: House democrats have pushed women’s issues because it was the right thing to do but got the effect of positive political outcomes as well. I don’t think Kelly Cassidy gets enough credit for the tenacious fight she puts up for all women that also had the effect of helping elect quite a few of her colleagues. I vote for Comrade Cassidy… she does things her way and does it with pizzazz.

    HGOP: When Mark Batnick came to the House there was a little angst that he might be a bit out there on some issues lest we not forget the “Batman” signs. He changed minds quickly with his deep understanding of issues specifically pensions that led him to be trusted to lead the debate for the House Republicans as floor leader. He leaves the chamber as a trusted expert that works across the isle on a myriad of issues. Not a bad way to leave your legacy.

  12. - PeterParker - Tuesday, Dec 14, 21 @ 1:27 pm:

    Going for an all emeritus ticket:

    HDems: Greg Harris. There’s been plenty of tributes to him already, and they’re all deserved. I just can’t say anything better.

    HGOP: Mike Murphy. Always ready with smart, fair questions for agencies during budget hearings. Who’da thunk that the pancake guy would take so much time to learn about state government?

  13. - Melido Perez - Tuesday, Dec 14, 21 @ 2:25 pm:

    Best House Democrat: Greg Harris - he had plenty of opportunity to make a run for Speaker and chose not to. Instead, he put his efforts towards strengthening the caucus and serving as a leader. Plus he handles that budget every year and does it with some calm and concern. Plus he’s a just a great public servant and will be missed after his term is up.

    HGOP: Batanick because he works his district well, presents some ideas and works them with both sides of the aisle.

  14. - Another Perspective - Tuesday, Dec 14, 21 @ 2:28 pm:

    Good leadership is hard to do. Inspiring leadership is another. It takes hard work and the willingness to surround yourself with smarter people than you. Speaker Welch recognized the brilliance of Greg Harris and kept him as the Majority Leader. I think that speaks volumes to Welch’s leadership style. My nod would go to him, but definitely not as a slight to Leader Harris.

    On the House Republican side it would have to be Jim Durkin. He was smart enough to crank up the pressure to drive Mike Madigan out. He finally fired Madigan.

  15. - SaulGoodman - Tuesday, Dec 14, 21 @ 2:29 pm:

    Dem: Honestly, this award should maybe be renamed the Kelly Cassidy Horseshoe, as she just continues to get things done, regardless of the issue and Speaker. This year she helped usher through CESSA (HB2784) that, when implemented, could truly transform first response to mental health crises and literally save lives. It was done quietly and effectively, and Rep. Cassidy worked her colleagues on both sides of the aisle to help them all understand what the bill was and why it was needed. CESSA was far quieter than some of Cassidy’s past big press bills (RHA, private prisons, cannabis, etc), but it will be just as transformative.

    GOP: Another vote for Seth Lewis - he’s genuinely good people, even when I disagree with him. But he also is perfectly willing to be the reasonable Republican and vote in ways that don’t always go with the rest of his caucus. He is also very willing to listen and learn, which is a far underrated trait in Sprinfield these days.

  16. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Dec 14, 21 @ 2:35 pm:

    ===He was smart enough to crank up the pressure to drive Mike Madigan out. He finally fired Madigan.===

    I’m sorry, I can’t. That would be Kelly Cassidy and 18 others that did that.

    Leader Durkin has *many* good reasons to win, however, the above is inaccurate, and dilutes what others like Cassidy and others actually accomplished.

  17. - Take a closer look - Tuesday, Dec 14, 21 @ 2:39 pm:

    The best House Democrat has to be Speaker Chris Welch. Take a close look at the accomplishments of the general assembly this year. Democrats and Republicans have things to brag about in their Districts back home. He has really taken the Speakership to another level after such a trying time for the House.

    The best House Republican has to be Brad Stephens from Rosemont. Without any flair whatsoever, he just gets it done. The fact that he is a Republican and brought home capital dollars tells you he knows how to work the system. He’s a Republican but he makes no bones about being close to labor or the new Speaker.

    Take a closer look.

  18. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Dec 14, 21 @ 3:15 pm:

    Best House Democrat

    So many times in life today we use superlatives that use to carve out the really special. I think of “best”, “greatest”, even “outstanding”, and we use them, me included, at times where standing out is happening but that carving out might not be all there.

    Legacy, and having a legacy falls into that overused word category.

