Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 *** Republicans try to use temperature check rule to derail House action
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*** UPDATED x1 *** Republicans try to use temperature check rule to derail House action

Wednesday, Feb 16, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Background is here and here if you need it. From the House rules

(House Rule 51.5)
51.5. Decorum during the COVID-19 Disaster.

(a) On any day in which the House is in session during a disaster proclaimed by the Governor due to the COVID-19 virus, all members and officers of the General Assembly, majority and minority staff, and other persons when entitled to the House floor, galleries, and adjoining hallways and passages shall:

    (1) to the extent medically able and except as reasonably necessary for eating or drinking, wear a face-covering that covers the nose and mouth;
    (2) to the extent possible, maintain social distancing of at least six feet from any other person except as permitted by the other person; and
    (3) have submitted to and passed a temperature check prior to entry. […]

(c) A violation of this Rule shall be considered a breach of decorum and disorderly behavior. … Notwithstanding any other provision of these Rules, including Rule 30(e) and Articles XI and XII, a Representative in violation of this Rule may be disciplined and subject to reprimand, censure, removal from the House chamber, or other disciplinary measure, except expulsion and imprisonment, upon a motion approved by a majority of those elected. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to limit discipline pursuant to Article XI or XII of these Rules.

(d) This Rule may not be suspended.

* An unmasked Rep. Dan Caulkins said this on the House floor today

House rule 51.5 C is being arbitrarily enforced. That rule is being used to single out individual members of this body and therefore I ask you under Rule 51.5 (c) to remove from the House chamber all members of the House of Representatives who answered the quorum call today, February 16 2022. Under House rule 51.5 (a) (3) all members must have submitted to and pass a temperature check prior to entry on the House floor. No member who is on the House floor has taken and passed a temperature check prior to entering the House floor. Under House rule 51.5 the rule and his provision may not be suspended. As such all members are in violation of this rule.

Please pardon all transcription errors.

* After a very long pause, House Majority Leader Greg Harris eventually responded that the chamber would bring in people to perform temperature checks. Rep. Caulkins countered that the rule clearly states that members must have a temperature check before entering the House floor. Leader Harris replied

We do not know who did or did not have a temperature check, complying with that rule coming into the chamber. So to be certain that we’re doing this accurately, we will be testing everyone in the chamber right now.

This post will likely be updated.

…Adding… The temperatures have now been checked of all members and staff and the chamber is now proceeding to other business.

…Adding… Rep. Lakesia Collins (D-Chicago) has made a motion to remove several members, including Reps. McLaughlin, Chesney, Niemerg, Miller, Halbrook and Caulkins from the chamber for not following the mask rule. During discussion, Rep. Butler asked about the social distancing rule (the reply was that it would be enforced if a member objects). Butler also asked if members would be tested if they left the chamber and then returned (the answer was no). The Republicans then requested a one-hour caucus. House is now in recess.

*** UPDATE *** The House came back and Rep. Collins was recognized, but she did not press her motion. The House is now adjourning.


  1. - Publius - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 1:31 pm:

    Sounds the ILGOP would prefer to not do any business today or any day. They must be afraid of democracy.

  2. - AlfondoGonz - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 1:32 pm:

    This seems pretty immature.

  3. - Buford - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 1:32 pm:

    Glad Republicans are such sticklers for the rules. I fully expect them all to wear their masks with no issues after temperature checks are done.

  4. - Colin O'Scopy - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 1:34 pm:

    Kids playing kid games.

  5. - NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 1:34 pm:

    There haven’t been daily temperature checks in my state office since summer. Wonder why we’re not doing it but the GA still is? In case some virus-infested people who are slightly feverish have still been coming into work and spreading germs to everyone else.

  6. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 1:36 pm:

    === Wonder why we’re not doing it but the GA still is?===

    It’s no longer a good rule because we now know that people can infect others 2 days before showing any symptoms. They just never got around to changing it, I suppose.

  7. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 1:36 pm:

    I’ve supported all of the mitigation measures but I have to tell you I believe temperature checks have been one of the most useless things to be done during the pandemic, if only because the devices being used are less than reliable. We do temperature checks when we come into the office every day and my temperature everyday ranges from 94-95. Useless.

  8. - H-W - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 1:37 pm:

    Again I say, if there are some who would wish to make a mockery of house rules, stomp their feet and puff their chests our, they would have been courageous in doing so, early in the pandemic. But to do so now, as the pandemic rules are already about to be suspended naturally only demonstrates their previous cowardice, and the incivility.

