Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Illinois pols react to Russian invasion of Ukraine
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Illinois pols react to Russian invasion of Ukraine

Thursday, Feb 24, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Gov. Pritzker’s great grandfather came to America from Ukraine in the 1920s, so he gets top billing…

* Durbin…

U.S. Senate Democratic Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) today released the following statement on Vladimir Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine:

“Let me be clear: Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine’s sovereign land is a dire threat to the established international order and must be resolutely deterred. Ukraine and our NATO allies facing ongoing Russian belligerence have strong bipartisan, bicameral support in the U.S. Congress. As someone who has strong ties to the region, my prayers are with the Ukrainian people and all of Eastern Europe.”

* Duckworth…

Combat Veteran and U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL), a member of the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) who served 23 years in the Reserve Forces, issued the following statement after Russia escalated its invasion of Ukraine:

“The human suffering caused—and any blood spilled—as a result of this unjustified and unjustifiable attack on Ukraine’s sovereign territory are solely on Vladimir Putin’s hands. Our nation, our NATO allies and all countries who value human rights, sovereignty and the rule of law must hold him and his cronies fully, painfully and immediately accountable. Vladimir Putin’s unprovoked and inexcusable escalation of this violent invasion will succeed in only one thing: uniting the free world against Russia’s autocratic regime in support of Ukraine’s territorial sovereignty, its people and its right to self-governance.”

* LaHood…

Congressman Darin LaHood (IL-18), a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, released the following statement on Ukraine:

“I condemn Vladimir Putin’s unprovoked and unjustified attacks against Ukraine in the strongest possible terms. The world is witness again to the true evil of Putin, who alone has chosen a path of bloodshed in Ukraine. America and the free world must stand with Ukraine by enacting the strongest possible economic sanctions, crippling Russia’s ability to make war, and punishing Putin’s regime and his oligarchs on the international stage. My prayers will remain with the Ukrainian people.”

* Foster…

Today, Congressman Bill Foster (D-IL) issued the following statement after Russian military forces launched an invasion of Ukraine:

“The Russian military’s unjustified invasion of Ukraine is a destabilizing threat to Europe and the entire international order. The United States, our NATO allies, and our international partners must hold Putin accountable for this unprovoked attack on a sovereign nation and the senseless death and destruction it will cause.

“Although we have no treaty-level obligation to defend Ukraine, we have a special moral duty to assist Ukraine because of its decision to give up its nuclear weapons at the end of the Cold War, in return for international assurances of its territorial integrity.
“The people of Illinois stand on the side of democracy and with the people of Ukraine.”

* Krishnamoorthi…

Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence issued the following statement after President Vladimir Putin launched an invasion of Ukraine:

“I join countless millions across the world in keeping the people of Ukraine in my prayers as Vladimir Putin has chosen to begin his unjustified, unprovoked, and premeditated invasion of Ukraine. Despite the efforts of Ukraine, the United States, and our European allies to prevent bloodshed through diplomacy, millions of lives now lie in the balance because of Russian military aggression.

In the face of Russia’s senseless and avoidable war, the United States must continue to stand with the people of Ukraine as they defend their homeland, their freedom, and their right of self-government from Vladimir Putin’s iron yoke. We must join with democracies across the world to dramatically expand sanctions on Russia to hold its leaders accountable for the needless destruction and suffering they will cause, while also coordinating with our NATO allies to stand firm in the face of any attack on our alliance.

While none of us can say for certain what will come next, Russia will gain no security from this needless war as democracies across the world once again stand shoulder to shoulder in the face of despotic militarism.”

* Quigley

“Tonight, Russia’s unprovoked attack on Ukraine begins a war of choice entirely of President Putin’s making, despite months of intense diplomacy. The price that Ukrainians will pay for that choice is unfathomable.

“While the Kremlin’s disinformation apparatus is in full swing, I want to be clear that no one is responsible for this bloodshed other than Putin. As I have for months, I will continue to call for appropriate repercussions for Russia’s invasion, and if necessary, I will press the administration and our allies to take broader, harsher action.

“As these events unfold, my message to the Ukrainian people is simple: we stand with you.”

* Bost

Republican Rep. Mike Bost called on President Joe Biden to “impose crippling sanctions” on the Russian economy.

