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Bailey makes his pitch to Ken Griffin

Friday, Dec 17, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Darren Bailey does a Facebook Live broadcast just about every morning. From today’s

I’ve just got to one word of wisdom to the people out there who who, you know, the names that are being mentioned, Mr. Griffin and others: You guys are smart. You’ve worked hard for your money. You’ve got common sense. And I know you know all about taking risks. And I’m here to tell you that I’m a farmer. I won’t give up. I’m a hard worker. I have common sense. I’ve been the only one standing up for the state of Illinois and the people there and our friends in Chicago are realizing the same thing. So I hope you don’t waste your money and you put it to good work and that would only obviously be behind me.

So how’s that for a sales pitch because I know you’re watching.

I think he said that knowing he had no chance of success, but to make sure his followers knew he’d at least tried.

Let’s move along to a coverage roundup.

* Subscribers know more, but here’s Politico

The head of a dark money group that helped defeat last year’s graduated income tax measure is behind a campaign to elect a Republican candidate to run against Gov. JB Pritzker in 2022. And the money behind the effort will come from billionaire Ken Griffin.

Mike Zolnierowicz, who was former Gov. Bruce Rauner’s first chief of staff, is working the levers of this operation, according to two Playbook sources. The former governor, however, is not involved. Zolnierowicz, or Mike Z, did not return a request for comment.

Interviews with potential candidates have been held in secrecy with Zolnierowicz. Word got out, however, that there’s interest in Aurora Mayor Richard Irvin to run for governor and state Rep. Avery Bourne to join the ticket as lieutenant governor. Neither returned requests for comment.

It’s part of a plan for Griffin to bankroll a slate of GOP candidates, reports Lee Enterprises’ Brenden Moore.

* From Brenden Moore’s story

A source familiar confirmed that Irvin is among multiple candidates being considered for the top of the ticket, but no final decisions have been made.

Griffin, who is Illinois’ wealthiest person, denied that he has settled on a specific gubernatorial candidate to take on Pritzker, whom he has pledged to go “all in” to defeat next year.

“We have real problems in Illinois with violence, corruption and profligate spending and I look forward to supporting candidates — be it Republican or Democrat — who will address these issues that plague our state,” Griffin said in a statement.

A source close to Griffin said that “the field for next year’s election hasn’t fully formed yet and Ken hasn’t made a decision” and reiterated that “there is also no spending number as there is no candidate.”

* Pearson at the Tribune

Besides Irvin, who was elected as Aurora’s first Black mayor in 2017, the tentative ticket also includes state Rep. Avery Bourne as lieutenant governor. Bourne, 29, a three-term lawmaker from Downstate Morrisonville, is widely viewed as a future star in the party. […]

But some Republicans are questioning the strategy of a Griffin-backed slate being pushed through a cash-hungry state GOP.

“These Griffin people behind the curtain, we don’t know. Is it like the Wizard of Oz?” said one prominent Republican who asked not to be identified because he didn’t want to anger Griffin.

“I’m not saying they don’t have any credibility, but it’s a little bold to say to the Republican State Central Committee, ‘OK boys and girls, line up. This is what we’re going to do,’“ the source said.

The Republican said he also didn’t see the existing candidates for governor dropping out of the race, opening the door to further divisions within the state GOP.

It isn’t really all that bold. The state party has no money, no real organizational ability and little credibility with Republicans on the ground. They’ll do what they’re told. And the division already exists. That’s what open primaries do.

* Rachel Hinton at the Sun-Times

Irvin was raised by a single mother in Aurora’s public housing, according to a bio on the city’s website. The East Aurora High School grad enlisted in the Army and served in Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm.

He was also an assistant state’s attorney in the office of the Cook County State’s Attorney and a prosecutor in the Kane County State’s Attorney’s Office.

Should he decide to enter the Republican gubernatorial field he’ll likely be made to answer for his voting history.

His voting record shows he’s pulled Democratic ballots for the 2014, 2016 and 2020 primaries, according to Kane County officials. Irvin requested a Republican ballot in 2018 when then-Gov. Bruce Rauner was facing a challenge from then-state Rep. Jeanne Ives.

