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Question of the day: 2021 Golden Horseshoe Awards (Part 2)

Thursday, Dec 16, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The 2021 Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Senate Democrat is a tie. Sen. Elgie Sims

(H)e took the complicated issue of police reform and got it across the finish line and then kept working with all stakeholders to address their concerns. Add to his resume, his work on the Budget, which led to a credit upgrade and Redistricting, the guy is a force to be reckoned with.

And Sen. Rob Martwick

Sen. Martwick for the win with the CPS elected school board. Years in the making and with massive opposition from the mayor and even members of his own caucus he still muscled it through, rather impressive.

Honorable mention goes to Sen. Patrick Joyce

He stuck with Pembroke Township through thick and thin. He had a no-brainer bill that would help some of his poorest constituents, and the environmental lobby lost its mind. Joyce was patient, effective, and got it done. If it had been me, I would’ve filed bills to turn off natural gas in the district of every legislator who thought they knew best for his constituents. Instead, he kept his cool, worked the vote, and came away with a big win.

* The 2021 Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Senate Republican goes to Sen. Don DeWitte

(A) classy guy who represents the “just get it done and don’t embarrass us” attitude most of his constituents (of all political stripes) hold. His work with Sen. Villivalam on the Transportation Committee is a model for bipartisan collaboration.

Runner-up goes to Senate Republican Leader Dan McConchie

It’s not easy to be a leader in today’s Republican Party, but McConchie has admirably kept a lid on the intra-party craziness happening everywhere else. He had his first Eastern Bloc Senator to deal with this year, and he’s already on his way out. He dodged the far right’s ire without sacrificing his dignity or principles. That’s about all you can ask for these days.

Congratulations to all.

* On to our next categories…

Best Legislative Liaison

Best Statewide Staffer

As always, make sure to nominate in both categories and explain your nominations or they won’t count. Thanks!


  1. - Ok - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 12:11 pm:

    Will there be a separate horseshoe for Agency director?

  2. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 12:12 pm:


  3. - East of the Lake - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 12:29 pm:

    Staffer- Christian Mitchell took the lead on energy for the Governor and helped bring it across the finish line. He’s been huge for the Governor.

    Liaison- Shawn McGady at HFS. Everyone who knows him loves him. Been at HFS forever and has helped weather storm after storm. They’ve kept him around for a reason.

  4. - Blue Island Boy - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 12:40 pm:

    Liaison: Kevin Donahue is a lock here. He’s a dependable staffer who knows the tollway better than anyone else. You can not have a better representative than him under the Dome.

    Statewide Staffer: Not sure if he qualifies, but Mike Morthland. His role at IDFPR is huge, but he has demonstrated he can handle it with grace.

  5. - SaulGoodman - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 12:42 pm:

    Liaison: Laura Vaught - I don’t wish working at IDPH during a pandemic on anyone, and having to be the main point person with legislators during that time is basically impossible, but Laura has handled it wonderfully. She’s pleasant to work with and is somehow responsive even in the midst of the craziness.

    Staffer: Ramon Gardenhire - he has now left the Governor’s Office, but his work as policy director was excellent. He balanced his passions and beliefs of how to help people with a pragmatic streak of how to actually get things done. He (as did many in government) worked 70-80 hour weeks during the pandemic, and navigated all kinds of internal and external politics deftly, to both address the pandemic policy issues as well as oversee all of the other policy issues in the state.

  6. - Co- Conspirator - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 1:00 pm:

    Liaison : Brendan Kiley - responsive, professional, and even keeled.

    Statewide staffer: HW Devlin. Consistently a guy who picks up the phone and always tries to be helpful.

  7. - Chito - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 1:21 pm:

    Liaison: McGady @ HFS has the unenviable task of having to be navigate the Scylla and Charybdis of Legislature and HFS admin clown car. Not to mention all the lobbyists, goo-goo’s and associations begging to be heard. He’s given solid counsel to the last three directors, though they’ve not always listened. JB did right in keeping him at HFS and he deserves the horseshoe.

  8. - SAP - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 1:35 pm:

    Liaison: Richard Sgro at Department of Revenue. Know his agency inside and out. Works for an agency that is impacted by half the bills that get filed each year. Always takes (or returns) phone calls, which is shockingly uncommon at many agencies, are remains helpful, professional, and courteous.

    Statewide: Second H. Devlin. Helpful, thoughtful, and thorough.

  9. - The Real Captain - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 1:41 pm:

    Liaison: Michael Lane … continues to carry on at IDOC for like 20 years under 4 or 5 governors.

    Statewide: HW Devlin has been a staple around the dome since long before my time. He knows every inch of this state and he always will take your call.

  10. - Danny Federicci - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 2:55 pm:

    Liaison - Kevin Donahue at the Tollway. He’s on his 3rd Governor, 5th Executive Director, and numerous board members. He’s helped the agency through numerous hearings into the questionable activity leadership seems to get themselves into: he’s well informed, serious when needed, and usually always has a smile on his face.

    Statewide - HW with the SOS. Guy knows the operations of that office better than anybody. He’s always willing to listen and be help get things done.

  11. - Avocado Toast - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 3:02 pm:

    Liaison: This one will have to go to Laura Vaught at IDPH. She is intelligent, keeps her cool, and is extremely responsive.

    Staffer: 100% Sydney Holman. The Governor’s office lost a huge asset when she departed. She kept the legislative train moving. She handled complex issues with patience, grace, and incredible amounts of organization. The agencies, executive office, and state should be proud to have had her public service.

  12. - Roast Beef - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 3:14 pm:

    Staffer: I second Sydney Holman. She’s smart, hard working, and excelled at an extremely difficult job.

