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A collection of budget responses

Wednesday, Feb 2, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Senate President Don Harmon…

“I’m not accustomed to good news in a budget speech. This is a budget proposal unlike any I’ve seen in my time in the Senate. It speaks to the work we’ve done, together, to bring stability to our state finances. That stability allows us to invest back in our state and provide relief to those hit hardest by the pandemic and associated economic downturn. There’s a lot to like with this plan, and I look forward to working with the governor to produce a final product.”

* Speaker Chris Welch…

The governor’s budget address lays out a clear path to continue moving our state toward financial stability and surety while prioritizing hardworking Illinoisans. I could not be more proud of this state and the significant progress we’ve made in such a short amount of time.

It’s hard to imagine, but just a few years ago under the previous Republican administration we had a bill backlog of $17 billion, human service programs were decimated, our credit rating reached near junk status and Illinoisans were suffering because of it. It is thanks to hard work and responsible fiscal management that we are now in the position to discuss property tax relief, tax cuts for everyday necessities, millions in new spending for education, major investments in public safety and nearly eliminating our bill-payment backlog.

Our future is much brighter and our fiscal outlook is strong. This proposal by Governor Pritzker is an excellent starting point for our legislative budget negotiations. We cannot lose sight of the fact that we are still very much in the midst of an unprecedented pandemic and we must continue providing relief to people who are struggling. I have full confidence in Leader Greg Harris, his budget team, our appropriations committees and our Democratic Caucus to produce a final product that continues to build a better Illinois for all.

* Economic Security for Illinois

In his State of the State budget address, Gov. Pritzker failed to include a popular proposal now up for debate in the General Assembly, which would provide 4.5 million low-income Illinoisans tax relief via an expansion to the Earned Income Credit. Shortly before the speech, the independent Center for Tax and Budget Accountability released a new report from finding the proposal would bring $1 billion in economic benefits to local economies, more than double the cost of the proposal and an overall net benefit of $600 million to the state.

“We are disappointed that the Governor’s ‘Family Relief Plan’ left low-income families behind. We are still in a pandemic, where families—particularly low-income families—continue to struggle. An expanded Earned Income Credit and new Child Tax Credit would directly benefit Illinoisans by putting cash in their hands and indirectly drive local economic investment for Illinois to build back better, ” said Harish I. Patel, Director of Economic Security for Illinois, a group which leads the Cost-of-Living Refund Coalition. “Our coalition will continue to fight alongside our partners in the General Assembly to provide permanent tax relief to Illinoisans who need it most.”

* A.J. Wilhelmi, President and CEO of the Illinois Health and Hospital Association…

“The Illinois Health and Hospital Association (IHA) echoes Gov. Pritzker’s heartfelt recognition of the extraordinary efforts undertaken by hospitals and healthcare workers around the state in the collective fight against COVID-19 over the last two years.

“The Governor’s budget proposal importantly allocates resources to begin addressing healthcare staffing shortages, which have been worsened by the pandemic. We support the Governor’s proposed funding for programs designed to help bring more workers into healthcare professions, and to help recruit and retain healthcare workers.

“Continuing to fully support our heroic, but fatigued, hospitals and healthcare workers will ensure that the Illinois hospital community remains viable and strong as they care for their patients in their time of need.

“IHA and the hospital community stand ready to work with the Governor and the General Assembly to enact a budget that ensures Illinois will emerge from this pandemic with its robust and innovative healthcare delivery system intact—and with hospitals having the necessary support to continue providing high-quality services to all Illinoisans.”

* Chicagoland Chamber…

“Between the commitment to further allocate funds to our state’s pensions, invest in workforce and economic development, increase funding for public safety, and pay down Illinois’ debt, we commend the Governor for the fiscal approach taken in this year’s proposed budget. Chicago’s business community has endured great hardship over the past several years, from an ongoing pandemic to rising property tax assessments and bills as well as violent crime that threatens every neighborhood throughout the city. The Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce stands ready to work with elected officials to ensure these proposed policies are enacted as well as to provide needed resources to our business community to both further economic growth and recovery and foster job creation and opportunity across Chicago and the state of Illinois,” said Jack Lavin, president & CEO, Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce.

