Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Darren Bailey appears to compare Richard Irvin to Satan
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Darren Bailey appears to compare Richard Irvin to Satan

Tuesday, Feb 1, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Via the Irvin/Bourne campaign, Sen. Bailey told his followers this today

* Transcript

So, I’m going to read with you something, this really stuck out to me today for February 1. The title is ‘Satan chooses how to tempt.’ The verse is Luke 9:54 and 55. It said ‘They thought that their zeal was kindled by a holy fire until Christ told them you don’t know what matter of spirit that you are.’

As I read this, it certainly resonates to my life spiritually. But as I was reading this, you know in all the problems that I’ve been telling you, you know, in politics, and especially with the Republican Party, and like right now with this new candidate for governor and how many Republican leaders are getting behind this person, because they’re blinded, they think there’s something to be gained, but yet what they’re aligning themselves with is destructive. I want you to listen to this and apply it to your life, first of all, but then just think about Illinois politics as I’m reading this.

‘Not only does he choose when he will tempt, Satan also chooses the best methods for displaying his temptations. One strategy is to hang out false colors. He comes up to the Christian disguised as a friend so that the gates are open to him before his true identity is discovered.’ Paul says that we should not be shocked to find false teachers masquerading as apostles of Christ. ‘Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.’ You can read that in Second Corinthians 11, 13 and 14.

‘Of all his plots, this is perhaps the most dangerous to the saints. When he appears in the mantle of a prophet and silver plates, his corroded tongue with fair sounding language. In this manner, he corrupts some in their judgment by interpreting gospel truth in such a way that God appears to condone questionable behavior. These Christians get caught up in the world’s morality under the guise of Christian liberty. Not everyone will swallow such heresy, so Satan tempts them with other wares, though still in the disguise of a saint himself. He desecrates scripture by magnifying faith to the exclusion of every other grace, or he labors to undermine repentance and overpraise good works. He pulls back in seeming horror at the corruption of church administrations, and thus draws unstable souls from the body of believers. Under the pretense of zeal, he kindles wrath in the Christians heart and makes his spirit boil over into desires for revenge in situations where God would have him forgive.’

Luke records such an occasion where the disciples wanted fire to come down from heaven. [laughs] I will confess, I’ve prayed for fire to come down many times on people. That’s not how God works.

‘They thought their zeal was kindled by holy fire until Christ told them.’ And here’s some old English, I’m just going to read, but it says, ‘Ye know, not what matter of spirit you’re of.’ Luke, 9:54 and 55. How we need to study the Scriptures, our hearts and Satan’s wiles that we may not bid this enemy welcome. And all the while think it is Christ, who is our guest.’

I hope that made some sense to you. Look up some of those verses I read. And friends, if you’re in God’s word, and you’re understanding and you know what it means to put that armor on, you’re going to be prepared. And so it is with politics, whether you’re a precinct committee person, whether you’re working in the township, whether you’re working in the village, whether you’re a school board member, whether you’re a county board member, maybe you’re a park board member, or a library board member, or maybe you are serving in state or federal government somewhere, get yourself educated and be ready for these attacks. And these false ideas, these false narratives, and stand up against them. That’s how we save and restore Illinois.

Please pardon all transcription errors.


  1. - Just Another Anon - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 2:57 pm:

    First rule of the internet, if you call your opponent Hitler, you lose.

    Second revised rule of the internet, if you call your opponent Satan, you lose

  2. - Ducky LaMoore - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 2:59 pm:

    Irvin has no better friend than Darren Bailey. My gosh.

  3. - Ok - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 3:04 pm:

    This new national GOP tik tok trend to ban criticism of racists has been so empowering for folks like Darren.

  4. - Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 3:04 pm:

    My goodness. He reads that and interprets it as meaning Irvin and not a certain other guy who he absolutely adores? Talk about a selective interpretation.

  5. - Middle Way - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 3:05 pm:

    Man, Darren’s got things mixed up, I thought only Adam Kinzinger was Satan? (snark intended). Is there room for two in Illinois GOP politics?

  6. - Fayette County - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 3:05 pm:

    The commercials just write themselves so easily when this guy talks.

