Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » BGA helps Griffin launch his Irvin backing: “Thank God for the state that I have the resources to lend a different voice”
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BGA helps Griffin launch his Irvin backing: “Thank God for the state that I have the resources to lend a different voice”

Monday, Feb 14, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* You gotta love how this interview starts

David Greising, president of BGA: Good afternoon, Ken. Please tell me your news.

And it goes downhill from there. Good government groups in Chicago do some valuable work, but they also exist to stroke the egos of potential donors.

If you click here and scroll down to page 22, you’ll see that Griffin contributed $100,000 to the BGA in 2020, the most recent donation records we currently have for the BGA.

* Ken Griffin’s response

Ken Griffin: Big picture, I’m going to get behind Richard Irvin, the mayor of Aurora. He’s an incredible leader, has a strong track record as mayor of Aurora, and really epitomizes the American dream. I believe he has the talent, the drive and the caring that we need to turn Illinois around.

* More

BGA: Citadel is well known for your use of data. What sort of data did you collect in making this decision?

KG: It’s a field of candidates with very little name recognition to start with, so the data is not going to be as important as the character of the people that you’re getting behind and the policies they’re going to drive as governor. And what you’ve got with Richard is you can see what those policies are going to look like based on his effective track record as mayor of Aurora.

I had with Richard a connection on issues that are really important to me, issues around making sure to end the crime pandemic that has engulfed Chicago; making sure that we put the state’s fiscal house in order so that we build new factories, creating both jobs in construction, in the factory, in all the infrastructure around the factory. These things will happen in a state that is perceived to be stable and where the economy is growing. We need the flywheel to work in the other direction, one that takes us forward, not backward. […]

BGA: In your speech to the Economic Club of Chicago you made a point about the impact of violent crime on the city.

KG: Crime in Chicago is out of control. I’ve had four colleagues mugged in the last year, year and change. I had a colleague in a car where a bullet went through the car right next to him. The retail space in the building I live in had 27 bullet holes in the looting during the summer a year and a half ago. It’s a tough environment to tell somebody when you graduate from college you need to come to Chicago. It’s damn near impossible to grow a business in a state where people who live here are afraid to stay. I’ve got high-paying jobs. I’ve got plenty of opportunities and options. My New York office is growing by leaps and bounds. My Chicago office is not.

BGA: Will Richard Irvin’s background as a criminal defense lawyer be an issue in the politics of the campaign?

KG: It could be an issue, but I’m going to tell you, every single person in this country is entitled to a good defense. If you want justice, then every single person is entitled to a good defense. I have respect for a person who will give a young man or a young woman, or any demographic—old, young, middle-aged—the right to a fair trial. It’s a core tenet of our democracy. […]

BGA: We’re being deluged with J.B. Pritzker ads about an improved credit rating, about a balanced budget. Gov. Pritzker is meeting obligations on evidence-based funding for schools and meeting pension obligations. As a political matter, how concerned are you that there’s an impression that Illinois fiscal house is getting in order?

KG: As a political matter, I’m very concerned. The handouts that our state government has gotten from the federal government during the course of the pandemic have given us a temporary respite from our poor decisions. And rather than helping to prepare for a rainy day, the governor’s just pretending everything is business as usual. I think the voters of our state when presented with the facts will come to a thoughtful conclusion. […]

BGA: To the extent Richard Irvin is a centrist, do you see that as an advantage in running for governor if Illinois?

KG: I think it’s a huge advantage. The primary is an important part of the election process. Richard is his own man, he carves his own path. Voters are going to make their decision, and hopefully he’s going to serve this state as governor at the end of the election cycle. […]

BGA: We’re in a situation where you as a billionaire are putting up money against another billionaire. How do you view the fact that you and Gov. Pritzker are such a presence in the election, and is it good for the state that you two played such a role in the graduated tax and will again in this election?

KG: Thank God for the state that I have the resources to lend a different voice. Otherwise, we’d just have J.B.’s voice. I’m going to help give a voice to Richard. He has a great message. This will help him get on the air. This will let him tell his message of where he’s come from, what he believes in and where he’s going.