* Illinois State Medical Society…

Illinois doctors are grateful that this budget commits to eliminating the reimbursement backlog for people covered under the state’s health plan. For many years medical practices serving state employees and retirees struggled as they waited months and months for reimbursement. The length of delayed reimbursement has improved in recent years and with this budget, if approved, should go away. This is good news.

In addition, ISMS appreciates the Governor’s acknowledgement of the Illinois medical community during this pandemic and his proposal to eliminate licensure fees for healthcare professionals. And we support funding the loan forgiveness programs that will help more doctors get into rural and underserved areas.

We also back the Governor’s ongoing efforts to continue to support the public health measures needed to mitigate COVID-19.

* IEC…

“The Illinois Environmental Council applauds Gov. JB Pritzker for proposing a state budget that prioritizes resources for combatting climate change, a first in Illinois history. Never before has an Illinois governor outlined such a strong budgetary commitment to climate solutions, including enactment of the Climate & Equitable Jobs Act, significant investments in electric vehicle infrastructure and support for clean energy and clean transportation manufacturing. Today’s proposal includes important first steps to rebuilding and adequately resourcing Illinois’ environmental and conservation state agencies, including increased staffing, something IEC has repeatedly called for. Finally, we are also thrilled to see the $113 million investment in replacing toxic lead service lines across the state.

“While more still needs to be done to safeguard our state’s natural resources the public health of all Illinoisans, these investments and those in the Climate & Equitable Jobs Act mark a turning point for our state, and we look forward to working with Gov. Prizkter and his administration to continue building Illinois’ nationally recognized climate leadership.”

* INA…

The Illinois Nurses Association supports Governor J.B. Pritzker’s plans to provide relief and financial support for important elements of the Illinois nursing work force. The Governor laid out his plans for Illinois in a combined State of the State and budget address today.

Nurses in Illinois have been serving patients in a pandemic that now enters its third year—nurses are stressed out, burned out, underpaid and underappreciated. We welcome the Governor’s support and are looking forward to working with him to help build the nursing workforce of the future.

INA officials also support the Governor’s efforts to ease the costs of obtaining a nursing license and his administration’s investment in nurses through the Advancement of the Healthcare Workforce Program and the Nursing Scholarship Education Program.

These programs can play an important role in recruiting new nurses to the health care workforce to help treat patients in the future.

* Illinois Hotel & Lodging Association…

“The hospitality and tourism industry, which has historically served as an anchor for Illinois’ economy, has been devastated by the pandemic – losing more than $111.8 billion in room revenue alone nationally. These losses have contributed to widespread layoffs, with many workers unable to return as recreational and business travel continues to be disrupted. Despite these struggles, Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s budget proposal neglected to offer any relief to the industry, which prior to the pandemic brought in $4 billion a year in state and local taxes and supported more than 290,000 jobs. As the governor looks for ways to support working families, we call on him to embrace our Hotel Jobs Recovery Plan, which would allocate $250 million in American Rescue Plan Act funds to hotels across the state. We urge the legislature and the Governor to support this initiative. This plan is an essential part of getting the industry, and our tourism and hospitality economy, back on stable footing and we look forward to working with the governor to make it a reality,” said Michael Jacobson, president & CEO, Illinois Hotel & Lodging Association.

* Illinois Federation of Teachers President Dan Montgomery…

“From the start of the pandemic, Governor Pritzker has steadfastly followed the science to protect our communities and move our state forward. We thank him for establishing mask and vaccine mandates that are helping keep our schools open and students and staff safe.

