Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Question of the day: 2021 Golden Horseshoe Awards
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Question of the day: 2021 Golden Horseshoe Awards

Thursday, Dec 16, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* We are running out of time. It’s my fault for not starting early enough. So, we’re going to have to do a couple of posts today and tomorrow make at least some of those posts longer than usual. Here’s part one…

Best In-House Lobbyist

Best Contract Lobbyist

Best Do-Gooder Lobbyist

I know I’m throwing a lot at you here, but I am sure you can handle it. Please make sure to explain your responses or they won’t count and please do your best to nominate in all three categories or I may ignore you. Thanks much! I’ll announce yesterday’s Senate winners later today when we do are second round of nominations.


  1. - Fan - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 9:17 am:

    Jen Walling is a great choice for best do gooder. She has been an outstanding advocate for our environment and her work took a huge step forward this year. She is a star!
    For best lobbyist, I vote for the new Speaker of the 3rd House. Dave Sullivan. The excitement at the luncheon was genuine when he was announced. It is obvious how well liked and respected it is. And that doesn’t just happen. He hustles every day, every year. He is involved in virtually every big and small issue.

  2. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 9:32 am:

    Fan, you missed best in-house.

  3. - Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 9:33 am:

    Best In-House Lobbyist - Adrienne Alexander - she is insightful, talented, thoughtful, savvy, quick thinking and a friend to all

  4. - Capitol - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 9:46 am:

    In House is the almost State Rep. Mike Ziri. He is great at his job and would have been a terrific Rep. He works equality issues diligently and effectively. And he’s a great guy.
    I agree on the Jen Walling choice for do gooder. She is a total pro. She knows the issues and is such a hard worker.
    I also agree with the choice of Dave Sullivan. Ironically he could be a do gooder nominee for his work that I’m familiar with him. His dedication to issues of equality is inspiring and obviously effective. He tackles tough issues with grace. He’s a great exayof how to do a great job.

  5. - Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 9:48 am:

    Adrienne Alexander is the best in-house lobbyist. She cares. Her integrity and credibility is peerless. And she’s crazy smart.

  6. - Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 9:54 am:

    Adrienne Alexander is consistently knowledgeable, principled, organized, easy to talk to, direct and honest, no drama. When she says she’s gonna do something, she does it. She doesn’t get caught up in personality drama or gossip or feelings. She’s always clear that none of that matters—it’s about delivering for her members. And she does it all with style and grace and moral clarity without the self-righteousness.

    I wish all lobbyists more were like Adrienne!

  7. - MagLyons - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 9:57 am:

    I’d like to nominate Adrienne Alexander of AFSCME Council 31 for Best In-House Lobbyist. She is brilliant, hard-working, hilarious, patient, deeply kind and an absolute pleasure to work with. Her judgement is impeccable.

  8. - Dri fan - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 10:00 am:

    +1 on Adrienne. You’d be hard pressed to find someone more effective, more knowledgable, more compassionate, more respected. And, her educational Twitter threads on a variety of topics are second to none. Wicked smart, crazy kind.

  9. - Dan Johnson - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 10:03 am:

    Best contract lobbyist is Dan Shomon. The voice. The hair. Come on. If he’s never won, this is his year.

    Dave Sullivan … nominate Shomon! I know you read the comments.

  10. - SaulGoodman - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 10:04 am:

    In-house: Khadine Bennett, ACLU — Khadine is arguably the hardest working lobbyist in the building, and the repeal of PNA simply doesn’t get across the finish line without Khadine consistently pushing and pushing and pushing. She’s wicked smart and knows her bills and policies inside and out, and has strong legislative relationships on both sides of the aisle. Her effectiveness on the PNA repeal is unmatched. Oh, and she was (as always) able to do a bunch of other great stuff while making sure that PNA repeal got done.

    Contract: Ron Holmes. Ron isn’t a showhorse (but does wear good bow ties), but he could be. He’s incredibly effective, and quietly gets things done through strong relationships and hard work. Ron is one of those people in Springfield that I love getting to work with and try to find new ways to work with him whenever I can.