Most fundamentally, this election will be decided by every single voter in the state who will show up and cast a ballot. I hope that we’ll help people in the state make a really good decision, one that they think is right for them. I believe that if you look at the facts, it’s an easy decision to vote for Richard. But I’ve got to tell you, I believe in a democracy, and I believe in the right of every person to be involved in the democracy and to come to their own decision.

BGA: Do you believe Richard Irvin faces an uphill battle?

KG: If you look at policy, I believe there is no comparison between the two as political leaders. But I do know that J.B. Pritzker is willing to put an incredible amount of inherited wealth into this race, and he’s willing to deliver a message that is flat-out deceiving to our citizens about the fiscal house of the state being in order.

I just challenge J.B.: Spend your time back in Chicago where we have so much going wrong and come forth with a real plan to address the issues plaguing our state, many of them made worse by your pursuit of an ultra-progressive agenda.

* Griffin statement…

We must end the senseless violence that has engulfed our state and put countless mothers through the pain and agony of losing a child to a random shooting. JB Pritzker puts politics first and refuses to address the crime that is tearing apart our state, cities and families. I firmly believe Richard Irvin has the character and leadership needed to again make Illinois a place where people can feel safe to live, raise a family and pursue their dreams.

Richard Irvin is self-made, and his life story epitomizes the American dream. I have tremendous respect for all that he has accomplished.

Richard Irvin will bring people together in Illinois and fight to turn our state around. It is time we reclaim our state from the damaging politics of Governor Pritzker and his corrupt cronies.

Richard knows the importance of ending wasteful spending and reducing oppressively high taxes. Illinois taxpayers are tired of sending their hard-earned money to Springfield to be burned in the furnace of waste and corruption. JB Pritzker – beholden to his cronies and political base – is unwilling to address either issue.

I care deeply about Illinois. I came to Chicago thirty years ago to start my career and my partners and I have built an incredible firm in our state. The policies of JB Pritzker are hurting not only our firm, but also countless other Illinois success stories. I am fortunate enough to have the resources to support Richard Irvin in his mission to return Illinois to being the land of opportunity.

JB Pritzker is resorting to accounting tricks in a desperate move to mislead the voters of Illinois. His proposed spending is already 8% above 2021 levels while taxpayers are fleeing the state. More spending, fewer people – anyone can do the math. Rather than using the funds the federal government provided to shore up the state’s finances, he’s playing politics by postponing his previously enacted tax hikes until after the election. He’s hoping to fool the citizens of Illinois who will be left with a larger bill to pay in 2023.

* Pritzker campaign…

Ken Griffin would conveniently like us all to forget he bankrolled the very governor that decimated the social services that prevent violence, caused our colleges and universities to nearly lose accreditation, and devastated our state’s finances in previously unseen ways. Moreover, Ken’s chosen candidate is entirely unserious about addressing the issues facing Illinois and spent fifteen years profiting off of the defense of violent criminals. The wounds left by Bruce Rauner’s incompetence are still fresh and Illinoisans see Irvin’s candidacy for exactly what it is: another empty suit for Ken Griffin to drag our state backwards.

This post will likely be updated.

Your thoughts?

…Adding… Irvin campaign

I appreciate Mr. Griffin’s support and the thousands of other donors who have joined our campaign in the first few weeks. I look forward to gaining the backing of even more Illinoisans throughout the state who want to be a part of this movement to stop out of control crime, skyrocketing taxes and wasteful spending, heavy handed government and corruption, and I will be a Governor who puts people first and tackles these issues head on.

Thousands of donors?

…Adding… DGA…

“Ken Griffin bankrolled Bruce Rauner while he imploded Illinois’ budget, defunded social services, and ruined the state’s economy — and now he wants Richard Irvin to do the same,” said DGA Senior Communications Advisor Christina Amestoy. “With his constant flip-flopping, Irvin has proved he has no platform of his own and is building his entire candidacy on Griffin’s out-of-touch talking points. Working families can’t afford a Rauner Reboot — and Irvin would only drag the state backward.”

