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Rate Richard Irvin’s new TV ad

Tuesday, Mar 29, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The spot

* Script

I’m Richard Irvin. When I ran for mayor, Mike Madigan campaigned against me. I beat him. Now Governor Pritzker is afraid that I’ll beat him, too.

There’s nothing the left fears more than Republicans who look like me and think like us; that all lives matter; that cops should be defended, not defunded; that handouts keep people down. But maybe that’s what liberal politicians want.

I’m Richard Irvin. And I’m their worst nightmare.


  1. - Proud Papa Bear - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 9:19 am:

    A for his target audience.
    Give him a few more seconds and he could’ve tossed in CRT, a stolen election, and transgender athletes.

  2. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 9:19 am:

    Saw it FOUR times, four times this morning.



    It’s a C-/D+


    The premise is outstanding. “I beat Madigan”. Great. The idea “I can beat Pritzker”, also great. Love the direct message, no music, talking to “me”, no frills.

    The end?

    “Vote for me to own the Libs”?

    Utter fail. Terrible. It makes Irvin seem “less”, it makes his whole campaign … a trolling… not a real campaign at all.

    Total disservice to a man who was easily re-elected mayor of Illinois’ second largest city, a strong record as a mayor, well-respected for his leadership… and this Crew made him a meme to “own the Libs”

    D+ is a passing grade, but what exactly are they trying to pass to voters in this primary?

    It’s disappointing. Irvin himself deserves better.

  3. - Flyin' Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 9:20 am:

    D. Faux chest-thumping at it’s most banal.

    By the by, Irvin, you are a Democrat’s ideal opponent.

  4. - Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 9:22 am:

    “Republicans who look like me and think like us”

    Almost hate to rate badly, but this gets the lowest grade.
    Irwin was just a liberal the other day, now he’s hocking up right wing talking points and is taking those positions, which are not moderate. Very phony.

    Plus, based on the story that broke yesterday, Irvin looks pretty “Democratic,” allegedly taking campaign contributions and issuing contracts as mayor.

    Irvin is right about one thing: He and Griffin are the worst nightmares, after what Rauner and Griffin did to this state.

  5. - Old IL Dude - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 9:22 am:

    Ron Gidwitz with a dark tan.

  6. - Nick Name - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 9:26 am:


    When all you got is “Madigan!” and culture war partisanship…

  7. - Hahaha - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 9:27 am:

    Rest assured, the lower the grades and the more hyperbolic the response on this board, the better the ad hits. This is as strong a “to camera” politician that we have seen in IL since Obama. The stripped down version really makes him shine.

  8. - Henry Francis - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 9:28 am:

    “I’m their worst nightmare”. Who is “they”?

    Because in my lifetime, there is only one party that seems to have nightmares about black candidates.

    And is it just me, or is that facial hair getting less noticeable?

    I’ll give it a C.

  9. - Pundent - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 9:29 am:

    I can’t give it any better than a C. The more I see of Irvin the less authentic he appears. I realize that he has to run the campaign that his benefactors require, but much like Bruce Rauner it comes off as phony. I could vote for Mayor Richard Irvin. But this guy? I have no idea who he is or really why he’s even running. And if all you have to offer is “democrats are bad” there’s lots of competition.

  10. - Leslie K - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 9:31 am:

    I think it might actually grab urban and suburban moderates who don’t spend much time on politics. Those who vote but don’t spend much time doing research on their votes. While I respect OW’s analysis in particular, I think this might actually get traction with many people I know. (Not happy about it, but so it goes…)

  11. - vern - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 9:32 am:

    Hooo boy, ok. This ad is an A+ on these terms: it accomplishes everything it wants to while very narrowly avoiding a lot of different potential pitfalls. He’s saying the quiet part just loudly enough to resonate with the target audience, but just quietly enough to preclude a nasty news cycle on the racial politics. It’s a perfectly scripted tight-walk above some very hot lava, and the production is captivating while not being too winky. I have to imagine the folks involved in making this are very satisfied with their work.