  7. - Leap Day William - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 3:06 pm:

    Please please please please please let this clown show be the nominee. I’d pull a GOP primary ballot to help make it happen if that didn’t then land me on their mailing lists for the next 20 years.

  8. - Dysfunction Junction - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 3:06 pm:

    Two Corinthians 11:14, that’s the whole ballgame, amirite? Is that the one you like?

  9. - OneMan - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 3:07 pm:

    I guess I will start with a relevant and trite response as someone from Aurora, Satan does a good job making sure my sidestreet is clear after snow.

    Man Richard has gotten into his head.

  10. - Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 3:08 pm:

    “like right now with this new candidate for governor and how many Republican leaders are getting behind this person, because they’re blinded, they think there’s something to be gained, but yet what they’re aligning themselves with is destructive”

    Don’t feel like heartburn tonight and so will have plain popcorn. It’s just getting started.

  11. - PoliticIL Scientist - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 3:08 pm:

    That laugh before he said he wished fire would rain down on some people is creepy and unbecoming for an average Joe, much less a candidate for Governor. Doesn’t Christianity preach love thy neighbor? Dude is unknowingly one of the biggest hypocrites I have ever seen.

  12. - Benniefly2 - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 3:11 pm:

    It could be interpreted to mean Griffin, I suppose. Wasn’t it Griffin who recruited Irvin to run in the first place?

  13. - Lew - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 3:13 pm:

    Just weird. Really, really, weird. You can see why he’s the preferred candidate for the sitting Governor.

  14. - Huh? - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 3:14 pm:

    As an atheist, recovering presbyterian, child and grandchild of renowned baptist preachers, I refuse to accept anything that verges on theological teachings from beetle. The republican’ts demonstrate their apostasy with their embrace tramp and all he stands for.

    If beetle truly believed what he said, he would abandon the GOP and his blind adherence to tramp, and his false idols of election fraud and covid denial.

  15. - Bigtwich - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 3:14 pm:

    Darren needs to go on to another village.

  16. - Honeybear - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 3:15 pm:

    I think it’s smart of Bailey to lay down a marker on the evangelical Christians. It splits them off from the suburban set who will go for Irwin anyway. This is about the primary so I think it’s a smart smart move.
    That being said, I threw up in my mouth a little.
    It must be remembered that evangelical Christians by their very stance are selective in their use of scripture. My experience is that they’re easily marked by confirmation bias.

  17. - Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 3:15 pm:

    -That laugh before he said he wished fire would rain down on some people is creepy and unbecoming for an average Joe, much less a candidate for Governor.-

    It will look great in a negative ad in the Chicago market, come say September, if he’s the nominee.

  18. - NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham&IlliniFan - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 3:19 pm:

    ==Darren Bailey appears to compare Richard Irvin to Satan==

    Did Bailey really compare Irvin to Bruce Pearl?

  19. - Give Me A Break - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 3:21 pm:

    Someone is close to having a complete melt-down. By next week he will be running as the second alternant VP of the local grain elevator Co Op. Mr. tough talking Trumper is about the experience some things.

  20. - Emmerder - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 3:24 pm:

    When it comes to the Apostle Darren Bailey, people should read Matthew 7:15.

  21. - watchful eye - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 3:25 pm:

    Didn’t take long to get into his head. That being said—Bailey voters will never go for Irvin.

  22. - Carlos Danger - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 3:25 pm:

    the only thing more painful to listen to than the words this man says is the voice in which he reads them.

  23. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 3:25 pm:

    Why don’t we leave “God” out of this… ok, Mr. Bailey.

    God, in quotes… as we are constantly reminded about the Pharisees…

  24. - SWSider - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 3:25 pm:

    If Darren Bailey doesn’t win the primary, he might win Irvin the general…

  25. - JoanP - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 3:25 pm:

    = false teachers masquerading as apostles of Christ =

    Look in the mirror, Mr. Bailey.