…Adding… Gary Rabine…

Gary Rabine, candidate for Illinois Governor is issuing the following statement on Ken Griffin’s financial support of Aurora Mayor Richard Irvin’s candidacy for governor.

“We knew from the beginning that Fake- Republican-Governor-Candidate, Irvin, is a bought and paid for candidate. I cannot be bought.

We also know that Irvin has repeatedly voted in Democratic primaries. He supports defunding the police, mask mandates and sanctuary cities. His winning the support of Republican rank and file voters will be an uphill climb.”

…Adding… Tribune

In an email, Greising, a former Tribune columnist, said Griffin’s lifetime contributions to the BGA total $375,000. He also noted Pritzker was a past donor, and that Mayor Lori Lightfoot, a Democrat, is a previous donor and past BGA board member.

“Going back to my time at the Tribune — when my columns sometimes would irritate board members and major advertisers — I have reported and written without allowing any non-journalistic influences to affect my work,” Greising wrote.

Sure, Jan.

…Adding… Greg Hinz

Greising asked the right questions, but it’s fair to wonder if he could have pushed harder, given that Griffin donated $100,000 to the BGA in 2000 and another $275,000 in earlier years.

He didn’t push at all.

…Adding… DPI…

Democratic Party of Illinois Executive Director Abby Witt responded to the news that Ken Griffin donating $20 million to gubernatorial candidate Richard Irvin:

“Today, Ken Griffin made it official: the Rauner Reboot is officially on,” said Abby Witt, Executive Director of the Democratic Party of Illinois. “The 2022 candidate slate is centered around Richard Irvin, who now has Rauner’s moneyman and Rauner’s campaign team pulling the strings after Bruce Rauner himself gave Irvin the seal of approval. It’s clear Irvin will do or say whatever is politically convenient to get elected, already contradicting and reversing himself on issues of critical importance to Illinois voters. Irvin is already dodging questions about his own 15-year history as a criminal defense attorney while launching baseless, false attacks on criminal justice reform efforts. Meanwhile, the rest of the slate hides from the public, avoiding voters and ducking reporters as they wait for their marching orders.

“One thing is clear: while Irvin and the slate will say whatever they’re told to get elected, their end goal is to bring the Rauner days of cuts, chaos, and crisis back to Illinois. Voters will see this reboot for what it is, reject this slate, and continue to move Illinois forward under Democratic leadership.”

* Related…

* David Greising: Believe it or not, billionaires make Illinois politics better: Had Griffin not intervened, Pritzker’s profligate spending to sell voters on his signature policy proposal could have overwhelmed the opposition. The governor poured $58 million of his own money trying to pass the amendment. But Griffin matched that, almost dollar for dollar, spending more than $53 million in opposition.


  1. - Sterling - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 8:34 am:

    Ken Griffin got his wish and killed the progressive income tax amendment but the Pritzker administration still found ways to improve our state’s finances and increase our credit rating, gotta ask Mr. Griffin what exactly we need “turning around” from.

  2. - Chicagoan - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 8:37 am:

    Irvin’s ad encapsulates his candidacy. He’s in the passenger seat and someone else is driving.

  3. - DuPage Saint - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 8:37 am:

    It is his money I guess he can buy whomever he wants a. I found it telling that he admits none of the candidates have name recognition so I guess honk he got himself a blank slate that he can just fill in as he wants
    However he did get a soft spot for me. A criminal defense lawyer is not a criminal. In my opinion criminal defense is the most honored branches of the law. John Adams in his defense of Red Coats starts this a American tradition

  4. - Roman - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 8:39 am:

    “I just challenge J.B.: Spend your time back in Chicago…”

    That’s a new messaging approach from an Illinois Republican.

  5. - Chicago 20 - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 8:50 am:

    The BGA sent out a blast email this morning.
    “ BREAKING: Griffin Backing Aurora Mayor Irvin, Starts with $20 (sic) Millon”.

  6. - Grandson of Man - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 8:51 am:

    And there it is, the Raunerization of Irvin, or pretty close to it. Hopefully this time there will be a response from the comms teams of the other candidates. This can’t fly too well south of I-80, can it?

