* Press release…
Tomorrow morning, State Rep. Delia Ramirez will launch her historic bid to be the first Latina Congresswoman in the Midwest running to represent Illinois’ 3rd Congressional District. Rep. Ramirez currently serves the 4th house district in the Illinois General Assembly, a position she’s held since 2018. In the legislature, she successfully passed legislation expanding affordable housing, Medicaid coverage to senior citizens regardless of immigration status, and the creation of an elected school board in the City of Chicago. She now serves as Assistant Majority Leader and is running for Congress to elevate her working people’s agenda in Washington.
“I am running for Congress because the people of the new 3rd congressional district deserve a Congresswoman that is rooted in our communities and ready to champion working families in Washington. I plan to bring the neighborhood first agenda I delivered on in the General Assembly to Congress. I have a proven track record of building strong and diverse coalitions and this campaign will reflect the people and priorities of the communities in the 3rd district. As I have done in the state legislature, in Congress I will fight for legislative and policy changes to make sure every community in my district and beyond have a thriving and empowered local economy, health care for all, accessible and affordable housing, and high-quality public education from pre-k to college.” said Leader Ramirez.
“In a time where our families are struggling to recover from the pandemic, and we have attacks on people of color, women’s rights, and our voting rights, we need someone who is not afraid to take on these difficult fights on behalf of our communities. I am confident that I am the candidate uniquely qualified to do this because I have spent my entire career fighting these fights. I will bring this unique perspective to the halls of Congress and will work harder than anyone to get results for our communities, just as I have in Springfield.”
Senator Omar Aquino, Delia’s partner in the Senate is a key member of her team and will announce her official candidacy and his endorsement at a launch event Wednesday evening. Sen. Aquino notes “During our time at the state legislature, Delia has been a trusted collaborator and fighter for our communities. She shares my deep commitments to progressive values, building power for working families, and growing Latino representation. I am proud to endorse such a trusted partner to represent our communities as the first Latina congresswoman in the Midwest.”
Leader Ramirez will host listening sessions throughout the 3rd district in Portage Park, West Chicago, Addison, and Humboldt Park. She will join her supporters and announce her candidacy at a kick-off celebration in Avondale tomorrow night.
Senator Karina Villa, from West Chicago will help lead a conversation with community leaders and seniors tomorrow as part of Rep. Ramirez’s listening tour. She says “I strongly endorse Rep. Delia Ramirez for Congresswomen in the Illinois 3rd district. We’ve worked together in Springfield, and she’s proven she is a legislator who gets results. Delia will work to build consensus and is the best person to balance the interests of all constituents and fiercely represent our suburban community. Delia will listen, lead and deliver on her campaign promises. I know she will work tirelessly to build a better government that works for all of us.”
Delia Ramirez is endorsed by: Senators Omar Aquino, Karina Villa, Cristina Pacione-Zayas, Robert Peters, Representatives Will Guzzardi, Kelly Cassidy, Lindsey LaPointe, Kam Buckner, Maura Hirshauer, Anna Moeller, Deb Conroy, Lakesia Collins, Theresa Mah, Robyn Gabel, Mark Walker, Nick Smith, Kelly Cassidy, Carol Ammons, Lamont Robinson, Alderpersons Carlos Ramirez-Rosa, Rossana Rodriguez-Sanchez, Maria Hadden, Daniel LaSpata, Byron Sigcho-Lopez, Jeanette B. Taylor, Andre Vasquez, Mayor of Evanston Daniel Biss, County Commissioner Brandon Johnson, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Commissioner Josina Morita, Commiteeperson Anthony Quezada, Triton School Board Member Norma Hernandez, and The Honorable Barbara Flynn Currie.
[The endorsement list has been updated to include Rep. Dagmara Avelar, who was unintentionally left off the original list.]
* Jake Griffin…
State health officials today reported 3,029 COVID-19 patients were being treated in hospitals throughout Illinois.
That’s up 187 patients from the day before and the largest single-day surge in patients since November of 2020, according to Illinois Department of Public Health records.
Of those hospitalized, 610 are in intensive care.
IDPH officials also reported another 78 COVID-19 deaths, while 7,068 new cases were diagnosed.
That’s the highest single-day death toll from the virus since Feb. 11.
* Our commenter Candy DoGood summed this task up best…
Given all of the challenges that have been faced by staff throughout I think all of the legislative assistants/district office managers deserve a shout out. 2020 was a tough year and 2021 has also been a tough year and part of their job involves keeping some of the challenges they’ve faced or that they’ve helped others face to themselves.
They all most certainly deserve praise. What crazy times to have to do what they do.
