MJM Friday roundup
Friday, Mar 11, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Solis apparently had witting accomplices, but he did set up some apparently real-world deals that were crooked enough to get other people indicted…
Mayor Lori Lightfoot said Thursday she finds it “unconscionable” that former Zoning Committee chairman-turned-FBI mole Danny Solis was “walking around on a wire for years … continuing to wheel and deal” and is deeply offended his deal with the feds will keep Solis out of prison. […]
“The fact that you had a sitting alderman walking around on a wire for years is unconscionable, as far as I’m concerned. Unconscionable. And while he was continuing, it looks like, to wheel and deal as chair of a very important Zoning Committee. It gives me great, great pause,” Lightfoot told the Sun-Times editorial board.
“He has gotten a deal where he’s not going to be looking at any jail time, as I understand it. … I’m deeply offended by that. This is a man who exploited his position … to enrich himself, attempting to enrich others. There’s got to be consequences and accountability for that. It’s not enough for him to simply walk away. Sail off into the sunset. That sends the wrong message.” […]
“You take into consideration the value that they’ve added in aiding other investigations. Absolutely. … But where’s the accountability? … There has got to be something other than a complete pass for the crimes that he’s committed.” Lightfoot said, adding: “And, of course, he shouldn’t get his pension.”
Lightfoot, of course, is a former federal prosecutor.
Madigan over time amassed tens of millions of dollars in the various campaign accounts he controlled as speaker and as chair of the Democratic Party of Illinois.
“And he used that money to maintain and enforce loyalty around him. He would give it to candidates and officials who were loyal to him and use it fund their opponents if they weren’t. And so that was really one of the major sources of his power,” Kaplan said. “If we’re going to talk about really changing the system to make sure that someone like this doesn’t happen again we need to look at all those sources of power that led to one man having this amount of control over his party.”
Illinois in 2009, while Madigan was speaker, set caps on campaign contributions, but Kaplan says the system is weak and rife with loopholes that allow the legislatures’ top leaders to effectively skirt limits.
That allows them to exercise a level of control over other lawmakers that she said is “unusual and dangerous.” […]
Meanwhile, state Rep. Curtis Tarver (D-Chicago) is sponsoring a measure (HB5046) that would make state lawmakers ineligible to serve again if they’re convicted of a felony while in office. […]
The measure is currently stalled in Springfield.
* More stuff…
* The Madigan indictment puts a new focus on how Chicago aldermen govern: “You cannot read that indictment, and not have pause about the way in which Danny Solis ran the zoning committee for his own profit and the profit of others in a way that wasn’t just unethical, it was illegal,” Lightfoot said in that interview.
* Madigan indictment mentions Springfield restaurant, an undercover Alderman and more
* Federal Court Upholds Colorado Contribution Limits
- Bothanspied - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 11:14 am:
Sheesh, Open Mouth Insert Lightfoot
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 11:20 am:
=== “You take into consideration the value that they’ve added in aiding other investigations. Absolutely. … But where’s the accountability? … There has got to be something other than a complete pass for the crimes that he’s committed.” Lightfoot said, adding: “And, of course, he shouldn’t get his pension.”===
It took a mole, wearing a wire, that Madigan trusted enough to be candid enough, and the mole needed to be powerful enough to get illegality to a reality.
That’s the ball game. That’s why Solis is getting what he’s getting.
Solid is no hero, “good guy”, Solis isn’t a “goody-good”… Solis is exactly what the G needed and didn’t have “for decades” to get Madigan.
Lightfoot should… appreciate(?)… what was needed and how it was that ensnared Madigan… not gripe.
- Nashville Hoops - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 11:32 am:
=Lightfoot, of course, is a former federal prosecutor=
so is Scott Drury!
- Joe Bidenopolous - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 11:33 am:
=The fact that you had a sitting alderman walking around on a wire for years is unconscionable=
So she wishes he hadn’t cooperated and helped bring down other corrupt politicians like Burke and Madigan. Got it.
- Big Tom - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 11:43 am:
There is both a regional component and a party component to solving this corruption problem. 1. Never vote for anyone for statewide office who lives North of I-80. 2. Do not vote for Democrats. Problem over.
- NIU Grad - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 11:44 am:
It was very revealing how many local pols were more upset (publicly, at that) at Solis for wearing a wire than they were that he was involved in shady deals.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 11:45 am:
- Big Tom -
Facebook is down the dial and to the Right.
- 47th Ward - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 11:47 am:
=== So she wishes he hadn’t cooperated…===
I think her criticism is directed at the feds for conducting such a wide investigation. Was what Solis recorded in many of these meetings business as usual, or is there an element of performance art on these tapes. And several observers have noted that Solis’ deal with prosecutors is almost unprecedented. He commuted several crimes and those will never be on his record. It’s
Like it never happened.
- Dankakee - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 11:47 am:
-Big Tom-
You do realize that this is the state that produced such Republican luminaries as Denny Hastert and George Ryan correct? Or is this all just theater to you?