    Liaison: I also recommend Kevin Donahue at the Tollway Authority. Kevin is a calming presence in an otherwise chaotic time. He’s masterful with his maneuvering through the legislative process. When he testifies in committee, he leaves people mesmerized and inspired. Us tollway users are lucky to have a champion like Kevin Donahue working for that agency.

  13. - Who else - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 3:16 pm:

    Liaison- I imagine Richard Sgro at DOR flies under the radar for a lot of folks, but there’s been quite a bit of revenue and revenue adjacent action in the last year (really the last few years) and Richard is on it. He runs a tight shop and is responsive with lawmakers. He’s also a calming and level-headed presence.

    Statewide- I’ll join the HW crowd. You get the feeling he’s grateful for every day he finds himself in. I don’t think I’ve ever asked him a question he hasn’t gotten me an answer on, and he’s happy to do it.

  14. - Raegan - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 3:34 pm:

    Liaison - Richard Sgro of DOR. He know his department and is very responsive despite being apart of one of the busiest agencies.

    Staffer - Sydney Holman is intelligent and went above and beyond in her role. She demonstrated professionalism and grace while in the Governor’s office. Plus, she brought candid humor to meetings and discussions that brightened the environment.

  15. - The Opinions Bureau - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 3:53 pm:

    Staffer- It has to be Sydney Holman. Who else could have done that job with such grace? She was the always-open office door to the Pritzker administration for so, so many people.

    Liaison- The ISP Dream Team of John Thompson and Joe Hutchins. Two upstanding law enforcement officers who work every day to protect Illinoisans. They’re a credit to their agency and profession.

  16. - SlickRick - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 4:25 pm:

    Liaison - Samantha White with DNR. She knows how to navigate the legislative process and keeps everything well organized. Has an enormous amount of respect from everyone at the Agency.

    Staffer - H.W. Delvin. He’s incredibly helpful and knowledgeable about everything. Is an excellent asset

  17. - Not again - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 4:38 pm:

    Liaison. Wendy Butler at CMS. Many times my answer to problems for just about anything in government, as that describes the foot print of CMS, is “Call Wendy”. When you call Wendy, it’s done, no follow up needed, problem solved. Also very fashion forward.

    For statewide staffer. HW. How good is HW? So good that everyone knows who you are talking about when you say HW.

  18. - Mockery - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 4:44 pm:

    Liaison: Laura Vaught is probably one of the best legislative liaisons and has the patience of a saint. She’s the most responsive to member needs and those who are not members but deal with the many legislative issues that pop up. She’s the best.

    Statewide: HW Devlin should have his own award. He’s simply the best.

  19. - The Rambler - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 5:05 pm:

    Best Liaison- There is really no competition here. Ashley Wright at the AG. Police licensing was her project (It was an AG issue till it was folded into the SAF-T Act). She worked successfully in a time of crisis for police departments across the state (and nation) and had productive and cooperative engagement with the chiefs, sheriffs and unions to bring that supremely important reform home. Can you imagine the work and professionalism and leadership that required? Those meetings were often contentious….but I challenge you to find one, just one law enforcement officer engaged in that process that didn’t think she was tops. A respected and respectful leader that got one of the largest pieces of the SAFE-T Act across the line. A former staffer for Leader Durkin, Ashley has proven time and again,that no matter who she works for, she gets stuff done. She was quite something during this process. She’s the best of 2021. There is no question.

    Best Staffer- James Hartman counsel in the Office of the Speaker. The behind-the-curtain ringmaster of what can sometimes be the legislative circus. Take a look at the massive bills passed by the Black Caucus and the Dem majority. That becomes orders of magnitude more difficult if James is taken out of the equation. Part whip, part counselor, part critic. He’s really the best staffer in my opinion. If there was a 6th man award, he’d be THE lock for 2021.

  20. - Stan - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 7:04 pm:

    Liaison : Kevin Donahue at the Illinois Tollway. The mission of the Illinois Tollway to provide and promote a safe and efficient system of highways while ensuring the highest possible level of service to our customers. Kevin ensures that this mission is met by providing outstanding service and maintaining relationships through making sure he communicates with legislative bodies in timely and courteous manner. Kevin is was always upbeat and focused on making sure that the agency, communities, legislators, and most importantly it’s customers, are provided the best service possible.

    Statewide staffer: HW Devlin at SOS. Always helpful and kind to everybody. Very responsive and seems to really care about public service. SOS will be going through a change in the near future and I bet it will be a smooth transition because of staffers like HW who will make sure we don’t miss a beat and keep SOS heading in the right direction.

  21. - Tired - Thursday, Dec 16, 21 @ 10:35 pm:

    Liaison: No contest. Shawn McGady at HFS. Smart, kind, responsive no matter what side of the aisle you’re on. It’s a complex agency with a lot going on. His team and the agency are incredible on constituent issues as well.

    Staffer: Though she’s moved on, Sydney Holman. Another kind, responsive, incredibly hard working human who navigated a lot of tough issues.

  22. - andjusticeforall - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 6:01 am:

    Liason: John Thompson - ISP. The consummate professional undeterred by the rampant ideology that plagues his profession. He has a calm and measured approach, even when dealing with legislators who are convinced they know more than him. The ISP is the most successful LE advocacy organization because he knows how to get wins, and how to take losses without making enemies.
    Statewide Staffer: HW Devlin should get a lifetime achievement award. He possesses unending knowledge and has access to all of the things you cannot find anywhere else, giving him the quality that is singularly most valuable in a staffer: He is essential.

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