“Putin’s invasion of Ukraine must be met with decisive action from the U.S. and our global partners,” Bost said. “This isn’t the time for subtle nuance and split hairs.”

* Davis…

* Miller (no relation)…

…Adding… Miller press release…

Congresswoman Mary Miller (R-IL) released the following statement on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

“Americans miss the “Peace Through Strength” and energy independence that were achieved during the Trump Administration. President Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan and dismantling of US energy production have severely weakened our national security. Biden and the Democrats’ open border policies allowed more than 2,000 Russian nationals to cross our southern border, and our border is still open while Putin issues threats to our homeland. Gas prices are about to skyrocket even higher, and the American people will suffer because of the Green New Deal policies pushed by radical leftists in Congress. None of this would be happening if President Trump was still in the White House. I will continue to pray that God watches over the people of Ukraine.”

Trump wanted the US out of NATO. Withdrawal would’ve likely satisfied Russia, but caused all sorts of other problems.

* Durkin…

While Russian troops move into Ukraine, an act of war the likes of which has not been seen in Europe since 1939, House Republican Leader Jim Durkin will introduce legislation to send a message to the Ukrainian people that Illinois supports them and will not do business with these vicious warmongers.

“This morning, we woke up to shocking images crossing our TV screens. People in cities throughout Ukraine huddled in subways and shelters while explosions shake their cities as Russian soldiers begin an invasion of their homeland,” said Durkin. “Today, we must send a strong signal to these people that we stand with them and support their sovereignty – that the State of Illinois is prepared to do what we can to help.”

Durkin’s legislation would require Illinois to divest of any pension funds in Russian companies and prohibit the state’s treasury from holding any Russian assets.

“Too often partisanship dominates our efforts in the General Assembly, but this is an opportunity for us to stand up as a bipartisan body and do what is right to support the Ukrainian people in the face of unimaginable hardship. I look forward to working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to get this done.”

* Demmer…

As Russia launches a large-scale military invasion of Ukraine, an act of war not seen on the European Continent in a generation, House Republican Deputy Leader Tom Demmer (R-Dixon) has introduced legislation to send a strong-message to the people of Ukraine that the State of Illinois supports them.

“In this dark and dangerous moment, it is crucial that we stand strongly and unequivocally with the people of Ukraine and offer every tool at our disposal to provide aid to refugees who flee from the invasion of their sovereign nation,” Demmer said. “As a nation founded by refugees, there is no American value more enduring or essential than welcoming refugees from war-torn places all across the world and helping them and their families resettle safely.”

Demmer’s legislation would include an additional $20 million in the Department of Human Services (DHS) budget for FY22 and FY23 to aid in the resettlement of Ukrainian refugees. Illinois’ refugee resettlement program, run by DHS, has resettled more than 123,644 refugees from more than 60 countries since 1975.

The Refugee Program provides community-based services, including counseling, orientation, and English classes in addition to vocational training, job readiness, and job placement assistance. Additionally, multi-lingual mental health services are available for refugees who have experienced severe trauma.

“I call on my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to come together quickly on a bipartisan basis to pass my legislation into law so that the State of Illinois is prepared to provide the necessary aid to Ukrainian refugees and their families during this tragic and anxious period in their lives,” Demmer added.

…Adding… Rush…

Today, U.S. Representative Bobby L. Rush (D-Ill.), a member of the Congressional Ukrainian Caucus, released the following statement on Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine:

“Today is a dark, dark day. Under preposterous and false pretenses, Vladimir Putin has chosen to invade a sovereign democratic nation, a critical and strategic ally of the United States. My heart goes out to the people of Ukraine; I am praying for their safety. I am praying for Chicago’s Ukrainian community and for their loved ones in Europe who may be impacted by this war. Ukraine must know that the American people and the American government stand unequivocally with them during this time of crisis.

“I support the sanctions that President Biden, in close coordination with our allies, has already imposed. Should Russia continue to move down this dangerous path, I am confident that the U.S. and our allies will swiftly impose increasingly severe consequences that will cripple Russia’s economy and strategic interests. I stand ready to work with my colleagues in Congress to do what is necessary to make clear that Ukraine is not alone in its fight to retain its sovereignty and that our nation and its leaders stand firmly and unmistakably on the side of democracy.”