“The budget Governor Pritzker proposed today prioritizes the needs of students and educators and the delivery of public services to our most vulnerable Illinoisans. His proposed $350 million increase is a step toward adequately funding K-12 schools, especially in our neediest communities. But preK-12 funding is still billions of dollars short of the Evidence Based-Model funding target, which would provide the resources to educate every Illinois child well, no matter their zip code. We urge Governor Pritzker and the Illinois General Assembly to work toward fully funding the Evidence Based-Model.

“Critically, the state’s higher education system is suffering from decades of disinvestment. We are encouraged by the supplemental FY22 increase in funding for community colleges and universities that carries over to FY23. We urge the legislature to include this vital increase in higher education funding in the final budget.

“We also welcome the long-overdue recognition that the state must pay its bills – including the unfunded pension liability. The governor has proposed $500 million in pension funding over and above the required payment. This saves the state money in the long term and it’s the right thing to do.

“The pandemic will have lasting economic effects on students, educators, school staff, and communities of color. We applaud the governor for taking the necessary steps to assist in their recovery by providing some tax relief. The cuts to grocery and gas taxes and doubling the state property tax rebate will help provide the support that Illinois families need right now.

“The IFT looks forward to continuing to work with Governor Pritzker as he focuses on the state’s economic recovery from the pandemic.”

* SEIU Healthcare…

“As a union of the frontline home care, child care and healthcare workers who have experienced the direct impact of underfunded public services greatly exacerbated by a pandemic, we applaud the Governor’s continued commitment to responsible fiscal management.

“The Governor’s proposed budget is a step in the right direction, drawing upon the state’s strong economic performance and available Federal funding to pay for desperately needed rate increases for home care and child care workers as well as investment in schools, early childhood education, nursing home rate reform, mental health care, and the healthcare workforce in general.

“While the budget released today will provide crucial help to the workers and communities hardest hit by the pandemic, additional investment is still needed. We look forward to working with the Governor and the General Assembly to address the need for additional investment in crucial care services and infrastructure in communities across the state.

* Responsible Budget Coalition…

As a coalition of the state’s leading advocacy, human service, community and labor organizations, we judge any budget by these principles: It must contain adequate revenue, fairly raised, and it must avoid cuts to vital programs and services.

Sound fiscal management has put our state in a position to continue funding for many public services despite the COVID pandemic. With the state’s strong economic performance and important assistance from the federal government, we have more funds available to help all Illinoisans thrive, including those hardest hit by the ongoing pandemic.

The budget released today is a step in that direction. We are pleased with the funding increases for education as well as the focus on a number of other one time investments. However, Illinois must do more to focus on budget policies that would provide adequate revenue to support critical programs along with long-term tax relief to the lowest income people, by requiring the wealthy to pay their fair share.

We look forward to working with the Governor and the General Assembly to pass a budget that meets our moral obligation to fully fund education, health care, and human services. RBC will continue to further our mission to ensure that Illinois stays on sound financial footing as well as meeting the needs of its’ people. Working together, we can do both.

* Illinois Partners for Human Service…

Illinois Partners for Human Service, a coalition of more than 850 health and human service providers across the state of Illinois, is encouraged by Governor Pritzker’s FY23 budget proposal. We appreciate the priorities outlined in this budget for the health and human service sector and commend the significant investments proposed. Specifically, we are glad to see rate increases for many health and human services programs, including Behavioral Health, Developmental Disability Services, Childcare, the Community Care Program, and other key investments that will strengthen our sector and our communities.

Our health and human service coalition partners have been on the frontlines navigating this pandemic from the onset, and have tirelessly shouldered the burden of care for our communities. While state and federal relief dollars have been directed to our sector over the past two years, very little of this funding has addressed the systemic challenges facing the health and human services workforce. This budget is definitely a step in the right direction. At the same time, more work needs to be done to rectify the consequences of twenty years of disinvestment in the health and human service workforce in our state.

We look forward to working with the administration and our legislators to do everything possible to reduce administrative burden and ensure funding is directed to community providers. These organizations are trusted by those hardest hit by this pandemic, and their work is essential to the well-being of all Illinoisans.