    Irvin is getting ready to bear the Griffin-Rauner legacy of deliberate and cruel destruction: budget sabotage, “starving the beast” slashing of social services and violence prevention programs, explosion of debt and union busting. Same with the ILGOP, after having danced this one before.

    Good response from the JB campaign. The Rauner-Griffin legacy is a political beach ball down broadway. Can’t have much worse of a brand, that and Trumpism, what a combo.

  7. - Google Is Your Friend - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 8:55 am:

    ==I’m going to help give a voice to Richard==

    As we all know, Black men don’t have their own voices and it takes a rich, White man to give them their voice.

  8. - Anchors Away - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 8:57 am:

    This is gross. The hints at how much money he might spend while trying to taunt the Governor…the refusal to acknowledge that there is anything good about Illinois…the lack of acknowledgment that the last Governor he helped elect brought the state to his knees…and the dripping condescension for anyone who dares disagree with him…and the dog whistle racism about Chicago and crime. I wasn’t his voter to begin with but this thoroughly turns me off of anything and anyone involved with Griffin.

    If Ken has this much contempt for the people of Illinois, he should put these statements on the ballot and run himself. As it is, my hunch is I think he is going to find this entire enterprise to be a bad investment for him long term.

    And shame on the BGA. You get an “interview” with this guy and you ask literally no hard questions. What a sorry lot.

  9. - Rabid - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 8:59 am:

    Cats out of the bag, ” turn” Illinois ” around” agenda lives

  10. - Not a Superstar - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 9:04 am:

    Can we also talk about the BGA’s hyping of Griffin? They may want to rename themselves the Bought by Griffin Association.

  11. - Arsenal - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 9:08 am:

    ==This can’t fly too well south of I-80, can it?==

    Probably not, but I don’t think any of the other candidates have the wherewithal to make hay over it.

    To the post: One of the more confounding things about the Griffin Experiment is Griffin’s insistence on centering himself in it, even while drafting a proxy candidate.

  12. - Jocko - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 9:11 am:

    == He’s in the passenger seat and someone else is driving==

    KG to Illinois residents. “If you guys don’t knock it off back there…trying to increase my marginal tax rate…I will turn right around (exclamation point)”

  13. - Arsenal - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 9:11 am:

    ==Can we also talk about the BGA’s hyping of Griffin?==

    It’s long been easy to “Work the refs” of the BGA, but this does, at least at first, appear to be quite a trip into outright partisan advocacy.

  14. - West Side the Best Side - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 9:14 am:

    Griffen: “Thank God for me, Illinois. I’m here to save you.” Trying to remember, there’s a saying somewhere having to do with false gods. I’m sure it will come to mind.

  15. - Arsenal - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 9:14 am:

    ==Richard Irvin is self-made==

    “…until the check clears.”

  16. - Telly - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 9:19 am:

    As Rich points out, the BGA had always been friendly to Chicago’s corporate set in order to keep the donations flowing. But it’s become much more of a problem lately. With the Internet-fueled demise of independent journalism, the BGA has filled the vacuum and has deeper pockets than ever. They recently poached an up-and-coming reporter from the Sun-Times, presumably because they can pay her more.

    All the while, they are a registered lobbying entity in Springfield.
    Someone should ask Greising if he’s a “journalist” or a lobbyist. You can’t be both.

  17. - Bruce( no not him) - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 9:21 am:

    === Believe it or not, billionaires make Illinois politics better:===
    Wow, that’s a take I don’t think I’d admit to.

  18. - NeverPoliticallyCorrect - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 9:23 am:

    The beautiful thing is you can always count on politicians to spin history. Let’s look at Pritzkers spinning. While Rauner was wrong on many issues he didn’t create the problems that he found when he was elected. Mr. Madigan and decades of incompetant politicians did that. As one example, Social Services were a disaster long before Rauner and remain so today. They are hobbled by ineffective state policies, contracts that deter effective management and woefully insufficient funding. Mr. Madigans stonewalling on the budgets just made things worse.

