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Campaign notebook

Wednesday, Mar 30, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Darren Bailey’s new ad is here if you need it. The Tribune reports that Sen. Bailey isn’t advertising on Chicago broadcast TV

State Sen. Darren Bailey has launched his first TV commercial of the primary campaign, joining two rivals for the Republican nomination for governor who have been airing ads for weeks.

But Chicago-area residents may not see much of the conservative from downstate Xenia on their TVs. Television station logs and cable ad buys show Bailey is focused on markets in areas where rural Republicans predominate.

In the expensive Chicago market, none of the city’s broadcast stations have reported a Bailey ad buy. But his campaign did purchase ad time on broadcast stations in St. Louis, Champaign, Peoria, Rockford, the Quad Cities and in the southern Illinois market that includes Carbondale, according to government and industry reports.

Bailey’s campaign also purchased 80 half-minute spots on the Fox News Channel in Chicago, part of a $63,762 statewide buy on the conservative cable news channel running through Monday.

* What a rookie mistake

U.S. Rep. Brad Schneider improperly received homeowner exemptions on two properties at the same time for one year, but he recently paid the balance of what he should have been billed, Lake County officials said Monday.

Schneider, a Democrat serving the 10th District, visited the Lake County treasurer’s office Friday and settled a $510.25 debt that resulted from the recalculation of the 2021 tax bill for property he owns in Highland Park, Treasurer Holly Kim said Monday. County records acquired by the Daily Herald confirmed the payment.

Schneider, who is running for reelection this year, has said he’s in the process of moving to that Highland Park property from Deerfield. A statement issued by his campaign called the situation “an inadvertent error.”

Schneider immediately took action to correct the mistake after learning of it, the campaign said, “including paying the full amount of any mistaken benefit, interest, and penalties.”


* Russ Stewart writes about Sen. Rob Martwick’s Democratic primary against Chicago police officer Erin Jones

Jones, despite the backing of the FOP, may be knocked off the ballot for allegedly engaging in a “pattern of fraud” in her collection of petition signatures, based on a challenge to her nominating petitions.

Martwick supporter and former Alderman John Arena aide, Ed Bannon, has filed an objection petition alleging that Jones signed petitions as a circulator that she in fact did not circulate. […]

But on several sheets, said Martwick, the signers were sequential, meaning on the same street and meaning door-to-door solicitation.

Martwick sent workers with Jones’ picture to investigate, and many signers attested that it was an older White man, not Jones, who appeared at their door. They supposedly got affidavits. […]

Martwick intends to bring as many as possible of those 9-sheeter signers, as well as the purported circulator (which he has identified and is not a registered voter) to testify. A circulator need not be a registered voter, only a U.S. citizen. So if the petition challenge is upheld, why didn’t he, not Jones, sign his own sheets?

Under established case law, dating back to the 1988 Canter case, if a circulator can be proven to make a false attestation on a number of sheets, then that “pattern of fraud” invalidates all the circulator’s sheets. Jones is up by 100 as of now. If all of her 55 sheets, which contain at least 300 valid signatures, are stricken, she’s off the ballot.

Jones told Nadig Newspapers that she spent about 40 hours a week collecting signatures and that in some instances she was part of a team that went out gathering signatures.

She said that the claims in the challenge are not only false but show that Martwick is scared, given that he is using a team of “Madigan” attorneys to try to kick her off the ballot.

Jones adds that she received numerous messages from residents who say that Martwick’s campaign workers tried to bully them into signing affidavits that she wasn’t the petition circulator. And she said she now hears reports Martwick will go after her Chicago detective job if the challenge is upheld, with a complaint being filed with the police oversight agency - similar to what Arena did to numerous police and firefighters over the “5150″ housing controversy in Jefferson Park.

All this will unfold, or perhaps unravel, at the election board hearings throughout April. She will be subpoenaed to testify under oath, as will Martwick, an attorney, who scoffs at a possible Jones’ defense that she was within an “eyeball” of another team member while getting a signature. He noted the 2014 case of retired cop Joe Bembynista who filed petitions to oppose Martwick, then a state representative. Martwick filed a similar “pattern of fraud” objection to his petitions, most of which had him as circulator. He employed the classic I-was-sitting-in-my-car-and-watching defense. He got knocked off the ballot.

If Detective Jones did indeed pass those sheets, then she should fight back with everything she’s got. Otherwise, Jones would be wise to do some serious thinking right now. If Martwick can prove he’s right about a pattern of fraud (and he’s done it before), the consequences for her career could be calamitous.