    I’m sure a lot of commenters here will find this ad divisive and morally repellant, and I agree. A close reading of the script raises a lot of questions I’d love to hear Irvin answer. But if the question is “does this ad accomplish its goals,” the answer is definitely “yes.”

  12. - Hahaha - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 9:32 am:

    Y’all want Republicans like Irvin to run to save the Republican party but don’t want him to run the sort of campaign that is required to win an actual real-life Republican primary. That’s how I know you’re disingenuous in your desire to “fix” Republicans.

  13. - Amalia - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 9:33 am:

    A for their demo and then F. because the tagline is quite off-putting.

  14. - Louis G Atsaves - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 9:37 am:

    Rated A. To the point. Hit upon the fears of Democratic power brokers and office holders and their prior and current opposition towards his candidacies. Answers the political spinning against him directly and to the point.

  15. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 9:37 am:

    ===…but don’t want him to run the sort of campaign that is required to win an actual real-life Republican primary.===

    Appealing to racist thinkers, insurrectionists and their apologists, and conspiracy theorists?

    Oh boy… you’re excited making the mayor of the second largest Illinois city a caricature, a meme, less of a leader who was easily re-elected?

    I dunno if that’s all that great of a reason to have an ad end with a theme of “own the libs”… because mocking the real racism that exists and Irvin being a person of color is a good “owning”

    Maybe you should rethink what is defined as “good”

  16. - H-W - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 9:41 am:

    Race-baiting is race baiting. Here, we have a candidate saying “my racial appearance” will decide the race, and anger people. That’s just race-baiting, period.

    Grade = F

  17. - Jibba - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 9:42 am:

    This display of ego is completely off-putting. “Midwest nice” is a real thing, and this ain’t it. D for the middle ground.

    For the base, I hear the right buzzwords. I also hear an appeal to parts of the Dem base, but it is jarring to hear them both in the same ad. B for the base, C for outreach to other parts of the electorate.

  18. - Captain Obvious - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 9:49 am:

    I give it a B+. Only because I don’t like the very last line. It is incongruous with the words immediately before it. I would suggest something more like this:

    I’m Richard Irvin. I want to lift people up.

  19. - PublicServant - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 9:54 am:

    I have taken back my television from Richard Irvin, by muting him as soon as I can. This ad is another F.

  20. - Lew - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 9:55 am:

    Message: They are worried about me because I can win. Grade: A

  21. - Torco Sign - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 9:58 am:

    B. Looks like a normal guy…which is good! Anti-Madigan works with just about everyone, especially his primary voters. The whole “they don’t like black Republicans” thing is super popular with white Republicans, in case you’re confused by that. A little too dark behind him and slow to get an A.

  22. - The Dude - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 10:00 am:

    The message was loud and clear without being said out loud. He took it there. I’m not a fan of identity politics on either side.

    It’s something that JB can’t have a comeback against because he really is campaigning against the hard left in the ad.

    The reality is this message is going to be played everywhere across the country in every election.

  23. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 10:03 am:


    For the primary, we’re getting into “doth protest too much” territory. At the rate he’s going, by May he’ll be saying he’s pro-insurrection just to prove his conservative bona fides.

    For the general, this is absolutely toxic stuff, and I don’t think you quite get a “Fresh set of downs” if you win the primary anymore.

  24. - me - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 10:05 am:

    I like it. Direct. To the point and easy to digest. These other commentators are why overthinking how much time and effort people who see these put into them. Repetition is the name of the game and as someone commented already seeing it 3/4 times is just what the doctor odered to burn it in. Grade: A. It will work.

  25. - Fixer - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 10:06 am:

    “ That’s how I know you’re disingenuous in your desire to “fix” Republicans.”

    Serious question: if this kind of candidate is the best that folks can find to “fix” the Republican Party, with this kind of hollow rhetoric, is it even a party worth trying to salvage at this point? There’s been nothing I’ve seen in the last few years from the ILGOP or national GOP that leads me to think they even want to try to expand their foothold with folks or bring new people into the party, and this… doesn’t fix any of that.