…Adding… Irvin…

* Sullivan…

* Schneider…

Today, Congressman Brad Schneider (IL-10), a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, released the following statement:

“America and the world stand with the People of Ukraine.

“Vladimir Putin’s war against Ukraine is not just an unprovoked, illegal invasion of a sovereign country, but a blatant attack on the world order—an affront to every nation that respects international law and national self-determination. Putin is counting on the unity of the international community to fracture and wane in short order. We must ensure that his confidence is misplaced and that his intentions are thwarted.

“It is imperative for the US to resolutely lead with our allies in preserving the united response to Putin’s war. We must stand together to support the people of Ukraine and also work in unison to mitigate the impact Putin’s illegal aggression will have on the global economy. We will continue to assist Ukraine and the Ukrainian people with the resources necessary to defend their country and humanitarian assistance to feed and provide for their citizens.

“We see Vladimir Putin for what he is: a warmongering, dictatorial tyrant who seeks a permanent conflict with the West and restoration of Russian rule over the former Soviet empire. Additional sanctions must directly target Vladimir Putin, Russian elites, the Russian military and the country’s financial institutions. Our grievance is not with the Russian people, and it is unfortunate that they will be the ones to bear the greatest burden of the international response. Putin bears responsibility for their suffering every bit as much as he is responsible for the tragedy unfolding in Ukraine.

“Putin’s ambitions know no bounds. America, NATO, and our allies must be resolute in defense of democracy.”

* Speaker Welch…

* Rep. Kifowit…

United States Marine Corps Veteran and Chair of the IL House Veterans Affairs Committee, State Representative Stephanie Kifowit – Oswego (D) gave the following remarks at the beginning of session on the IL House Floor today after Ukraine is under Russian attack.

“I wish I could say it was a good morning, but it was not. I rise not only as the Chair of the IL House Veterans Affairs Committee, but also as a US Marine Corps Veteran who has served on active duty, and a mother of a currently serving US Navy sailor.

There is no question, there is no political divide, when evil rears its head and the world see the death and destruction that is yielded by an individual without a conscience or respect for human life. President Putin of Russia has acted in the most despicable manner, without merit, and without provocation, engaged in a military assault of an ally, a sovereign nation, the country of Ukraine.

Ukraine is the second largest country in Europe by area and has a population of over 43 million people. President Putin has destabilized peace in Europe, attacked a friendly country.

Missiles and bombs are raining down on an innocent population and this premeditated attack is underway by land, air and sea.

We must unite with our allies to demand an end to this aggression and to hold Putin accountable. I am truly in fear for our future due to the unpredictable and reckless nature of Putin and his regime.

Families today are still affected by the wars of our past, as many are sharing their histories on social media. We cannot let this situation continue as it affects all of us and will have a tremendous impact on the future of our entire country.

We need to hold all our men and women serving in our thoughts and prayers. We also need to reach out to our Veterans, who know all too well the realities of war, and especially our WWII Veterans who are still with us today.

* Comptroller Susana Mendoza…

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will have more impact on Illinois than just higher gas prices and lower 401Ks. Even those of us without friends and relatives in Ukraine will feel the chill on our collective Democratic freedoms as Russia’s dictator tries to push the world toward autocracy. Let us stand with Ukraine and with the protestors in Russia.


  1. - Lt Guv - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 11:51 am:

    Miller (no relation) is so clueless.

  2. - B Team - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 11:54 am:

    Lol Mary Miller doesn’t belong in Congress. What an airhead!

  3. - Big Dipper - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 11:54 am:

    Stay classy, Mary Miller. I know Trump and Putin are buddies but sheesh.

  4. - A lady - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 11:56 am:

    Not now Mary

  5. - Travel Guy - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 11:58 am:

    Mary Miller: Class act

    I think I added a couple of unnecessary letters to the first word I used to describe her. I guess she has to feed the trolls.

  6. - Dance Band on the Titanic - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 11:59 am:

    At a time when “common sense” dictates that all Americans should stand in unity against Russian aggression, Mary Miller instead defies it to show her true colors.

