Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Newman could lose bigtime contributions from scandal fallout
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Newman could lose bigtime contributions from scandal fallout

Thursday, Feb 24, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Background is here if you need it. Near the end of Rick Pearson’s very good story on the scandal that may be engulfing US Rep. Marie Newman

The ongoing ethics investigation has prompted a variety of groups, from organized labor to issue-based PACs, that were early endorsers of Newman to rethink their support, said two sources knowledgeable about her political operation who were not authorized to speak publicly about her campaign’s inner workings.

“Some people have talked to her and I know others are considering when and how to talk with her. I think it’s incumbent on the campaign at this point in time to show us their path to victory,” said one of the sources. “It’s not always saying, ‘Oh, we’re going to pull an endorsement.’ It just the level of support of what you’ll do from here.”

Both sources said the biggest effect of the probe is on “independent expenditure” contributions to Newman from outside groups, which cannot be coordinated with her campaign. […]

Newman received millions of dollars from [independent expenditure] efforts in her 2020 primary race, and that money was seen as a key element in her election to Congress.

…Adding… Greg Hinz

In a statement, the FEC confirmed that it has received a complaint against the campaign of Downers Grove Rep. Sean Casten, who’s battling to retain his job in the Democratic primary against Rep. Marie Newman of La Grange. The complaint alleges that Casten’s campaign committee in 2018 illegally colluded with a super PAC funded by his wealthy father in airing $130,000 worth of ads attacking a Casten primary rival then, Kelly Mazeski. […]

The complaint was filed by a former district resident, Kerri Barber. … Asked if the Newman campaign prompted the complaint, Barber replied, “not directly.”


  1. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 9:19 am:

    At this point of the exercise, is Newman putting into danger the loss of the seat for the Democrats, forgetting her own plight.

    Unlike Mary Miller, Newman winning a primary (if there is a path to *that*) could put a seat in play that leans more GOP solely because Newman is so damaged, unlike Miller where the seat she’s battling with Davis will remain in GOP hands.

    Newman talks about things “bigger than herself” maybe, well, Newman staying in this race and maybe winning is bigger for the GOP than herself, and maybe someone should tell her of this.

    I always say “run ‘em all”, still believe in that, but there’s always a real cost… financially, politically, and maybe in the power struggle of the United States Congress

    Illinois and Congress would be better off without Newman and Mary Miller as seated members, but the stakes are higher if Newman makes it to a general election run.

  2. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 9:21 am:

    To this…

    ===Asked if the Newman campaign prompted the complaint, Barber replied, “not directly.”===

    Whataboutism abound… Newman knows her real investigation on her is quite damaging to her prospects.

  3. - Bruce( no not him) - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 9:23 am:

    “not directly.”
    well, they didn’t pay me, but….

  4. - Chris in ChiTown - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 9:24 am:

    I guess that even if Marie Newman is a great congressperson & Casten is only an okay congressperson, the supposed “scandal” can hurt the US Rep. doing the job well.

  5. - Hannibal Lecter - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 9:25 am:

    Say what you want about Dan Lipinski, he was a person of integrity. Despite all of the alarm bells going off about Newman after her first failed primary bid in 2018, progressive groups and other interests outside the district felt the need to take out Lipinski in favor of Newman (who by the way has not shown much in terms of her ability to be an effective congressperson)

  6. - MisterJayEm - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 9:33 am:

    “Asked if the Newman campaign prompted the complaint, Barber replied, ‘not directly.’”

    A curious response from someone alleging surreptitious collusion.

    – MrJM

  7. - Party Cut Pizza - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 9:36 am:

    Remember — anyone can file a FEC complaint. Newman and her staff going out of their way to plant a fake story (filed by Kerri Barber, who is a Newman donor), is gross and shows that she only cares about staying in power, not about truth or what’s good for the party.

  8. - Total Carrie - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 9:38 am:

    Wasn’t Newman’s Campaign Manager Casten’s Fundraiser in 2018? Is he turning himself in?