* Natalie Edelstein at the Pritzker campaign…

Ken Griffin’s insistence on bringing Bruce Rauner’s failed style of leadership back to the governor’s office is a disservice to working families everywhere. Mr. Griffin has been transparent about his desire to install someone in Springfield that will do his bidding, and this latest announcement is further proof that Ken will stop at nothing to push his pawns in this radical, out of touch game of GOP chess.

Governor Pritzker is focused on putting working families first and will always have their backs, no matter what.


  1. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 10:23 am:

    It is fun that Bailey appealing to a billionaire to beat a billionaire is helping the common folk.

    That’s fun.

  2. - Dotnonymous - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 10:30 am:

    I seem to have missed the word of wisdom…somehow.

  3. - Arsenal - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 10:32 am:

    Reading- no, “guessing”- between the lines, it kinda seems like Griffin’s folks are working to turn Irvin’s October No into a Yes. I wouldn’t think that the reactions yesterday really helped that goal, but it’s pretty well documented that I don’t think much like a Republican.

    Then again, it’s pretty well documented that Irvin doesn’t, either, lol.

  4. - Anchors Away - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 10:34 am:

    The spectacle of Republicans begging for help from a billionaire with a long list of personal baggage is not how I would want to launch the GOP’s chances in a statewide election in Illinois. Whoever King Ken selects will have to begin their campaign answering questions about how much of his bidding they will do - as opposed to what they will do for the people of Illinois. Yes there will be money - but you need more than money to win here. And this is sad from a party with a once proud tradition in Illinois.

  5. - Swallow Pride - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 10:35 am:

    If the GOP will let Mike Z, with Griffin’s money, try to win the Governor’s office, he will not rest until it’s done.

  6. - northernwatersports - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 10:37 am:

    I say let Ken bring his money game… doesn’t always help if you field damaged candidates, or those without an effective local/district message.
    Winning campaigns are about the future…what will you do to help me, the little people….
    Rauner had lots of his own money but his lack of future vision, lack of interpersonal negotiation skills and complete lack of empathy left him a damaged, ineffective Gov and ultimately long term damage to the State.
    Ken should have the courage to put his own name on the ballot, open himself to public review, scrutiny and judgement of the voters. Let him put his money where his own reputation is on the line. I suggest he doesn’t because he knows he can’t compete.

  7. - Arsenal - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 10:37 am:

    ==Whoever King Ken selects will have to begin their campaign answering questions about how much of his bidding they will do - as opposed to what they will do for the people of Illinois.==

    It’s definitely a problem that the first thing anyone will know about these candidates is that they’re hand-picked by the Cabal. Money can absolve a lot of sins, but still, it’s not how you want to announce your candidacy.

  8. - Rich Miller - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 10:39 am:

    ===will have to begin their campaign answering questions about how much of his bidding they will do ===

    Maybe. But the attacks using Madigan didn’t really work until the public knew who Madigan was.

    Does anybody really know who Griffin is?

  9. - fs - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 10:39 am:

    == If the GOP will let Mike Z, with Griffin’s money, try to win the Governor’s office, he will not rest until it’s done.==

    It’s still going to be a long shot, but he’s undoubtedly the best on that side of the aisle, and has proven it for at least a decade’s worth of campaigns.

  10. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 10:40 am:

    It is fun Ken won’t run… but has all these folks running to do what he wants.

    It’s fun.

  11. - Henry Francis - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 10:41 am:

    He clearly knows how to pitch to elite urban billionaires when the first thing he says about himself is “I am here to tell you I am a farmer.”

  12. - Dotnonymous - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 10:42 am:

    Bloomberg Syndrome…money down the drain…in vain.

  13. - Anchors Away - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 10:43 am:

    “Does anybody really know who Griffin is?”

    Nope. But I suspect they most definitely will by the time this campaign is over. And my guess is he won’t handle being in the spotlight very well.

  14. - Lucky Pierre - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 10:43 am:

    Can’t wait to see the Democrats ads complaining about a billionaire with a long list of personal baggage funding a campaign for Governor.

  15. - OneMan - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 10:43 am:

    == “I’m not saying they don’t have any credibility, but it’s a little bold to say to the Republican State Central Committee, ‘OK boys and girls, line up. This is what we’re going to do,’“ the source said. ===

    There is an episode of The Critic (it was an animated series on Fox) where the main character is insulted and fired and his billionaire boss wants him back.

