Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Jesse White endorses Anna Valencia for Secretary of State
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Jesse White endorses Anna Valencia for Secretary of State

Thursday, Feb 17, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I told subscribers about this earlier today. Press release…

Statement from Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White
Endorsing Anna Valencia for Secretary of State

It is an honor and a privilege to serve as Illinois Secretary of State and I thank the people of Illinois for entrusting me with the opportunity to serve them for an unprecedented six terms. I am proud of what we have accomplished during the past 23-plus years. Through our efforts, we have made Illinois roads safer, improved customer service and cleaned up an office that had been under a cloud of controversy and corruption prior to my tenure.

Since announcing I would not seek another term, I have been frequently asked who I would support as the next Secretary of State. It was important to me that such a person would be committed to good government and public service, that they would take on the job and the responsibility that goes with it, and that they would have the credentials and character that the people of Illinois richly deserve representing them in such an important office.

The Democratic Party is fortunate to have three strong candidates running for this office. However, I believe, one candidate stands out above the rest.

That’s why I am proud to announce my endorsement of Anna Valencia for Secretary of State.

I have known Anna for many years. I am impressed by her energy, commitment to public service and her dedication to getting the job done. As Chicago City Clerk, she has successfully modernized the office and made day-to-day customer service a number one priority. She has the ability and understanding to deliver important services to the public in a consistent, organized and effective manner.

Anna’s personal history gives her a unique ability to relate to Illinoisans of all backgrounds and regions. She grew up in a strong family with a commitment to the Labor movement and they continue to share the values of helping working men and women and improving society for all.

Like me, she comes from the Metro East region – a downstate area across the Mississippi River from St. Louis. Anna currently makes her home in Chicago.

Anna is an excellent fit as Secretary of State. She will be a champion of road safety, working to build on our record of saving teen lives and combating drunk driving. She will be a strong advocate for good government and enhanced customer service—keeping up with rapidly changing needs and technologies.

And as it was in 1998, this year’s election for Secretary of State will also be historic.

I made history as the first African American to be elected Secretary of State. And Anna will make history as the first woman and first Latina to be elected Secretary of State.

I believe in my heart that Anna Valencia will be an outstanding Secretary of State and I am deeply proud to offer her my unwavering endorsement.

It goes without saying that this puts her squarely in the game.

Stand by for react.

…Adding… This is a problem for two reasons…

1) The JW news is really going to put a serious damper on the festivities; and

2) As Treasurer Frerichs realized too late, state law bars campaign fundraising for executive branch constitutional offices on legislative session days. Both chambers are in session today.

…Adding… Valencia…

Secretary of State candidate Anna Valencia released the following statement today after Secretary of State Jesse White endorsed her to succeed him:

“I am humbled and honored that Secretary White has endorsed me to carry on his legacy for the people of Illinois. He made history as our first Black Secretary of State, and I look forward to earning the votes of Illinoisans to make history as the first woman and first woman of color to hold the office. Secretary White is admired, respected and beloved in every corner of Illinois because he consistently shows up and delivers for all communities. I plan to build on his legacy by bringing my experience to the Secretary of State’s office to keep making government more accessible, innovative and open. I am grateful that Secretary White is putting his faith in me, and I will never stop fighting for working class families, women, communities of color and immigrants who need a champion in their elected leaders. I am ready to carry on the torch that Secretary White is passing on to me.”

…Adding… Ald. Moore…

While I am disappointed that Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White chose to endorse one of my opponents in the race to replace him, it is not a surprise. Secretary White has a long history with Senator Dick Durbin and his pick comes out of the organizations of both elected officials.

Again, I am the only candidate in the race who helped circulate petitions for White in his first run for secretary of state in 1997. I believed he was the best person to change the perception of the office from a political steppingstone marred in scandal and corruption to one of customer service and integrity.

I will continue to travel the state to touch as many Illinoisans as possible to share my vision for how to build on the foundation White has put in place during his tenure and how to modernize and improve the secretary of state’s office for the future.

I asked if he was canceling tonight’s fundraiser, and will let you know if I hear back.

