Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x2 *** Campaign notebook: Conroy; Morrison; Schimpf; McCombie; Newman; Pritzker; Giannoulias
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*** UPDATED x2 *** Campaign notebook: Conroy; Morrison; Schimpf; McCombie; Newman; Pritzker; Giannoulias

Tuesday, Jan 11, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Subscribers know more. Here’s Politico

— State Rep. Deb Conroy is making it official: She won’t seek reelection to the state House and instead is throwing her hat in the ring to run for chair of the DuPage County Board. “I think I have the ability to bring people together and work bipartisanly. That’s what’s missing out here right now,” she told Playbook. Conroy, now in her fifth term, serves as Women’s Caucus Whip and is an advocate on mental health legislation.

— Greg Hart, a Republican running for the DuPage County Board chairman seat, says he has raised $600,000 in the race.

* He’s had a political target on his back for a while…

The following is a statement from State Representative Tom Morrison:

“It is a distinct honor and privilege to represent and serve the 54th district in the Illinois House. I’m very grateful to our residents for entrusting me with this position over these past 12 years. In 2022, however, I have decided not to seek re-election.

Illinois is a great state of individuals, families, businesses, and institutions. It’s had some difficult times—mostly self-inflicted—over these past several years. Another 54th district resident must now step up to the challenge and continue the fight for the long-overdue fiscal, ethical, and moral sanity that is critical to the state’s recovery.

My staff, volunteers, and family have all greatly assisted me in Springfield and back in our community through the highs and lows of these momentous times. I sincerely appreciate their dedication and partnership.

Once again, I offer a deeply heartfelt thank you to all who’ve worked with me in this position to make a positive difference for our state and local community.”

* Schofield ran twice against former Rep. Allen Skillicorn. She has moderate bonafides and Skillicorn hated her, so she has that going for her…

Today, Paul Schimpf, Republican candidate for Illinois Governor, announced Carolyn Schofield as his Lieutenant Governor and running mate. After Schimpf’s announcement, Schofield shared her enthusiasm about the ticket:

“I am honored and excited to be running with Paul as his Lieutenant Governor candidate. As a parent, I can no longer sit back and watch Illinois families face corruption in our government and danger on our streets. I’m running because Paul and I can make a difference.”

Schimpf and Schofield will clean up corruption in Illinois, keep our veterans, families, and communities safe, and grow our economy for working families. Their shared vision represents a sharp contrast from the failed policies of the Pritzker Administration, which has punished everyday Illinoisans with unaffordable taxes, surging crime, and corruption.

In the wake of J.B. Pritzker’s failures, the state needs leaders who will take responsibility, hold themselves and others accountable, and stand up to special interests. Paul Schimpf and Carolyn Schofield will provide the leadership Illinoisans deserve. They will provide common-sense conservative leadership families can trust to fix Illinois.

“Carolyn is the ideal choice to run on my ticket because she cares about all the important issues facing Illinoisians. Her priorities align with mine, and we will continue to push our Parent’s Bill of Rights to give back to parents the autonomy and respect that they never should have lost in the first place,” Schimpf said.

* Rep. McCombie had considered running for the Illinois Senate, but almost the entire SGOP caucus mobilized against her, so she’s running in an open House district…

Today, State Representative Tony McCombie officially launched her re-election bid for the Illinois House. McCombie will run in the new 89th Illinois House District, which is where her home in Savanna, IL is located.

“During my time in the House, I have challenged leaders in both parties to ensure Illinois taxpayers are protected and hard-working families in Illinois have safe neighborhoods, strong schools, economic opportunities and more freedom. Still there is more work to do to drive success for our region and achieve the ethics and state government reforms needed to promote growth and get Illinois back on track,” said McCombie, who is seeking the Republican party’s nomination in the June 28 Primary Election.

“I look forward to introducing myself, listening and earning the support of all voters who crave a better direction for Illinois. I’m guided by conservative principles, common sense and am committed to delivering results,” continued McCombie.

“Despite the challenges we face because of liberals’ heavy hand in Springfield, the good news is we change Illinois for the better if we stand strong and together. We deserve leaders who are transparent, ethical and focused on protecting Illinois families and our most vulnerable citizens. I’d be honored to continue serving the people of Illinois,” concluded McCombie.

* This unsurprising news was supposed to be embargoed until today at noon, but somebody broke the embargo this morning, so here you go…

Today, Indivisible announced its endorsement of Rep. Marie Newman in the race for Illinois’ 6th Congressional District.