    His boss hands him a check

    “You think there is a price to pay me off and make me forget about my pride”

    Looks at the check he is handed

    “To the penny”

    I think that is the position that the Illinois GOP is in

  16. - Roman - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 10:45 am:

    It’s a perfectly logical general election plan by the Griffinites…and they certainly have the right quarterback in Mike Z.

    But a low turn-out June primary looms. Can they persuade enough rank-and-file conservatives to vote strategically in a Republican primary? True believers tend to vote with their hearts not their minds. I’m not sure all the money in the world changes that, but a field of multiple conservative candidates splitting the far right creates an opening.

  17. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 10:45 am:

    I’m waiting to hear back from - Annonin’ - about buying that radio station…

    … this is the time to make that move.

  18. - Sir Reel - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 10:45 am:

    Bailey’s 1st sentence is a mess. Kinda reminds me of another Republican who’s speaking and writing leaves a lot to be desired.

  19. - Pundent - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 10:46 am:

    At least with Rauner he could legitimately claim that he was his own man with his own wealth. Certainly Ken Griffin’s money helped but it didn’t necessarily cast a shadow over Rauner’s own accomplishments.

    In this go around it’s looking more and more like the candidate will be Ken Griffin’s employee. And maybe that’s because there aren’t many, if any, millionaires out there willing to stake their reputation on this. I mean Rauner did come out battered on the other side and despite his efforts couldn’t give the nomination away.

  20. - Ducky LaMoore - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 10:48 am:

    I’m embarrassed for the GOP that Bruce’s buds are their best option for success. This is essentially giving JB a chance to run against the former Rauner administration. It will be Blagojevich Topinka all over again. Can Bruce dance the polka?

  21. - Steve Rogers - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 10:48 am:

    The “I’m just a farmer, standing in front of a billionaire, asking him to love me” is a little funny.

    Especially since the socialist Bailey gets millions of dollars in government farm subsidies.

  22. - Lester Holt’s Mustache - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 10:50 am:

    == If the GOP will let Mike Z, with Griffin’s money, try to win the Governor’s office==

    Not to belittle Mike Z’s abilities (he’s very good at this stuff), but a lot of this speculation assumes that the state GOP is similar to the GOP that got Rauner elected in 2014. I might be biased from living downstate, but gop primary voters seem to be far more to the militant about candidates than they were 7 years ago. Even with Griff’s cash and Mike Z’s skills, I don’t think they’re going to be able to force a squishy moderate like Irvin on the base anymore.

  23. - Arsenal - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 10:51 am:

    ==Maybe. But the attacks using Madigan didn’t really work until the public knew who Madigan was.==

    I’d argue that even then it only had limited success, in fact.

  24. - Chuck Button - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 10:54 am:

    Ducky nailed it. Even Avery Bourne - now married to a Rauner spokesman. The stain of Bruce Rauner will be hard to wash off many Illinois GOP’s most talented operatives.

  25. - Arsenal - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 10:56 am:

    == But I suspect they most definitely will by the time this campaign is over.==

    Probably, although judging by the response from Pritzker’s comms team, I think they’re gonna lean more toward Rauner than Griffin. Which is smarter, tho I’m always dubious about running against someone not actually on the ballot, unless that person is the sitting POTUS.

  26. - supplied_demand - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 10:57 am:

    Shootings were up 40% in Aurora in 2020. Does anyone have numbers for this year? So much for crime as R’s biggest opportunity.


  27. - Ryan - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 10:58 am:

    I’m not clear, are the days slipping by? Is hard work 2.1 million in farm subsidies? 2.1 million has built Darren a pretty nice house….

  28. - Ron Burgundy - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 10:59 am:

    “I am here to tell you I am a [big government-subsidized] farmer.”

  29. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 10:59 am:

    To the Avery Bourne bit…

    The field was all but cleared for her to stay in the House. If she chooses to be the LG Candidate, at 29, and abandon a seat set up for her to continue to serve, that would be a ridiculous career choice.