…Adding… Sen. Durbin…

“Secretary of State Jesse White’s endorsement of Anna Valencia to be the first woman to hold this statewide office is a game changer. White not only has been our most effective Secretary of State, he is hands down the most popular Democratic statewide official in modern history.”

“I am happy to join him and my colleague Tammy Duckworth in supporting Anna’s campaign to be our first woman Secretary of State.”

…Adding… Alexi Giannoulias campaign…

We’re proud of the more than 200 endorsements Alexi’s campaign has received from elected officials, Democratic groups and organized labor – including SEIU, which has more than 2,500 employees in the Secretary of State’s office, the Cook County Democratic Party and Southern Illinois Democratic County Chairs’ Association. Alexi’s broad-based, grassroots organization is a clear signal that his message of modernizing the office to reduce long lines and wait times, protect voter rights and increase opportunities to register and to reimagine libraries to increase access and equity is resonating with Illinois voters.

…Adding… Media advisory…

One day after Secretary of State Jesse White offered his “unwavering” endorsement of Secretary of State candidate Anna Valencia, Secretary White and Valencia will campaign together TOMORROW, February 18 at 11am CST at Manny’s Deli. After greeting voters, they will hold a media availability.

Secretary of State Jesse White
Secretary of State candidate Anna Valencia

Campaign stop and media availability

TOMORROW, February 18th
11am CST

Manny’s Deli
1141 S Jefferson Street
Chicago, IL 60607

…Adding… Sen. Duckworth…

As the first statewide elected official to endorse Anna Valencia’s campaign to be the first woman elected as Illinois Secretary of State, I’m thrilled that our current Secretary of State—who knows better than anyone the kind of grit and work ethic needed to serve in this critical role—sees what I’ve always seen in her too. Jesse White has been one of our state’s best and most effective leaders for decades, and he knows what I know: Anna Valencia is the best candidate in this race, and she will be a fantastic Secretary of State for all Illinoisans when she is elected.

…Adding… From Ald. Moore’s spokesperson…

Thank you for sending the state statute. Currently, David Moore is an announced candidate for Illinois secretary of state. Until petitions are filed and the candidate’s name makes the ballot, he is not an official candidate. Also, David’s birthday fundraiser was planned a year ago. He’s held a birthday fundraiser for the last 10 years. So, he does not plan to cancel it.

They’re right. From the statute

“Candidate” means a person who has filed nominating papers or petitions for nomination or election to an elected State office, or who has been appointed to fill a vacancy in nomination, and who remains eligible for placement on the ballot at either a general primary election or general election.


  1. - Rabid - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 8:51 am:

    Jesse White picks who he wants to fill his shoes, not shoe boxes

  2. - Montrose - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 8:51 am:

    Sure, the endorsement sounds good on the surface, but it comes with mandatory tumbling.

  3. - BigLou - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 8:52 am:

    I’m surprised but can’t wait to see how ALex twists this.

  4. - Fav human - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 8:54 am:

    We are about to find out just how long Jesse’s coattails are. I’m thinking pretty long but we’ll see.

  5. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 8:57 am:

    This is a big blow to Alexi, insofar as his coronation is far from where it was, and we will get to see what Jesse White can do in this instance, choosing who *he* wants to succeed him, and whist that will translate to monies, bodies, ads, and coordination with White Crew and other campaigns, starting “today”

    It’s not too late, but the daylight left can’t burn frivolously

  6. - Pot calling kettle - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 9:03 am:

    I’m a Dem, leaning away from Alexi based on his track record (as a candidate and office-holder as well as in private business), and somewhat surprised by all the folks jumping on his bandwagon. I’ve been waiting for this endorsement.

  7. - Tom - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 9:03 am:

    HUGE. Good job, team Valencia

  8. - Donnie Elgin - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 9:06 am:

    Jesse is a once-in-a-generation politician. Beloved throughout the state. He transcends party politics as a genuine person, paratrooper, baseball player, mentor to thousands of kids, and dedicated public servant. If he gets out on the campaign trail with Anna Valencia - it will be the difference-maker. SEIU and AFT will be Alexi’s vanguard but Jesse can blunt that .