  26. - Back to the Future - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 10:09 am:

    B+ for a grade.
    Actually a lot better than the last commercial.
    I really liked the introduction video, but since that effort things seem to be going downhill.
    Irwin has a very good American Dream story to tell along with a good record as an elected official in a large and diverse community. He would certainly be a strong candidate for Governor.
    Still plenty of time to win the primary.

  27. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 10:09 am:

    ===Repetition is the name of the game and as someone commented already seeing it===

    “Vote for me, I’m black, to own the libs” is the message you want… burned in minds?

    It’s like a surrender ad;

    “Folks think in racist ways, let’s say you’re the candidate to own the libs, kinda like mocking we know we think like racists as a party but owning you here is good?”

    What campaign thinks making their candidate a meme is smart?

    Irvin as a sitting mayor, with a record of real accomplishments as mayor should be embarrassed he made himself a meme.

  28. - Hahaha - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 10:10 am:

    “There’s been nothing I’ve seen in the last few years from the ILGOP or national GOP that leads me to think they even want to try to expand their foothold with folks or bring new people into the party, and this… doesn’t fix any of that.”

    We are about to experience a Red Wave election similar to 2010 or 1994. I think they are doing fine electorally, tbh. Your description more aptly fits Democrats at the moment with their giant lurch to the left.

  29. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 10:11 am:

    ===Hit upon the fears of Democratic power brokers and office holders and their prior and current opposition towards his candidacies. Answers the political spinning against him directly and to the point.===

    I think that’s a good analysis Louis.

    OTOH, I think there are plenty of moderate Republicans, some in your part of the state too, Louis, who are OK with Irvin as the nominee as long as he isn’t allowed to join Old Elm or Bob O’Link.

  30. - TheInvisibleMan - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 10:11 am:


    There’s nothing in this ad that tells me who Irvin is or what his policies are.

    In contrast to the Pritzker ads I see constantly on youtube, this ad is just depressing in tone and (lack of) coherent message.

    He should hope nobody splices his statement here about ‘defending police’ while running an ad with the documented track record of disciplinary shortcomings over at the Aurora police department.

    “Does Richard Irvin defend police, or just protect them?”

    Then run a picture of Joe Gliniewicz in the background.

    But I’m getting ahead of myself. That’s only something he would have to worry about if he makes it out of the primary.

  31. - The Snowman - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 10:12 am:

    For Republican primary voters, this is a message many will be agreeing with. The whole point of ads from any campaign currently is to win the primary. Many here are commenting with a general election perspective and that’s where you’re getting this ad all wrong. This ad deserves an “A” for the voters likely to vote in the GOP primary.

  32. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 10:13 am:

    As usual OW’s completely off base.

    Why would the racist thinkers that supposedly dominate the Republican Party put all the money behind an African American candidate who would have no chance winning over all the racists?

  33. - Anchors Away - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 10:17 am:

    B for the primary but F for the general - because if he makes it that far, Mayor Irvin is going to regret saying that last line to camera in such an easily log table format.

  34. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 10:18 am:

    ===it makes his whole campaign … a trolling===

    Isn’t that the point of most GOP ads these days?

  35. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 10:19 am:

    === As usual OW’s completely off base.

    Why would the racist thinkers that supposedly dominate the Republican Party put all the money===

    Yeah, I’m gonna stop ya there.

    “All” those money folks put money “in” so Griffin, one man, would then finance the whole shebang for…

    … attacking labor, lower taxes, defunding, not police but social services, and try to again hurt the state’s financial stability, maybe with no budgets, again.

    Your dream world is predicated that “all” are equal in thought and “treasure”.

    Griffin is relying on racist thinkers, insurrectionists and their apologists, and conspiracy theorists to still vote Republican, or in this ad’s own premise… “to own the libs”

    Mercy me…

  36. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 10:21 am:

    ===Many here are commenting with a general election perspective and that’s where you’re getting this ad all wrong.===

    The goal of the exercise is to win the primary, not make your candidate, a person of color, a meme to own the libs along the way… unless you’ve already resigned yourself that indeed racist thinkers, insurrectionists and their apologists, and conspiracy theorists *are* the GOP no matter the election, then Irvin allowing this to himself to win is graded as such.

