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Campaign notebook

Monday, Feb 28, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* DGA…

As he bankrolls Richard Irvin’s bogus “law and order” campaign and parades as a public safety advocate, billionaire Ken Griffin has firms with millions of dollars invested in gun and ammunition manufacturing companies.

New reporting from WBEZ details how Griffin’s “$46 billion hedge fund — Citadel — and its corporate cousin had investments and holdings in gun and ammunition manufacturing companies, federal securities records show.”

WBEZ continues that in Chicago: “one out of every four guns recovered from city homicides in the past five years came off the assembly lines of companies in which Citadel held shares — weapons that have played a role in the same, worsening crime wave that Griffin blames on the governor.”

This news comes after the Chicago Tribune slammed Irvin for his record of profiting off of helping clients accused of kidnapping, domestic violence, and other crimes he calls out in campaign ads escape accountability.

Meanwhile, Gov. JB Pritzker has more than doubled funding to reduce gun violence since he took office. Gov. Pritzker recently announced he’s directing $150 million to organizations working to prevent violence through his Reimagine Public Safety Act, which aims to address the root causes of firearm violence in Illinois through targeted, integrated behavioral health services, access to economic opportunities, and violence interruption and prevention programs.

…Adding… DPI…

Over the weekend, WBEZ reported Ken Griffin’s hedge fund, Citadel, and its related companies hold at least $86 million in investments in several gun manufacturers. In fact, WBEZ’s analysis shows that nearly one out of every four guns recovered from Chicago homicides in the past five years were made by companies in which Citadel held shares.

Griffin has already poured $20 million into Richard Irvin’s campaign, the head of the Rauner Reboot slate of statewide candidates, as well as more than $100,000 into the Illinois Republican Party. While Griffin’s companies hold tens of millions in gun investments, Irvin and other Republicans are shamelessly trying to politicize crime as a campaign issue for the fall. This comes after Irvin was already caught hiding his history as a criminal defense attorney who helped those accused of domestic violence, kidnapping, assaulting police officers, and other heinous crimes.

So does “tough on crime” Richard Irvin have a problem taking money from Ken Griffin’s gun investments? Nope – a campaign official told WBEZ, “Irvin does not take issue with Citadel’s investments and holdings.”

Those doing anti-violence work disagree. Here’s what Rev. Michael Pfleger, pastor of Faith Community of St. Sabina, told WBEZ:

    “You absolutely cannot be a voice about crime and murder or shootings on our streets when your company is a major investor in gun manufacturers. It’s absolutely hypocritical…How do you talk about what the governor is doing about crime when you are a major investor to the very industry and the gun manufacturers that are the major contributors to the crime and the violence in our cities. How hypocritical is that?”

* Irvin campaign…

J.B. Pritzker’s statement of economic interest proves he knew his supposed “blind trust” invested in Centene, a vendor with whom he granted one of the largest state contracts in Illinois. Despite desperate spin from the governor’s spokespeople, the fact is Pritzker personally signed his statement of Economic Interest form on April 29, 2021, that listed Centene as a company in which he invested.

“The people of Illinois are all too familiar with governors trying to profit off state contracts - see Rod Blagojevich - but a billionaire doing it takes this scandal to an entirely new level,” said Irvin for Illinois Campaign spokesperson Eleni Demertzis. “These are very serious allegations, and the governor must explain how much money he made off the Centene investment and why he didn’t instruct advisors to not invest in companies with state contracts.”

In the same year that Pritzker invested in Centene, his Administration oversaw several state actions and events that significantly benefited the company’s finances. Since the news broke, the administration will not say if the Governor ever instructed managers of his trust to refrain from investing in any companies with state contracts. It is also unknown how much money the Governor made from this investment.

* I seriously doubt whomever is chosen will be running in the primary because Cullerton was mapped into the 23rd with fellow Senate Democrat Suzy Glowiak Hilton

Democratic leaders in the state’s 23rd Senate district are working to find a replacement for Sen. Thomas Cullerton with just 20 days remaining until candidates must submit petitions to appear on the June primary ballot.

Cullerton resigned Wednesday as his lawyers indicated he intends to change his plea involving corruption charges against him.