  9. - Dave Fako / Fako Research & Strategies - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 9:07 am:

    Our firm has polled on Jesse White since his first statewide race in 1998. He consistently polls as the most popular Democrat in the State, and this is amplified among Democratic primary voters. He has successfully avoided being tainted by the scandals of recent years and that makes him even more impactful as there is little if any doubt about White’s ethics. An endorsement doesn’t win a race but as Rich stated, its the stamp of approval - or as we like to say its the “credential” that can put a candidate into the game…she’ll still need to run a quality campaign.

  10. - Ron Burgundy - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 9:10 am:

    Secretary White showing his integrity. Now we have a race.

  11. - DMC - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 9:11 am:

    So….can we get Jesse White to run for Mayor?

  12. - vern - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 9:11 am:

    I agree Jesse is the most popular politician in state history, but I’m having a hard time remembering a time when his endorsement decided a primary outside of his home turf. His margins largely come from the improbable support he has among Republicans. He’s got about $375,000 on hand and has never been a particularly dynamic fundraiser. It’ll definitely help Valencia somewhat but I don’t see this alone transforming this into a tight race.

  13. - Blue Dog - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 9:11 am:

    Will definitely pulling a dem ballot in primary.

  14. - Pizza Man - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 9:12 am:

    Amen to OW….words right out of my mouth: A big blow to Alexi.

    Alexi had thought he had Sos gig in his pocket. While he has the dough and the unions, with SOS White campaigning for her many groups/unions are going to begin peeling off and doing ‘U-Turn’ for Anna Valencia.

    Add his tumbling team showcasing her… she may still have a shot at SoS.

    Alexi must be in a corner crying. Broadview bank scandal, Bright Start College savings, my friend…

  15. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 9:13 am:

    ===I’m having a hard time remembering a time when his endorsement decided a primary===

    This is no usual race. It’s for his own office.

    This won’t win it for Valencia. But it’ll sure help.

  16. - Cheryl44 - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 9:14 am:

    He’s one of the very few politicians whose support for a candidate means something to me.

  17. - jHo - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 9:15 am:

    I am happy to hear of this endorsement by the State of Illinois’ greatest Secretary of State Jesse White!!! You have done a great job for the whole state of Illinois, Thank You Mr. White!!! And your support of Anna Valencia to take over the Secretary of State after your 6th term tells me you have endorsed the best of the best candidates for Illinois Secretary of State. All the best to you Mr. White in your retirement!!!!

  18. - Ducky LaMoore - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 9:18 am:

    Thank goodness. That’s all I got.

  19. - Bob Meter - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 9:20 am:

    With Jesse’s endorsement she’s got my vote.

  20. - illini - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 9:21 am:

    This is the news many of us have been waiting and hoping for. Is this the game changer some of us think it will be?

  21. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 9:21 am:

    Anna Valencia needed, almost as a requirement, this endorsement to make a race against Alexi.

    Without it, her campaign faced hurricane head winds.

    No, it’s not going to win it for her, today. Think if Alexi got it, and what that would’ve meant to *any* challenger to his ascension.

    It’s that big, but not the end.

    It’s a beginning.

  22. - Excitable Boy - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 9:25 am:

    I’m definitely no Valencia fan, but I despise Alexi, so I guess I’m glad he’s not just going to be coronated without a struggle.

  23. - Stix Hix - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 9:32 am:

    I was proud to carry her nomination petition around Wednesday (the weather sure helped), and tell voters about her.

  24. - Arsenal - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 9:43 am:

    Big shot in the arm for Velancia, and not a moment too soon. I think you’ll see some early Alexi endorsers swallow hard at this.

    OTOH, White himself isn’t really up to a grueling campaign schedule for AV, and he doesn’t have all that much of an organization anymore, so we’ll have to see how much he can do.

  25. - The Most Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 9:44 am:

    This is an endorsement that’s not exclusively transactional from one of the very few people who’s in a position to make a pure endorsement these days. Sure, at the end of the day he’s a politician, but Jesse doesn’t have much to gain/lose. This strikes me as him picking the person he thinks is best suited and those types of endorsements are rare.

  26. - workingfromhome - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 9:45 am:

    Good. She had my vote already and this certainly helps her cause.