    If being elected is important to her, being outside, maybe, at 30, new map, lots to give up, limited upside

  30. - Cool Papa Bell - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 11:00 am:

    The nugget of Avery Bourne running with Irvin as Lt. Gov has me intrigued. She’s a bonified conservative Republican. It also fills in a gap when I was told by someone who’s always been close to her a week or so ago that the “field isn’t set”.

  31. - Jocko - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 11:03 am:

    ==Does anybody really know who Griffin is?==

    Judging by his 10/4 speech to the Economic Club of Chicago, Ken comes across as Rauner 2.0

  32. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 11:05 am:

    Bourne puts abortion front and center if things change with the Mississippi case being ruled on by summer.

  33. - Cheryl44 - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 11:05 am:

    If Darren had any common sense, he’d wear a mask.

  34. - fs - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 11:06 am:

    The only people who actually care about who the “operatives” are, are political junkies like us who read blogs like this (no offense intended, Rich). They also remember, or at least should remember, how Rauner decided to “part ways” with those operatives. I just have to laugh trying to think that Rauner’s opinion means much at all anymore to that crew. And it rightfully shouldn’t.

  35. - 47th Ward - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 11:07 am:

    Bailey’s pitch reminded me of that time Bruce Rauner asked Rich to post a thread for us to ask Rauner questions tell him what was on our minds. Supposedly Rauner was willing to read all of this.

    So naturally, I asked him to please give me $1 million. I expect Bailey is going to be as disappointed with Griffin as I was with Rauner.

    It can’t hurt to ask, right?

  36. - Ron Burgundy - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 11:12 am:

    -he’s pulled Democratic ballots for the 2014, 2016 and 2020 primaries-

    So he didn’t support Trump at either opportunity in an IL primary? Good luck selling that to today’s GOP voter.

  37. - City Zen - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 11:18 am:

    Shades of Shelley Levene from Glengarry Glen Ross.

  38. - Grandson of Man - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 11:24 am:

    If Bailey is snubbed by Griffin, which is pretty likely, that would be ammo for him and the base against a more moderate candidate, especially one who repeatedly voted for the Democrat Party.

  39. - hisgirlfriday - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 11:29 am:

    JB isn’t the best contrast but somehow Dems need to make Ken Griffin the story the same way the GOP effectively used MJM as an albatross around Kilbride last cycle

    I want to see hits on the Versailles wedding, his comments on the rich have too little influence in politics, the RobinHood/GameStop stuff. all of it.

  40. - Furtive Look - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 11:29 am:

    Avery is the shining light of the radical right. She’ll be front and center because that’s where she thinks she belongs.

  41. - Arsenal - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 11:39 am:

    ==Shootings were up 40% in Aurora in 2020. Does anyone have numbers for this year? So much for crime as R’s biggest opportunity.==

    A big question with Irving is what he would run on. If he runs on things Griffin wants, he gets very easy to attack. If he doesn’t, then why the heck is he running?

    Crime is a potential sweet spot issue, but it looks like his record on it might not be great.

  42. - Lord of the Fries - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 11:39 am:

    I understand interviewing Richard Irvin but how can they possibly think he can navigate a Republican Primary. Even with all that $$$ behind him that seems unlikely. There has to be a better candidate out there that can appeal to the base in the primary and the moderate/independents in the general, there has to be.

  43. - JS Mill - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 11:39 am:

    =Does anybody really know who Griffin is?=

    No. That we here know is definitely not indicative of the average voter. I do not see the name as particularly relevant in a campaign either. But what is relevant is that the GOP candidates lose the ability to paint Bailey as a wealthy elite without tying themselves to the same tree. Bailey has already, most likely unknowingly, done damage to his every-man/socialist-farmer platform by begging for Griffies money. I cannot see how that does not show up in an ad somewhere. It will have no impact on his fanatical base but could impact undecideds.

    Irvin does not strike me as someone that will go hat in hand to Griffin. I don’t know a ton about him, but it is just an impression. Does anyone see him as a party puppet that will go with their chosen/anointed LG candidate like Bourne?

    Again, I don’t know a ton about Irvin but it would seem his best chance to win the general is to go with a running mate more like him versus a Raunerite candidate like Bourne. Money is a big deal, but maybe he can find another source. Problem is, winning the primary first.