* More like this, please. From a Daily Herald editorial

It happens during every election cycle.

Candidates file nominating petitions to get on the ballot, then their political rivals scrutinize those documents to find a way to kick them off.

Last week, objections were filed in several congressional races in suburban districts. For example, five of the seven candidates running for the 14th Congressional District seat have been challenged.

But in DuPage County, there have been no objections against candidates in countywide, county board and forest preserve races. Even precinct committeeman hopefuls face no petition challenges.

Representatives for the county clerk’s office said this is unprecedented.

“We attribute this progress to simplifying and clarifying the candidate forms and instructions, along with providing workshops to educate candidates on how to avoid petition objections,” DuPage County Clerk Jean Kaczmarek said in a statement. “These changes have paid off.”

* Press release…

Illinois State Senator Neil Anderson (R-Andalusia), endorsed conservative outsider Jesse Sullivan for governor Tuesday.

“There is a crowded field of people running to carry the torch for our party and save Illinois for our families. Frankly, I wasn’t going to get involved in the primary because I thought any one of the candidates would be better than J.B. Pritzker. As we get closer to the election, I believe there is only one Republican candidate who can win our primary, unite our party, and defeat J.B. Pritzker in November,” Anderson said.

“That leader is Jesse Sullivan and I am wholeheartedly endorsing him for Governor.”

“Illinois needs more next generation leaders, with a vision for the future, the courage to fight honorably for it, and the integrity and conviction to see it through. Jesse will always stand with our police and first responders. He has concrete plans to restore safety to our streets and ethical leadership to our government. He shares the values of my district – faith, family, and service– and I trust he will be there to work with the General Assembly to lead us out of this mess.”

“At their core, Jesse Sullivan and Kathleen Murphy are two leaders who love Illinois and who value deeds more than words. Jesse has a proven record of delivering success, creating jobs, and growing companies in the kinds of corrupt war zones that make Chicago look tame. Kathleen is fighting for parents every day to make sure our children get a first class education no matter where they live, how much money their parents have, or what they look like. They are trustworthy and qualified and beholden to no man. That’s what we need, more land of Lincoln, less corruption of Capone.”

“Neil Anderson is one of the most genuine public servants I have met in Illinois politics,” Sullivan said. “From early on, it’s been clear that Neil and I share our commitment to faith, family, and service. He is a devoted husband, a great father, and a committed first responder. As a paramedic and firefighter, he runs to danger to protect others who are running from it. There couldn’t be a more apt description of what public service is at its best, and that’s why Kathleen and I are honored to have Neil’s support in this fight to Save Illinois.”

Sen. Anderson is unopposed in his primary and his new district is solidly Republican.

* Press release…

Today, the Illinois Pipe Trades Association (IPTA) announced its endorsement of Judge Elizabeth Rochford in her campaign for the Illinois Supreme Court’s new Second District. IPTA represents 19 United Association Local Unions, 1500 Union contractors and over 30,000 plumbers, pipe fitters, sprinkler fitters, welders and HVAC service technicians.

“Receiving the endorsement of the hardworking men and women of the Illinois Pipe Trades Association is extraordinarily humbling,” said Judge Elizabeth Rochford. “Throughout my decades in the judicial and legal systems, including the last nine years as a judge on the circuit court, I’ve always worked to ensure our courts operate with fairness and equality, and I’ll bring that same commitment to the Illinois Supreme Court. I am grateful for the IPTA’s belief in me as the right candidate for this seat and I will make them proud in this campaign and as a Supreme Court Justice.”

IPTA’s endorsement adds to Judge Rochford’s growing coalition of support from organized labor. She has previously been endorsed by the Illinois State AFL-CIO, IUOE Local 399, UFCW Local 881, Plumbers Local Union 130 UA, the Lake County Building & Construction Trades Council and its 18 local affiliate trade unions, and the McHenry County Building & Construction Trades Councils and its 26 local affiliate trade unions. Judge Rochford has also been endorsed by Secretary of State Jesse White, Cook County Clerk of the Circuit Court Iris Martinez, and a group of current and former state legislators, including Senate Majority Leader Kimberly Lightford, Senate Assistant Majority Leader Tony Munoz, Senator Melinda Bush, Senator Sara Feigenholtz, Senator Elgie Sims, Assistant House Majority Leader Marcus Evans, former Illinois Senate President John Cullerton, former State Senator and State Representative Susan Garrett, and former State Senator Heather Steans.