  27. - fs - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 9:48 am:

    As someone who leans Republican (although not as much under the current definition), I’m a little disappointed that this hurts Alexi’s campaign.

    As a citizen of Illinois, however, my soul is quietly whispering to myself “Thank God”. And it’s not that I like Valencia, I just know what we all know of Alexi.

  28. - Sharia Capo - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 9:55 am:

    I understand that most posters lean Democratic, but with all the seemingly one-sided support against Giannoulias, do you have a factional identity within the party. Because I don’t get it.

  29. - moving forward - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 9:55 am:

    to fs’s point, this is not good news for the ILGOP. Republicans are licking their chops to get to a general against Alexi. It will be much more difficult to lay gloves on Valencia.

  30. - Pundent - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 9:56 am:

    Not only a boost for Valencia, but also brings more attention to the reasons that Alexi is someone that Jesse White isn’t willing to get behind.

  31. - Arsenal - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 9:59 am:

    == do you have a factional identity within the party==

    There’s always subgroups, especially in the Demcoratic Party, but part of Alexi’s problem is the fear that he’ll lose.

  32. - John Lopez - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 10:00 am:


    To think, Congresswoman Lauren Underwood was one of the earliest elected officials to openly back Valencia for SoS in the middle of last year.

  33. - PublicServant - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 10:03 am:

    I don’t want Alexi by any means, but I wasn’t happy to hear about Valencia’s lobbyist husband, and her involvement in pushing for a job for her CFO, and then ‘expressing disappointment’ when the job was not given to her CFO in a followup email. Didn’t we just have a big bruhaha about job requests from a politician? His name is on the tip of my tongue…

  34. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 10:09 am:

    (Hat to - Pizza Man -)

    Alexi, and his “ways” transcend party, it seems.

    As a “traditional” Republican and not a member of the cult, I may be predisposed to not favor Alexi, but his actions, and his hubris, makes it easy to find my stance with him.

  35. - Candy Dogood - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 10:18 am:

    I think Jesse White has made the right choice. I suspected this would be the case when Jesse White continued to take his time, but I appreciate that he is at least waiting until much closer to the deadline for signatures. Anna Valencia represents a hopeful future of the Democratic Party of Illinois.

    ===do you have a factional identity within the party===

    In an ideal world a primary is when candidates make their case to voters and voters pick among those candidates who they think will be their best candidate in the general election. Every voter makes their own decision and pretending to understand exactly how voters make that decision is big business when the truth is that an individual voter or even an individual party leader may make their decision for reasons of which they are not consciously aware and then invent the justification after the fact. We like to pretend we follow a rational decision making process even when we rarely do so.

    Preference of one candidate over another candidate would not necessarily mean that there is factionalization within the Democratic Party or any other political party because if the primary functioning as close to the intended ideal as possible it’s about preferences, not factions. There are different and specific interests that can endorse different candidates for different reasons, but that process is usually opaque and those organizations have a right to their private deliberations. At the end of the day, though, even the most lauded political actors may still not make their decision following a rational decision making model.

    The question of whether or not the party is factionalized is best answered with the response after the primary and for most prudent organizations that back one Democratic candidate over the other, their long term goals as an organization would make it against their own best interests to withhold their support. Same goes for a lot of primary voters. Stakes these days are too high for whatever is left of the old party machines to hold a grudge against a statewide candidate and doing so would likely cause their remaining influence to suffer.

    Choosing which ride you want to go on first at Disneyland doesn’t mean you hate all of the other rides. It also doesn’t mean you want all of the other rides to be closed for maintenance.

  36. - HonestAbeLives - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 10:27 am:

    The timing of the “but her emails” campaign by Giannoulias suggests that it was an attempt to derail the Sec. White endorsement. Once that fizzled into nothing, Sec. White moved ahead with the endorsement.

    Strategic blunder by Hanah Jubeh as it only delayed the inevitable and welcomed comments of misogyny and comparisons to Trump.

  37. - Regular democrat - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 10:31 am:

    I have commented in the past stating I believe that she had a real chance to win. Good for her i hope she can find the proper resources to run a campaign .