  44. - Rich Miller - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 11:41 am:

    ===appeal to the base in the primary and the moderate/independents in the general===

    Name one.

  45. - Annonin' - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 11:46 am:

    Mr. OW I am pretty sure you do know how to find us. Capt. Fax usually can.

    Meanwhile one must wonder to see what the public mood might be to a slate of Griffie Stooges and their clown car unloading out the Board of Elections of Day 1 of filing. Rolling out a pro Choice/Dem primary voter as a “leaK” could be viewed that way. The Team must also wonder how they deal with their Trump ties heading towards Nov. 22.
    Happy holidays to all

  46. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 11:46 am:

    === ===appeal to the base in the primary and the moderate/independents in the general===

    Name one.==

    Tough sledding. Irvin is a best case, but the goal is to win, not best case… so… Griffin wants a slate? Fine.

    Maybe a real thing is understanding that SoS and Treasurer are ripe, build upon those wins, control some patronage and have a “statewide money office” to make hay and press forward.

    Win elections. Build a party.

    The rest is folks like Bailey or “Sully” sinking the party further away from being buoyed.

  47. - Arsenal - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 11:46 am:

    ==Name one. ==

    I think Davis or LaHood could’ve threaded the needle somewhat. Still would’ve put them as underdogs in the General, but they could win a primary with less trouble than Irvin, and not humiliate the Republicans in the GE like Bailey.

  48. - JS Mill - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 12:11 pm:

    =I think Davis or LaHood could’ve threaded the needle somewhat.=

    Not LaHood. He is comfy where he is at because of family name and no real need to campaign. If he ever had to go toe-to-toe with an able opponent in a primary or general he would get crushed. He is an intellectual lightweight only capable of parroting talking [points there is zero depth to this man.

    =Can’t wait to see the Democrats ads complaining about a billionaire with a long list of personal baggage funding a campaign for Governor.=

    Your wait is almost over. But your hypocrisy remains intact. Rauner was a rich guy too.

  49. - 48th Ward Heel - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 12:18 pm:

    Irvin’s best primary strategy is probably baiting Bailey into making a bunch of far-right and/or anti-Chicagoland comments, begging suburban moderates to “Save the Republican Party in Illinois, vote for a serious candidate,” and then drowning him in a wave of crossover voters. If that sounds like an insane longshot, well…

    In addition to the murder rate, Aurora also lost nearly 10 percent of its population over the last decade and soon might be down to Illinois’ third largest city. This is in a census cycle where Chicago managed to eke out population growth despite all the doomsaying and bizarrely inaccurate forecasts.

  50. - Lurker - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 12:19 pm:

    Exactly right LP. This post after post complaining that a billionaire may back a candidate against a billionaire already governor, is beyond comical. Especially when you look at the former stomped the latter when it came to the vote increasing taxes.

  51. - Arsenal - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 12:20 pm:

    ==Can’t wait to see the Democrats ads complaining about a billionaire with a long list of personal baggage funding a campaign for Governor. ==

    The abyss gazes also, my friend. It’s going to be hard for Republicans to attack JB for his wealth if they’re completely dependent on Griffin’s checkbook.

  52. - Techie - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 12:20 pm:

    I have a hard time believing Irvin would do well in the governor’s race, regardless of which party he wanted to run under.

  53. - Rich Miller - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 12:23 pm:

    ===drowning him in a wave of crossover voters===

    This doesn’t happen in the real world.

  54. - walker - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 12:27 pm:

    “”The abyss gazes also, my friend.”"

    On target, Fire for Effect

  55. - Rich Miller - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 12:28 pm:

    Techie, saying something like that without explanation is pretty troubling.

  56. - Anon221 - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 12:31 pm:

    “…our friends in Chicago…”

    After all of Bailey’s attacks on Chicago and efforts to form a 51st State, who are these “friends” he implies he and Griffin share??? How many in Chicago backed that “friendly fire” resolution that Bailey has back-peddled on since??? I have a feeling that those “friends” are as fictional as the old woman who talked to Rauner.

  57. - Immigrants Welcome - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 12:35 pm:

    Who did Irvin vote for in the 2016 Democratic primary, Hillary or Bernie?