  9. - Buh Bye Marie - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 9:41 am:

    @Chris in ChiTown … Casten is an excellent rep with expertise in climate and an excellent track record…. Newman bribed two people on her path to her 2020 win- she would be a disaster in this new purple district against the GOP in November. Newman probably too arrogant and stupid to do the right thing and drop out….

  10. - Perfect Blue - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 9:44 am:

    The Casten complaint is not a fake story. Is it on the level of what Newman did, no.

    Casten decried outside money in his primary and needed his Daddy to carry him over the finish line and planned it so no one would know where the money came from until after the primary.

    Casten is a hypocrite on other things too. Just because Newman’s is worse doesn’t make Casten’s issues “fake.”

  11. - Scooter - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 9:48 am:

    “Say what you want about Dan Lipinski, he was a person of integrity.”

    Are you forgetting how he got into that seat to begin with?

  12. - Candy Dogood - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 9:55 am:

    If you’re contributing to Newman’s campaign you’re contributing to the campaign that has been making payments directly to the guy she settled a lawsuit with over he contract to hire him as a congressional staffer with a six figure salary.

    That’s not the best use of campaign funds.

  13. - Almost the Weekend - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 9:56 am:

    When does EMILY’S List get out?

  14. - Pundent - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 10:01 am:

    As more information comes out, it becomes harder and harder to see the redeeming qualities in Newman that overcome her actions. At some point her contributors do have to question exactly where their money is going and what possible return they could hope to get by this being dragged out. And it’s going to take a lot more resources now to put this behind her and advance a counter narrative.

  15. - Chuck - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 10:02 am:

    “Say what you want about Dan Lipinski, he was a person of integrity.”

    The only word to use about Lipinski is “nepotism.”

  16. - Chris in ChiTown - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 10:04 am:

    Emily’s List endorsed US Representative Marie Newman for re-election on November 8, 2021.

  17. - Hannibal Lecter - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 10:06 am:

    === The only word to use about Lipinski is “nepotism.” ===

    That would be true except that he was re-elected seven times. When the voters elect you seven times I don’t think you can chalk that up to nepotism.

  18. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 10:13 am:

    Lipinski is not at play here.

    It’s Casten, it’s Newman.

    Reliving past races or pasts that aren’t relevant today does not keep in focus all that’s at play.

    It’s not like Newman is being asked to walk away for Lipinski…

  19. - Buh Bye Marie - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 10:29 am:

    @Chris in ChiTown …yes people are asking when Emily’s List is going to come to its senses like the labor organizations and issue based PACs who spoke to the Trib. It appears that “supporters” of Newman have no intention of supporting with any independent expenditure to help her get elected. They realize she’s politically hobbled and won’t throw good money after bad…
    The rats are leaving the sinking ship.

  20. - Candy Dogood - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 10:55 am:

    ===Say what you want about Dan Lipinski, he was a person of integrity===

    Thanks for the laugh. I wonder how many other members of congress received their party’s nomination while living in another state, working full time another state, and without having lived or voted in the state, much less the district, for years.

    This is why it can be hard to take Illinois seriously. We complain about government corruption and shady politics and then extol the virtues of the people who exemplify that corruption and shady politics. Was how Lipinski the Younger received the nomination of his party illegal? No. Should it have been? Yes.

    It’s like the people who talk about how charming Ted Bundy was. People working in Illinois politics have a special kind of Stockholm syndrome. Maybe we can convince a psychologist to study it.

  21. - Ash Burrower - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 10:55 am:

    In 2018 Newman wished a “a painful evening”… I think that was the mask off moment for people paying attention

  22. - Hannibal Lecter - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 11:18 am:

    === This is why it can be hard to take Illinois seriously. We complain about government corruption and shady politics and then extol the virtues of the people who exemplify that corruption and shady politics. Was how Lipinski the Younger received the nomination of his party illegal? No. Should it have been? Yes. ===

    Did you ever live in the District? Dan’s father Bill was very popular in this southwest side district. When Bill retired, the same voters that supported Bill were willing to support Dan because they understood that a vote for Dan would be a continuation of the same level of service and representation that was provided by Bill.