“The Illinois Pipe Trades Association is proud to put the support of our dedicated members behind Judge Elizabeth Rochford for the Illinois Supreme Court’s Second District,” said IPTA Legislative and Political Director Rick Terven, Jr. “We believe Judge Rochford is not only the most qualified candidate for this seat, she is also the strongest candidate to win in November. We are pleased to join the growing coalition supporting Judge Rochford’s candidacy in this race.”

* Politico

Rep. Brad Schneider has endorsed Alexi Giannoulias, who’s running for secretary of state. In a statement, Schneider said he likes Giannoulias’ plan to “strengthen ethics laws and place new restrictions on politicians and lobbyists by curbing corrupt activity and requiring more disclosure and transparency.” […]

— Rep. Rodney Davis sent out a statement saying he’s now visited all 35 counties that are part of the new 15th Congressional District.

— Cook County Assessor Fritz Kaegi has been endorsed for reelection by Cook County Commissioner Alma Anaya and state Reps. Robyn Gabel, Will Guzzardi, Camille Lilly and Delia Ramirez. He is also endorsed by Network 49, an independent political organization in the 49th Ward.

— Jonathan Logemann, Democratic candidate for the 17th Congressional District, has been endorsed by the Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois.

* DPI…

In a new 44-page ruling, a federal judge found it was “more likely than not” that former President Donald Trump broke the law and “corruptly attempted to obstruct” Congress in his attempts to overturn the 2020 election results. Despite these shocking revelations, the Illinois Republican Party and the GOP candidates for federal and statewide office have repeatedly dodged questions about the Big Lie and Donald Trump.

Every Republican running in 2022, especially those running for federal or statewide office, must be asked: Do you believe that former President Trump committed a crime in attempting to overthrow the election?

“If Dr. Eastman and President Trump’s plan had worked, it would have permanently ended the peaceful transition of power, undermining American democracy and the Constitution,” U.S. District Court Judge David Carter wrote in his ruling. “If the country does not commit to investigating and pursuing accountability for those responsible, the Court fears January 6 will repeat itself.”

Any politician who ignores this ruling is turning a blind eye to the ongoing effor to undermine our democratic institutions. Since the GOP gubernatorial candidates are staying silent, we’ve made it easy for them to let us know where they stand:

    • Does Darren Bailey still believe Trump is a “a leader who understands what it’s like to take on the corrupt establishment and put the people first”?
    • If “we’re looking for Donald Trump policies in the state of Illinois,” is Jesse Sullivan still our guy?
    • Does Gary Rabine stand by his ranking as one of Illinois’ largest donors to Trump?
    • And will Richard Irvin ever look the people in the eye and answer the simple question about whether he voted for Trump?

In the midst of rampant attacks on democratic elections, the silence of these candidates, along with the Illinois Republican Party, is deafening. There is no place for placating conspiracy theorists and election deniers in Illinois and anyone who propagates the “Big Lie” is unfit to serve in the state’s highest office.


  1. - John Lopez - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 8:47 am:

    Maybe the Daily Herald editorial board on DuPage County clerk’s office not having any objections should point out the DuPage clerk’s office only started administering elections again in 2020, with the elimination of the DuPage County Election Commission.

    Possibly the streamlining of elections administration into the county clerk may give other municipalities across the state to do the same?


  2. - SWSider - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 8:50 am:

    Schneider is settling into his now safe D seat nicely. Took a few years, but between his petition mishap and this… he’s sure taking things nice and easy now that Bob Dold was banished from the GOP.

  3. - Anyone Remember - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 8:54 am:

    Good to see a link to Russ Stewart.

    Brings back memories of “The Bargain” and “The Kingdom of Stephens” … .

  4. - Sjoh - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 8:57 am:

    ==Schneider is settling into his now safe D seat nicely. Took a few years, but between his petition mishap and this… he’s sure taking things nice and easy now that Bob Dold was banished from the GOP.==

    Why was Bob Dold banished from the GOP?

  5. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 8:58 am:

    Anderson’s endorsement is another data point that Sullivan still has some juice in the less Trumpy lane.

  6. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 9:02 am:

    Valencia’s campaign, from top, bottom, all of it, is becoming less and less impressive by the hour.

    We’re 3 months out, what exactly are they all doing?

  7. - Stix Hix - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 9:09 am:

    Schneider has lots of company. I’m active in making sure new residents in my precinct update their voter registrations. I look up who bought the house, see their history (which often lists a homeowner exemption and senior freeze in another county), see that the new address has the same exemption and freeze, knock on the door, and discover the folks bought the house for the kids and are claiming both as their primary residence. These maneuvers raise the taxes for honest folks. The assessor’s office seldom catches this.