  38. - Sharia Kapo - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 10:32 am:

    Giannoulias had two older brothers running their family’s neighborhood bank after their father died in 2006, the year Alexi became Treasurer. He could hardly be faulted for Broadway’s during the contrived liquidity crunch of 2007-9. Their sin was that their bank was not Too Big To Fail.

    By my lights, both Valencia and Giannoulias are too dependent on unions for the glow of workingman authenticity. They are both firmly middle class with clean manicured hands.

  39. - Levois J - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 10:35 am:

    I wonder how far these endorsements carry in an election. It’s a boost when another elected official certainly a very credible one endorses someone who wants to move up.

  40. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 10:36 am:

    ===He could hardly be faulted===

    That’s not how a campaign works when Alexi will likely tout his experience, which might include a failed bank, and the unsavory folks that did business with that bank.

    Can’t wish away things, if you’re explaining you’re losing, being absent for years at a time isn’t engaged by any measure.

  41. - levivotedforjudy - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 10:41 am:

    If I was a betting person, I would have picked Alexi. Now that this endorsement thing is over, unless he really wants the grind of campaigning, I hope they let Jesse chill and ride off into retirement.

  42. - HonestAbeLives - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 10:45 am:

    ===He could hardly be faulted===

    Alexi personally received millions in dividends as Broadway Bank was failing.

  43. - Sharia Capo - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 10:53 am:

    That is an interesting allegation, Abe. Can you give a citation?

    I am unimpressed with your imputing “misogyny” for criticizing grifty emails. It would make more sense to say Jesse is, in fact, anti-White for his racialized endorsement language.

  44. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 10:54 am:

    - Sharia Capo -

    Would you like to talk about Jaws? Maybe Bright Start?

  45. - Jesse Blanco - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 11:06 am:

    Will he raise funds for her? Donate funds? Manpower?
    Tumbling lessons?

  46. - Sharia Capo - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 11:07 am:

    OW, would you like to talk about Reyadh or Rahm?

  47. - Annonin' - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 11:07 am:

    Guessin’ Jesse wanted to quell the 4 More Years mummurs and picked a great choice. ‘Riffie & RichieRich consultants must be sad because of all OR that won’t be used.
    Another “I think we’re done here” day for the BlankSlateTicket.

  48. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 11:09 am:

    === would you like to talk about Reyadh or Rahm?===


    Why was Alexi nowhere to be found these past years?

    Ok, your turn.

  49. - Lincoln Lad - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 11:09 am:

    I was happily voting for Alexi… until today. The endorsement changes things for many of us.

  50. - Original Rambler - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 11:10 am:

    For those posters who stated that they are now voting for Valencia, would they have posted they’re voting for Alexi if he had received the endorsement? I’m of the belief that this is not as valuable as being made out. Helpful, yes. But not conclusive.

  51. - NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 11:19 am:

    Breathing a sigh of relief today.

    Today must rank up there with the day of the Bright Start mismanagement expose, and the day the Feds seized Broadway Bank, as among the worst days of Alexi’s life.

  52. - So_Ill - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 11:40 am:

    If these comments are any indication of the race, Valencia might win by double digits.

  53. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 11:43 am:

    === Valencia might win by double digits.===

    Maybe your reading comprehension is a tad off…

    Valencia needed this, otherwise there likely is no race.

    Now it’s a race. Who exactly will win *can* be questioned, without this endorsement Valencia likely had no chance.

  54. - Justin - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 11:47 am:

    A great get for Team Valencia.

  55. - So_Ill - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 11:48 am:

    OW- I think your reading comprehension is a a tad off.

    I was strictly referring to the comments on this post, which are overwhelmingly pro-Valencia and anti-Alexie.

    It was sarcasm. Chill out.

  56. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 11:53 am:


    When I start reading minds, I’ll let you know


    To the post,

    Alexi’s next challenge will be how, going forward, he (his Crew) decide to knock down White’s endorsement, or if that’s possible, or if it should be done, given in all this White is ridiculously popular, beloved, legendary…

    Ignore it? Downplay it? Can’t really attack Jesse and think that makes up ground…

  57. - John Lopez - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 12:00 pm:

    === Ignore it? Downplay it? Can’t really attack Jesse and think that makes up ground… ===

    Time to see if all those union endorsements Alexi & Co. snagged are worth anything, as unions backing Alexi need to double down by getting the rank-and-file openly backing Alexi on the ground and through contributions, in spite of the Jesse White endorsement of Valanecia.