  7. - vern - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 12:01 pm:

  8. - interesting - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 12:01 pm:

    “make russia great again… er i mean ‘merica”

  9. - SaulGoodman - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 12:02 pm:

    **The fentanyl coming from our southern border is the leading cause of death for American adults.**


  10. - very old soil - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 12:02 pm:

    Did Mary forget about the nearly one million dead from covid?

  11. - Blue Dog - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 12:02 pm:

    Never, ever stab this country in the back when we are faced with such a crisis.

  12. - Homebody - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 12:02 pm:

    With regard to Miller: You can absolutely take a non-interventionist stance without lying about the leading cause of death of Americans.

    Which makes me wonder: is she lying, or does she truly believe the stupid things she says? Either way, it should be disqualifying to be an elected official who doesn’t live in a reality based world.

  13. - Arsenal - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 12:04 pm:

    ==Miller is correct==

    No, she’s not.

    There’s an awful lot to running a country. You can’t do “one thing at a time”.

  14. - fs - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 12:04 pm:

    That Miller (no relation) tweet is quite the idiotic word jumble. It reads as if it was the creation of some Russian bot through a bad Google translation. Sadly, I put the odds of that being true at about 50/50.

  15. - Norseman - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 12:05 pm:

    Generally a good bipartisan display and then you have Miller out in outer space.

  16. - AC - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 12:08 pm:

    ==bypass the Biden Administration’s soft-on-Russia approach==

    Now isn’t the time for this. I’m sure that’s where a lot of people stopped reading the response from Rep. Davis. It could have read “empowers the administration” instead, and while it wouldn’t score cheap political points, it would have done more to get the legislation moving forward. Of course, that assumes he’s serious about wanting the legislation to actually move forward.

  17. - Grateful Gail - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 12:09 pm:

    Pleased to see the bipartisan agreement, except Mary Miller, of course. Hope the U.S. leaders can work together, and give a strong message to Russia.

  18. - Big Dipper - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 12:09 pm:

    If there was not American demand for illegal drugs it would not be profitable to import it. Maybe fix that first?

  19. - very old soil - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 12:09 pm:

    Did Mary forget about the nearly one million dead of covid?

  20. - Fixer - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 12:10 pm:

    ==The fentanyl coming from our southern border is the leading cause of death for American adults.==

    Show your work, Mary, where heart disease is no longer in the top spot. I refuse to give you the courtesy of Representative because the only thing you represent is obstructionism and, based on this and your previous comments, Putin and Hitler.

    Good overall responses by everyone else though.

  21. - ArchPundit - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 12:11 pm:

    Norseman’s point is good here–with the one notable exception a fairly united front.

    Also, MMiller might want to check into the number of deaths from other causes:
    Heart disease: 696,962
    Cancer: 602,350
    COVID-19: 350,831
    Accidents (unintentional injuries): 200,955
    Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 160,264
    Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 152,657
    Alzheimer’s disease: 134,242
    Diabetes: 102,188

    And then opioid deaths. Far too many, but not the top cause. Common sense would have been addressing Covid-19 seriously.

  22. - Colin O'Scopy - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 12:13 pm:

    I can’t help but think that it’s ironic: The America Mary Miller prays for would probably resemble Putin’s Russia if she had her way.

    If you can’t renounce a despot, why are you even in Congress? She is a Putin apologist if there ever was.

  23. - vern - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 12:16 pm:

    On Mary Miller’s full statement, it’s pretty funny that she somehow found a way to alienate a bloc of Republican voters on this issue. The collar counties have many pockets of Russian immigrants who vote Republican because they hate communism. Labelling every Russian immigrant a potential saboteur isn’t a great strategy for them.

    Though Miller hasn’t shown much strategic instinct outside of “be as mean as possible.”

  24. - Central Illinois Centrist - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 12:19 pm:

    Little confused why the IL Congressional Delegation’s only active military member is not included here…

  25. - MoralMinority - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 12:28 pm:

    I sometimes wonder if Mary Miller is on fentanyl.

  26. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 12:29 pm:

    Mary Miller has shown her loyalty well outside the constitution and this country as a member of Congress, from January 6th… until today… and if the past is any indication… going forward from today as well.

    Miller is bad for Illinois, and again proving bad for the United States.

  27. - fs - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 12:30 pm:

    To the update: Definitely a bot.