  9. - Bruce( no not him) - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 1:38 pm:

    Unfortunately, all we have is a rectal thermometer.
    Please wait your turn for testing. However we may be able to speed up the process, if you don’t mind waiting for disinfection.
    Thanks for your support.

  10. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 1:38 pm:

    ===temperature checks have been one of the most useless things to be done during the pandemic===

    My dentist is still using them. Was just there the other day.

  11. - Tom - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 1:40 pm:

    I will wait for Parliamentarian DeVore to weight in. /s

  12. - NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 1:41 pm:

    ==My dentist is still using them. Was just there the other day.==

    Same with Springfield Clinic facilities and most likely other doctors’ offices. However, since about last summer Springfield Clinic’s temp checks seem to be more AI-oriented (for lack of a better term) than having someone take your temp in person.

  13. - Donnie Elgin - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 1:42 pm:

    Follow the rules, mask/temp/6 feet. As for violators, let’s see how the leader uses the “Representative in violation of this Rule may be disciplined” clause. Emphasis on “MAY”

  14. - Amurica - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 1:44 pm:

    Is this now on the record as the IL republicans supporting temperature checks as valid mechanism for helping lower the spread of Covid?

  15. - Fixer - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 1:44 pm:

    As petty as this sounds, someone should call the motion for discipline on Caulkins for failure to follow that exact same rule he wants to cite. If you’re going to be a rules lawyer, might want to follow them yourself, Danny.

  16. - Stalling - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 1:54 pm:

    Democrats ready to do their job while Republicans caucus to strategize how to make Democrats look bad for doing their job.

  17. - Red Roses - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 1:56 pm:

    So the democrats are okay with forgetting about the rule to remain 6 feet away because they are giving consent- but a few people without masks more than 6 feet away- across an aisle is giving them concern?! Give me a break. They are just to blame for theatrics.

  18. - The Way I See It - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 1:57 pm:

    Glad we got some political theater in today

  19. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 2:01 pm:

    “It’s Show Business” I guess partially applies here.

    The point has been made by the ridiculous, they can either “win” and they are heroes, or “lose” and be seen by the cult folks as martyrs and heroes “standing up for ‘Merica”

    The only real question, I guess, is after caucus, will Republicans, if they are called to vote, vote against their caucus-mates on masks?

    We might know by 3pm

  20. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 2:03 pm:

    - Red Roses -

    ===without masks===

    The difference is those masks, as you point out, then ignore for “both sides”

  21. - H-W - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 2:08 pm:

    If DeVore is right, and these are “his” people, what does this say about the constituents of he lawmakers/rule-breakers?

  22. - Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 2:09 pm:

    Why don’t they just serve drinks and then everyone could pretend they were at a Cook County Democratic fundraiser, take their masks off and magically be safe

  23. - TheInvisibleMan - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 2:10 pm:

    man, republicans are getting weird.

    sarcasm to follow

    “I was accused, then indicted, then arraigned, then tried, then adjudicated, then appealed, then affirmed as guilty. Such a lack of due process is unacceptable.”

  24. - Candy Dogood - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 2:13 pm:

    These legislators think it is more important for them to be able to skirt wearing a face mask in a deadly pandemic than it is for them to actually do the job that they ran for election to do and that they are paid to do.

  25. - The Velvet Frog - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 2:18 pm:

    For a minute I thought “temperature check” was some obscure political manoeuvre, and not what it literally is.

  26. - Google Is Your Friend - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 2:18 pm:

    - Red Roses - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 1:56 pm:

    Reading is not your strong suit, so I’m not sure if you will comprehend this one or not, but here it goes:

    Rule 51.5(a)(2), “to the extent possible, maintain social distancing of at least six feet from any
    other person except as permitted by the other person”

  27. - ArchPundit - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 2:26 pm:

    ===Why don’t they just serve drinks and then everyone could pretend they were at a Cook County Democratic fundraiser, take their masks off and magically be safe

    Given how much we jump on LP, that’s fair.

  28. - Not a Superstar - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 2:27 pm:

    ILGOP: Pritzker is a tyrant. He needs to involve the GA
    Also ILGOP: Actually, we don’t want the GA to do anything either.

  29. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 2:27 pm:

    ===…a Cook County Democratic fundraiser,…===

    I believe you’re referring to the Equality Illinois Gala, which included some Republican guests.

  30. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 2:28 pm:

    ===Why don’t they just serve drinks and then everyone could pretend they were at a Cook County Democratic fundraiser, take their masks off and magically be safe===

    (Tips cap to - Lucky Pierre -)

    Social media rarely, rarely helps… ever.