    Do-gooder: Jen Walling, IEC. CEJA was a monster of a bill, and Jen has been pushing it for years. Wrangling together the (sometimes crazy) enviros to all move in the same direction, wrestling with Labor to try to find some middle ground, and working with the energy companies to get something across the finish line was a massive lift and Jen was much of the glue that held it all together.

  11. - Just A Guy - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 10:28 am:

    Dave Sullivan for best contract lobbyist. The guy knows his issues and works well with both sides.

    Best In-House Lobbyist should go to Kristen Houch. Having worked with her on many pension related issues over the years, I can tell you she is just a gem of a person.

    Josh Evans for best Do Gooder lobbyist. He represents IARF’s priorities well, and his quick wit and humor make him a great person to be around.

  12. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 10:33 am:

    Folks, I too love Dri. But you’re not helping her by only nominating her and no one else.

  13. - NotMe - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 10:39 am:

    In-House: Jen Walling’s years long efforts to pass meaningful climate legislation paid off this year. If you look at the story arc of this law and the events that led to it, her calm and steady leadership ensured that the final product was true to the original mission of an equity focused climate bill.
    Do-gooder: This one really needs to be renamed for Khadine Bennett. Illinois stands out as a progressive safe haven, in particular on issues of reproductive health, because Khadine doesn’t give up, works every roll call till the last vote is squeezed out of it, always has the facts ready so sponsors are prepared for whatever is thrown at them in questioning, and genuinely lives her values and mission.
    Contract: Dave Lowitzki deserves kudos this year for seeing an opportunity to move a bill that was not expected to move this year, resulting in Illinois being the first state in the country to mandate a mental health first response system so that calls for mental health emergencies will be answered with a mental health response rather than a criminal justice response. It wasn’t enough just to pass it, he successfully negotiated this massive change in our approach into an agreed bill in the Senate.

  14. - 47thWard Denizen - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 10:40 am:

    In House - Adrienne Alexander - She’s talented, dedicated, smart and tackles serious and complicated issues for AFSCME. AFSCME has one of the largest and most varied agendas in the Capitol. She approaches complicated issues with professionalism the passion required to represent AFSCME members well.

    Do-Gooder - Jen Waling. Hands Down. Great legislative victories this year and in previous years. Jen has grown the Illinois Environmental Council into a force.

    Contract - Dave Sullivan, “How Ya’ Dion?” He’s always friendly, knows his issues, knows the lawmakers and how to move issues for his clients. All around good guy.

  15. - Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 10:45 am:

    Do-Gooder Lobbyist - Khadine Bennett - She is knows her stuff, is passionate, thinks big picture and always willing to help out her follow humans

    Contract - Jim Morphew - always a pleasure to work with, knows his way around, doesn’t get ruffled and keeps is kind even when you are on the opposite side.

  16. - Arsenal - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 10:46 am:

    I’m afraid I don’t know enough about the lobbying world to comment, but I just find it funny that the lines between these categories are kinda blurry.

    Not a knock on anyone. Just a funny quirk.

  17. - andjusticeforall - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 10:55 am:

    In House: Sean Denney. With a tenuous relationship with the Governor (who doesn’t) and having openly backed the wrong candidate for Sen. President, you’d think IEA might have a few challenges getting things accomplished. However, they continue to rack up legislative victories and Sean Denney is a primary reason. He knows his issues inside and out and possesses the rare combination of being universally well liked, and yet unafraid of being tough and calling out legislators when he needs to.

    Contract: Dave Sullivan. It’s easy to lobby for Operators 150, but that’s not good enough for Dave. He doubles down and makes an effective legislative agenda even more effective. Dave brings people from both chambers and both parties together to find common ground. While that may be easy for 150, it is decidedly not so for the Chicago FOP. Dave does a job (and deals with a client) that no one else would ever want. John Catanzara offends everyone, all the time, and yet somehow Sullivan is able to work around being completely undermined by his own client and still eke out some wins for the men and women in blue, and not lose even one ounce of credibility along the way. Amazing.

    Do Gooder: Jack Darin - Sierra Club. There are so many that deserve credit for the big enviro win this year, but don’t underestimate the influence of Jack. He’s been at it far longer than any of the others and knows exactly what his role is. Jack doesn’t just lobby, he builds relationships with legislators by involving his organizations in campaigns and constituent advocacy in a way that IEC does not, and that legislation does not get passed without the grassroots advocacy of the Sierra Club. He gladly sits in the background while others are more front and center because he knows that is what is best for his mission and he always puts that ahead of personal recognition. You can’t be great without being successful and Jack is successful.