  26. - Pundent - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 3:30 pm:

    Years ago Barrack Obama talked about people clinging to guns and religion because they had lost faith in our government. I don’t think that message was lost on Darren Bailey. The problem is that Bailey is speaking to a large percentage of folks that agree with him. The same folks that would also have to come around and vote for any of his opponents should he lose a primary.

  27. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 3:32 pm:

    You know what’s good about this video.

    You edit it right… and put it in a :30 ad… and show this crazy lunacy…

    Bailey thinks this helps, or helps with grifting, who knows, but he thinks it’s not hurting… if Bailey was any more less self aware he couldn’t pay attention if you hand him a roll of dimes to wind himself up.

    He’s a gift. Keep him talking.

  28. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 3:35 pm:

    I’m calling this…

    “If Colonel Kurtz Ran for Illinois Governor”

    The horror…

  29. - Amurica - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 3:39 pm:

    Just another politician using God to reach the voters. Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s.

  30. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 3:42 pm:

    So let’s see if my score card is up to date. So far today, Bailey’s been exposed for voting to raise property taxes on seniors living on fixed incomes; for voting against increased state funding for education that would give those seniors a break; and now interpreting the bible selectively enough to smear his opponent as the devil himself. And it’s not even 4:00pm.


  31. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 3:45 pm:

    This Holy Roller stuff is not for me, but I’m a little worried about just passing it along. I think The last six to eight years should’ve taught us that nothing is self-evidently crazy, and you have to be very careful how you amplify a message.

  32. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 3:46 pm:

    ===you have to be very careful how you amplify a message. ===

    The guy is a legit contender for the highest office in the state. Please, don’t tell me what I should or shouldn’t cover. You can always get your own blog and then ignore everything /s

  33. - Froganon - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 3:48 pm:

    Perfect description of Trump/Bailey evangelical followers. He makes my skin crawl.

  34. - Quizzical - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 3:53 pm:

    I remember the first time I read the Bible.

  35. - Hahaha - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 3:55 pm:

    It makes me cringe when folks here equate Bailey’s message with something “evangelicals” would agree with 100%. That very much misses the mark. I am an evangelical - go to an evangelical church - and I can tell you this kinda stuff (especially the crazed desire to reign fire on people) from a pol would be extremely off-putting to almost every evangelical I know. Bailey really hails from the fundamentalist strain of Christianity. You can tell by the way he views politics and religion, and the types of churches you see him visiting and speaking at on his social media.

  36. - Lincoln Lad - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 3:56 pm:

    I hope Pence does the right thing and determines Bailey to be the next Governor. He has the power.

  37. - Nobody Sent - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 3:57 pm:

    If this campaign thing doesn’t work out, Bailey can move to the South and become a preacher. Maybe he can start his own podcast to preach his interpretations of scripture.

  38. - walker - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 3:59 pm:

    “”Paul says that we should not be shocked to find false teachers masquerading as apostles of Christ.”"

    Fair warning.

  39. - Steve Polite - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 4:04 pm:

    I think Bailey would call Jesus a false prophet if he thought it would be to his political advantage in the primary.

  40. - The Snowman - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 4:11 pm:

    With that message, Bailey would be best suited running in Mississippi or Alabama.

  41. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 4:14 pm:

    ==Please, don’t tell me what I should or shouldn’t cover.==

    Sorry, not directed at you, directed at his opponents who were passing it along.

  42. - Omay - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 4:16 pm:

    I do remember some biblical things, like the “jawbone” of an ass”. Judges 15:16

  43. - Da big bad wolf - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 4:21 pm:

    === One strategy is to hang out false colors. He comes up to the Christian disguised as a friend so that the gates are open to him before his true identity is discovered.===
    Why does Bailey think we couldn’t apply the same idea to him?

  44. - Don't Bloc Me In - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 4:27 pm:

    In spite of how he appears to be grifting (and there certainly is some,) I think Darren truly believes in what he says and does. He’s convinced himself that he’s called.

    This is is what we get when a person can no longer separate his religion from his politics. One party has encouraged this and neither religion nor politics are made better.

    And by the way Darren, that not ‘Old English,’ it’s the KJV. Sheesh.