  58. - JS Mill - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 12:39 pm:

    =Exactly right LP. This post after post complaining that a billionaire may back a candidate against a billionaire already governor, is beyond comical.=

    Amazing is the ability to leave out the full history. You may recall the GOP upset that Pritzker was “buying” the Democratic party after Rauner bought he ILGOP.

    That is where this hilarity began.

  59. - Arsenal - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 12:42 pm:

    == This post after post complaining that a billionaire may back a candidate against a billionaire already governor, is beyond comical. ==

    Why? Disliking Ken Griffin doesn’t mean you love JB Pritzker. Both can be bad. Both can be awesome. Either one can be bad in one respect but make up for it another. The accusation of hypocrisy only works if you assume that the only people who could possibly criticize Ken Griffin are Pritzker partisans, and while that type of paranoid thinking is unfortunately common among a certain loud kind of Republican, it’s not necessarily true.

    It’s also probably worth noting that “Oh man, JB Pritzker can’t criticize anyone else for being rich and spending freely to win the office”…did not slow him down very much in 2018.

  60. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 12:45 pm:

    ===I am pretty sure you do know how to find us. Capt. Fax usually can.===

    In the new year, and my best to you, and to yours, happy holidays.


    To Irvin’s “troubling” primary voting,

    So much of the politics here with “GriffinMoney” and understanding the new (newer?) dynamic of what the Republican Party is, was, “is-ing” if that’s a word, the mistake made is thinking Griffin wants a GOP party of any sort. That is not a slam or a dig, Griffin himself stated he wanted his candidates, “Republican or Democrat” that can fulfill his vision to what Illinois should be.

    The trick now is finding a way to make Irvin fit this new (newer?) GOP dynamic while being all Griffin sees. Democratic primary voting notwithstanding.

    If you keep in mind it’s Griffin’s vision of “a” party, not a vision of a Republican Party (now, past, or ever) Irvin kinda fits it to a tee.

  61. - Arsenal - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 12:48 pm:

    ==Irvin does not strike me as someone that will go hat in hand to Griffin.==

    Maybe he won’t beg for the money, but remember that he already said No to a run for Governor, and it’s pretty natural to infer that he’s only thinking about changing his mind because of Griffin’s money. I think that’s still tied to the wealthy elite with a pretty tight knot.

  62. - Rich Miller - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 12:49 pm:

    ===natural to infer that he’s only thinking about changing his mind because of Griffin’s money===

    The money was on the table before. What changed was Virginia.

  63. - low level - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 12:54 pm:

    == our friends in Chicago are realizing the same thing.== Bailey.

    Thats why you wanted to split Illinois up and secede from Chicago, right Senator?

  64. - Arsenal - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 12:55 pm:

    ==The money was on the table before. What changed was Virginia. ==

    Even still, you take the money, the knot is tied.

  65. - Senator Clay Davis - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 1:10 pm:

    ==there’s interest in Aurora Mayor Richard Irvin to run for governor and state Rep. Avery Bourne to join the ticket as lieutenant governor.==

    There’s a pretty gross element of tokenism about a white billionaire picking a black man and a young white woman to run for Governor on his dime. Just sick and sad.

  66. - Ste_with_a_v_en - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 1:22 pm:

    Listening to Proft say this would be a waste of money this morning made me laugh. Irony on many levels.

  67. - low level - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 1:24 pm:

    == There’s a pretty gross element of tokenism ==

    I’d heard all the rumors about how she really isnt that intelligent, but I didnt realize the extent of it until the redistricting debates when she claimed that if a district lost population, that it would become smaller.

    Um, no, Representative. If a district loses population, it must become larger to make up for the shortfall.

    I realize that the office of Lt Gov is basically powerless but it seems to me that someone that does not understand the above is not someone we want as a heartbeat away from the 2nd floor.

  68. - Techie - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 1:33 pm:

    @Rich Miller “Techie, saying something like that without explanation is pretty troubling.”

    I thought it was fairly obvious, but I will elaborate.

    As a Democrat: You’re going to try to run against Pritzker, who Democrats by and large are happy with. How is that going to work? How would any candidate hope to win the party nomination when the sitting governor is well-regarded? There would have to be some major policy flaw of Pritzker’s where Irvin has an opposing view/plan, and I don’t see anything of the sort.