  28. - Amalia - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 12:36 pm:

    anyone who gives one inch of quarter to Putin or minimizes the threat now is an idiot. Not only did he invade Ukraine, but his ominous threat to level consequences the likes of which have not been seen if anyone gets in the way of the invasion is terrifying TO US. and with the possibility that he has missiles that we cannot cope with….hypersonic…the reality is that the US mainland could be under threat of a strike, and discussion of the use of tactical nuclear missiles is coming up in mainstream cable conversation. He just seized Chernobyl.

  29. - LakeCo - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 12:37 pm:

    Was “Peace Through Strength” really the orange one’s motto? That’s downright Orwellian.
    War is Peace
    Freedom is Slavery
    Ignorance is Strength

  30. - Benjamin - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 12:41 pm:

    Time to give a little shout-out to Tom Demmer here. Resettling refugees is probably the best thing that states can do to help alleviate the human suffering this war is causing right now, and kudos to him for moving quickly on that.

  31. - West Side the Best Side - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 12:43 pm:

    If I was Ukrainian I don’t think I’d want Mary Miller’s God watching over me.

  32. - G'Kar - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 12:46 pm:

    ==Trump wanted the US out of NATO. Withdrawal would’ve likely satisfied Russia, but caused all sorts of other problems.==

    No, I don’t think it would have satisfied Russia and it would have caused all sorts of problems: Putin invading the Baltics, taking over the rest of Georgia, and, of course sending “peace keepers” to denazify (sp) Ukraine.

  33. - JoanP - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 12:46 pm:

    = I sometimes wonder if Mary Miller is on fentanyl. =

    No, fentanyl is not a hallucinogen.

  34. - Grandson of Man - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 12:48 pm:

    Now is a good time to again ask the law and order folks running for office: Did you vote for Donald Trump? The question is scarcely more relevant than now. Putin is Trump’s dude. He loves him some dictator and only wishes he could be one.

    We have a situation here at home as well, that is directly related, and that is the former president re-entering politics this year, spewing the same dangerous lies and propaganda, unchecked by a previous impeachment. This person is allowed to loom very large over our country by those supposedly tough people running against urban crime.

  35. - Stu - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 12:48 pm:


    “Peace Through Strength” appeared in the Republican Party platforms of 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2008, 2012, and 2016

  36. - Rudy’s teeth - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 12:49 pm:

    Mary Miller brings her Real Housewives of Nowhere spin to the leading cause of Americans’ deaths. Try J-STOR for accurate information before spinning this narrative.

    Wonder if Ms. Miller could locate Ukraine on a map?

  37. - sal-says - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 12:54 pm:

    Mary Millar just CAN’T be real.

    Another lopsided stroke.

  38. - btowntruthfromforgottonia - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 1:00 pm:

    “The fentanyl coming from our southern border is the leading cause of death for American adults.”

    Miller has an odd way of saying “heart disease”.

  39. - Stormsw7706 - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 1:07 pm:

    Mary Miller couldn’t find the Ukraine if she was given a map of the Ukraine. Looking so forward to crossing over and voting in the Republican primary to make sure she is never my Representative.

  40. - JS Mill - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 1:11 pm:

    ===bypass the Biden Administration’s soft-on-Russia approach===

    Biden= Putin did it.

    Trump= My man Vlad would never do that or lie to me.

    Biden is not soft on Russia.

  41. - Steve Rogers - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 1:11 pm:

    I agree with all the posts here about Miller, but seriously, does her response really surprise anyone? She thinks Hitler was right, and Putin’s move is straight out of Hitler’s Sudetenland/Czechoslovakia.

  42. - SAP - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 1:17 pm:

    7 out of 8 Republicans are on the correct side of this issue. I am proud of them.

  43. - City Zen - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 1:21 pm:

    No comments yet from the DSA members of the Chicago City Council? They haven’t been shy to chime in on the national front before.

  44. - My 2 cents - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 1:26 pm:

    Ah Mary Miller. What a patriot. That’s the kind of leadership and sacrifice shown by the Greatest Generation. Snark intended.

  45. - Enviro - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 1:28 pm:

    Even the Russian people disapprove of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
    We should stand united with the people of Ukraine.