  19. - Rich Miller - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 9:25 am:

    ===he didn’t create the problems that he found===

    Correct. He made them exponentially worse.

  20. - Willie - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 9:26 am:

    Ironic that he doesn’t like the direction of his state or the country and his wealth increased by $6.5 billion last year. I wish I was that unhappy.

  21. - Arsenal - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 9:27 am:

    ==The beautiful thing is you can always count on politicians to spin history.==

    CapFax commenters, too. For example:

    == Mr. Madigans stonewalling on the budgets==

    It wasn’t Madigan who made “force workers to take a paycut” an essential prerequisite of any budget.

  22. - Ron Burgundy - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 9:28 am:

    -I just challenge J.B.-

    You know, without directly challenging J.B.

  23. - Montrose - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 9:30 am:

    Does the BGA have a 501(c)4? It is hard to see this interview as anything but engagement in electoral politics.

  24. - Moe Berg - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 9:32 am:

    BGA’s non-partisan the way Center Square is.

    Is former Democratic State Senator and strong JB Pritzker ally Heather Steans, who is on the BGA’s board, going to stay silent while it turns into a Pritzker-attacking appendage of Ken Griffin and the GOP?

  25. - Norseman - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 9:38 am:

    Another stake in BGA’s “good government” reputation.

  26. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 9:41 am:

    ===Social Services were a disaster long before Rauner and remain so today.===

    For an entire General Assembly, Bruce Rauner, along with Dunkin, Drury, and Franks, purposely hobbled social services to force Dems to… attack organized labor… AND… not, or, but and… raise taxes… on their own.

    Your consistency in trying to ignore such things in comments you make while trying to portray this “alternative fact” hero thing…

    … I have the receipts. As for so many harmed.

    To the post,

    Griffin is showing what the wealthy, the real wealthy do…

    Even if you think Rauner is wealthy, (oh boy, he really is, no snark) Rauner wasn’t wealthy enough to convince Griffin to run, but Griffin… Griffin is so wealthy he believes he, personally, is *the* voice, “by proxy”, to anything he despises.

    That’s real wealth, that solo wealth, no bundling… solo, untouchable, wealth.

    Irvin is not an empty vessel.

    Pritzker’s Crew will remind voters that… and that Irvin is beholden… as Griffin’s words clarified for ALL

  27. - Arsenal - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 9:47 am:

    ==BGA’s non-partisan the way Center Square is.==

    At this point, I might argue that CS plays it a little more straight than BGA. But then, BGA has always had an advocacy element to it.

  28. - Rich Miller - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 9:50 am:

    === BGA has always had an advocacy element===

    It’s a registered lobbying entity. Although Greising himself is not registered as a lobster, which is odd because somebody is telling the Spfld crew what to do.

  29. - Lucky Pierre - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 9:53 am:

    Mike Madigan’s 20 year rule as leader of the Democratic Party is the biggest reason for the fiscal problems in Illinois.

    For some reason JB never criticizes him even after he was forced from office and his top lieutenants are under indictment

  30. - Rich Miller - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 9:55 am:

    ===somebody is telling the Spfld crew what to do===

    Maybe the BGA should launch an investigation /s

  31. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 10:00 am:

    === Mike Madigan===

    - LP -…

    “Stop bringing up Rauner, move on”

    Also - LP -

    “Because Madigan”

    It’s continually hilarious you ignore 60/30 or 71/36 that Rauner could never get for his agenda… and with that also ignore Dunkin, Drury, and Franks continued way they stopped all overrides for Rauner… which was never in vogue… “for decades”

  32. - Pundent - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 10:03 am:

    =For some reason JB never criticizes him even after he was forced from office and his top lieutenants are under indictment=

    I guess you slept through the later part of 2020 and early 2021. I know it’s not convenient for you or Griffin to acknowledge that Madigan is no longer in officer. And it must be even harder to stomach that he was taken out by his own party.

