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Campaign notebook

Tuesday, Mar 29, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Two oppo dumps on Mary Miller. Lynn Sweet

Rep. Mary Miller, R-Ill., an ardent supporter of President Donald Trump, signed a letter stating claims of voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election should be investigated. Now her bid for a second term is benefiting from spending by a PAC whose leader is suspected of voter fraud.

That letter, to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, was sent in December 2020, before Miller was sworn into her first term on Jan. 3, 2021. In a press release, issued before she took office, Miller, maintaining falsely Trump won the election said, “Even a glancing review would uncover the greatest heist of the 21st century.”

With Miller’s interest in pursuing voter fraud, it is worth noting that a Sun-Times examination of money bolstering Miller’s bid for a second term shows she is benefiting from a $74,054.74 independent expenditure by the Right Women political action committee, according to a report filed with the Federal Election Commission. […]

Last May, Miller’s campaign got a direct $5,000 donation from Freedom First, a political action committee created by Mark Meadows when he was a North Carolina Republican congressman.

Debra and Mark Meadows are suspected of voting from a mobile home in North Carolina where they never lived.

* And this one is from US Rep. Rodney Davis’ campaign…

Public records reveal that Mary and Chris Miller’s business, while physically in Illinois, is incorporated in the state of Delaware, a known domestic tax and regulatory shelter. Despite both being elected politicians in the State of Illinois, the Millers have chosen to send their tax dollars to Delaware instead. Why?

“Mary Miller has taken carpet-bagging to a new level. Not only does she live in another Congressional district, but her family business is incorporated in another state - Delaware. Miller likes to present herself as a common farmer, but she’s engaged in legal strategies used by corporations to dodge taxes and avoid scrutiny of their business. Like a true politician, Miller has mastered the art of saying one thing and doing another. She needs to come clean about why her business is incorporated in a state that’s over 750 miles from her farm. What is Mary Miller hiding?” - Davis campaign spokesperson Aaron DeGroot

While both are politicians, Mary Miller and her husband Chris are also corporate officers and co-owners of Miller Bros Farms. Corporate records filed with the Illinois Secretary of State’s office shows that the Millers incorporated their business in the State of Delaware, not Illinois.

Delaware is considered by many to be a domestic tax and regulatory shelter due to the benefits the State of Delaware provides to businesses that incorporate within their state. Businesses that incorporate in Delaware can keep certain corporate records private and are subject to a favorable legal system.

Mary Miller likes to present herself as a common farmer, but she’s engaged in legal strategies used by corporations to dodge taxes and avoid public scrutiny. Miller has not discussed publicly why her business is incorporated in another state that’s roughly 760 miles away from her farm. What is Mary Miller hiding?

Miller recently touted an endorsement from Club for Growth, a DC-based dark money group that’s opposed to the Farm Bill, while her family’s business has raked in over $1 million in government subsidies from Farm Bill programs over the years. Chris Miller, has received $942,419 in USDA subsidies. Miller Bros. Farms, Inc. and Miller Bros Inc, have received $104,742 and $34,871 in USDA subsidies, respectively.

* Possible Chicago mayoral candidate

State Rep. Kam Buckner (pictured) (D-Chicago) will serve a year on conditional discharge, because he pleaded guilty this month to driving under the influence.

In March 2019, police found him asleep at the wheel near the Capitol. He refused a Breathalyzer test and failed field sobriety tests.

If he successfully completes the year’s probation, Buckner will not have to serve a 28-day jail sentence.

Buckner, a former University of Illinois football player, must pay $1,915 in fines and costs, according to court records.

* E&E News

Climate change is taking a central role in a key House race in Illinois, where two Democratic incumbents are taking shots at each other’s records.

Rep. Sean Casten, a moderate who sits on the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis and once led an energy efficiency company, argues that he holds the climate mantle in the race.

But Rep. Marie Newman, an outspoken progressive, in recent weeks has challenged Casten on climate, arguing he takes a narrow focus on the issue and is too close to corporate and fossil fuel interests.

* Politico

— Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi has been endorsed by Secretary of State Jesse White in his bid for reelection in the 8th Congressional District.

— Anna Valencia has been endorsed by state Reps. Theresa Mah (2nd), Anne Stava-Murray (81st), and Terra Costa Howard (48th) in her bid for secretary of state.

— Delia Ramirez, who’s running in the newly drawn 3rd Congressional District, has been endorsed by the Illinois Nurses Association, Architectural and Ornamental Iron Workers’ Union Local 63, Transportation Communication Union/IAM, and Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes Division.

* Hearing there are some very difficult internal issues with her consultant…

The formal kick off of Cassandra Tanner Miller’s (R, Elgin), also known as “CTM”, congressional primary campaign in the 11th District set for Thursday, March 24 in downtown Geneva was abruptly postponed early Thursday afternoon to a date to be announced.

The verbiage of the email sent included the following:

    “Please note that we are needing to reschedule the Campaign Kickoff event that was planned for this evening at Copper Fox in Geneva.

    “One thing I’m learning about political campaigns is you never know what to expect or what will come up on a daily basis.

    “After talking with the venue, we are going to push our Campaign Kickoff back and we will be following up with everyone with new details for our official Kickoff event.“

* Reditus might eventually become an issue in the gubernatorial race, but Rep. Luft is involved in a high-profile local primary, so it could be a thing there, too

During the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, Gov. JB Pritzker’s daily media briefings were appointment viewing for many.