    So to your point, why should it have been illegal? If the constituents of a particular district want to vote for a man who was “living in another state, working full time another state, and without having lived or voted in the state, much less the district, for years”, then who are you to criticize that decision?

    Your “I know better than you” mentality just shows you lack an understanding of the Southwest side and southwest side politics and what motivates those voters.

    Lipinski was ultimately defeated because the district became more progressive and progressive interest groups hammered him for his stances on abortion rights (I disagreed with his stances on that issue by the way). In that case, however, the voters decided on their own to move away from Dan (albeit with significant influence of outsiders and interest groups). That is the way democracy is supposed to work.

    Your comments are not only a shot at the former Congressman, but the individuals that reelected him seven times over the course of his career.

  23. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 11:21 am:

    Why is Lipinski even in this discussion?

    Is Dan running?

  24. - Hannibal Lecter - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 11:29 am:

    === Why is Lipinski even in this discussion? ===

    Willy, the context is that during the 2018 and 2020 primaries, progressives and other progressive interest groups fought hard for Newman to take out Lipinski. They all claimed that Lipinski was the corrupt insider that no longer represented the district’s interests. Pay no mind to the fact that Lipinski never had an ethic probe similar to that of Newman.

    My point isn’t necessarily to bring back the old days of Dan Lipinski, but rather to point out that for these interest groups, it was never about ethics - it was only about politics. Now that Newman’s usefulness is gone, they will toss her aside until she too fades into obscurity.

  25. - Old IL dude - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 11:30 am:

    =Did you ever live in the District? Dan’s father Bill was very popular in this southwest side district. When Bill retired, the same voters that supported Bill were willing to support Dan because they understood that a vote for Dan would be a continuation of the same level of service and representation that was provided by Bill.=

    Seems like a pretzel pull you got yourself working there, HL. If Bill left, Lipinski’s would no longer be in power — Dan wasn’t going to be running, so have the old folks near Midway and Alsip pull the lever for Bill, appoint the seat to Dan, and then Bill goes and works as a transportation lobbyist for boo-coo bucks. I’m in the district and a lot of people (myself included) were pissed at this, just like we were pissed when John Stroger did the same thing for Todd.

    Bill got the Orange Line to Midway, and Dan got a lot of CREATE funding realized, but he also voted against Obamacare and it was time for the Lipinski dynasty to fade away. Looks like Newman is also gonna be a historical footnote. Will be voting for Casten, as I loved the fact that he took out Roskam.

  26. - Buh Bye Marie - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 11:33 am:

    @Oswego Willy - I think you know the answer- Lipinski’s in the mentions because it’s easier to shout about the bogeyman than to confront the reality that the “Progressive darling Newman” is really just another unethical power hungry egotistical jerk

  27. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 11:37 am:

    ===Pay no mind to the fact that Lipinski never had an ethic probe similar to that of Newman.

    My point isn’t necessarily to bring back the old days of Dan Lipinski, but rather to point out that for these interest groups, it was never about ethics - it was only about politics.===

    You’re faulting a political interest group for abandoning a candidate (incumbent or not) that likely will not be able to further their interests due to ethics?

    That’s how politics works.

    Lipinski wasn’t their politics, they worked to defeat him.

    Newman is damaged, time to move on.

    “Make no waves, back no losers”…

    There’s nothing unique or special at all here, Lipinski or not.

    The idea folks may be abandoning Newman is politics at play where there are no permanent enemies, and no permanent friends, only permanent interests.

  28. - Hannibal Lecter - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 11:38 am:

    === I’m in the district and a lot of people (myself included) were pissed at this ===

    Not enough to defeat Dan at the polls for some 15 years.

    But I digress. I think I have caused this dead horse to be beaten for far too long today.

  29. - Colin O'Scopy - Thursday, Feb 24, 22 @ 11:51 am:

    To paraphrase Robert DeNiro in “Copland”: “I offered you a chance to be a congresswoman and you blew it (exclamation point).”

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