  45. - Rudy’s teeth - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 4:29 pm:

    Listening to Darren’s religious rambling confirms my suspicions…he did fall out of a tree and damage the prefrontal cortex.

  46. - Leap Day William - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 4:32 pm:

    Also, my other half is from Georgia and Bailey has more twang than all of my in-laws combined.

  47. - Pot calling kettle - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 4:39 pm:

    My moniker is my comment.

  48. - Henry Francis - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 4:41 pm:

    Once again, Bailey is unoriginal in his nuttiness.

  49. - Steve Rogers - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 5:17 pm:

    Holy false prophets Batman. I swore Bailey was talking about Trump. It just all fits so perfectly.

    I know a few non believers, atheists, and agnostics who act more Christian than many so-called evangelical Christians.

  50. - Lefty Lefty - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 5:21 pm:

    I am fascinated by the Bible, especially the nuances of the language and the differences in the versions available. I read along with the gospel reading as my pastor reads aloud to see the footnotes.

    1 - There is no 2 Corinthians 14 so he must mean 2 Corinthians 11:13-14, which is a very short passage.

    2 - The next paragraph is either his interpretation of 2 Corinthians 11:13-14, or he cribbed it from someone.

    3 - As previously stated by others above, is he talking about himself?

  51. - flea - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 5:22 pm:

    Perhpas we should pray for this goofy guy.

  52. - Jabes - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 5:23 pm:

    I am just so tired of the inclusion of Christianity in politics. I used to be Christian, and now observing from the outside, I find it incredibly tiresome seeing people use their particular belief system as a qualification for office or a justification for how they, as elected officials, will treat or speak of other people.

  53. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 5:26 pm:

    Sen. Bailey, you are an affront to everything that is decent and holy

  54. - Lefty Lefty - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 5:27 pm:

    OK now i think I get it - he’s reading from a summary/analysis of the Corinthians verses.

    He still may be talking about himself.

  55. - South of I-64 - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 5:34 pm:

    Darren Bailey. There are plenty of people in his little corner of the world on the southeastern border of Illinois that thinks he is God. Continue to speak Darren. The more you do, the more the people of Illinois sees what you really are.

  56. - Manchester - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 5:38 pm:

    I am completely turned off by zealots of all stripes, whether they be religious or political. It’s really terrible when the two are combined.

  57. - btowntruth from forgottonia - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 5:48 pm:

    Pastor Bailey must not be reading the same Bible that I have.
    And does someone saying something like “for most households it was just a $5 increase” equal “hang out false colors”.

  58. - Tomorrow is yesterday - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 5:50 pm:

    It’s good. He is playing to his core base that will forgive his tax misgivings in that he is a man of the Lord. Religious fervor isn’t to be trifled with. The amount of folks who will justify their actions via religion is baffling. The amount of people who will believe it is even crazier. Social media presence and willingness to talk directly to the people is a positive. Irvin still hasn’t said a word. Obviously waiting until tomorrow, but will it be a press conference or just a taped statement?

  59. - Jaded - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 5:55 pm:

    “And the beast was given a mouth uttering haughty and blasphemous words, and it was allowed to exercise authority for forty-two months. Rev 13:5

    Bailey was seated in the House on January 9, 2019 and the primary is June 28, 2022. That is, just shy of 42 months. Kinda spooky huh? Might want to watch the Omen Trilogy again. Just sayin…

  60. - Lt Guv - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 6:10 pm:

    Clearly, from his description Beetle reveals himself as a false prophet.

    Next he’ll have an ad stating “I am not a witch.”

  61. - Friendly Bob Adams - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 6:18 pm:

    NonAFSCME- laughed out loud at the Bruce Pearl reference…

  62. - low level - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 6:50 pm:

    == Pastor Bailey must not be reading the same Bible that I have==

    Before my Dad passed away, we began going to mass together. This was when the tea party was first getting strong and we would read whatever the scripture was going to be before church started.

    Inevitably the readings would be about turning the other cheek, selling everything and following me, giving to the widow and orphan, and I’d lean over and whisper to my Dad that I didnt know what Bible those people were reading from.