* The local news media headlines have so far been few and modest, the mailers and TV ads have yet to hit, so take this with a gigantic grain of salt, particularly since no negatives were pushed

Rep. Marie Newman’s campaign is heartened by some internal polling that shows she’s running neck and neck with Rep. Sean Casten in the 6th Congressional District Democratic primary.

According to the polling memo obtained by Playbook, the two Democrats each received 37 percent support with 26 percent undecided when first asked about who voters would support. Then, “after hearing positive descriptions of Newman and Casten and no criticisms of either,” Newman edged Casten 48 percent to 39 percent, according to the polling memo.

The memo doesn’t explain what questions were asked but does indicate that the poll was conducted after headlines about the House Ethics Committee looking into whether Newman promised a job to someone in exchange for them not running against her in 2020. The poll also was conducted before news came out about a complaint alleging Casten’s 2018 campaign illegally worked with a super PAC funded by his father to air attack ads against his primary opponent at the time.

According to the polling memo, “Forty-seven percent (47%) of 2020 Democratic Primary voters live in Newman’s old C.D. 3, compared to only 21% who reside in the old (Casten) boundaries of C.D. 6.” In other words, Newman is polling right about where she should be at the start and Casten is polling well above where he should be.

* Pastor Corey Brooks has often featured Republican candidates and incumbents at his church or during his events. He hosted Rod Blagojevich the other day and revealed his partisan inclinations

“People are going to ask me, ‘Okay, pastor, why do you have a former Democratic governor on the rooftop talking to you?’ And my answer to that is when you were the governor, I was on the opposite side. I’m a conservative Republican. So a lot of the policies that you had in place, I didn’t agree with,” the pastor said. “(But) you always allowed me to talk with you…and I appreciated that.”

* Press release…

Today, Senate Majority Leader Kimberly Lightford, Senate Assistant Majority Leader Tony Munoz, Senator Melinda Bush, Senator Sara Feigenholtz, Senator Elgie Sims, Assistant House Majority Leader Marcus Evans, former Illinois Senate President John Cullerton, former State Senator and State Representative Susan Garrett, and former State Senator Heather Steans announced their endorsement of Judge Elizabeth Rochford in her campaign for the Illinois Supreme Court’s 2nd district.

The current and former elected officials released the following statement in support of Judge Rochford:

“As state legislators who have been on the front lines of some of the biggest policy achievements Illinois has seen, we know that we can never take for granted who is sitting on the bench of the highest court in our state. At a time when there is so much at stake for our state and our democracy as a whole, it’s never been more important to have Supreme Court Justices who have judicial experience and knowledge of the law. That’s why we’re proud to support Judge Elizabeth Rochford, whose expertise is unparalleled in this race. Over the coming years, the Supreme Court will weigh in on a litany of issues that have an impact on the lives and livelihoods of all Illinoisans, and we are confident Judge Rochford will bring the steady, experienced judicial hand we deserve.”

Judge Rochford was recently endorsed by Secretary of State Jesse White, who called her a “brilliant judge” with “superb judicial experience.” Rochford has also been endorsed by the Illinois State AFL-CIO, IUOE Local 399, UFCW Local 881, Plumbers Local Union 130 UA, the Lake County Building & Construction Trades Council and its 18 local affiliate trade unions, and the McHenry County Building & Construction Trades Councils and its 26 local affiliate trade unions.

* Sullivan…

Following news reports of Illinois gas stations charging drivers more than $4 a gallon to fill up, Republican gubernatorial candidate Jesse Sullivan today pledged to support legislation permanently repealing the 2019 gas tax hike signed into law by Gov. J.B. Pritzker.

“The governor’s energy agenda not only made Illinoisans more dependent on foreign tyrants like Vladimir Putin to heat their homes and drive their cars, he also forced working families to pay billions of dollars more in gas taxes for the privilege,” Sullivan said.

“With oil prices surging after Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and inflation hitting record highs, our leaders must do everything in their power to ensure Illinois families don’t face even more pain at the pump. On day one in Springfield, our administration will support legislation to fully and permanently repeal Pritzker’s gas tax hike.”