There were fewer high-profile places to be than standing next to the governor as he updated Illinoisans on the state’s coronavirus response. On May 8, 2020, Reditus Labs CEO Aaron Rossi shared the stage with Pritzker. At the time, Reditus was emerging as one of the state’s leading companies for coronavirus testing.

“I’d like to congratulate the governor and state officials for reaching (testing) milestones that they have today,” Rossi declared during the news conference.

That wasn’t Rossi’s first interaction with an elected official, and it was far from his last. Rossi would transform a little-known company of fewer than 10 employees into a coronavirus testing behemoth, largely with taxpayer-funded state contracts.

Questions into how much government help Reditus and Aaron Rossi’s other companies received — and how Reditus got it — have come into focus now that Rossi faces federal charges that he lied about his income to the Internal Revenue Service and civil complaints from several business partners accusing him of extravagant personal spending and shady accounting involving Reditus and his other businesses.

One legislator who has been instrumental in assisting Reditus’ rise, Pekin mayor and state Rep. Mark Luft, has distanced himself from Rossi since those charged were filed.

More on this topic from WGLT…

* Records show Reditus CEO amassed a fleet of luxury vehicles and 2 private planes

* Lawsuit alleges Reditus CEO is ‘pillaging’ the company to fund lavish lifestyle

* Reditus CEO Aaron Rossi indicted on tax fraud charges

* A ‘mysterious’ health care system helps Reditus and others make big money on COVID tests

* RepresentUs

As our Gerrymandering Threat Index predicted, the 2021 Redistricting Cycle is rife with partisan gerrymandering. RepresentUs partnered with the Princeton Gerrymandering Project (PGP) to grade and analyze redistricting maps this cycle.

Illinois received an “F” for its state Senate maps, but a “B” for its House maps, which are nested within the Senate districts. Odd. It also received an “F” for its congressional maps.

…Adding… Forgot to post this…

…Adding… Press release…

Today, U.S. Congressman Sean Casten (D-IL) announced he has been endorsed by the Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois and the Chicago Fire Department Fire Fighters Local 2. The endorsement of AFFI, a statewide union in Illinois, expands a growing list of Rep. Casten’s major endorsements.

“Rep. Sean Casten has been a tireless advocate for firefighters, unions, and working families,” said Chuck Sullivan, President of AFFI. “Sean understands the importance of standing up for workers and has delivered as a leader in labor. We’re proud to endorse him.”

“Illinois’ firefighters routinely put themselves at risk to save lives and protect property in our community,” said Rep. Sean Casten. “We owe it to them to fight for priorities like fair wages and improved workplace conditions. I’m honored to have them with me in this fight.”

Rep. Casten has previously been endorsed by nine other unions and also received the recommendation for re-election by the DuPage County Build and Construction Trades Council, which is composed of 30 unions throughout the Chicagoland area. Working people and labor unions across the 6th District are strongly backing Rep. Sean Casten and his record of fighting for working families.


  1. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 1:57 pm:

    Sean Casten will be surprised to learn he is a moderate who sits on the House Committee on Climate Change

    He has a 97% lifetime Progressive Rating

  2. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 2:00 pm:

    ===It also received an “F” for its congressional maps.===

    I didn’t click through, does the “F” stand for fair?

  3. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 2:10 pm:

    ==Sean Casten will be surprised to learn he is a moderate who sits on the House Committee on Climate Change==

    I bumped on that, too, but he’s certainly more moderate than Newman, and (as I’m sure you’ll mention next time someone dares to suggest that Democrats aren’t going to lose every single election in November) the Democratic Party has moved to the left in recent years.

  4. - Lefty Lefty - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 2:20 pm:

    The Copper Fox is owned by the people who started one of the anti-mask lawsuits way back when. However-it is not in the 11th. It is in the 14th. Do you have kickoff events outside your district?

  5. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 2:20 pm:

    It will be most interesting to see where in polling Miller - Davis sits.

    So much noise, confusing noise at that, but where do each sit going in to these last 3 months.

  6. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 2:20 pm:

    And how well is that move to the left working out for the country and the Democrats likelihood of retaining the House and winning the other elections this Fall?

    Much harder to run on their own record instead of an unpopular Republican President

  7. - Jun Schwuppu - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 3:10 pm:

    I’m endorsing Mary Miller. She WILL win.

    Also endorsing Albright for IL Senate back in the RI County area.

  8. - bkhartbnjo - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 3:37 pm:

    Does the term “carpet-bagger” really have any impact to it? I can see how it would in Georgia, but in Illinois it just seems weird to me.

  9. - Larry Bowa Jr. - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 3:46 pm:

    “And how well is that move to the left working out for the country and the Democrats”

    Pretty great, personally. I like having a federal government that supports democracy rather than fascism abroad. I’m a nut like that.

  10. - Lefty Lefty - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 4:15 pm:

    Right on LBJr. If the right is going to keep pretending that voting rights, climate change, civil rights, public health, and diplomacy are to be manipulated and lied about for votes, some think we’re supposed to join in.

    For many of us, it’s never going to happen. And we won’t shut up about them either.

    I personally would like to know where the candidates and Republican voters stand on these topics. I know we already know but especially the candidates should have to speak plainly about each of them.

  11. - Narc - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 6:15 pm:

    If only there was a drive to ban partisan gerrymandering… Oh wait, there was. Nearly every Republican in the House voted against it and it was killed by Republican filibuster in the Senate.

  12. - Candy Dogood - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 11:54 pm:

    I really hope that the Republican all out assault on the rights of women and LGBTQ people hurts them at the ballot box.

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