  63. - Candy Dogood - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 7:03 pm:

    It’s times like these I think it is very important to remind people that it was not very long ago that the religious right was blowing up buildings and murdering doctors. There is an audience for what Darren Bailey is posting and there are elements of that audience that will sincerely believe his message or interpret his message as being a direct reinforcement of their own racist or misogynistic views.

    This rhetoric is dangerous and suggests that Bailey and Chris Miller are cut from the same Christian nationalist cloth.

  64. - Candy Dogood - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 7:04 pm:

    In reflection, maybe this was his audition tape for season 3 of the Righteous Gemstones?

  65. - btowntruth from forgottonia - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 7:08 pm:

    “The amount of folks who will justify their actions via religion is baffling. The amount of people who will believe it is even crazier.”

  66. - Fivegreenleaves - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 7:43 pm:

    I’ve been a Christian for over 28 years, and I can’t stand Darren Bailey. If he wants to quote scripture, he should read Matthew 6:5-8 “For when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, who love pray on street corners, to be seen by men. I tell you, they have their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door, and pray to your father who is unseen. Then your father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”

    I’ve seen his “devotions” before, and tbh, he reminds me of a televangelist who uses the bible for personal gain. I’m curious as to whether or not Darren Bailey broadcast his devotions before he got into politics.

  67. - danray - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 8:04 pm:

    Darren Bailey is the worst cartoon when you were 10 yrs. old. The guy is a caricature. Kinda unreal.

  68. - JS Mill - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 8:38 pm:

    If I am not mistaken, the Bible lays out who should sit in judgement of other and it isn’t derwood bailey.

    Judge ye not lest ye be judged.

  69. - Real - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 9:02 pm:

    Darren Bailey is telling the absolute truth. And just like Ken Duncan did not care. Ken Duncan 2.0 aka Irvin does not care. As long as his bank account is looking good that’s all he is concerned about.

  70. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 9:16 pm:

    === Darren Bailey is telling the absolute truth. And just like Ken Duncan did not care. Ken Duncan 2.0 aka Irvin does not care. As long as his bank account is looking good that’s all he is concerned about.===

    This is like saying Ives was right too, but what exactly was Ives right about anyway.

    It’s not enough to say “Irvin is a Raunerite” and then say the crazy alternative is better. It’s not. It never is.

    As much of a needle Irvin needs to thread, Bailey and his Col. Kurtz kooky isn’t gonna fly in the collars/suburbs.

    So… winning to lose is a bad option.

  71. - Thomas Paine - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 9:16 pm:

    Every third phrase from Darren Bailey’s mouth should be praise for President Trump, and every phrase after that should remind folks that Ken Griffin was a Joe Biden supporter.

  72. - Real - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 11:11 pm:


    Nope. I don’t consider Irvin a Raunerite. I consider Irvin as a opportunist just as Ken Duncan was. Willing to do whatever by any means necessary as long as his bank account benefits.

  73. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 1, 22 @ 11:25 pm:

    ===I consider Irvin as a opportunist just as Ken Duncan was. Willing to do whatever by any means necessary as long as his bank account benefits.===

    That makes no sense, given Dunkin became persona non grata to his party, while Irvin has an opportunity to become, if he wins, governor of the 6th largest state in America, as a Republican.

    Dunkin was a patsy, Irvin is a partner. Irvin will have leverage, as governor.

  74. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Feb 2, 22 @ 12:34 am:

    ===Dunkin became persona non grata to his party, while Irvin has an opportunity to become, if he wins===

    And if he loses, he’s a persona non grata patsie.

    In other words, Dunkin.

  75. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 2, 22 @ 6:06 am:

    ===In other words, Dunkin.===

    It’ll be fascinating to watch, so much after the race is run will be seen far differently to a perception. Yep.

  76. - OneMan - Wednesday, Feb 2, 22 @ 8:19 am:

    == And if he loses, he’s a persona non grata patsie. ==

    Being Mayor of Aurora for another term or two isn’t such a bad landing spot.

  77. - Tomorrow is yesterday - Wednesday, Feb 2, 22 @ 1:10 pm:

    Stop talking unless you’re saying it’s Chicagos fault.

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