    Will be interesting to watch.

  58. - HonestAbeLives - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 12:00 pm:

    OW - There is no way for Giannoulias to ignore or downplay this endorsement. Sec. White just endorsed a candidate who is behind 5 to 1 in the money race. Attacking would just be a suicide mission.

    Alexi’s bigger concern now has to be the Gov. Pritzker endorsement for Valencia, which is probably imminent now that Sec. White has spoken. Here comes the money…

  59. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 12:06 pm:

    === There is no way for Giannoulias to ignore or downplay this endorsement. Sec. White just endorsed a candidate who is behind 5 to 1 in the money race. Attacking would just be a suicide mission.===

    It’s a “pickle” isn’t it?

    What the Governor decides to do in this race, publicly unknown for now, will also help/hurt depending on the side one sits.

    Gotta think with daylight burning and infrastructure needs, days that pass without locking down cash and infrastructure is still a real concern for Valencia, let alone simple name recognition.

    I will be watching how Alexi, and Crew, move forward.

  60. - Nuke The Whales - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 12:10 pm:

    ==state law bars campaign fundraising for executive branch constitutional offices on legislative session days. Both chambers are in session today.==
    Evidence that these good government reforms have a bunch of negative externalities that go against good government exhibit number a lot.

  61. - Amalia - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 12:11 pm:

    well played Anna, well played.

  62. - Arsenal - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 12:16 pm:

    ==What the Governor decides to do in this race, publicly unknown for now, will also help/hurt depending on the side one sits.==

    I suspect he’s hoping that Jesse getting involved means he doesn’t have to.

  63. - Graybeard - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 12:17 pm:

    The machine messed with the wrong woman.

  64. - Huh? - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 12:18 pm:

    Mr. Giannoulias, do you have e any comment about the endorsement of Anna Valencia by Jesse White?

    Giannoulias - Do’h. That’ll leave a mark.

  65. - BigLou - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 12:21 pm:

    Very surprisd Alexi has not responded yet. Wondering if rug was pulled out from under him.

  66. - Pungent - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 12:26 pm:

    If Alexi is nominated, he faces a no-name R.
    In the governor’s race, if Sullivan can emerge from the Uihlein-Griffin contest with the nomination, then we could see the Democrats sweep statewide EXCEPT for governor. You pundits’ reputations would be in tatters.

  67. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 12:29 pm:

    === If Alexi is nominated, he faces…===

    The ghosts of losing to Mark Kirk, statewide, in a race that should’ve been “got”

    The goal, it seems, is the Dems would like to sweep, but folks like Durbin, White, Duckworth, they see Alexi as a liability.

  68. - Original Anon - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 12:30 pm:

    - Alexi cannot be faulted -
    Wasn’t Alexi a senior loan officer for Broadway who previously ran for office on his experience as a banker? I think he can be faulted and every opponent will do so.

  69. - New Day - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 12:30 pm:

    “In the governor’s race, if Sullivan can emerge from the Uihlein-Griffin contest with the nomination, then we could see the Democrats sweep statewide EXCEPT for governor. You pundits’ reputations would be in tatters.”

    Bahahahaha. Jesse Sullivan, is that you?

  70. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 12:36 pm:

    ===…if Sullivan can emerge…===

    … from being a valor-stealing Californian…

    The guy chose a “political actress” as his running mate…

  71. - New Day - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 12:36 pm:

    “his message of modernizing the office to reduce long lines and wait times”

    This is very smart on their part. Now that they don’t have to suck up to Jesse, they’re free to talk about what a total train wreck the office itself is. It’s amazing because Jesse is extremely popular but his office is a disaster.

  72. - WestBurbs - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 12:38 pm:

    I don’t profess to know much about either candidate. But, wow, googling Alexi leads to the inescapable conclusion that he profited from Mob ties and almost certainly did so knowingly. And, if unknowingly, then he was a blind idiot.