…Adding… Would somebody please tell Mr. Sullivan that the Keystone Pipeline originates in a foreign country?…

…Adding… Missed this one

One of Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s top City Council allies said she will “absolutely not” support her campaign for re-election and criticized the mayor for being divisive, comments that reflect broader discontent with Lightfoot’s leadership style as she prepares to seek a second term.

Ald. Susan Sadlowski Garza, who Lightfoot tapped to lead the City Council Workforce Development Committee that often handles union contract issues, made the comments in an interview on the Ben Joravsky Show podcast after being asked if she would support the a second term for the mayor.

“I’m tired of being ignored. I’m tired of not getting phone calls returned. I’m tired of letting the inmates run the asylum. Yeah, no. Absolutely not,” Garza said in the podcast, published over the weekend. “I have never met anybody who has managed to p*ss off every single person they come in contact with — police, fire, teachers, aldermen, businesses, manufacturing, and that’s it. I said it. That’s it. I don’t care.”


  1. - Watchful eye. - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 9:36 am:

    Battle of the Titans. But Irvin might have trouble getting out of primary. Will be do to watch

  2. - Watchful eye. - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 9:36 am:


  3. - Cool Papa Bell - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 9:36 am:

    =pain at the pump=

    I’m all for a little pain at the pump right now as brave soldiers from Ukraine fight to repel the Russian incursion.

    Follow up question for Jesse - what do you then propose to fix Illinois’ crumbling roads, bridges, ect.

  4. - Steve Rogers - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 9:48 am:

    =not only made Illinoisans more dependent on foreign tyrants like Vladimir Putin to heat their homes and drive their cars=

    While some (like 7%) of crude oil imports to the US comes from Russia, the majority comes from Canada.

    Jesse is just not ready for primetime–I’m not sure he’s even ready for Saturday morning cartoons.

  5. - vern - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 9:52 am:

    The only Senator on Rochford’s list who represents part of that district is Melinda Bush, so I’m not sure how much effect most of those will have.

    And all due respect to Senator Bush, but she is both a donor (through her committee) and a paid consultant of Rochford’s campaign according to their quarterly reports. I’m not accusing her of anything unethical, but adding an endorsement makes that… very complicated.

  6. - Candy Dogood - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 9:56 am:

    Building, repairing, and maintaining roads is giving that money back to the People of Illinois.

    ===originates in a foreign country===

    Not just that, someone should let him know that oil is a globally traded commodity. Some kind of government price setting would be required to prevent oil producers from selling oil at prices based off of global demand. Domestically produced oil sells at about the same price as foreign produced oil. That’s just how it works.

    Perhaps Sullivan has revealed that his bent of Christian Nationalism (since that seems to be what he is running on) includes annexing Canada.

  7. - Ron Burgundy - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 10:03 am:

    Welp. So far Mr. Sullivan has failed to demonstrate a basic grasp of any issue, so why should this be any different?

  8. - Anotheretiree - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 10:11 am:

    I noticed on the 50th watching of Irvin’s campaign add, as he drives by an Apartment complex and says..”It was bad, we took it back”, that there are no cars parked there. Almost like he just pointed at a random closed building as they drove around.

  9. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 10:12 am:

    Newman needs to portray a position of “viable” in the wake of her allies, and even thoughts who may align with her over Casten, looking at Newman as not an ally at all due in part to an ongoing ethics investigation.

    I can’t imagine Casten in April. May, deciding not to make Newman’s ethic issues a key component to defeat her.

    Those Newman “numbers”, they could likely be her “best numbers to hope for going forward too?

    Also, the Californian Jesse Sullivan, when not stealing valor seems to avoid any real knowledge how roads, taxes, fuel… how that all works. Maybe Sullivan can pay for infrastructure with cryptocurrency?

  10. - Back to the Future - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 10:21 am:

    I like the Campaign notebook info, but thinking this is going to be one very long campaign.
    That Mr. Sullivan keeps on keeping on. With Bailey and Irwin getting the headlines, it seems JS is staying the course and getting some exposure. No “quit” in that young man.

  11. - Arsenal - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 10:25 am:

    One thing that could save MLL is that everyone smells blood, so a lot of people will run, and can all of her enemies coalesce behind one campaign? I have trouble seeing FOP and CTU fighting under the same banner, for example.