* With that in mind, the 2021 Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Legislative Assistant/District Office Manager - House Democrats goes to Mika Baugher…
Mika Baugher has been spectacular in the Speaker’s Office, She has most definitely kept the trains coming on time. We all know how Energetic the Speaker can be. Mika has kept him grounded and always on target in terms of meetings and the like. She is most deserving of this award.
Mika was the crowd favorite. She’s awesome. Honorable mention goes to Lea Negron.
* The 2021 Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Legislative Assistant/District Office Manager - House Republicans goes to Cheri Hermes…
Cheri does all the normal stuff so well but in addition brings some fun and flavor to the capitol with many skills that aren’t easily seen by the public.
She deftly handles putting up with certain lobbyists who think they have dibs on the chair by her desk on a daily basis. She always keeps the office stocked with supplies you didn’t even know you needed till 9pm on a session night rolls around. She has an unnatural ability to know just about everyone in the greater Sangamon County area and can quickly secure anything from seamstress services to after-hours restaurant delivers in mere moments. She also can trim your hair if you are a bit shaggy.
Another awesome person. Didn’t know about the haircuts, though. Hmm.
* On to today’s categories…
Best Legislative Assistant/District Office Manager - Senate Democrats
Best Legislative Assistant/District Office Manager - Senate Republicans
As always, make sure to explain your nominations and do your very best to nominate in both categories. Thanks.
* I hadn’t heard of this until Abdon Pallasch called me to point it out. National Illinois Day?…
House Majority Leader Greg Harris has a daily Facebook post telling us the weird national days (National Microwave Day was yesterday, for example), but even he hasn’t posted about it. I feel almost superior right now.
* People and groups are using the “holiday” to publicize various events and milestones, like banning foam…
[Earlier tweet has been removed.]
* Any angle will do…
* These folks made a video…
* Origin claim…
In 2017, National Day Calendar® began celebrating each state in the order they entered the union starting the week of Independence Day and ending with Hawaii. We highlight a small part of each states’ history, foods and the people who make up the state. Many states have their own state celebrations, and National Day Calendar’s observances in no way replace them.
…Adding… Abdon’s boss…
Campaign stuff
Tuesday, Dec 7, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller
* McHenry County Blog…
From Kane County Circuit Court Judge John Noverini comes this announcement of his candidacy for the Republican nomination for Supreme Court Justice.
Noverini served on the Kane County Board as a Republican from Dundee Township. He served as Chairman of the Dundee Township Republican Central Committee. Then, to the surprise of pretty much everybody, Noverini ran for Judge as a Democrat.
That was thirteen years ago.
I’m told Noverini attempted to get Democratic Party support, but was rebuffed. So, he switched back to the GOP.
* Keep in mind that Martinez is backing Kari Steele over Assessor Fritz Kaegi and Carmen Navarro Gercone over Sheriff Tom Dart…
The Cook County Democratic Party is demanding that candidates slated next week for the upcoming primary sign an “agreement, promise and pledge” that they won’t endorse anyone who is not backed by the party.
“We want to show that the slate is a team. We are stronger together in that regard,” Jacob Kaplan, executive director of Cook County Dems, said in an interview.
The new party directive made in an executive committee meeting without discussion from the 80 committee persons that make up the party leadership is drawing criticism.
“I’m absolutely upset with this especially after what I went through with the party,” Clerk of the Court Iris Martinez told Playbook. She was referring to party leaders backing county Board of Review Commissioner Michael Cabonargi over her run for clerk in 2020. Martinez, however, emerged the victor.
Now she and others are concerned the party is trying to control the democratic process by preventing individuals from backing anyone they want. It’s one thing for the party to endorse incumbents — in this case that’s Assessor Fritz Kaegi and Sheriff Tom Dart. But left in the cold by the decision are the women of color who are running for their seats: Kari Steele for assessor and Carmen Navarro Gercone for sheriff.
The pledge is here.
* Speaking of the assessor’s race…
Illinois State Treasurer Michael Frerichs and Comptroller Susana Mendoza endorsed Assessor Fritz Kaegi’s campaign for re-election in the June 28, 2022 Democratic primary.
“I am grateful to Comptroller Mendoza and Treasurer Frerichs for joining the broad coalition of support for our campaign,” said Assessor Kaegi. “I am proud to have them standing with us as we continue to fight to ensure a fairer and more equitable property tax system in Cook County.”
“Our communities must be able to rely on Assessor Kaegi to continue his steadfast work to fix Cook County’s broken property tax system,” said Comptroller Mendoza. “These challenges were created over the course of decades, and they won’t be fixed overnight. But every day, Fritz Kaegi and his team are working hard to ensure the very wealthy and big corporations are paying their fair share, and that we are lessening the undue burden on working families.”