    As a Republican: How on Earth could someone construe Irvin as being suitable for today’s Republican Party? All one has to do is look at the treatment Sullivan is getting for his record of pulling Democratic ballots to see how well that would go for Irvin. And what policy positions would put Irvin in the Republican camp? Would Trump voters support Irvin?

    Hence why I see no avenue by which Irvin could succeed.

  69. - low level - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 1:41 pm:

    == This post after post complaining that a billionaire may back a candidate against a billionaire already governor, is beyond comical==

    LOL. I thought Repubs were for self made billionaires and against “handouts”? Not when it comes to $300,000,000 to prop a guy up I suppose.

  70. - Primate - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 1:58 pm:

    Looks like the Rauner boyz found there hitch to tie onto. Representative Bourne has proven to be an effective legislator and I respect her work. Nonetheless, let’s not forget the Raunerites, along with all of their baggage, who paved the way for her appointment. Their fingerprints are all over the Griffin effort. I assume Mr. Griffin and his team will see them for what they are - Political Locusts.

  71. - Rich Miller - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 2:00 pm:

    ===assume Mr. Griffin and his team ===


    You’re not gonna love it when you find out who his “team” is.

  72. - 100 miles west - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 2:21 pm:

    A more general question, is it possible for a pro-life conservative to win statewide in Illinois? Were Peter Fitzgerald and Jim Ryan the last ones in 1998? George Ryan ended up running to the left of Poshard on a lot of issues. Even with the money, is it possible?

  73. - Arsenal - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 2:46 pm:

    ==A more general question, is it possible for a pro-life conservative to win statewide in Illinois?==

    Possible, sure. But it’s got a very high degree of difficulty.

    You’d basically need abortion to be an ultra-low salience issue that year and a major handicap for the pro-choice liberal running against them. I’m not sure that’s enough, but it’d be the starting point.

  74. - Pundent - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 3:03 pm:

    Griffin doesn’t seem to have much interest in party building which in the long term is far more destructive to the ILGOP. He’s like the player in Monopoly who buys up Boardwalk and Park Place puts up his hotels but ultimately loses the game when people keep landing elsewhere. Griffin and Rauner left the ILGOP even more hopelessly adrift which I didn’t think was even possible. Could things be different this time? Maybe, but I wouldn’t count on it.

  75. - Pundent - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 3:08 pm:

    =Were Peter Fitzgerald and Jim Ryan the last ones in 1998? =

    The way you would dance around this historically is say that you were pro-life by Roe v. Wade was the law of the land and nothing you did, particularly at the state level, could change that. But then Texas (and maybe Mississippi)happened.

  76. - I'm so old - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 3:13 pm:

    …that I remember when voters chose party nominees in primaries. I know - it’s quaint, right, almost like landline phones.

  77. - Da Professa - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 3:15 pm:

    Darren sounds like Max Yasgur.

  78. - Rich Miller - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 3:17 pm:

    ===voters chose party nominees in primaries. I know - it’s quaint===

    They still do. The Republicans have always had two pre-primaries: Money and endorsements.

  79. - Primate - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 3:21 pm:

    I know who the Rauner team is and I do love it. For many reasons. I should have been clearer… so please let me alter the wording. ‘I assume Mr. Griffin and his inner circle will see the Rauner Boyz for what they are - Political Locusts.’ Sorry.

  80. - Da big bad wolf - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 3:25 pm:

    === Shootings were up 40% in Aurora in 2020. Does anyone have numbers for this year? So much for crime as R’s biggest opportunity.===
    Irvin’s the mayor, not Harry F. N. Potter, Dear.

  81. - Primate - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 3:29 pm:

    Pretty sure they will land the endorsement of the Former President of the County Chairman’s Association just like Congressman Davis. Same people same patterns.

  82. - DePaul 97 - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 3:52 pm:

    Who are the “consultants” that are giving such terrible advice to Ken Griffin that would even consider a disaster like Irvin?

  83. - JS Mill - Friday, Dec 17, 21 @ 4:05 pm:

    The begging for Griffies money reminds me of the episode on The Office when Darryl and Toby have to perform various humiliating tasks to get Kevins girl scout cookie order.

    I am just waiting for Bailey to start singing “Hello My Baby”.

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