After review, Pritzker unfreezes grants
Friday, Mar 11, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Background is here if you need it. Letter…
March 11, 2022
Emanuel “Chris” Welch
Speaker of the Illinois House of Representatives
300 State House
Springfield, Illinois 62701
Dear Speaker Welch,
I’m writing with regard to the four capital projects that several House members requested we freeze pending another layer of review. At the request of your members, the Illinois Department of Transportation and Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity conducted an additional review of the released projects to ensure that all steps of our established process were followed. Attached, you will find summary memos from each of the departments, providing additional information on the steps that were taken. As you know, these projects were appropriated by a bipartisan majority of the General Assembly in 2019 and underwent our normal extensive review process before funds were released.
After I froze the projects at the request of your members, I received numerous communications indicating broad community support to move those projects forward. In particular, members of the Latino Caucus reached out to highlight that these vital projects provide significant community benefits, urging the state to continue making progress in their communities. As a result of the reviews from IDOT and DCEO confirming that all required processes were followed, funding for these projects will be released.
Please do not hesitate to contact my office if you have any additional questions.
Governor JB Pritzker
…Adding… Links to and excerpts from attached documentation…
* Bedford Park Noise Abatement Project: IDOT performed a Pre-Mitigation Noise Study that determined that inert retarders in BRC’s East Clearing Yard are the primary source of reported noise complaints summarized by the Village and the Weglarz Hotel group and that the noise is caused during train assembly operations. After evaluating several options for abatement, including construction of noise barriers, soundproofing improvements to the hotels, and track improvements, IDOT and BRC decided upon replacement of track components within the yard that eliminate noise from the train assembly operation at its source. The 30% engineering estimate to replace the track components within the BRC East Class Yard is approximately $22 million.
* Lewis University Airport Air Traffic Control Tower: The tower construction project was locally let utilizing applicable IDOT policy and procedures that are in place to ensure all federal or state mandated requirements are met. After notification of intent to award to the lowest responsive bidder and contract execution by Joliet Regional Port District, IDOT initiated the grant agreement process. The intergovernmental grant agreement process for airport improvement programs is competed in compliance with the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act (GATA) and through the Bureau of Business Services, who are the experts in the various requirements based on policy, statute, and administrative rules
* Academy for Global Citizenship: The appropriation language was clarified by Rep. Ortìz on March 29, 2021, who wrote that a technical drafting error was made and that the grant funds were intended to be awarded to the “Academy for Global Citizenship Charter School” specifically for “capital improvements.” The grant agreement was executed May 11, 2021, and the funds are to be used to support the design, site preparation, and construction of the Academy for Global Citizenship’s new facility at 2942 W. 44th Street in Chicago. The following memorandum outlines the pre- award steps taken to ensure the grant complies with applicable requirements and summarizes our post-award administration of this grant.
The fourth project at Hancock High School is already complete.
- Nick - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 3:12 pm:
Not a surprise
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 3:16 pm:
Friday News Dump?
No one can say the governor didn’t take pause.
- The Hills 60010 - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 3:22 pm:
” As a result of the reviews from IDOT and DCEO confirming that all required processes were followed, funding for these projects will be released.”
Investigated, screened, questions answered, Ill Dems have to be prepared for AND WELCOME scrutiny. Give detractors and critics nothing to delve into
- Pot calling kettle - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 3:33 pm:
Well done. Nothing wrong with taking a short pause to ensure things are being done properly.
- Wow - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 3:48 pm:
J B being the grown up. Way too much drama caused by publicity seekers “hey look at me”..
- Arsenal - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 4:10 pm:
Probably the right call, but I didn’t have any issue with anyone who said we should take a beat and double check this.
- Excessively Rabid - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 4:16 pm:
Dear Speaker…your members
Chain. Of. Command.
- Heat Wave - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 4:40 pm:
So, will there be any accountability for BGA’s bad journalism? They reported in their “investigation” piece that these projects were moved “to the top of the list without the normal bureaucratic scrutiny and screening usually given to massive public works projects.” The Pritzker administration’s actual investigation says the exact opposite. I guess we will see if they make a retraction, but this doesn’t reflect well on their reporting.