  37. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 10:26 am:

    ===Isn’t that the point of most GOP ads these days?===

    That’s accurate, to say the least.

    At the expense of your own person, in this case Irvin?

    That’s a new wrinkle, trolling personified, and that person endorsing that trolling too. Next level stuff.

    Heck of a way to make that trolling work.

  38. - Lester Holt’s Mustache - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 10:37 am:

    Is a good ad, Griff’s people got their money’s worth at least.

    Although - I wonder how much of this primary stuff might hurt him in the fall? Assuming Irvin gets out of the primary, there will probably be a big push for him to appeal to black voters that normally vote dem. In such a blue state, republicans have to get at least some crossover votes to win a general and the assumption (that is always attached to black republicans) that black voters will support Irvin because he looks like them is going to be there. A bunch of primary commercials using conservative language - i.e., dem voters rely on “handouts”, the inevitable “CRT” stuff that you know will come up at some point,, etc. - is going to kill any potential outreach to black voters. Irvin will need more than just Pastor Brooks if he’s going to cut into JB’s margins in cook county.

  39. - TheInvisibleMan - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 10:37 am:

    trolling as a term is so 2000s.

    He’s LARPing.


  40. - Fixer - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 10:54 am:

    “We are about to experience a Red Wave election similar to 2010 or 1994. I think they are doing fine electorally, tbh. Your description more aptly fits Democrats at the moment with their giant lurch to the left.”

    We’ll see, I guess. Right now you have conjecture at best on your side here. Given the 2018 mid term had the highest total votes in the history of the state, I’d be surprised to see a turnout like that again here, especially the the anemic messaging for ILGOP.

  41. - Cheryl44 - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 10:59 am:

    This is garbage.

  42. - Rudy’s teeth - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 11:00 am:

    Rating D
    Irvin’s lecturing and hectoring a bit in the commercial.

    At least Irvin omitted “you know” this time. That’s a plus.

  43. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 11:00 am:

    ===We are about to experience a Red Wave election similar to 2010 or 1994. I think they are doing fine electorally, tbh.===

    Nationally, there is going to be a Red Wave, “like 94 and 2010”… “because off years”…

    If you think a Bailey-led ticket will help that here in Illinois, you might be the only one with the Ha Ha Ha.

    The reason Irvin is critical is the other 4 likely sink the whole thing before it begins, if any of the 4 become the Nominee

  44. - Moe Berg - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 11:10 am:

    Gotta hand it to Irvin’s consultants, so desperate to macho him up, for letting him say this:

    “I’m Richard Irvin. And I’m their worst nightmare.”

    Should Irvin be the GOP nominee, there is SO MUCH, the Pritzker folks will be able to do with that line.

    He’s the worst nightmare of those who support reproductive rights, LGBTQ eqaulity, environmental protections, fiscal responsibility…on and on.

    When voters hear Irvin, they’ll come to associate it with “worst nightmare.”

  45. - Candy Dogood - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 11:13 am:

    C -

    The C is for my confusion. I am not really certain what the intended target or the intended message of this Ad is. I understand that it is a primary campaign, but “All Lives Matter” is very weighted language and from what I have seen even political moderates get the idea that “All Lives Matter” is a red herring intended to distract from the issue of systemic racism in our country. This combined with the fact that the message suggests that he wants to at least in part run on his blackness, but to do so he is tapping into decades of racist rhetoric by including the reference to public aid programs.

    If we look at the counties where the GOP plans on winning this November we will see counties where significant portions of the population rely on the Medicaid expansion and other public “hand outs” and while they might be able to do at least some mental gymnastics to avoid considering the aid they and their families receive are handouts, there are a lot of people out there who specifically know how much unemployment benefits and other pandemic programs helped their families and at least some folks seem to be talking about how they would like more assistance. Especially people who just lost the expanded child tax credit.

    Just rhetorically, it might be a bad idea to be running on notions of public assistance being a hand out that produces bad outcomes.

    ===I’m Richard Irvin. And I’m their worst nightmare.===

    In the era of TikTok videos creating a clip of your candidate saying exactly these words in this order seems like you are creating meme fuel for online mockery. Especially when people have the tone and tenor of PritzkerMemes and they’re doing it because they personally think it is funny.