    When one has a legacy, it should span not just time, not just issue, but both, and in that legacy giants emerge that stand upon that legacy, and as they stand they look at the entirety of their shadow, their footprint, their legacy… and it’s unmistakable that they leave and will be the shoulders other will climb for greater heights by the standard they set, the legacy they leave, the foundation for others to strive.

    For House Democrat, Greg Harris leaves a legacy that will be unmatched… and as unique to him a legacy that gave the chamber a policy wonk, a budgetary wizard, a social conscious with unique political savvy, and an understanding of the fundamentals of the chamber with the bare knuckle lessons of politics… and still be able to rally votes, count votes, and find consensus to do the doable… but accomplish what others called the impossible. That’s legacy. That’s being a giant. That’s leaving a shadow, thats Greg Harris.

    Pick an area of policy or politics that folks didn’t defer to Greg Harris.

    It’s not that he was the quote, Harris was the voice of what was going on, is happening, or what could be… with weight of his intellect, political smarts, even procedural prowess.

    I nominate Rep. Greg Harris.

    I’m a word, legacy. In so many words, Greg Harris made his place in Illinois history and it should be seen here again with a Golden Horseshoe.

  19. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Dec 14, 21 @ 3:38 pm:

    Best House Republican

    The House Republican Caucus is quite diverse to how it sees things the same.

    This year there was a member who was seemingly the Rosetta Stone of the politics and the governing and what it does mean on both going forward.

    At some point in both politics and governing, reality and looking at things in a way with real cause should matter.

    I nominate Rep. Mark Batinick

    As a sound voice to the actuality of things, Batinick shared his thoughts to many of the things that were questioned. What is compelling in this year is this way Batinick decided to allow a look behind the curtain without hyperbole to the statements, but made cases to the reality of the why which was helpful in getting past rhetoric for its own sake.

    Sometimes understanding the plan or the view of the board changes how a perception of the game is played. It’s been invaluable this year when Batinick did it, and for that I tha k him with this nomination.

    I nominate Mark Batinick for the Best House Republican for his clarity and allowing real discussions about the politics and policy when hyperbole eas much easier and less helpful.

  20. - Justin - Tuesday, Dec 14, 21 @ 3:38 pm:

    House Democrat: Greg Harris. He leaves with a positive legacy in the House.

    Honorable mentions: Speaker Chris Welch, Katie Stuart, Kelly Cassidy, Delia Ramirez

    House Republican: Mark Batinick. His moderate in relation to the rest of the Eastern Bloc-dominated party is an asset that’ll be missed.

    HMs: Avery Bourne, Seth Lewis.

  21. - Honeybear - Tuesday, Dec 14, 21 @ 4:12 pm:

    Love me some Katie Stuart till the day I die.
    She’s works so so hard at it.

    Sorry I don’t care about any Republicans enough to nominate.

  22. - sewer thoughts - Tuesday, Dec 14, 21 @ 5:42 pm:

    HDem - Rep Gabel was the only elected white lady in the state caring about Black folks’ child and maternal health before 2020 and the midwives work was her bill before it was Flowersed. Oh and a little thing called CEJA, plus taking the heat on being one of the 19 and HCRCA.

    HGOP: Batinick is one of the few that works in all Republican time zones, with my only problem that he works too closely with unserious legislators in his own party so that must be why he worked closely with Rep Jonathan Carroll

  23. - Annonin' - Tuesday, Dec 14, 21 @ 7:11 pm:

    House Ds….A tie…Harris continued to do Great job on important complex issue AND Speaker Welch with a good transition and probably dealt with much craziness quietly.
    House GOPPIES…gotta go with Kieth Sommer

  24. - Springfield Watcher - Tuesday, Dec 14, 21 @ 7:53 pm:

    Speaker Welch deserves the award this year for the Historical appointment and navigating the House through a monster session on several policy fronts. The writer of this blog said Welch’s handling of the energy bill was a “spectacular” accomplishment. Greg Harris has had a magnificent career and deserves an honorary mention; but this award goes to the best House Democrat in 2021. That has to be Welch for exceeding beyond all beliefs and keeping it all together.

    Mark Batanick seems to be leaving at a time when his party actually needs more Republicans like him. Batanick is a hardworking professional who didn’t allow tough debates to get out of control on several tough issues this year. The Batman deserves this honor.

  25. - Rabid - Tuesday, Dec 14, 21 @ 8:52 pm:

    Madigan, left with class. Demmer class act

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