  8. - low level - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 9:11 am:

    David Moore is looking better to me all the time for SOS.

  9. - Sirously - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 9:13 am:

    I’m sure the DPI would love Irvin to say that he voted for Trump but there is now way.
    Irvin used to be a Democrat and I think it’s pretty obvious that Irvin voted for Biden. Otherwise he would say it. So voters should just assume that Irvin voted for Biden.

  10. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 9:13 am:

    “Shady Congressman endorses Shady Secretary of State Candidate”?

    Fundamentals towards things like… property taxes and “residences” seem pretty fundamental to understand how they are silly to have out there as “mistakes”

    Maybe the Schneider and Alexi pair makes sense here.

  11. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 9:17 am:

    ===Otherwise he would say it. So voters should just assume that===

    … Bailey voted for Hillary Clinton?

    Oh I know, Bailey was “told to” by a radio host.

    Good thing Irvin is telling GOP voters to vote for him “to own the libs”, otherwise this whole campaign season might get more crazy.

    The full court bot talking points towards Irvin and Irvin trolling “libs” to fool the racist thinkers makes this whole “who voted for who” and Bailey seem much less at this point.

  12. - Sirously - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 9:20 am:

    you lost me there OW, but I would not be surprised to have the Irvin campaign leak on June 29 that Irvin did not vote for Trump - that’s all I’m saying

  13. - low level - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 9:20 am:

    Sirously, Im seriously lost over what you are trying to say. We should assume what?

  14. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 9:23 am:

    ===you lost me there===

    How’s that?

    For one so concerned “who voted for who” and not realize the Bailey stuff, that makes you either wildly ill-informed (except for Irvin?) or it’s a talking point against Irvin and the ignoring of Bailey is an “accident” or a Bailey support in denial.

    I doubt I lost you.

  15. - Back to the Future - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 9:28 am:

    Very nice endorsement statement for the Sullivan/Murphy team from State Senator Anderson.
    That Mr. Sullivan keeps rolling along. While he sure does make some mistakes along the way, he also seems to be able to keep his eyes focused on the primary election race.

  16. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 9:31 am:

    === While he sure does make some mistakes along the way===

    Like stolen valor and now commercials with actual squad cars and uniformed police?

    Those kind of mistakes? Like fundamental mistakes from a novice concerned about crypto-currency?

  17. - left of what - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 9:33 am:

    This who voted for who stuff is such ticky tack stuff. General ideology of the candidates is going to matter way more and in the Trump era, Bailey is closer to the median of the GOP than Irvin. That’s what voters are going to respond to.

  18. - Payback - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 9:39 am:

    “Good to see a link to Russ Stewart.” He was censured by the IARDC in 2002, and his law license suspended for six months in 2015. Both divorce cases, which is interesting since he bungled a clients divorce case years ago. He writes a good column though.

    Russ “holds court” at Moretti’s in Edison Park, if anyone wants to hire him. You too can have your case file spread out on the bar next to Russ’s beer. I am not making this up.

  19. - Back to the Future - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 9:46 am:

    Freely admit the uniformed police commercials for any candidate just doesn’t sit well with me.
    I do recognize that Bailey built a good business and is working hard to win. Irwin has a great personal story to tell. What both seem to lack (along with Pritzker ) are any plans to deal with problems like DCFS and other agency issues.
    Sullivan is just an interesting person who has made serious commitments to working in Haiti etc. with poor people and creating an approach to making International investments in tough areas to create jobs.

  20. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 9:51 am:

    === Freely admit the uniformed police commercials for any candidate just doesn’t sit well with me.===

    You are clearly clueless to this “mistake”, aren’t you?

    Goodness. If they ain’t paying you to shill, lol

  21. - low level - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 9:55 am:

    Martwick going after people’s jobs is a bad look imo. Or any candidate for that matter. Engage in debate and employ campaign tactics, sure, but thats where it should end. Besides, CPD is facing a crisis of officers and detectives leaving the force and the department is struggling to fill those vacancies.

  22. - Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 9:56 am:

    Will every Illinois Democrat running for office be asked if they will return remaining campaign funds from Michael Madigan and the organizations he controlled now that he has been indicted?