  18. - Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 11:36 am:

    In House - Adrienne Alexander. A very hard worker with a deep understanding of the policy and the politics without getting caught up in the gossip.

    Do Gooder - I’d second Mike Ziri. Smart, dedicated, level headed. Equality Illinois has really stepped up its game in large part thanks to him!

  19. - Captain CapFax - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 11:42 am:

    Contract Lobbyist: Easy, Bukola Bello. Reason being she understands the complexity of an in-flux session, she is absolutely wonderful towards staff and is simply one of the most strategic people I’ve had the pleasure of working with. Bukola in my opinion deserves the award more than anyone this year period.

  20. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 11:47 am:

    Bukola Bello is indeed a good lobbyist. But people need to start nominating in all three categories or I’m not going to count their single nominations.

  21. - Proud Papa Bear - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 11:58 am:

    In-house I’ll go with Khadine Bennett. Really insightful and passionate.

    Contract- Dave Lowitzki. I’m biased because he went to the school where I teach but my conversations with him have always been extremely productive. Another very passionate lobbyist.

    I’ll add to the Mike Ziri tally for do gooder. The guy works tirelessly. I’ve seen him speak to hundreds as well as travel an hour to talk to three people on a Saturday morning. He truly believes in the power of every single individual.
    He’s also just a really great guy.

  22. - Proud Papa Bear - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 12:01 pm:

    In-house I’ll go with Khadine Bennett. Really insightful and passionate.

    Contract - Dave Lowitzki. Great depth to the issues and works toward lasting change.

    I’ll add to the Mike Ziri tally for do gooder. The guy works tirelessly. I’ve seen him speak to hundreds as well as travel an hour to talk to three people on a Saturday morning. He truly believes in the power of every single individual.
    He’s also just a really great guy.

  23. - Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 12:04 pm:

    I nominate Adrienne Alexander for best in-house lobbyist! She’s incredibly smart and super talented and has a great heart!
    I nominate Khadine Bennet for best do-gooder lobbyist! Khadine is a great person with a great heart!
    I nominate Larry Luster for best contract lobbyist! Larry is smart and talented!

  24. - East of the Lake - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 12:06 pm:

    Do Gooder- Mike Ziri. Don’t know him personally but everyone raves about him and he does good work.

    In- House Adrienne Alexander. Hard working and knowledgeable.

    Contact- Dave Sullivan honest and great to work with.

  25. - Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 12:06 pm:

    Best In-House Lobbyist: Adrienne Aleaxander AFSCME Alsways sticks up for the little people that are the backbone of my community

    Best Contract Lobbyist Larry Luster

    Best Do-Gooder Lobbyist Niya Kelly

  26. - Annonin' - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 12:15 pm:

    Best In House Pat Devaney… kept the latest rate payer fund ComEd giveaway on track and even grew the number of recipients and causes got a cut of the pie. Serious work was required

    Best Contract Liz Brown best contacts across all branches. Cannot be matched

    Best DoGooder Randy Witter….very nice IT piece told a pretty good story. He may reject “do gooder” nomination, but he is truly a good person. Some of those who claim the “do gooder” mantle are frauds.

  27. - Anon - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 12:17 pm:

    Best Contract Lobbyist - Bukola Bello, hands down. If you’ve ever had to log into a pension committee you’ll notice Bukola represents several pension funds. Not one, not two, but FOUR! She’s effortless and works a ton of other issues. If it was important this year she was working it.

    Best In-House - Adrienne Alexander, is an expert negotiator and advocate. She handles State, County, and City issues with ease. Her substantive knowledge is unmatched.

    Best Do-Gooder - Khadine Bennett, Illinoisans owe Khadine a HUGE debt of gratitude for all of the issues she’s dragged across the finish. Coincidently, Bukola who represents Planned Parenthood worked w/Khadine on repealing PNA.