    The other thing that could save MLL is time, of course.

  12. - Sue - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 10:27 am:

    When you have billions to invest- some of those dollars end up in places which someone will complain about. Ken G has done more to improve Chicago with his charitable donations then anyone else in recent years. Certainly more then our trust fund Governor

  13. - Drop out Marie - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 10:27 am:

    That Newman doesn’t have a significant lead from word go is a very bad sign. She has 41% of the district and starts out tied with a guy who has 23%? Also, an FEC complaint filed by a lackey of her campaign- not very compelling….House Ethics Committee investigation with lots of evidence in public record plus labor allies deserting her…. drop out Newman

  14. - NickNombre - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 10:29 am:

    Higher gas taxes actually reduce demand for oil. Sullivan probably needs to take a basic economics course.

  15. - Arsenal - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 10:30 am:

    ==When you have billions to invest- some of those dollars end up in places which someone will complain about.==

    So he just accidentally invested $80M in making weapons? Wow, he should correct that right away.

  16. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 10:31 am:

    === When you have billions to invest- some of those dollars end up in places which someone will complain about.===

    I’m glad you’re not denying that one in four guns confiscated were manufacturers Griffin invests in.

    You’re cool with it… “because philanthropy”

    That’s is one of the saddest and pathetic ways to look at… money…

    So… as Griffin complains about crime, it’s cool his money is aiding it’s continuation via investments… because of The Museum of Science and Industry?

    This is comical even for you.

  17. - JoanP - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 10:32 am:

    Gas has been more than $4 a gallon in my neighborhood for quite a while now.

  18. - Arsenal - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 10:32 am:

    ==Ken G has done more to improve Chicago with his charitable donations then anyone else in recent years. Certainly more then our trust fund Governor ==

    Then Ken should run against the Governor.

  19. - Sue - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 10:37 am:

    OW- last time I looked manufacturing guns is a legal activity. Pulling investment from companies not approved by progressives isn’t looking to smart today. Energy isn’t popular either and because of idiots complaining about energy production- WS buy it from Putin permitting him to invade Ukraine. We shouldn’t ostracize investments because the progressives don’t approve

  20. - Shytown - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 10:45 am:

    ==The only Senator on Rochford’s list who represents part of that district is Melinda Bush, so I’m not sure how much effect most of those will have.==

    Have you looked at the endorsement rolls of candidates running for office these days? Half of them don’t touch their districts. It’s more about the kind of campaign that they’re building and what it says about them as a candidate. And Rochford has been racking up major support and given that she’s never run behind it’s quite impressive.

  21. - Cool Papa Bell - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 10:50 am:

    Jesse - Start your video message by denouncing President Trump calling Putin a genius.

    No oil is “produced” in Patoka. Its a central hub for oil pipelines from all over the country. And the newest leg of the Keystone was only going to speed the movement of Canadian crude to export in the gulf to China.

    Maybe what Jesse wants is to nationalize the countries oil production so we can’t sell any oil overseas? He’s so not ready to primetime.

    But at least there wasn’t any stolen valor claims in this video.

  22. - Benjamin - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 10:55 am:

    Remember, if you want to decrease our dependency on the price of an internationally traded commodity like petroleum, the best thing to do isn’t to make it cheaper. It’s to reduce how much you use.

    I’m sure Sullivan will soon come out with a plan to massively increase state investments in transit and electrified high-speed rail to reduce our dependency on fossil fuels.

  23. - Roman - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 10:58 am:

    == The only Senator on Rochford’s list who represents part of that district is Melinda Bush, so I’m not sure how much effect most of those will have. ==

    I had the same thought. The Rochford campaign isn’t the only one doing this. Touting endorsements from politicians outside your district seems to be a growing trend among legislative candidates, too.

    I don’t get it. To me, inviting criticism for being backed by “Springfield-based political insiders” isn’t worth the Politico mentions.

  24. - Torco Sign - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 11:02 am:

    “And Rochford has been racking up major support and given that she’s never run behind it’s quite impressive.”