    Don’t hold your breath, raging hypocrisy among Democrats is endemic

  23. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 10:07 am:

    ===Will every Illinois Democrat running for office be asked if they will return remaining campaign funds from Michael Madigan ===

    Many have been. And it’s shocking - SHOCKING - that you want Democrats to help fund Madigan’s legal defense fund by giving him back millions of dollars. Shame on you! /s

  24. - ElTacoBandito - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 10:12 am:

    ==Martwick going after people’s jobs is a bad look imo. Or any candidate for that matter.==

    Doesn’t say he is going to. Sounds more like a paranoid fear from Jones. This makes sense if you spend enough time with Catanazara.

  25. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 10:12 am:

    ===Doesn’t say he is going to. Sounds more like a paranoid fear from Jones===

    Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you.

  26. - Shytown - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 10:30 am:

    The Homestead exemption issue is more like a dog bites man story. This happens a lot more often than people think. It’s almost always an honest mistake. What blows my mind is that assessor offices today don’t have some kind of automatic process in place to prevent this from happening in the first place. If someone is claiming two, a red flag should go up and the office should shoot a notice out to the homeowner. However, there’s probably no motivation for them to do so because they end up getting the money back with interest anyway, but this seems like a common sense thing to do given that it’s the 21st century.

  27. - Joe Bidenopolous - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 10:47 am:

    =Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you.=

    A favorite turn of phrase on the rail. That said, she’s a cop, and if she signed petitions she did not circulate, then she committed a crime and cops who commit crimes should not be cops, period.

  28. - Rudy’s teeth - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 10:48 am:

    Aside from money concerns for commercials in the broadcast market in Chicago, Bailey’s spot wouldn’t connect with city and suburban voters.

    So much farmland on display.

    Illinois is a multicultural, multiethnic state yet Bailey’s ad does not reflect any of these elements.

    And the voiceover.

  29. - left of what - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 11:31 am:

    == Bailey’s spot wouldn’t connect with city and suburban voters.==

    I wouldn’t discount the ad from appealing to any Republican based on geography. The ad hits all the right points for where the GOP is culturally and ideologically. Just because someone is a Republican in the suburbs does not mean they would dismiss that ad. More than likely, they would see it and agree with it. The GOP’s appeal is this idea of “real America” and hard work. For the GOP, real America is this type of imagery.

    The real difference in the ad buy is likely Bailey thinks he has less competition outside of northern IL and can win a primary based on mobilizing downstate voters. So, he consolidates the downstate vote, and saves money.

  30. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 11:37 am:

    ===So, he consolidates the downstate vote, and saves money===

    He doesn’t have the money to go on Chicago TV.

  31. - left of what - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 11:40 am:

    ==He doesn’t have the money to go on Chicago TV.==

    Ah, I had not looked at his filings lately. One question I have would be, is it that he doesn’t have the money full stop, or is it that he could go on TV either in Chicago or downstate?

  32. - Torco Sign - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 12:25 pm:

    This is the 6th straight cycle Schneider is running in. He is wealthy and has been moving for years. How could he not figure out a better plan and/or response? Is it hubris or incompetence?

  33. - Shytown - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 12:39 pm:

    == Is it hubris or incompetence? ==
    Neither. This isn’t some kind of nefarious inaction. I mean, it’s $500. It happened one time. Oversights like this are not uncommon. Not paying taxes is one thing. Not disclosing contributions is another as well. This doesn’t rise to either of occasions.

  34. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 12:44 pm:

    ===This isn’t some kind of nefarious inaction. I mean, it’s $500.===

    It could be seen as shady?

    The reason they call things fundamentals is because they are things that are base things needed to show competency.

    It it was, what, $1,000, it would be worse? $2,000? $2,550?

  35. - Torco Sign - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 3:18 pm:

    ==It happened one time. Oversights like this are not uncommon.==

    The homestead exemption is $500 but it’s part of the moving fiasco for Schneider that’s led to his address being in question. It’s, at best, an unforced error for someone who isn’t new.

  36. - NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 4:44 pm:

    ==Russ Stewart writes about Sen. Rob Martwick’s Democratic primary against Chicago police officer Erin Jones==

    When I first read the story this morning my eyes fooled me and I thought I was reading “Emil Jones” instead of Erin.

  37. - Joy - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 4:52 pm:

    Kaczmarek Isn’t doing a better job in Dupage. The major dem primaries didn’t happen (LaPlante did not run against Conroy), the big r primary is hart/DiCianni for county board chair and both had more than enough, most others at the county board level are each filling existing slots so no need to challenge. and with only 7 needed for the committeeman slot that just isn’t hard to get.

  38. - Correcting - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 6:36 pm:

    People who think Trump is going to jail are like people who think Hillary is going to jail. You’re wrong.

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