  31. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 2:30 pm:

    Rep. Caulkins: “I think we have to go all out.I think this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebodies part.”

    Rep. Butler: “We’re just the guys to do it”

    ILGOP: “Let’s do it”

  32. - My 2 cents - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 2:33 pm:

    While I think the Eastern Bloc is ridiculous, the indoor mask mandate is going to expire in less that two weeks. What would have been more effective on the part of the Speaker’s office would be to ignore them therefore depriving them of the attention they so badly desire.

    My theory is that the House leadership is going to hang on to covid mitigations as long as possible: masks, Zoom, closed gallery because it allows them to avoid dealing with those pesky lobbyists and constituents.

  33. - NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 2:48 pm:

    ==My theory is that the House leadership is going to hang on to covid mitigations as long as possible: masks, Zoom, closed gallery because it allows them to avoid dealing with those pesky lobbyists and constituents.==

    Which as a state employee, the latter point is also great for us as we don’t have to do battle trying to traverse state buildings and get out of parking lots on all those Rally Days when “unpaid lobbyists” IMO by the busloads would converge onto Springfield. Unpaid other than a free lunch and bus ride. Try accessing the complex cafeterias pre-COVID on those days, for one. Hardly an empty seat in them.

  34. - Jamiroquai - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 2:56 pm:

    Democrats laugh at the enforcement of their own arbitrary rules - see also, Matthew 7:3-5

  35. - Lincoln Lad - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 2:57 pm:

    Strikes me that childish nonsense doesn’t endear you to the majority of voters in this State. Makes you a hit with 3 Percenters maybe… but that won’t get anyone elected statewide.

  36. - Joe Bidenopolous - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 2:59 pm:

    =My theory is that the House leadership is going to hang on to covid mitigations as long as possible: masks, Zoom, closed gallery because it allows them to avoid dealing with those pesky lobbyists and constituents=

    Something like that definitely would’ve been in Madigan’s playbook. I suppose that’s possible for Welch too

  37. - Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 3:11 pm:

    Ah the worm has turned, after all this time a tip of the cap from OW

    Don’t be shy to do so in the future when I strike a chord

  38. - Sir Reel - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 3:18 pm:

    I’m so glad to see our Republican legislators expending such energy on the most critical issue facing the Great State of Illinois. I’ll sleep well tonight knowing they have my safety and security in mind. Oh wait, I was thinking of something else.

  39. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 3:45 pm:

    ===Ah the worm has turned===

    You forget when we agreed and Rich even tweeted about it.

    I’m surprised you’d want any recognition from me, but here we are.

    Be well.

  40. - dr. reason a. goodwin - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 3:56 pm:

    I just love thinking about the salaries, per diems, and other expenses that I — Joe Taxpayer — am funding for this ridiculousness. These people should be ashamed.

  41. - Not a Superstar - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 4:00 pm:

    A stopped clock is right twice a day. Can Lucky Pierre do better than that? Inquiring minds, etc.

  42. - Say What? - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 4:41 pm:

    I guess the “rules are rules” crowd took the day off. While the Eastern Bloc Legislators are mindless children, the Chicago fundraiser with no masks make those casting stones look ridiculous as well.

  43. - Commonsense in Illinois - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 5:15 pm:

    Let’s all take a deep breath. The Majority Leadership will pass whatever legislation they want, when they want to pass it. Everyone else’s bills will just be tossed to the roadside like litter.

  44. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 5:20 pm:

    ===Everyone else’s bills will just be tossed to the roadside like litter.===

    If the legislator can find 60 votes, prolly a good chance they can get passage.

    No one is a victim. Legislators work bills all the time, but I’ll give you, it was far easier a decade or so ago.

  45. - Big Dipper - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 5:57 pm:

    Attending the fundraiser was optional, not a job that people are expected to attend.

  46. - ScholarlyUnionStateEmployee - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 6:18 pm:

    All these GA antics make me wish we could promote public health and social distancing by having a Cutback Amendment #2. 29 in the Senate and 58 in the House.

  47. - Tynie - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 7:29 pm:

    NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham, my doctor’s office, and the people they’re sending me to next Wed. For an annual screening, are still doing it, too. I got the proof by text, earlier today.

  48. - Tynie - Wednesday, Feb 16, 22 @ 7:35 pm:

    My apologies, for how my prior comment came out. My phone glitched a few times, and made it so I copied the wrong name into my clipboard. It was actually meant, fto give Rich another example of how temperature checks, are still being used.

  49. - Elliott Ness - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 7:39 am:

    Reminds me of a junior high lunch room

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