  28. - Anders Lindall - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 12:33 pm:

    I am thrilled to see these nominations for my AFSCME sister and colleague Adrienne Alexander for best in-house lobbyist. If I can just amplify a bit of what makes Dri so special, in the past session she helped win a badly needed wage increase for direct-service personnel who serve people with developmental disabilities in community agencies, successfully navigated both criminal justice reform and the budget, and did all that while also winning the biggest investment in a decade in public mental health services in the City of Chicago budget, staying on top of Cook County issues, and proving instrumental in assisting with political and legislative relations adjacent to organizing new members such as at the Niles and Oak Lawn libraries and the Art Institute of Chicago. She did all that by being brilliant, trusted and respected, and a tireless worker who’s always on. Those qualities enabled her to tackle the sizable challenges of the past year of lobbying virtually, which often meant monitoring hearings via Zoom and talking to legislators and staff by phone and text. Finally, while many people are familiar with Dri’s authoritative Twitter persona, those lucky enough to know her IRL respect her devotion to her family and friends, her faith and her union. Adrienne not only deserves all the awards she is an inspiration.

    Best Do-Gooder i would second the suggestions of Mike Ziri and especially Jen Walling for the monumental achievement of CEJA.

  29. - Perseverence Pays - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 12:44 pm:

    In- house - Adrienne Alexander - She’s focused and attentive to the needs of AFSCME as an org, but she also cares about the people who ARE the org. You know that this isn’t just a job for her.
    Contract - Bukola Bello - The way Bukola can juggle her clients and get things done for all of them is top-notch. She understands their subject matter/issues, and can talk about them effectively, she knows who she needs to connect with to get answers and get over road bumps.
    Do-Gooder - Khadine Bennet - her work on reproductive rights is so, so needed, but she doesn’t stop with just that issue. She fights the good fight, and is passionate about each issue at the ACLU.

  30. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 12:55 pm:

    I’ve deleted several people who are just naming names and not explaining their votes. This is causing me extra work. I’m in no mood for that.

  31. - The Opinions Bureau - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 1:02 pm:

    In-House- Khadine Bennett, for all the reasons others have said better than I can.

    Contract- I’d second Ron Holmes as well. Ron had a hand in many of the major bills of the year. He’s always willing to brainstorm solutions to a problem or make an introduction. In a business where personality is so often paramount, it’s no surprise a guy as cool as Ron is one of the best.

    Do-Gooder- Colleen Smith has recently moved on from the Illinois Environmental Council but her work has been fundamental to the success of the environmental movement in recent years. Colleen knows that building relationships with members across the political spectrum pays dividends. When you’re working in Democratic-dominated legislature and need to pass bills that some Dem-aligned constituencies oppose, being on good paper with the right Republican members can make the difference.

  32. - Ron Burgundy - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 1:11 pm:

    I come in peace Rich.

    Litesa Wallace (In House) passing a bill to bring natural gas to Pembroke Township with little to zero support from a majority of legislators was no easy task.
    Bukola Bello (Contract) the fight to repeal Parental Notification was a hard fought battle. Understanding how to connect w/legislators is Bukola’s speciality.
    Khadine Bennett (Do Gooder) fought and passed PNA right before what might be a very tough election year for some.

  33. - First Timer from a few years ago!! - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 1:17 pm:

    I too agree the work put into dealing with legislation for so many different Illinoisans by Adrienne Alexander is amazing!! She has to be the best fit for In House!!Her passion to those she fights for is well beyond her size. Who needs a big stick when you have Dri on your side???

    Who else but Larry Luster for Best Contract. Although his size compared to Dri is so dramatic, the comparison of passion is comparable!! He speaks so softly but is heard all over state. Plus a shout out for Southern Illinois, Go Dawgs!! You Larry are the splitting image of what we expect from SIU.

    And for Do Gooder I would like to speak up for Khadine Bennett for all she has done for issues of all and the extra curricular for the ACLU. To all of these nominees good luck. And to all Happy Holidays!!

  34. - Midwest Maven - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 1:51 pm:

    Do-Gooder: Khadine Bennett: Need I say more, her work for the ACLU and with reproductive rights as many others mentioned superb. Much deserved

    In House: Sean Denny: He manages to walk a fine line and reach out to everyone across the aisle. I think he’s very knowledgeable and well versed in what he does.