    “Russians who call for PEACE in Ukraine”

  46. - Pundent - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 1:28 pm:

    Mary Miller’s response is due in part to not having received a clear signal from her leader. We’ve simultaneously heard that what Putin has done was “very smart” or that it wouldn’t have happened if the former President was still in office. The “smart” angle has been used to wax poetically about how we might deal with our southern border in a similar manner so Miller is naturally pivoting to the dog whistle she believes will resonate with her base. Because remember, we have no reason to believe that Putin is a bad guy since he told us he wasn’t.

  47. - Jocko - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 1:29 pm:

    ==Peace Through Strength==

    Mary Miller forgets that, at the Helsinki summit, Trump took the word of Putin over that of his own intelligence agencies.

  48. - Ron Burgundy - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 1:46 pm:

    Oh Mary. Putin didn’t do this under Trump because he didn’t have to. He knew NATO wasn’t a threat to him then, and he wanted Trump re-elected. That didn’t happen so all bets are off and here we are. If he had been re-elected, he’d have the place occupied by now with Trump’s blessing. Good to see the rest of the GOP officials and candidates standing unified against this needless aggression.

  49. - Anotherretiree - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 1:49 pm:

    The constant refrain from the Miller types that Afghanistan withdrawal trigger this ignores the image of the Capitol overrun on Jan 6. The next phase worries me. He may demand a land bridge to Kaliningrad through NATO territory. I think we extended NATO a little too far East. Might be time to dust off Fallout shelter plans.

  50. - Payback - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 1:50 pm:

    “As someone who has strong ties to the region…” What are Senator Dick Durbins strong ties to the region?

  51. - StealYourFace - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 2:01 pm:

    Congresswoman Mary Miller fails to recognize that the refugee crisis currently unfolding as a result of this war will make illegal immigration on our southern border look like a joke. I’m personally ashamed she is representing Illinois in any capacity.

  52. - SWIL_Voter - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 2:05 pm:

    The Trump wing of the party is all over the place with these responses, some seem to be openly praising Putin’s actions while also blaming Biden for them. Like do they think the invasion is good or bad even?

  53. - Grandson of Man - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 2:08 pm:

    “Even the Russian people disapprove of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.”

    Definitely standing with Russian anti-war protesters, as well as with Ukraine and Ukrainian-Americans.

  54. - fs - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 2:08 pm:

    == Mary Miller couldn’t find the Ukraine if she was given a map of the Ukraine.==

    Tell her about the neighborhood in Chicago, and the tens of thousands of Ukrainian immigrants in the State, and she’d probably go all in for Putin. Because, Chicago.

  55. - low level - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 2:10 pm:

    == Americans miss the “Peace Through Strength” and energy independence that were achieved during the Trump Administration.==

    You mean “Peace Through Capitulation” under Trump, Mary. Go see the umpteen comments from Donnie praising Putin. You cant have it both ways and say we were safer w Trump because he was tough on Putin and then turn around and claim we were safer w Trump because him and Putin were such great friends whose interests were identical.

  56. - PublicServant - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 2:14 pm:

    Mary Miller is emblematic of the problem that Putin is trying to take advantage of. He perceives the US as weakened at home due to the Republican lurch towards insanity. He feels that now is the time to invade, because he sees the US as unable to fully respond to his thuggishness. We need to show him that we can and will respond. To that end, the spectacle of our representatives not circling the horses, and rallying behind the president at this moment of crisis, is just playing into Putin’s hands…so thanks Mary, and your ilk, for aiding and abetting the enemy.

  57. - olddog - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 2:15 pm:

    === What are Senator Dick Durbins strong ties to the region? ===

    I believe his family were Lithuanian immigrants.

  58. - Southern - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 2:23 pm:

    Miller should have just said she’s sending Tots and Pears to the Ukraine. But no, she has to go full-blown Qanon.

  59. - Union member - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 2:30 pm:

    Just when you thought praising Hitler was the lowest you could go.

  60. - Three Dimensional Checkers - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 2:40 pm:

    Rep. Miller’s comments are disgraceful. I agree with Rep. Demmer’s proposal, but it should count for all refugees. Refugee status in international law does not depend on race, religion, or ethnicity.