    It’s kind of funny how psychology works–Rotering has a ton of (probably a lot more) endorsements than Rochford, but the recency effect is pretty strong in politics. But the rollout, of course, matters too. If people don’t know she has those, the endorsements don’t matter as much.

  25. - UPS - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 11:05 am:

    Castens lack of political endorsements this side of the county line has best been described as political malpractice. His inability to find any political support in Cook and the City is stunning and shows how strong Newman is perceived to be where the weight of the vote matters.

    Moreover, while Casten laments the death of ethics in congress he will be hit with ethics allegations of his own, dirty politics against a former female opponent no less!

    Marie will pound on bread and butter issues, according to the polling and data, as she always does; all while hiding behind the facade of gender based politics.

    My opinion, Newman will come out ahead and cross the finish line in the primary, defeating Dan Lipinski 2.0. Afterall, the Democratic primary voters in Cook and the City knew what she was in 2018 and 2020 and she only grew stronger at the ballot box. The plebs in Chicagoland just don’t care about ethics.

    Speaking of team Lipinski, where is their weight going to fall in all this?

  26. - Annonin' - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 11:15 am:

    Sullie must be spendin’ too much time at Coffee & Pizza Buffet at Casey’s . Cuttin’ gas tax only puts more $ into the pockets of the oil companies and distributiors. No cuts at the pump

  27. - Sir Reel - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 12:06 pm:

    At the rate gas prices are increasing, permanently eliminating the gas tax hike would be noticed for about a week. As others have said, the best way to address high oil prices is to encourage the transition to electric.

  28. - Ashland Adam - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 12:07 pm:

    To Ald. Sue Sadlowski Garza’s comments - all Chicagoans are feeling your pain.

  29. - Amalia - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 12:17 pm:

    Griffin, Citadel, blood on your balance sheets. the convoluted excuses for why there is money in companies that manufacture death machines strains as well as stains. there are whole investment strategies to stay away from such things. guess you are not that financially savvy or you just don’t care. MOD. Merchant of Death.

  30. - Donnie Elgin - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 12:23 pm:

    =WBEZ continues that in Chicago: “one out of every four guns recovered from city homicides in the past five years came off the assembly lines of companies in which Citadel held shares — weapons that have played a role in the same, worsening crime wave that Griffin blames on the governor. =

    In Illinois, every single gun sold requires a FOID and a background check. Studies also show that less than 20 % ( and perhaps a few at 5%) of all illegal gun crimes are committed by persons legally in possession of weapons - the rest are done by folks who illegally possess the weapons.

    Lawful gun owners commit less than a fifth of all gun crimes, according to a novel analysis released this week by the University of Pittsburgh.

  31. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 1:00 pm:

    === Lawful gun owners commit less than a fifth of all gun crimes===

    This changes noting to the statistic…

    === “one out of every four guns recovered from city homicides in the past five years came off the assembly lines of companies in which Citadel held shares — weapons that have played a role in the same, worsening crime wave that Griffin blames on the governor.”===

    The question is to Griffin, investments, and crime.

    Parsing as you are doesn’t change anything.

  32. - Chicago Blue - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 1:04 pm:

    Was Ken Griffin “doing more for Chicago” when his cipher kicked 40,000 kids out of the child care program or oversaw multiple credit downgrades in the pursuit of busting unions?

  33. - SaulGoodman - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 1:12 pm:

    ** defeating Dan Lipinski 2.0.**

    I’m sorry, but… what???

  34. - JS Mill - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 1:19 pm:

    =In Illinois=

    Many of the guns used in Chicago gun related crimes are purchased in Indiana. And many others are straw purchases by people who poses a FOID. STraw purchases (like strawman arguments here) are illegal in Illinois.

    And, as OW stated, that does not change the stat that was cited. That begs the response to you post…so what?

  35. - froganon - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 1:42 pm:

    == “one out of every four guns recovered from city homicides in the past five years came off the assembly lines of companies in which Citadel held shares — weapons that have played a role in the same, worsening crime wave that Griffin blames on the governor. ==

    has zip to do with FOID or legal ownership. OW is right on as usual.

  36. - low level - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 1:45 pm:

    == and can all of her (Lightfoot’s) enemies coalesce behind one campaign==

    Arsenal, I think so, at least in a runoff. It would make for strange bedfellows though, thats for sure.