    Last but not least: Bukola Bello for best contract lobbyist: All of the nominees are wonderful. I’m nominating Bukola because her energy is infectious, her commitment and dedication to her clients is unwavering. Bukola truly enjoys what she does, and her work ethic is unmatched. Bukola represents the Illinois Council of Certified and Professional Midwives who gained a historic victory recently. Midwifery is now a licensed profession in the state of Illinois. Bukola’s passion to ensure that expectant mothers in the state of Illinois have reproductive health options in the midst of a pandemic, and with rising maternal mortality rates on the rise in our state is admirable and inspiring.

  35. - Captain CapFax - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 2:08 pm:

    Edit: Contract Lobbyist: Easy, Bukola Bello. Reason being she understands the complexity of an in-flux session, she is absolutely wonderful towards staff and is simply one of the most strategic people I’ve had the pleasure of working with. Bukola in my opinion deserves the award more than anyone this year period.
    In-house:Adrienne Alexander, knowledgeable and a great to work with.
    Do Gooder: Bill Filan, I has the smoothest time working with him. A very seasoned individual.

  36. - Voter - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 2:50 pm:

    In House- Dave Gross, IHA, had to continue to deliver and be responsive for members stressed to the max still battling a pandemic.

    Contract- Liz Brown Reeves. How often does her name pop on someone’s phone?

    Do-gooder- wouldn’t Bob and Chris at ABDI count for this?

  37. - Chambananon - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 3:19 pm:

    Do-gooder: Jen Walling; the efforts it took to pull together a paradigm-shifting approach to energy generation in Illinois were Herculean, and there’s no question in my mind that a disproportionate share of that work was done by Jen. The fact that she actually believes in what she’s saying and fighting for is palpable.

    In-House: I’ll join the chorus for Adrienne; across numerous years and issues, she has consistently been a thoughtful, insightful, and cheerful advocate for her members. Her Twitter threads are also incredibly informative, and I have more than once found myself reading through a thread and marveling at the way her Twitter serves as a chronology of public debate both locally and nationally on issues both monumental and esoteric.

    Contract: I’ll also echo others in expressing appreciation for Ron Holmes and his calm, cool, and collected demeanor; time and again, Ron has been willing to go the extra mile to find solutions to seemingly-intractable problems. And, despite the acrimonious nature of the current political era, he also serves as an example of how to be an effective lobbyist while remaining a genuinely kind-hearted person.

  38. - GwenV - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 3:32 pm:

    Do gooder: hard to choose between Jen Walling and Mike Ziri as they both worked so hard and got so much done during a really tough session. They are both amazing!

    In-House - Dri. She’s a lovely person at the same time being knowledgeable and responsive. A real pleasure.

    Contract: John Amdor. He negotiates in good faith. At no point did I need to worry that he’d be sneaking language past me or trying to maneuver. Straightforward and responsive, so easy to work with!

  39. - Mr. Dozier - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 3:40 pm:

    In house: Adrienne Alexander, a dedicated, reliable, and consummate professional. She’s she’s been instrumental in paving the road for AFSCME 31 and it’s members to tally win after win this year, read Anders’ comments for more details.

    Contract: Larry Luster; smart, meticulous, and congenial.

    Do-gooder: Khadine Bennett, ACLU, especially considering her role in the repeal of PNA.

  40. - Flexible One - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 3:44 pm:

    Dan Shoman for contract lobbyist as he is willing to help his competitors when requested. He’s knowledgeable, works diligently for his clients, yet keeps an open mind when debating an issue which sometimes leads to a creative solution.

    Sean Denny for in house lobbying. Sean is always respectful of others opinions yet had a gentle way of persuading others.

    Actually there are many really great lobbyists out there who truly go out of their way to help others with respect, humility and kindness.

  41. - Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 3:50 pm:

    In house: Kristen Houch has always been incredible to work with and goes above and beyond to help understand the pension world.

    Contract: Bukola Bello seems to be everywhere all the time and takes the same energy and clear communication into every meeting. Whether of the most minute detail or the grandest of political strategy, she’s right there with you answering questions and moving legislation.

    Do-Gooder: What few chances I’ve been able to work with Khadine Bennett have been insightful. Now, more than ever her work should be recognized.