  61. - low level - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 2:42 pm:

    All those Russian immigrants. What a threat for guerrilla warfare i guess /s

  62. - sal-says - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 2:45 pm:

    OK. Something postable.

    Mary Miller is a 1st class clueless jerk.
    IL (and her constituents) deserves better.

  63. - Say What? - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 2:53 pm:

    I would term Mary Miller willfully ignorant, but have met some willfully ignorant folks in my day and wouldn’t want to offend them.

  64. - don the legend - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 3:20 pm:

    A lot of organizations or groups would, at a minimum, chastise, condemn, isolate, object to, censure or maybe rebuke a member that says what Mary Miller says.

  65. - Rudy’s teeth - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 3:22 pm:

    Ms. Miller’s callous, pejorative use of immigrants offends many of us who are direct descendants of Eastern Europeans.

    Without their hard work and toil, steel mills, refineries, and railroads would not exist.

    So, Ms. Miller, keep the word immigrants out of your mouth.

  66. - Bruce( no not him) - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 3:33 pm:

    Miller (no relation)…
    I’m thinking she must have forget the S/ after that one.

  67. - Homer Macomber - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 3:48 pm:

    Fentanyl overdose was the leading cause of death among Americans between the ages of 18 and 45 years in both 2020 and 2021. In 2021, fentanyl was responsible for nearly twice as many deaths in that age group as deaths attributed to COVID-19

  68. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 3:54 pm:

    ===Fentanyl overdose===

    A viral infection from a global pandemic that can be transferred to another is a different flex than deciding a brutal regime invading a neighbor is acceptable because one supports National Socialists thinkings and a supporter of the dictator who rules that brutal regime.

    If you are a Russian troll on a troll farm dedicated to support Mary Miller, your work here is done.

  69. - Tired Teacher - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 3:54 pm:

    Mary Miller is simply awful for her district, our state, our nation. How can anyone , with any sense of decency, decide this horrible invasion is time to front an agenda for a failed president? Shameless.

  70. - Jaded - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 3:56 pm:

    Another layup missed. Even Iran called for a ceasefire and a “peaceful and democratic solution,” even though they, of course, blamed NATO and the US for escalating the crisis. This is just another reason why Mary Miller should never hold another elected office.

  71. - Homer Macomber - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 4:02 pm:

    OW - I’m not a Russian troll or a supporter of Mary Miller. I’m simply pointing out the fact that fentanyl overdose was the leading cause of death in working age Americans each of the past two years.

  72. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 4:04 pm:

    - Homer Macomber -

    See: - ArchPundit - above

  73. - Homer Macomber - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 4:11 pm:

    OW - Sorry, I don’t understand your reference to the ArchPundit post. (Overall deaths - right?) I’m not trying to be daft, but he and I are making different points.

  74. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 4:13 pm:

    - Homer Macomber -

    I’ve moved on, thanks.

    To the post,

    I appreciate Demmer’s idea and he moving forward with it.

  75. - Mister Ed - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 4:37 pm:

    Prayers for world peace. As for Mary Miller, what is the most upsetting about her and her views it how many others share the same view. 74%. Our democracy is in trouble.

  76. - MyTwoCents - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 5:17 pm:

    Nice to see that among the far right the modern day equivalent of the isolationist movement and the German American Bund are alive and well. Thankfully, at least in IL, Miller is in the minority. I can’t believe I’m saying it, but I really hope Davis continues to be a US Rep.

    Homer Macomber, the problem with Miller’s statement (other than it’s obvious whataboutism & approval of autocracy) is she said “adults”, your statement stops at 45 and there are a lot of adults older than 45 so ArchPundit’s numbers are more accurate to her statement than just saying 18-45.

  77. - low level - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 5:31 pm:

    == Fentanyl overdose ==.

    What does that have to do with Russia invading Ukraine?

  78. - Pundent - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 6:56 pm:

    =What does that have to do with Russia invading Ukraine?=

    Mary Miller believes that our global interests begin and end at the southern border. The issues in Ukraine don’t interest her. And she’s got a soft spot for dictators.

  79. - Flexible One - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 11:02 pm:

    Let’s never forget that Putin is a serial liar

  80. - Sports Watch - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 9:30 am:

    If you want to take a good deal from this article then you have to apply these methods to your won web site.

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