  46. - City Guy - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 11:13 am:

    A for his right wing target audience
    D for people who think.

    The one phrase that stood out for me was “that handouts keep people down.” Is he advocating to end farm subsidies? Did he think PPP and other Covid relief programs kept people down? Does he want to end the social safety net? Lets see if some reporter will ask him these questions.

  47. - TheInvisibleMan - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 11:24 am:

    == Lets see if some reporter will ask him these questions. ==

    Questions like that certainly won’t be coming from any of the Shaw newspapers coving that part of the state.

    Thankfully he’s on a larger stage now.

  48. - anon2 - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 11:34 am:

    It is well done for its target audience of hardcore GOP primary voters.
    As far as substance, I wonder if Madigan really did campaign against him, and what that purported campaign consisted of.

  49. - Henry Francis - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 11:41 am:

    == The one phrase that stood out for me was “that handouts keep people down.” ==

    Didn’t Irvin grow up in Section 8 housing?

  50. - Pundent - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 11:44 am:

    =Didn’t Irvin grow up in Section 8 housing?=

    That was Mayor Irvin not Candidate Irvin.

  51. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 11:45 am:

    === That was Mayor Irvin not Candidate Irvin.===

    That is the correct answer.

  52. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 11:57 am:

    ==Many here are commenting with a general election perspective and that’s where you’re getting this ad all wrong.==

    This presumes that there is some kind of sharp break after the primary. I don’t think that exists anymore, if it ever did. Look at Rauner and Ives, or the absolute goat rodeo that resulted in Brady getting the nomination. Primaries leave scars nowadays, and Irvin will face an incumbent governor who can quite easily remind everyone of all the far right trolling Irvin had to do to win the nomination.

  53. - northsider (the original) - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 12:04 pm:

    “Look like me”
    I almost expected to see the “Blacks for Trump” guy standing behind him.

  54. - Primate - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 12:06 pm:

    Anytime you have to proclaim that you are a republican in a republican primary - you are a democrat.

  55. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 12:09 pm:


    That’s inherently false, as candidates try to differentiate between others as “conservative”, “evangelical” even “Trumpian”… it doesn’t mean at any time any are not whom they say they are, they are trying to clarify how they want to be framed in the discussion…

    ===Republicans who look like me and think like us===

    … exactly like this here.

  56. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 12:11 pm:

    Mike Madigan supported Linda Chapa La Via for Mayor of Aurora

    She had the most money and organizational support but came in 3rd. The Madigan affiliation hurt her campaign.

  57. - Primate - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 12:24 pm:

    Sure, there are different ideologies in the Republican Party. No argument here. However, he is a democrat trying to act like a republican for the primary. I don’t think like him or his proven record as a democrat. I am a republican who will support republicans.

  58. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 12:28 pm:


    No. Not sure. There are, and to differentiate in a primary, that’s fundamental to finding their own constituency in a primary too.

    ===I don’t think like him or his proven record as a democrat===

    Example on the record? Thanks.

    ===I am a republican who will support republicans.===

    Do you even know what a Republican is nowadays?

    Bailey? Rabine?


  59. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 12:41 pm:

    === Rest assured, the lower the grades and the more hyperbolic the response on this board, the better the ad hits.===

    In other words, the lower denominator folks, the ones who read less about things, the “simpler” folks?

    You do realize you’re celebrating not conservatives, but closed minds, lol

  60. - Real - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 12:56 pm:

    Richard Irvin will give his soup to gain the world but just so wait for what comes after.

  61. - Dotnonymous - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 1:15 pm:

    “handouts keep people down.”

    Like feeding hungry people keeps them hungry?

    F for fail.

  62. - South of 80 - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 1:36 pm:


    Feels a bit engineered/pandering to GOP primary voters. Compare it to Bailey’s ads where it actually feels like he believes what he’s saying.

  63. - Streator Curmudgeon - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 1:36 pm:

    B in terms of waking up (excuse the verb) Republicans with buzzwords.