  42. - BEA - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 3:57 pm:

    Contract Lobbyist - Frank McNeil: Able to be charming and effective at the same time.

  43. - Will - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 4:57 pm:

    Out here in Will County we have a $150 Million bridge going up. Thanks in large part to Dave Sullivan’s efforts. It’s a huge benefit to us and is a Public Private Partnership getting done because of Dave’s lobbying efforts. My Springfield friends will appreciate it when it gets more trucks off of 55 through Joliet. And he even got the Sierra Club to support it. Great job!
    So do gooder I would say Jack Darin fit supporting our efforts here.
    In house, I’ll go with lots of sentiment above for Jen Walling. The energy issue was enormous.

  44. - UIC Grad - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 5:06 pm:

    Do Gooder: Mike Ziri I have heard nothing but good things about his professionalism and hard work.

    In House: Sean Denny Always on his A game.

    Contract: Bukola Bello Smart and sharp. Her work with pension, energy and Planned Parenthood very impressive.

  45. - It's tough - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 5:16 pm:

    Not sure where the line is sometimes between do gooder and in house but in order to get people in whose work I admire I’ll break it down as others have.

    Do Gooder - Khadine Bennett.
    In House - Adrienne Alexander.
    Contract - Dave Lowitzki

    I followed the instructions Rich. I swear.

  46. - It's tough - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 5:18 pm:

    Explanations - Khadine for tenacity and volume of issues. Adrienne for being a wonderful human and getting so much done. Dave for his breath and depth of knowledge. He’s basically a second do gooder given all his clients.

  47. - BearDown1 - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 5:19 pm:

    Do Gooder:Khadine Bennett ACLU. She is dependable, motivated, and very persistent. She really pulled for PNA repeal.

    In-house: Adrienne Alexander. AFSCME Council 31. Adrienne is insightful, extremely intelligent, and is a great asset to her organization

    Contract Lobbyist: Bukola Bello. This was a tough one, but I’m nominating Bukola not only because she is she fierce and fabulous, but I was extremely impressed with her work with the midwives’ licensure bill which is now law. She also has a grit and determination to get tasks done.

  48. - Amend - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 5:38 pm:

    How many lobbyists get a Constitutional Amendment passed? Virtually none. It’s very complicated and difficult. But there are 2 lobbyists who have gotten 2 passed. My vote goes to the team of Marc Poulos and Dave Sullivan. This year we all get to vote to get rid of the Rauner right to work mess. This is an outstanding achievement. No one else can claim such success. They have my vote and gratitude.
    Jen Walling is a star for do gooder and in house. What a great energy home run!!

  49. - Elmer Schnackenberg - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 5:43 pm:

    Best In-House Lobbyist: Jim Long / Illinois Policy - anyone who has taken notice knows that almost all of IP’s bills are filed by Democrats, and also supported by Republicans. He is the consummate professional and respected by members of both parties.

    Best Contract Lobbyist: Larry Luster - his energy and professionalism is second to none in Springfield. He’s in a very small go-to group if you want an issue pushed…he is a winner.

    Best Do-Gooder Lobbyist: Randy Witter - a Pro’s Pro….and the first person to reject this or any other praise, which is precisely why he is so deserving of this recognition. His knowledge of all things Springfield could fill several books…and would be must reads to all.

  50. - Shytown - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 6:47 pm:

    In house: Mike Ziri. The guy knows his stuff - policy, process, relationships. Good people too.

    Contract: Hands down liz brown. She’s won before and there’s good reason. She’s a fixer who’s not afraid to tell a client what they need to hear instead of what they want to hear. Gets things done.

    Do gooder: Khadine Bennett. She’s always someone you want on the team. A true advocate and believes in what she’s trying to get done.

  51. - Sangamon State - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 6:53 pm:

    Best Do Gooder: Jen Waling, I agree with those who commended her for work with CEJA.

    Best Contract : Bukola Bello: Efficient and straightforward and a go-getter. Stays abreast on policy and legislation.

    Best In House: Litesa Wallace. Litesa operates under the radar, very nice job with Pembrooke Township.