    To the post, I have a hard time believing that Ken Griffin has suddenly decided to go all in on crime. I don’t believe for one moment that this is what’s motivating him to get behind Richard Irvin. And that’s what frightens me about Griffin. As we learned with Rauner (I’m not anti-union) what he says and what he does rarely match.

  33. - Arsenal - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 10:05 am:

    ==For some reason JB never criticizes him even after he was forced from office==

    It’s precisely *because* he was forced from office. As much as you wish otherwise, Madigan is out of office and beating the dead horse won’t solve any problems.

  34. - Arsenal - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 10:06 am:

    Man, it sure says something that Griffin gets a cushy interview with the BGA and releases a 6 paragraph statement while the actual candidate just does one graf.

  35. - Arsenal - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 10:09 am:

    == If you look at policy, I believe there is no comparison between the two as political leaders.==

    This part’s true, since until 3 weeks ago Richard Irvin supported all of JB Pritzker’s policies, lol.

  36. - Chris in ChiTown - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 10:18 am:

    Griffin is the worst person to help drive a candidate for governor & other offices. Why doesn’t BGA just NOT interview this man until December? Griffin got Illinois Rauner, who caused the State of Illinois’ government budget to have multiple problems through his term. The State’s government budget has recovered from that. Does he want that to happen again?

  37. - One Trick Pony - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 10:20 am:

    I don’t know why, but while reading this I got a vision of Irvin in new black leather chaps and a vest talking to some Harley riders telling them that he is just like them.

  38. - Huh? - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 10:21 am:

    “I’m going to get behind Richard Irvin”

    Translation - “I bought and paid for Irvin.”

  39. - Disappointed Voter - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 10:29 am:

    In a few years, David has undone the lifetime work of Andy Shaw. Why compromise the integrity of your org and tie it to someone like Griffin?

  40. - Annonin' - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 10:40 am:

    “The handouts that our state government has gotten from the federal government during the course of the pandemic”
    When the $$$ goes to govt it is a handout when it to the 1%ers it is tax relief that allows us to buy large, usually ugly modern art to impress our friends.
    Always hate to see the swells sink to that level.
    BTW BGA did not checked “NO” on line 4 on the 990 (that is the lobby line) We have no clue what they did in 2021. They also reveal a Schedule B which itemized large donors and some stock and security donations

  41. - Excitable Boy - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 10:42 am:

    - In a few years, David has undone the lifetime work of Andy Shaw. -

    Lol, Andy Shaw undid the lifetime work of the BGA during his tenure. David is just continuing Shaw’s model of using the BGA as a tabloid for the donor class.

  42. - Henry Francis - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 10:52 am:

    I like Griff’s diss to JB’s “inherited” wealth. I guess it’s something Griff’s kids are going to face if they ever try to do something with their lives.

    I mean Griff grew up in Boca Raton, his dad was an executive for General Electric. His grandmother inherited (there’s that word again) an oil company. He went to Harvard where he asked grandma for a $100k investment for one of his college ventures. All typical “pull yourself up by the bootstraps” stuff; right?

    And at least JB is putting himself in the arena, and not paying for someone else to fight the fight for him.

  43. - Chicago Blue - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 10:53 am:

    The battle of the billionaires. I think the spending cancels out and Biden’s approvals, the price of gas and any subsequent covid surges will determine who wins in blue Illinois, with Pritzker the current favorite.

  44. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 10:57 am:

    ===the price of gas and any subsequent covid surges will determine who wins in blue Illinois===

    Now put abortion in that mix, if “we” can see so much 9 or so months from now.

    ===blue Illinois===

    This is inherently untrue, Illinois is more of a bell weather to the majority of voters… AND… can you name, other than Rauner, who else was on the 2018 statewide slate? No Googling.


  45. - Ebur-floozy - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 11:02 am:

    No Dem should, in good faith, participate in the Tribune’s endorsement process this fall. Everything about the management of that paper is a sham.

  46. - Shytown - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 11:21 am:

    I thought Irvin was running, but it sure sounds like Ken Griffin is the candidate here.

    Re the BGA story, it stinks. No it reeks. The BGA should have a much higher bar than this. Why are they writing a story like this anyway? Oh wait, Griffin donated $100,000 to them. It all makes sense now.