    Look aren’t all ads by GOP candidates just, in effect saying, “I’M the Trumpiest.” “No, I’M the Trumpiest.” “No, me, me. Even have a photo of us together.”

  64. - Pundent - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 1:39 pm:

    =Rest assured, the lower the grades and the more hyperbolic the response on this board, the better the ad hits.=

    Nah. While the folks on this board might have a bit more knowledge than your average voter, they also seem pretty adept at having their finger on the pulse of this state when it comes to elections. Sadly for the ILGOP they don’t seem to grasp that “owning the libs” isn’t an effective campaign strategy in this state. And until a Republican can ride that strategy to statewide victory they’ll likely continue to find themselves subject to unfavorable critique here.

  65. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 1:43 pm:

    ==Anytime you have to proclaim that you are a republican in a republican primary - you are a democrat. ==

    wouldn’t go that far, but it is a sign of danger.

    ==Rest assured, the lower the grades and the more hyperbolic the response on this board, the better the ad hits.==

    Sorry other folks don’t like the ad as much as you do, I guess.

  66. - JS Mill - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 2:21 pm:

    The ad is a gents C. Typical negative ad from GOP. Speaks only to the base. More Madigan attacks.

    Maybe LP and Louis can help me remember how the anti Madigan stuff has worked for the gop in Illinois? Oh yeah, super minority status and no statewide electeds.

    BTW LP, Linda Chapa La Via didn’t lose because of Madigan. She was a lazy candidate that took her community for granted. She was her own worst enemy.

    But keep hoping the MJM stuff pays off. Lol.

  67. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 2:26 pm:

    ==Maybe LP and Louis can help me remember how the anti Madigan stuff has worked for the gop in Illinois?==

    I can see the argument that his indictment “changes everything.”

    OTOH, I can also see the argument that his retirement “changes everything” in the opposite direction.

  68. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 2:26 pm:

    ===Mike Madigan supported Linda Chapa La Via===

    Narrator: Both are not in politics anymore.

    ===Linda Chapa La Via didn’t lose because of Madigan. She was a lazy candidate===

    It was a half-hearted attempt.

  69. - Louis G Atsaves - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 2:27 pm:

    ===Maybe LP and Louis can help me remember how the anti Madigan stuff has worked for the gop in Illinois?===

    Before or after his indictment?

  70. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 2:31 pm:

    === Before or after his indictment?===

    You choose.

    Super majorities in both chambers, no statewide offices, a 5-14 congressional split…

    Irvin is all but required to help that Red Wave here because, Madigan or not, Bailey, Rabine, or Sullivan sink the party in ways that a Red Wave only staves off an avalanche of bad news come November.

    If it doesn’t matter who the GOP nominee is, (throw Griffin’s own wants out), then why such the angst about anyone not Irvin by those outside the cultists?

  71. - Louis G Atsaves - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 2:44 pm:

    ===You choose.===

    I guess we will all find out. But your efforts to portray Madigan as some small time player in Illinois politics is interesting. He ranks right up there with George Ryan, Rod Blagojevich and others in the Political Hierarchal chain. A few years ago he was reverently referred to as the Velvet Hammer. Nothing got done without him in Illinois Government. Since being toppled as Speaker of the House, it appears to me that such reverence is gone.

    Perhaps he will eventually beat the rap. We’ll see.

  72. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 2:48 pm:

    === But your efforts to portray Madigan as some small time player in Illinois politics===

    No, counselor. No.

    It’s about winning elections.

    Winning. Winning races.

    Pound the table as you do, but the races as they sat, even before and after your family’s patron Rauner won, then moved to Florida, it’s not like the winning was a thing.

    We will see. Irvin is likely the lone hope to keep that Red Wave from missing Illinois… Irvin helps land the wave, and the cultists refuse to see that.

  73. - Pundent - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 3:04 pm:

    There’s an argument that Democrats have every statewide office and a super majority in-spite of Madigan. The ILGOP hasn’t suddenly become more relevant simply because he’s gone. In fact many of us openly asked the question what would the GOP do once Madigan was no longer around. That day has come and the ILGOP still seems lost without him.

    And if an indictment was the game changer that some might make it to be I would remind them of Governor Quinn.