- Big Tom - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 11:50 am:
OW you’re well informed, well respected and protective of the integrity of the Blog. I appreciate that, but tell me what have we got to lose? Hard send,and out.
- West Sider - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 11:53 am:
The fact that you had a sitting alderman walking around on a wire for years is unconscionable, as far as I’m concerned. Unconscionable. And while he was continuing, it looks like, to wheel and deal as chair of a very important Zoning Committee”
Her point- the “collateral damage” is the citizens and the City- who were in a sense denied honest services- by the Feds ambitions to make a case.
- vern - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 11:53 am:
Big Tom, if Irvin’s the nominee you’re gonna have to figure out a write-in candidate. Might be worth googling “Sam McCann.”
- Annonin' - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 11:54 am:
Nr/Ms Big Tom
Others mention George and we can throw in Paul Powell and the other crooked Ryans and any number of small town mayors and county sheriff. Not sure your cut off line creates andthing special
- Big Tom - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 11:56 am:
I forget. Is Kankakee south of I-80?
- Big Tom - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 11:56 am:
Dankakee Mea Culpa I should have said “and slightly south of I 80″, and the molester, life no parole would be fine with me. Perhaps that should be the minimum sentence for anyone convicted of political corruption.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 11:58 am:
===… but tell me what have we got to lose?===
The regional and political bias, by all who decide that where one lives and how one votes will not help this state “move forward”, and will not root out corruption merely by some sort of inherit bias.
I can appreciate regionalism, and a belief one region, or it’s voters or electeds aren’t what another may align, I can appreciate that, but what I can’t appreciate or refuse to normalize, for myself, is a blanketed angry bias that doesn’t allow opportunities for good people to help Illinois in elected positions.
How many folks “south of I-80” could Solis ensnare?
A pond is only as big as one searches for it to be.
Madigan “himself” reminds, all politics is local and the alleged crimes to local governing, business, and politics is why Solis was able to get close.
- Keyrock - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 11:58 am:
Sorry, Rich. 11:56 on the location of Kankakee was me.
- BTO2 - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 11:59 am:
We’ve had our own problems with Rs in Sangamon county concerning hiring. Just assumed how government worked $$.
- ElTacoBandito - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 12:03 pm:
=The fact that you had a sitting alderman walking around on a wire for years is unconscionable=
I think her point might be that the Feds let Solis continue to work as an alderman and perform his legislative duties while they knew he was a walking pool of corruption. Might be worth it to get Madigan but kind of messed up for residents of his ward who had to rely on a corrupt and self-interested politician.
Did they have any control of his actions while cooperating, or was he allowed to continue to do as he wished?
- Cheryl44 - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 12:08 pm:
I agree with Mayor Lightfoot. I don’t think he should have been able to entrap people and that could blow up in the Feds faces.
- low level - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 12:14 pm:
== He would give it to candidates and officials who were loyal to him and use it fund their opponents if they weren’t.==
No. He financed candidates who were willing to do what it takes to win and withheld money from those who didnt want to work.
Just like the other three caucuses did. I mean, its just laughable to think Pate Philip or Lee Daniels financed their candidates because they were good government types.
- NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 12:14 pm:
==Lightfoot, of course, is a former federal prosecutor.==
Like Scott Drury. If MLL loses next year maybe she and Drury could team up for a Legal Advice radio show on one of the Chicago stations.
- Donnie Elgin - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 12:15 pm:
Lightfoot may be right – when the feds use confidential informants – they should limit unauthorized criminal conduct that is outside of the scope of the original investigation or target. CI’s may engage in “otherwise illegal activity” only under the Informant Guidelines. If Solis was engaged in other illegal activity outside of the MJM scope – it could make all of his evidence inadmissible. Defendant walked in a police corruption case a few years ago due to this issue.
- NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 12:16 pm:
==Kankakee ==
The city who brought us Len Small and George Ryan.
And Samuel Shapiro but he was not corrupt.
- thisjustinagain - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 12:16 pm:
Maybe I’ll have to work up the “Convicted party members” list to see how many Dems and Repubs were convicted for crimes related to their office or related positions. Being Illinois, this may take a while though.
- NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 12:17 pm:
==We’ve had our own problems with Rs in Sangamon county concerning hiring.==
Also known as Smith, Cellini and Co.
- NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 12:19 pm:
==Meanwhile, state Rep. Curtis Tarver (D-Chicago) is sponsoring a measure (HB5046) that would make state lawmakers ineligible to serve again if they’re convicted of a felony while in office==
As if anyone cares but I don’t think Blago in his delusional self is a fan of this bill.
- NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 12:20 pm:
==Never vote for anyone for statewide office who lives North of I-80.==
Does George Ryan, Bill Cellini and Paul Powell ring a bell to you?
- Steve Polite - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 12:30 pm:
=Do not vote for Democrats. Problem over.=
Because all Republicans are perfect and never do anything wrong, and all Democrats are evil and never do anything right.