    And griffin calling out Pritzker for inherited wealth laughable coming from a guy born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Florida is calling your name Ken. We’ll be ok without you.

  47. - MisterJayEm - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 11:40 am:

    Irvin: Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain‼

    Griffin: [pulls curtain aside; grabs microphone] Here’s what my plan for Illinois is…

    – MrJM

  48. - Lester Holt’s Mustache - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 12:02 pm:

    == The BGA should have a much higher bar than this. Why are they writing a story like this anyway? Oh wait, Griffin donated $100,000 to them. ==

    No, BGA was in the tank for Rauner long before Griff’s donation, because Andy Shaw was a friend of Bruce. Despite Rich’s careful wording, the BGA has been a de facto republican PAC for years now. Greising knows that nobody else in the media is going to call them out for their blatant activism.

  49. - New Day - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 12:31 pm:

    “No, BGA was in the tank for Rauner long before Griff’s donation, because Andy Shaw was a friend of Bruce. Despite Rich’s careful wording, the BGA has been a de facto republican PAC for years now. Greising knows that nobody else in the media is going to call them out for their blatant activism.”

    I won’t defend David Greising or BGA on this because this is an outrageous breach of their duties and a violation of their 501C3 status. I’ll only say that the BGA board over the last 20 years has usually had more Democrats than Republicans. Andy isn’t a Republican activist but was oblivious to his role as a 501C3 leader. Griesing is making the same mistake. He should know better.

    BTW, politically, this is probably good for team Pritzker as it solidifies the puppetmaster role of Griffin and delegitimizes any criticism that may come from BGA towards the Administration. All they have to say is BGA supports my opponent so their opinion is obviously tainted. That’s the result of not staying in your lane.

  50. - Proud Sucker - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 12:43 pm:

    “The policies of JB Pritzker are hurting not only our firm, but also countless other Illinois success stories”

    Do we applaud Griff for his honesty? Still feels bad though.

  51. - low level - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 1:04 pm:

    == It’s a tough environment to tell somebody when you graduate from college you need to come to Chicago== Ken Griffin

    They are still coming, Ken. Maybe if you actually spent time in the city you would know that.

  52. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 1:06 pm:

    == It’s a tough environment to tell somebody when you graduate from college you need to come to Chicago==

    Chicago, #1 in both foreign business investment and tourism.

    Folks are coming, visiting, investing… I can send Griffin the links…

  53. - Disappointed Voter - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 1:13 pm:

    == I’ll only say that the BGA board over the last 20 years has usually had more Democrats than Republicans. ==

    Lori was once on the BGA board and JB was one of the first donors to the BGA. Agree 100% that this reduces the impact of any “fact-checking” or “reporting” from the BGA.

    High short sighted move from David. The board should move to reprimand him.

  54. - low level - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 1:20 pm:

    As I always say, when the “reformers” come calling, watch out.

  55. - Anonsense - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 2:14 pm:

    Make Illinois Suffer Again?

  56. - BobT - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 2:40 pm:

    Lucky for IL dems that Irvin is the best they can do. Their CJ reforms may still sink the ship.

  57. - Jenny Clark - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 7:18 pm:

    Irvin is nothing more than Rauner 2.0 and he’s Z’s puppet. Just like KG. The state’s three biggest jokes.

  58. - New Day - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 9:50 pm:

    “With Irving as the likely Republican nominee for Governor it is even more important for JB to advance the progressive agenda. Double down on promoting implicit bias training, Defunding law enforcement and Reparations.”

    Ok, first, Irvin is not the likely GOP nominee. I’m not sure I’ve seen more obvious oppo on a candidate in a long long time. I mean cmon - he’s running on an anti-crime platform with a career built on getting some real scumbags off. And second, please don’t do those ultra-lefty things. That is not remotely where most Democrats are let alone general election voters.

  59. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, Feb 14, 22 @ 10:17 pm:

    I am gonna go out on a limb and predict that was the last interview Griffin gives.

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