  74. - Louis G Atsaves - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 4:32 pm:

    ===It’s about winning elections.===

    It is really no different than the supermajority Democrats pounding the table shouting Trump, Trump, Trump two short years ago. Of course, they have strengthened their gerrymandered districts, with your approval of course, since that date.

    A lot has changed since then. I know you still suffer from Rauneritis, but Madigan remains in the headlines right now and will continue to remain there until both the primary and general elections. That should have been the lesson learned on the Republican side with Trump, but my party still seems to desire to fumble the ball right back to the Democrats this year.

    But at least Madigan has $7 million to spend on lawyers to defend himself, thanks to Pritzker. I am sure Pritzker will be blaming Republicans for that donation.

  75. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 4:39 pm:

    === It is really no different than the supermajority Democrats pounding the table shouting Trump, Trump, Trump two short years ago.===

    It worked. In Illinois. So there’s that.

    ===I know you still suffer from Rauneritis, but Madigan remains in the headlines right now and will continue to remain there until both the primary and general elections. That should have been the lesson learned on the Republican side with Trump, but my party still seems to desire to fumble the ball right back to the Democrats this year.===

    As a Rauner apologist, how you think this is the right idea, where exactly are these new voters that *now* will be swayed by “Madigan”

    If you claim it as your party, that means also claiming Q, and the aforementioned racist thinkers, insurrectionists and their apologists, and conspiracy theorists, unless you’d like to denounce all of these groups…

    … as Irvin here in this ad… says voting for him is owning the libs… and how is that a thing?

    ===I am sure Pritzker will be blaming Republicans for that donation.===

    Please either argue like an adult or if you believe this… yikes, lol

  76. - Original Rambler - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 4:57 pm:

    Definitely an A for the primary but it will leave some marks when the general comes around. It must have tested well for them to use it so maybe I’m wrong about that. I don’t know if the electorate in a general is going to be all in on a candidate whose commercials make him to be a “my way or the highway” guy. Looking forward to someone asking him what he considers to be a handout and what isn’t. And the Section 8 housing comment above is very prescient. IDK, the more I think about it the more I think it can be a long term negative in the general if JB’s team responds properly. I do think it is a bold ad, which I like, so I’ll give it an overall grade of B- for now.

  77. - Fivegreenleaves - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 7:01 pm:

    Richard Irvin is my worst nightmare. A politician who is is bought & paid for by a billionaire, who “passionately” supported Black Lives Matter until he started running for governor, and a prosecutor criminals feared after he spent 15 years defending them.

  78. - Louis G Atsaves - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 8:27 pm:

    Willy, no one can claim they argue like an adult when they equate Q to all Republicans, similar to the childish Pritzker comments today. That stupidity should stay on Facebook.

  79. - Indiana Mouser - Thursday, Apr 7, 22 @ 6:20 pm:

    Thank you for sharing thoughtFUL comments from both sides of the aisle. My concerns is candidates are afraid to list their party affiliate in ads & on political signs. Republican governor candidate Irvin says “… Republicans who look like me and think like us…”
    are few & far between in the current Republican Party, e.g., U.S. Senator Tim Scott. The House of Representatives is even worse, 2 of 211. Only (1) Republican governor “…who looked like me [Irvin]…” was elected, during Reconstruction (1872). Last time I checked, 2020 Census says African Americans make up 12.4%, but according to (2016) only 7 % of the African American population lean Republican.

  80. - IL Resident - Tuesday, Apr 12, 22 @ 1:57 pm:

    He earns the mute button as often as possible. He sounds like an angry little man and the whole tone of the ad is grating. IL doesn’t require a D or R to vote in the primary and I can’t see anyone not solidly Republican being swayed by this type of ad.

  81. - Boo - Wednesday, Apr 13, 22 @ 7:08 am:

    When did Richard run against Madigan??? For anything? Did I miss something here?

  82. - Anonymous - Friday, Apr 15, 22 @ 9:01 am:

    When DID he run against Mike Madigan which is what Richard Irvin is implying. NEVER. Manipulating words. Who would trust someone like that?

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