A broad coalition of other officials have endorsed Assessor Kaegi, including Illinois Congressional delegation members Cheri Bustos, Sean Casten, Danny K. Davis, Tammy Duckworth, Bill Foster, Jesus “Chuy” Garcia, Robin Kelly, Raja Krishnamoorthi, Marie Newman, Mike Quigley and Brad Schneider.
* Press release…
Assistant Senate Minority Leader Donald DeWitte (R-St. Charles) has announced he will seek re-election to the 33rd District Senate Seat of Illinois. Senator DeWitte was initially appointed to the seat in September of 2018, before winning election to the seat in November of that same year.
“It is an honor and privilege to represent the hard-working people of Kane and McHenry Counties in Springfield, and I look forward to continuing to work diligently on behalf of the families and business owners in the region,” said Senator DeWitte. “I have worked hard to develop beneficial and respectful working relationships with both Republicans and Democrats in the House and Senate, and have always taken a collaborative approach to passing legislation.”
Shortly after taking office, Senator DeWitte assumed the role of chief Republican negotiator of the $45 billion “ReBuild Illinois” infrastructure bill, which addresses the state’s most pressing road and bridge needs, as well as the capital investment needs for health care facilities, education, and municipal infrastructure. Through a lengthy negotiated process, the legislation was signed in 2019. Of the $45 billion capital outlay, close to $200 million was channeled to the 33rd Senate District for road and bridge improvements in northern Kane County and southern McHenry County. It was the most significant capital investment in the region in decades.
A blatant plea for your help
Tuesday, Dec 7, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller
* I asked the good folks at Lutheran Social Services of Illinois to send me some photos of foster kids who received Christmas presents last year. We are well behind last year’s fundraising pace, so I wanted to show you where your donations go. Please, click here and help these kids…
* Wordslinger was a champion of LSSI, particularly during the long impasse. The Tribune published a letter from his sister today…
In the spring of 1977, my parents and my 13-year-old brother, Karl, made a much anticipated trip to Washington. Enthusiastic but unsophisticated travelers, they spent a lot of time wandering around the Capitol, no doubt on occasion looking a bit lost. After encountering U.S. Sen. Bob Dole several times, he laughingly said, “We’ve got to stop meeting like this,” and proceeded to take them under his wing.
Dole shepherded my family for several hours, giving them a VIP experience, which included sitting in on a committee meeting and being introduced to my parents’ idol, Hubert Humphrey. They were not the senator’s constituents, and as their strong accents conveyed in their conversation, my parents were Norwegian immigrants who were unable to vote, as well as die-hard Democrats!
My brother’s interest in politics and public affairs intensified and grew. As an adult, he was a regular and much respected contributor, known as “wordslinger,” to the Illinois political blog Capitol Fax, where he once recounted his memorable trip to Washington and encounter with Dole. Tragically, Karl died two years ago from injuries he suffered when he was hit by a car on his nightly walk home from the train station. As a tribute, Capitol Fax republished Karl’s account — it can be found at capitolfax.com/2019/07/02/one-of-wordslingers-best-stories. When this was brought to Dole’s attention, he took the time to find out Karl’s name and his address, and he sent a personal note of condolence to Karl’s wife, Sue, and their children.
With the death of Sen. Dole, America has lost a brave patriot, a dedicated public servant, and a kind and decent man. His life holds many lessons from which we can all learn. Thank you, sir.
Click here and make a difference. Thanks!
COVID-19 roundup
Tuesday, Dec 7, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Drudge…
That hospital has 15,000 employees, meaning the hospital achieved a 99 percent vax rate. That’s pretty darned great.
* Center Square headline…
Poll shows a mistrust of mainstream media on vaccination information
Read the story, though, and you’ll see that the main source of mistrust is among unvaccinated people who are also parents. From the polling memo…
● 75 percent of unvaccinated parents distrust mainstream media sources and get most of their information from social media. In contrast, 58 percent of vaccinated parents prefer to get most of their COVID-19 information from mainstream media.
● About half of American parents who are worried about catching or spreading the Delta variant blame social media for the spread of this variant.
● Two out of three of all parents agree that health misinformation is a problem in social media
* Hmm…
The Police Department is no longer the least-compliant city agency when it comes to Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s vaccine mandate.
As of Monday, 89.37 percent of Police Department workers have reported their vaccination status, according to city data. The department had trailed in complying with the mandate for months, and one of its unions has fought the requirement in court, though its compliance rate has slowly ticked up.
Now, City Council staffers — employees who work with aldermen’s offices, though aldermen themselves are not required to report their status — have the lowest compliance rate. Just 84.27 percent of City Council workers — or 300 out of 356 workers — have reported their vaccination status.