“Through her first term, Marie has been a reliable and consistent progressive voice, organizing her colleagues as a part of Congressional Progressive Caucus leadership and helping shape the Democratic agenda in 2021. She’s pushed for an inclusive recovery that delivers for working families and fought for President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda,” said Indivisible’s Co-Founder and Co-Executive Director Leah Greenberg. “Marie is a fighter for her constituents in Chicago’s suburbs and attempts to silence her through backroom redistricting deals will only make her fight harder. Marie is no stranger to taking on and beating political machines with the help of the grassroots. She’s the clear progressive choice and we’re proud to endorse her again.”

* The governor’s most recent cable TV buy is here. And here’s Politico with another sensational Alexi scoop

— FIRST IN PLAYBOOK: Alexi Giannoulias picked up endorsements from Chicago Ald. Matt O’Shea and his 19th Ward Democratic Organization and the Proviso Township Democratic Organization in the Illinois secretary of state’s race. Both organizations had backed Ald. Pat Dowell before she switched gears to run for Congress. Proviso Townships Democrats are led by Cook County Clerk and committeewoman Karen Yarbrough, who said Giannoulias “will enhance our chances for victory.”

* More…

* Former La Salle County state’s attorney Karen Donnelly will run for state rep: Donnelly will vie for the Republican nomination in the district. Mike Kirkton, a Livingston County board member, who lives in Gridley, also is running for the Republican nomination. The seat was held by Rep. Dan Brady, R-Bloomington, since 2001. The restructured district no longer includes Brady’s home. Brady announced he would not run for re-election, but will instead seek the Secretary of State post.

* New legislative districts mean your lawmaker may change. Who’s running in Springfield?

* 93rd District State Representative Norine Hammond Announces Run for Re-Election for What Will be the New 94th District in Illinois

* Pritzker signs bill relating to elections in 2022

*** UPDATE 1 *** Press release…

Former Illinois Secretary of State candidate and Alderman Pat Dowell announced today that she is endorsing former Illinois State Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias for the Democratic nomination.

Dowell is now running for the open congressional seat in the 1st District after U.S. Rep. Bobby Rush announced that he would not seek re-election later this year.

“Alexi is running a strong, forward-thinking campaign built on bold ideas and sound policy initiatives while assembling an impressive broad-based coalition of progressive and moderate Democrats across the state to establish him as the clear front-runner to win the party’s nomination,” she said. “He has the experience, energy, and know-how to build on Jesse White’s legacy and to beat the Republicans in November.”

In making the endorsement, Dowell applauded Giannoulias’ policy initiatives aimed at protecting voter rights and adding more Illinoisans to the voter rolls; modernizing the office to eliminate wait times and obtain more services remotely; offering more access and programs to public libraries throughout the state; and strengthening the state’s ethics laws to prevent corruption.

Dowell said she will urge her supporters to cast ballots for him in the primary and general elections. As a Democratic Ward Committeeman and member of the Executive Committee of the Cook County Democratic Party, she feels that Democrats should work hard to elect all Democrats on the party slate. Dowell is the second former Secretary of State candidate to throw her support to Giannoulias. State Sen. Mike Hastings, who withdrew from the race in the fall, announced last month that he is supporting Giannoulias as well.

Dowell’s endorsement comes after Congressman Rush pledged his support for Giannoulias last week along with several other African-American leaders who had previously backed Dowellfor Secretary of State, including:

*** UPDATE 2 *** Anna Valencia campaign response…

Pat Dowell’s endorsement of Alexi Giannoulias is baffling considering she referred to him as “a flawed candidate” and “a drag” on the Democratic ticket just two weeks ago. This is the second time in less than two weeks that Pat has flip-flopped on her position. While she backtracks on her stance of supporting women and women of color, our campaign remains more committed than ever to electing Anna Valencia as the first woman as Illinois Secretary of State.


  1. - flavius217 - Tuesday, Jan 11, 22 @ 10:41 am:

    “…almost the entire SGOP caucus mobilized against her…”

    I’d like to hear more about that.

  2. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jan 11, 22 @ 10:43 am:

    ===I’d like to hear more about that. ===


  3. - anon2 - Tuesday, Jan 11, 22 @ 11:05 am:

    Rep. Morrison is the last Republican holdout in Northwest Cook, which was solid GOP territory 15 years ago.

  4. - SuburbanRepublican - Tuesday, Jan 11, 22 @ 11:09 am:

    I don’t agree with Morrison on some of his social policy views, but he has been strong on the fiscal issues that are important to getting the State growing. He’s a hard worker and served the district well.

  5. - NIU Grad - Tuesday, Jan 11, 22 @ 11:16 am:

    “Skillicorn hated her”

    That’s quite a plus in my book.