  52. - Lefty - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 7:41 pm:

    In-house: Adrienne Alexander, AFSCME

    Contract: Bukola Bello

    Do Gooder: Garden Gatewood, Illinois Justice Project

  53. - We Vote - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 8:10 pm:

    In house: Adrienne (AFSCME) is smart, strategic, juggles state, county and city work, and is reliable and direct. She builds bridges, works to get things done, and you can trust what she says. She makes time to give advice and you really need to follow her on Twitter!

    Contract: Bukola got the midwife bill passed after years of work, and made what other contract lobbyists weren’t able to get make happen, possible. She’s kind, determined, dependable and a joy to be around. She has a vast array of relationships across the aisle and both chambers. She works hard for her clients, no matter their budget.

    Do Gooder: Khadine (ACLU) is an incredibly hard, focused worker. She works on a range of issues and doesn’t stop until the bills cross the finish line. One of the big bills she got done this session was the PNA repeal bill that didn’t make it over the finish line until veto. She never gave up and kept working it until the vote, including on the sex ed bill. She works well with opposition and allies alike.

  54. - Amend - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 8:49 pm:

    Don’t forget about the workers rights amendment. Few lobbyists get even one Constitutional Amendment done. This will be Dave Sullivan’s second one. We all get to vote to pass his efforts so we won’t have to put up with another Rauner type anti labor push. This is terrific for Illinois workers. It’s another testament to his hard work. And the fact that he makes sure the whole team gets praise is testament to his character. And what a tremendous bipartisan roll call on an important issue that nearly paralyzed the GOP before is another indication of his abilities. He’s a true pro.
    Adrienne Alexander is outstanding in her work for labor. Another great choice.
    And I think Khadine is such a terrific advocate.

  55. - Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 9:26 pm:

    In-house: Litesa Wallace. Working to get an underrepresented community access to the same resource most of the state takes for granted in an anti-utility climate probably seemed impossible but somehow, she got it done.

  56. - Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 9:37 pm:

    Hit enter to soon,

    Contract: Bukola Bello from pensions to pre-natal care, she does it all!

    Do-gooder:Khadine Bennett continues to work toward “justice for all”

  57. - Flexible One - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 9:42 pm:

    Oops, I see I missed the do-gooder. I didn’t pay close enough attention to the rules.
    Do-gooder goes to Randy Witter who just retired. Randy has been a top lobbyist for decades. He never appeared to be a cynical partisan and was helpful to so many around the Capitol. Since he was here for 2021 he’s my pick for do-gooder

  58. - Santa’s Little Helper - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 9:51 pm:

    Best do-Gooder lobbyist: Khadeen Bennett ; she’s such an valuable asset to the ACLU

    Best In House Lobbyist: Adrienne Alexander, she’s phenomenal and extremely good at what she does.

    Bukola Bello: Best contract lobbyist: Very good job on her efforts with PNA repeal and her work on Midwives was top notch as well. She’s very multifaceted and a highly effective communicator.

  59. - Santa’s Little Helper - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 9:51 pm:

    Best do-Gooder lobbyist: Khadeen Bennett ; she’s such an valuable asset to the ACLU

    Best In House Lobbyist: Adrienne Alexander, she’s phenomenal and extremely good at what she does.

    Bukola Bello: Best contract lobbyist: Very good job on her efforts with PNA repeal and her work on Midwives was top notch as well. She’s very multifaceted and a highly effective communicator.

  60. - Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 11:38 pm:

    In House: Mark Denzler at the IMA. Professional, respected and in nearly every major issue including leading passage of the EV bill that included forging a compromise with labor. Leads the work comp effort - sued the Governor and then negotiated a compromise with labor. Can work with anybody.

    contract: Dave Sullivan. Again, someone who understands the need to compromise and work with all parties. The con amendment is a perfect example where he got numerous GOP votes on an issue that the GOP normally opposed.

    Do Gooder: Jack Darin. Calm and professional while well reasoned.

  61. - PoliticIL Scientist - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 9:53 am:

    In House: Litesa Wallace. She is everywhere for her cause, always engaging, and just a nice person. She definitely deserves to be mentioned here.

    Contract: Dave Lowitzki. Hard working, smart, and able to get things done. Always appreciate his willingness to listen and compromise. One of the best.

    Do Gooder: Josh Evans. Lots of work this year to move the needle on one of the state’s consent decrees. Hilarious wit and effective communicator.

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