* Peoria County Sheriff Brian Asbell press release…
I am devastated to report the Peoria County Sheriff’s Office is mourning the unexpected death of one of our own. Corrections Officer Camron “Cam” Passie, 25, passed away (died) earlier today (Sunday, December 5, 2021) from complications related to COVID-19. Officer Passie had been an employee of the Sheriff’s Office since Dec. 31, 2018. He last worked on Thursday, Dec. 2 when he was sent home after testing positive for the virus.
The jail was placed on outbreak status last week due to multiple detainees and employees testing positive for the virus.
* Meanwhile, Rep. Carroll got his headlines. Here are some of them along with the number of paragraphs you have to read through before finding out that federal law actually prohibits his legislation…
* Patch: Unvaccinated To Pay Out-Of-Pocket Under IL Rep’s New Bill (5)
* WGN: State representative files legislation that would force unvaccinated residents to pay for own COVID-19 bills (6)
* WCIA: Unvaccinated patients would pay their own hospital bills under new proposal (Last paragraph)
* Sun-Times: Proposal puts unvaccinated people on the hook for COVID-19 health care costs (11)
* Fox TV: Unvaccinated Illinois residents to pay own COVID-19 hospital bill, state lawmaker proposes (Federal prohibition not mentioned)
* WICS: Bill would make unvaccinated pay all their COVID-19 expenses (Federal prohibition not mentioned)
* NBC 5: Illinois State Rep. Introduces Bill Requiring Unvaccinated Residents to Pay For Their Own COVID Care (Federal prohibition not mentioned)
* ABC 7: Bill proposes unvaccinated Illinois COVID patients pay out of pocket for treatment (Federal prohibition not mentioned)
* Newsweek: Unvaccinated Illinoisans Would Pay COVID Hospital Bills Under New Proposals (Federal prohibition not mentioned)
* Only one outlet, WUIS, put the steak ahead of the sizzle…
* Unvaccinated COVID patients can’t be denied insurance coverage for hospitalizations as one Dem lawmaker wants, but employers, including Ill., have other options
Foster could be handed a reelection gift
Tuesday, Dec 7, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller
* As we’ve discussed before, US Rep. Bill Foster is beatable next year. But an opponent tying herself so closely to a guy who lost the new district by 16 points last year is probably not the best way to do it…
Republican Catalina Lauf, a Trump supporter who has billed herself as the anti-AOC, is running for Congress in Illinois’ 11th District against Democratic Rep. Bill Foster.
Key context: Lauf, a conservative Latina, was a Trump appointee to the Commerce Department and spoke at the GOP convention in 2020. Earlier this year, she set out to challenge Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger, an ardent Trump foe, in the 16th District. When the Illinois remap eliminated Kinzinger’s district, Kinzinger announced he’d retire instead of challenge GOP Rep. Darin LaHood. […]
Lauf ran unsuccessfully in the 2020 GOP primary in IL-14, losing the nomination to former state Sen. Jim Oberweis, who lost to Democratic Rep. Lauren Underwood in November. That district has been redrawn to give Underwood a little more breathing room in 2022.
The Trump factor: This time around, Lauf is better funded, thanks in part to her association with Trump. In an interview, she said her campaign has raised $1 million so far. Lauf is also hoping for Trump’s backing, though an endorsement is not easily won. “The endorsement process is a long one,” she said.
The 11th District: The seat has new boundaries as a result of the remap. It still includes Naperville, where Foster lives, and it now extends farther north into Lake County to include the towns of Volo and Wauconda. Lauf’s home in suburban Woodstock is also in the district. The seat got a little more competitive in redistricting: Now-President Joe Biden carried Foster’s old district by 26 points last year, but his margin was about 16 points under the new lines.
She may have raised a million, but she’s reported $810K. And she’s spent about $600K. Quite the burn rate.
* Also, she was in “Facebook jail” for a while…
You gotta do something pretty wild to warrant that treatment. But Lauf did hire a consultant who spoke at a “Stop the Steal” rally in DC.
…Adding… DPI…
Today, Democratic Party of Illinois Executive Director Abby Witt released a statement following the announcement that Catalina Lauf is running for Congress in the 11th District:
“Catalina Lauf is a zealot and an extremist, full stop. Her campaign seems to exist only to demonstrate her loyalty to Donald Trump and satisfy her desire to appear on Fox News. Illinois families deserve better than someone who downplays the January 6 insurrection or peddles dangerous conspiracy theories about life-saving vaccines.”
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Open thread
Tuesday, Dec 7, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Please make sure to contribute to Lutheran Social Services today so they can buy Christmas presents for foster kids. Click here. Thank you!
What’s up in your neck of the woods?
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