  37. - Scooter - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 1:56 pm:

    “Speaking of team Lipinski, where is their weight going to fall in all this?”

    Just a guess from a small sample area of the district: There was always a lot of crossover support for him in the Mt. Greenwood/Beverly area; lots of voters there (Chicago cops, firefighters, etc) who’d vote GOP for everything, except their one D vote for Lipinski. But this year, Lipinski is not on the spring ballot, and the GOP governors’ primary ballot has some polarizing candidates. A good chunk of his former support won’t be pulling a D ballot for this primary.

  38. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 2:19 pm:

    ===defeating Dan Lipinski 2.0===

    “Sure, Jan”

    In all your thoughts to “Casten”, you ignore two big things;

    Newman is currently being investigated for ethics.

    No one yet is aware of that investigation with ads and the dollars behind those ads.

    Newman, like Mary Miller, they are bad for both Illinois and the country, tough to see, in this case Newman, being able to say she (Newman) is ethical in her dealings unless exonerated at this late stage.

    (Also tips cap to - JS Mill - and - froganon -)

  39. - Grandson of Man - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 4:04 pm:

    “In fact, WBEZ’s analysis shows that nearly one out of every four guns recovered from Chicago homicides in the past five years were made by companies in which Citadel held share”

    “Irvin does not take issue with Citadel’s investments and holdings.”

    Griffin profits hugely from Chicago gun homicides and Irvin is okay with it. Kinda puts a big damper on the “tough on crime” campaign central to this candidate, and anyone taking Griffin money.

  40. - Rudy’s teeth - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 4:13 pm:

    Perhaps it’s not the guns from Indiana but the criminals from Illinois who cause havoc in their communities.

  41. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 4:17 pm:

    ===but the criminals===

    … using one in four guns that Griffin’s money helped produce?

    We can try to spin it all which way.

  42. - justaguy02 - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 4:32 pm:

    “No, Mr. Irvin, say “All lives matter,” with all the outrage of the oppressed white majority …”

  43. - SenSusan - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 4:56 pm:

    I am proud to be listed as one of Judge Rochford’s endorsers AND I live in her district. I’m 100% behind her and can’t wait to cast my vote for her in the Primary!

  44. - Susan Garrett - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 5:05 pm:

    I’m proud to be included on the list of Judge Elizabeth Rochford’s endorsers AND I live in her district. Im 100% behind her and can’t wait to vote for her in the Primary.

  45. - low level - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 5:11 pm:

    Ald. Garza is a straight shooter with history on the SE side. She is confirming what many of us have felt for some time.

  46. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 6:13 pm:

    ===Pulling investment from companies not approved by progressives isn’t looking to smart today.===

    Again, you’re cool that Griffin’s money found it’s way in one of every four criminal actions.

    Don’t tell me you are tough on crime

    You’re not. You’re as phony as the progressives you wanna own

  47. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 6:14 pm:

    ===progressives don’t approve===

    So - Sue - approves of criminal activity with guns, “because Putin”?


  48. - Nobody Sent - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 7:01 pm:

    Sullivan shows a gross misunderstanding of the oil industry…

  49. - Chicago Dem - Monday, Feb 28, 22 @ 9:29 pm:

    The manufacturing of guns or investing in the production of the same “do not commit crimes. It’s the criminals that do.” Please, understand this.

  50. - watchdog - Tuesday, Mar 1, 22 @ 12:54 am:

    I watached the IDW zoom forum last week on the 2d & 3d Dist. candidates. I knew almost nothing about the 2d Dist. candidates. I found Highland Park Mayor Nancy Rotering far superior to the others. She is very progressive. Rochford seemed like a run of the mill judge. Nothing impressive.

  51. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 1, 22 @ 6:37 am:

    ===Please, understand this.===

    If you want guns off the street while investing in the same manufacturers who make the guns is a ridiculous position to the honesty of the want.

    “Please, understand this”

    It’s actually preposterous to have both positions

  52. - plumbers - Thursday, Mar 17, 22 @ 11:37 am:

    I’ve read a few excellent stuff here. Certainly price bookmarking for revisiting.
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