That’s essentially what you’re claiming Big Tom. Is that what you really believe? I prefer to evaluate individual politicians based on what they say and their actions, not their party affiliation.
- NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 12:34 pm:
==Madigan indictment mentions Springfield restaurant, an undercover Alderman and more==
I think we all know very well what that restaurant is. I don’t think it’s Burger King.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 12:41 pm:
===I think we all know very well what that restaurant is===
Likely not. It’s the Sangamo Club.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 12:45 pm:
…MJM reduced his Saputo’s time because everybody knew he was there and they would constantly interrupt his dinners.
Nowadays, people are requesting his old table. It’s become a thing, apparently. A certain GOP leader was sitting there the other night when I stopped by.
- Sue - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 12:55 pm:
Lori is almost as big a narcissist as Jussie. Why does she feel compelled to become part of this story?
- Dotnonymous - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 1:01 pm:
It’s the, “I’m in with the in crowd” table…the only thing that changes are the faces.
- low level - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 1:04 pm:
== Lori is almost as big a narcissist as Jussie. Why does she feel compelled to become part of this story?==
We finally agree on something, Sue. Yes, MLL is a fiasco. Everyone wants a “reforming outsider” They rarely work out well. Give me someone w experience when electing a chief executive.
- don the legend - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 1:24 pm:
===I think we all know very well what that restaurant is===
Likely not. It’s the Sangamo Club.
Thanks for this information. NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham seems to know all but apparently not on this.
- Cityrat - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 1:29 pm:
Lightfoot, of course, is a former federal prosecutor who was sanctioned for lying to the court. But I guess that wasn’t “unconscionable.”
- Mason Born - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 1:29 pm:
Question, how could the Feds have made Solis either A. change his behavior, or B. notify anyone else, without having MJM’s crowd pick up on it? If Solis started acting like a straight honest politician wouldn’t Madigan and Company have noticed he suddenly wasn’t trying to fleece everyone he met? MJM and CO. weren’t stupid after all.
- low level - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 1:30 pm:
Big Tom - assuming your point about little corruption south of I-80 is accurate, maybe its because there’s not much to corrupt? No highrises, or corporate headquarters… just not much going on. Zzzz
- The Hills 60010 - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 1:38 pm:
“Madigan over time amassed tens of millions of dollars in the various campaign accounts he controlled as speaker and as chair of the Democratic Party of Illinois.”
“And he used that money to maintain and enforce loyalty around him. He would give it to candidates and officials who were loyal to him and use it fund their opponents if they weren’t. And so that was really one of the major sources of his power,” Kaplan said. “If we’re going to talk about really changing the system to make sure that someone like this doesn’t happen again we need to look at all those sources of power that led to one man having this amount of control over his party.”
“That allows them to exercise a level of control over other lawmakers that she said is “unusual and dangerous.” […]”
It will take decades to root out all the shoots and stems of rottenness that thought it was doing good. As a professor once stated to me, “the means matter”. You speak with some of these acolytes of Madiganism and you have to come away shaken with the willingness of “intelligent” “adults” to be that beholden to a fellow breathing man. What is going on inside these people?
Kaplan’s caution again for those who might have missed or glossed over: ““And he used that money to maintain and enforce loyalty around him. He would give it to candidates and officials who were loyal to him and use it fund their opponents if they weren’t. And so that was really one of the major sources of his power,” Kaplan said. “If we’re going to talk about really changing the system to make sure that someone like this doesn’t happen again we need to look at all those sources of power that led to one man having this amount of control over his party.””
Too soon for any meaningful reform in Illinois Dem poitics as other wannabe strong men are already on deck. So many were nuertured in the stew of holding fealty to a man lord that they are continuing the bad that is Madiganism of punishing those who are not “team” players.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 1:39 pm:
===MJM and CO. weren’t stupid===
They were sure stupid enough to get in bed with him to start with.
- Mason Born - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 1:51 pm:
–They were sure stupid enough to get in bed with him to start with.–
Ok that’s a fair point.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 1:54 pm:
===They were sure stupid enough to get in bed with him to start with.===
The “Sollozzo-Hagen discussion”, again, lifts its head.
- low level - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 2:23 pm:
== and use it fund their opponents if they weren’t==
Do you or Kaplan mean he funded primary opponents to members that werent loyal? Please give me examples.
- low level - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 2:29 pm:
== the willingness of “intelligent” “adults” to be that beholden to a fellow breathing man. ==
LOL. How about maybe, just possibly, we preferred him and his policies over the GOP alternative? Or were we all “stupid”?
- Steve - Friday, Mar 11, 22 @ 3:37 pm:
Lightfoot’s views on Danny Solis matter because she’s a former prosecutor. But, on this one she is wrong. Sadly, the DOJ lives in the real world. Danny Solis took down the top 2 most powerful politicians in Illinois the last several decades. A utilitarian calculus was made. It’s unlikely that Burke and Madigan are/were the only politicians brought down by Solis’ work. When a guy is Chairman of the city of Chicago’s Zoning Committee a lot of people are going to interact with him..