  6. - Buford - Tuesday, Jan 11, 22 @ 11:17 am:

    “McCombie will run in the new 89th Illinois House District, which is where her home in Savanna, IL is located.” Then she can count on campaign support from the biker element. Poopies bar in Savanna has an advertising banner behind the stage for the Outlaws MC, which is the rival of the Hell’s Angels east of the Mississippi.

  7. - Leigh John-Ella - Tuesday, Jan 11, 22 @ 11:32 am:

    – but almost the entire SGOP caucus mobilized against her –

    It’s great to see that 18 super minority Republicans can still get something done for the good of Illinois.

  8. - hisgirlfriday - Tuesday, Jan 11, 22 @ 11:46 am:

    Anyone know what the current status is of the multiple lawsuits filed against Karen Donnelly for malicious prosecution?

    I know nothing about Mike Kirkton’s political platform but a google search of his name turns up zero lawsuits against him for malicious prosecution so point Kirkton.

  9. - Bored Chairman - Tuesday, Jan 11, 22 @ 11:54 am:

    I like Conroy, but she was going to lose if she ran for reelection as state rep. Taking on the big chair in DuPage is by no means a given for her though, even as the county turned blue in the past few cycles. This one will be different, though. No Trump, Biden’s unpopularity, overreach by the left in DC, Chicago and in Springfield. Voters everywhere notice those things. And vote accordingly.

  10. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jan 11, 22 @ 12:19 pm:

    ====she was going to lose if she ran for reelection as state rep.====


    To whom?

  11. - New Day - Tuesday, Jan 11, 22 @ 12:24 pm:

    “…almost the entire SGOP caucus mobilized against her…”

    To misquote Sally Field, they hate her. They really hate her.

  12. - Bored Chairman - Tuesday, Jan 11, 22 @ 12:25 pm:

    ==to whom?==


  13. - Rumplestiltskin - Tuesday, Jan 11, 22 @ 1:02 pm:

    === I don’t agree with Morrison on some of his social policy views, but he has been strong on the fiscal issues that are important to getting the State growing. He’s a hard worker and served the district well. ===

    Also, he used his office to seek leniency for a teacher who abused children, which for most normal people is a disqualifier.

  14. - SaulGoodman - Tuesday, Jan 11, 22 @ 2:04 pm:

    **==to whom?== Mazzochi**

    Kwame won the district by 17 points.

  15. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jan 11, 22 @ 2:05 pm:

    Um, no. Mazzochi was already preparing to move to another district or run county-wide. The district leans Dem.

  16. - NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Tuesday, Jan 11, 22 @ 3:07 pm:

    A downstate Libertarian is planning to run for SOS this year. Coincidentally, his name also happens to be Jesse White:

  17. - Amalia - Tuesday, Jan 11, 22 @ 3:11 pm:

    yeah, there’s video of Dowell talking about Alexi. so, yes, baffling.

  18. - vern - Tuesday, Jan 11, 22 @ 3:30 pm:

    Very sour grapes from Valencia. I’m not sure who the audience is for that statement, but I can’t imagine it endearing her to voters or potential endorsers. If she loses this primary she’s going to do the exact same backtracking when she endorses Alexi.

  19. - McGuppin - Tuesday, Jan 11, 22 @ 3:47 pm:

    I actually find Valencia’s statement offensive to Alderman Dowell. She should apologize to her , IMHO.

  20. - SAP - Tuesday, Jan 11, 22 @ 3:52 pm:

    ==Very sour grapes from Valencia. I’m not sure who the audience is for that statement…==

    It’s a free swing at her primary opponent. She has to take it.

  21. - Shytown - Tuesday, Jan 11, 22 @ 3:57 pm:

    Wow. That’s a big surprise coming from Dowell, but Alexi’s got money so…

    Not crazy about Valencia’s statement, but someone’s gotta call that out.

    And bye Morrison. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

  22. - BigLou - Tuesday, Jan 11, 22 @ 4:14 pm:

    How much are Alexi and his people putting into Dowell’s campaign?

  23. - City remap - Tuesday, Jan 11, 22 @ 6:02 pm:

    I read, and reread Anna Valencia’s statement. What exactly is out of line, or am I overlooking something. Alderwoman Dowell was also playing the women of color angle after the CCDP slating. I agree Pat’s statement has to called out.

  24. - Leslie K - Tuesday, Jan 11, 22 @ 6:18 pm:

    ===I read, and reread Anna Valencia’s statement. What exactly is out of line, or am I overlooking something.===

    I don’t see anything out of line with the statement either. I actually think she tactfully avoided the more blunt “Dowell is backing the person most likely to give her money” statement. O’Shea…I guess he thinks (maybe correctly, but I hope not) that his constituents prefer AG.

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