    Seriously, how do his supporters explain all that. Any evidence of redemption, remorse, owning it?

  73. - Big Dummy - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 12:40 pm:

    Alexi has the money, the foot soldiers, and the trades. This is a big get for Anna but there are many more skeletons in the DJ Lopez.. ahem, I mean Reyahd Kazmi.. closet.

  74. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 12:40 pm:

    === …Adding… Alexi Giannoulias campaign…===

    They chose to ignore it.

    We’ll see if Valencia can make hay of it where Alexi can’t ignore it.

    It’ll be fun now.

  75. - Scholarly State Employee - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 12:45 pm:

    If Anna wins the nomination and then the general, does Benigno stay on as CoS or does he retire along with Jesse?

  76. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 12:47 pm:

    ===…but there are many more skeletons in…===

    So you acknowledge Alexi’s skeletons?

    Ok, and with that… Duckworth, Durbin, White… even after Alexi was a statewide… even after losing to Mark Kirk… Alexi’s skeletons remain, as you acknowledge.

    Makes me wonder how bad it is with Alexi on the ticket, a guy all but absent for a decade.

  77. - Huh? - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 1:00 pm:

    “his message of modernizing the office to reduce long lines and wait times”

    Renewed my driver’s license last week at local SoS office. On a Thursday afternoon, was 2nd in line, waited less than 5 minutes, out in less than 15 minutes. Spent more time going and coming than in the SoS office.

    SoS staff said, in general, Thursday afternoon was quiet and uncrowded.

    Have never had a problem getting plates renewed at the Dirksen Parkway drive up window. Never waited.

    What is there for Giannoulias to run on? My interactions with the SoS have been stellar.

  78. - Pungent - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 1:08 pm:

    When Big Dummy said “closet”, it’s not just skeletons he’s referring to. That’s how I read it.

  79. - BigLou - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 1:11 pm:

    Anyone think Pritzker told Jesse you’ll hurt me with backing a rich white guy with a questionable background.

  80. - NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 2:01 pm:

    ==…Adding… Alexi Giannoulias campaign…==

    Translation: “We don’t need no Jesse endorsement.”

  81. - Gamechanger - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 2:58 pm:

    Say what you will but the Jesse White endorsement has traction. Sadly the democratic party of cook county could not find its way to do an “open primary.” or better yet endorse a candidate. Going to work hard for Valencia.

  82. - Pizza Man - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 3:24 pm:

    JB, it’s your move now. Follow suit and endorse Anna Valencia along with Durbin/Duckworth.

    Time for Alexi to do a U-Turn …look out for the slippery when wet sign, amigo. Political career: expired.

  83. - Bear3 - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 3:39 pm:

    We are trying to serve too many agendas and this will just make to many factions. We need the leadership to control the members and displace the big money that can influence or by all. Miss mjm and the people that could lead. Not the courts or the wings… just laws to help the PEOPLE OF ILLINOIS.

  84. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 3:53 pm:

    ===One day after Secretary of State Jesse White offered his “unwavering” endorsement of Secretary of State candidate Anna Valencia, Secretary White and Valencia will campaign together TOMORROW, February 18 at 11am CST at Manny’s Deli. After greeting voters, they will hold a media availability.===

    It’s going to be things like this that will help Valencia.

    The cash, volunteers, and infrastructure that will be needed to propel Valencia will be what I’ll be watching well after Manny’s, which, as an aside, I love the idea when campaigns go to Manny’s, “just because”… :)

  85. - Shytown - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 3:57 pm:

    === This is a big get for Anna but there are many more skeletons in the DJ Lopez.. ahem, I mean Reyahd Kazmi.. closet. ===

    What’s worse? A trove of boring emails between valencia and her husband or Giannoulias being tied into one of the largest banking scandals involving mob ties? I wonder which one IL Repubs will exploit more?

  86. - Big Dummy - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 4:37 pm:

    Alexi is a known quantity who has been vetted in multiple statewide races. What is Anna’s name recognition?