* IMA…

“Facing record inflation, supply chain disruptions and workforce shortages, manufacturers across Illinois need support from policymakers to continue investing in our communities, growing our economy, and ensuring consumers receive the medicines, food and important goods they rely on. While we are encouraged by some of the priorities outlined by the Governor, including a significant investment in job training and workforce development programs, a focus on manufacturing careers, enhanced pension payment and the extension of the critical EDGE tax incentive, we must not lose sight of long-term challenges. These include policies that increase operating costs on employers and threaten job growth, such as $4.5 billion in debt plaguing the state’s Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund,” said Mark Denzler, president & CEO of the Illinois Manufacturers’ Association. “Manufacturers have time and again demonstrated our willingness to take on tough challenges and solve problems, and we remain prepared to work with the Governor and lawmakers to find solutions.”

…Adding… By Amdor’s request…

…Adding… Community colleges…

The Illinois Community College Trustees Association and the Illinois Council of Community College Presidents applaud Governor Pritzker and his administration for their planned investment in higher education through the FY 2023 budget, and support the proposed funding increases to operationalize strategies outlined in the collectively developed plan A Thriving Illinois: Higher Education Paths to Equity, Sustainability and Growth.

An unprecedented increase of $122 million in MAP funding will ensure more equitable access to higher education for all Illinois residents. This increase will also enable MAP grants to cover a greater portion of students’ tuition costs and expand funding eligibility to students pursuing short-term certificates or credentials in fields that meet essential workforce needs in our local communities, such as commercial driver’s license (CDL) and certified nursing assistant (CNA) credentials.

Illinois community colleges stand ready to partner with the Governor’s Office in the new and innovative Pipeline for the Advancement of the Healthcare (PATH) workforce program to support and expand opportunities for growing the nursing and healthcare worker pipeline. The $25 million in funding will assist community colleges with enhancing programming and wrap-around services to recruit future healthcare workers, remove barriers to entry into healthcare fields for low-income, first generation and minority students, and develop career advancement pathways for incumbent healthcare workers. These steps are essential to addressing unprecedented healthcare worker shortages and provide a ready supply of future workers.

The ongoing pandemic combined with years of near stagnant funding have strained higher education budgets, programming and services. A five percent increase to community college operational funding, and the addition of supplemental funding opportunities, will further strengthen our local institutions while easing the financial burden on local taxpayers and students.

Collectively, the proposed investments in higher education will assist the state in closing historic equity gaps and improve student outcomes for underrepresented students group, while retaining Illinois residents and creating pathways for development of a skilled workforce in key areas of the labor force to support the state’s business and industry.

Illinois community colleges are proud to work collaboratively with Governor Pritzker’s administration and our legislative leaders to maintain Illinois’ leadership as one of the most respected and progressive higher education systems in the nation, and we strongly support the proposed FY 2023 budget.


  1. - notsosure - Wednesday, Feb 2, 22 @ 6:55 pm:

    So, to sum it all up: everyone is thrilled that the Gov is proposing all these fiscally responsible steps, but golly gee they sure wish he’d find a few $ for their particular pet interest. (tax cuts, more spending, etc.)

  2. - John Lee Pettimore, III - Wednesday, Feb 2, 22 @ 9:39 pm:

    Some people just can’t take “yes” for an answer.

  3. - Rabid - Thursday, Feb 3, 22 @ 6:42 am:

    IMA went with flat tax, thanks for the 600 million extra. Elections have results

  4. - Ducky LaMoore - Thursday, Feb 3, 22 @ 8:04 am:

    @John Lee Pettimore, III

    Yeah, some people think everything is snake oil.

  5. - NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Thursday, Feb 3, 22 @ 8:36 am:

    Love “APyron”’s Twitter reply to Guzzardi’s “analysis” of the FY23 budget:

    “Hi! We
    would love to talk to you about how domestic and sexual violence services were significantly underfunded in a year in which we served our highest number of survivors! $12 for every contact to the IL DV Hotline!”

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