    If the first impression the electorate gets of Anna is that her husband is a grifting self-dealing lobbyist with a sketchy past (including a name change) and sketchy clients, the GOP won’t exploit that? Isn’t the whispering husband behind the curtain attack GOP politics 101?

    Like it or not, Anna is an undefined entity statewide and her husband’s dealings are going to be a campaign issue–they already are.

  87. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 4:42 pm:

    === Alexi is a known quantity who has been vetted in multiple statewide races.===

    The last race statewide Alexi ran, he lost and disappeared for… years.

    ===What is Anna’s name recognition?===

    Dunno, but with Jesse White, and his help, if it includes cash and people, I’m guessing it will be higher than whatever the number is on February 17, 2022.

    Also, the primary is 4 months away. Enough time, if they start now, to get traction.

    ===Like it or not, Anna is an undefined entity statewide and her husband’s dealings are going to be a campaign issue–they already are.===

    Who said they won’t, but it’s likely better than the Bright Start failings, Broadway Bank, and folks like Jaws whom did things with the bank. I mean, it already sunk Alexi once. No speculation necessary.

  88. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 4:45 pm:

    ===her husband’s dealings are going to be a campaign issue–they already are===

    In what ads?

  89. - NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 4:49 pm:

    ===One day after Secretary of State Jesse White offered his “unwavering” endorsement of Secretary of State candidate Anna Valencia, Secretary White and Valencia will campaign together TOMORROW, February 18 at 11am CST at Manny’s Deli.==

    Meanwhile, if Alexi wants to hold a competing fundraiser tomorrow I guess Manny’s in Savanna is available.

  90. - The Most Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 4:50 pm:

    @shytown add clarity partners and a city clerk employee to that list of what’s worse

  91. - Scholarly State Employee - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 4:51 pm:

    ==One day after Secretary of State Jesse White offered his “unwavering” endorsement of Secretary of State candidate Anna Valencia, Secretary White and Valencia will campaign together TOMORROW, February 18 at 11am CST at Manny’s Deli. ==

    I assume any current SOS employees working near Manny’s Deli (if there are any) will not be allowed to have lunch there tomorrow? (IIRC state employees are not allowed to attend political fundraisers).

  92. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 4:53 pm:

    ===attend political fundraisers===

    They’re not raising money.

  93. - New Day - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 5:11 pm:

    This is a total reset for the campaign. The money is going to flow into her coffers. It’s a great day for the statewide ticket.

  94. - ElginAlum - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 6:11 pm:

    I just want the next SoS to make going to get my driver’s license renewal less painful than the dentist or colonoscopy. An occasional smile from the works might be a nice touch too.

    Wouldn’t hurt to change hours so they don’t coincide with most people’s work hours.

  95. - Bad Goya Vitch - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 6:40 pm:

    I was happily voting for Anna… until today. The endorsement changes things for many of us. “I’ll run the Secretary of States office in the fine pre-technological tradition of Jesse White.” Uh, no.

  96. - The Most Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 6:50 pm:

    Today was going so well

  97. - Tired - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 7:08 pm:

    Looks like she wanted to divert attention from her efforts, from City Hall, to get work for her husband’s firm.

  98. - Anon - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 7:43 pm:

    Good for Anna and good for Jesse. I’m one of the many democrats who voted for Kirk over Alexi, and I’ll do it again if Alexi is the nominee. I will never, ever vote for that man. Hopefully this gives Anna the steam she needs to take it.

  99. - NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 7:50 pm:

    ==I was happily voting for Anna… until today.==

    But no matter what you do, please don’t vote for Alexi.

  100. - Leslie K - Thursday, Feb 17, 22 @ 8:05 pm:

    Was already voting for her, so very happy to see this endorsement. She’s done a lot of good work in the Clerk’s office (e.g. youth programs, CitiKey), has a state-wide perspective, strong management and leadership skills. Glad to see she has a real shot at it now.

  101. - Dave - Friday, Feb 18, 22 @ 3:18 am:

    This is awesome and definitely a great boost in the race for Secretary of State. I will be voting for Anna Valencia - I do not trust (based on his prior record) nor am I impressed with Ginnoulias. Team Valencia all the way.

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