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It’s just a bill

Wednesday, Mar 30, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

State Senator Sara Feigenholtz (D-Chicago) is pushing for additional funding to help struggling bars, breweries, restaurants, food trucks, venues and others.

“Local business owners continue to reach out to their legislators from around the state for help,” Feigenholtz said. “Their PPP has been spent. Many were not eligible for state grants or did not receive SBA funding. In order to save our small businesses, we must do more.”

The Build Back Better plan that stalled in Congress would have provided an additional $5 billion in relief for small businesses. In light of the federal program, Feigenholtz filed Senate Bill 4178, which would appropriate $125 million from federal funds to provide a lifeline to keep our small companies afloat.

The hospitality industry is the largest employment sector in the state and was the hardest hit sector due to closures during the pandemic. 11,000 Illinois restaurants shuttered along with bars and other venues. Along with those closures, 20% of hospitality workforce employees lost their jobs permanently.

“Our industry has only started on the road to recovery,” said Tim Tuten, co-owner of the Hideout in Chicago’s Bucktown neighborhood and co-founder of Chicago Independent Venue League. “We are all still fighting to keep our doors open. This relief means we can survive.”

* Press release…

The burdensome costs of textbooks and course materials for college students often deters them from making the purchase, which in turn can cause a learning barrier and hinder a student’s grades. Members of the Illinois Senate Democratic Caucus outlined a plan during a press conference Wednesday to break down those barriers.

Senator Laura Fine (D-Glenview) is leading a measure – Senate Bill 819 – to allow students who receive MAP Grants to use the funds for room and board, as well as coursework materials including books, software and website access. Currently, MAP Grants can only be used for tuition and necessary fee costs.

“While there are initiatives that ease the financial burden of higher education, there are many essentials to university success, such as textbooks, electronics, and nearby housing, that are often overlooked,” Senator Fine said. “We need to make these resources more accessible to students from all economic backgrounds so that they can be successful as they pursue their education.”

Data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that even as tuition has risen, no cost of college life has increased faster than textbooks. The bureau found that book prices rose 88% between 2006 and 2016, and the College Board — which administers the SAT exam — reported that students budget more than $1,200 each year for textbooks and other class supplies, including technology.

Under Senator Scott Bennett’s (D-Champaign) Senate Bill 3856, public universities and community colleges would be required to provide all necessary coursework materials for rental free of charge for Illinois students.

Many public universities and community colleges, such as Southern Illinois University, already include free textbook rentals in their tuition and fee costs for all students. Recent studies have found that these more affordable course materials can deliver student cost savings of 29% to 35% annually.

“As chair of the Senate Higher Education Committee, I know students face additional costs that can put financial strain on their families making it difficult for them to finish college,” Bennett said. “This textbook incentive will not only reduce that financial burden, but will ensure students are set up for success by having access to all of their course materials.”

While there are currently many initiatives to make higher education more affordable for children from low-income families, few provide relief for middle-class families who also come under large financial strain when sending their children to college.

To address this issue, Senator Laura Murphy’s measure – Senate Bill 1145 – would allow a taxpayer who either is a student or claims one or more students as dependents to earn a tax credit of up to $1,000 toward tuition and fees for Illinois public institutions of higher education.

“Paying for higher education can be a massive financial undertaking for working families,” Murphy said. “It is important that we provide relief to middle-class families working hard to send their children to Illinois schools.”

Mardell Davis, a Springfield High School senior, is in the process of deciding which college to commit to. The costs associated with each school could be a deciding factor for him.

“As a future college student, I am aware of the sometimes high costs attributed to earning a degree,” Mardell said. “I appreciate that the Senate is working on a bill that will make sure all necessary class materials are more affordable.”

For more information on the bills outlined at the press conference, people can visit

* Press release…

A measure initiated by local students to establish Dolostone as the official rock of the State of Illinois was advanced out of the Senate by State Senator Laura Ellman (D-Naperville).

“Exceptional young people from across the state came together to bring forth this legislation,” Ellman said. “They saw a fantastic learning opportunity in front of them and took full advantage—and they deserve to have their voices heard.”

House Bill 4261 was brought to the General Assembly by students from Pleasant Dale School in Burr Ridge and Maplebrook Elementary School in Naperville who discovered Illinois did not have a state rock. The students took it upon themselves to interview regional geology scholars, visit museums and do their own research. They then developed a ballot with three choices and asked schools across Illinois to vote on a state rock. Dolostone was the winner.

Dolostone is a sedimentary rock that underlies nearly all of Illinois, with the exception of the northernmost part of the state. It helps enrich soil across the state by providing valuable nutrients for plant growth, and caused a major mineral rush in Galena, Ill. in the early 1800s.

In addition to its natural abundance throughout the state, Dolostone plays a significant role in Illinois through its utilization in many important structures. Most notably, 3,300 exterior dolomite stones were used in the construction of the Old Illinois State Capitol. The quarry the stones were sourced from is now under Lake Springfield.

“Anyone is capable of creating change, and the engaged and curious students who crafted this legislation have proven just that,” Ellman said. “Since they helped us designate our state tree and flower over 100 years ago, our students have been a cornerstone in our state’s history and heritage.”

The legislation, having passed out of both chambers, now awaits further action.

* Press release…

State Rep. Anna Moeller, D-Elgin, and State Rep. Stephanie Kifowit, D-Oswego, in coordination with the Illinois Veterans Advisory Council, are passing a measure to rename the entirety of U.S. Highway 20 running through Illinois the “Illinois Medal of Honor Highway”.

“The brave men and women in our armed forces make huge sacrifices to keep us safe, and they deserve recognition for their service,” Moeller said. “I hope that lasting public declarations of our appreciation for this service, such as the Illinois Medal of Honor Highway, sends the message to Illinois’ veterans that we support them. While I am pleased and proud to pass this measure, I am further committed to passing policy solutions to aid our armed services members. These can include expanding their health care coverage, increasing funding for VA programs and much more.”

Senate Joint Resolution 28 official renames all of U.S. Highway 20 from the Illinois-Iowa border to the Illinois-Indiana border the “Illinois Medal of Honor Highway”. Moeller and Kifowit worked with the Veterans Advisory Council and other members of the General Assembly to develop this resolution. It passed the Senate and House unanimously.

“The Illinois Medal of Honor Memorial Highway is a permanent addition to the coast-to-coast initiative to show our appreciation for our Medal of Honor recipients, and all our Veterans. Illinois is a proud home to two Medal of Honor recipients,” said Kifowit, a USMC Veteran and Chair of the IL House Veterans Affairs committee. “This honors our heroes, the men and women of our armed services, who have given the ultimate sacrifice of their lives, or have risked their lives in harm’s way for our Freedoms. I am extremely proud that Illinois joins our surrounding states to give this highest Honor the respect and recognition it deserves. As a Veteran, I will continue to devote my time to ensuring our Veterans are always honored and receive the services they need. We owe it to them from a grateful State.”

Colonel Michael Peck, chairman of the Illinois Veterans Advisory Council said regarding the measure, “Every medal of honor recipient will tell you that the medal is not just for him but for the soldiers with whom he served. The highway will serve as a reminder to all that freedom isn’t free.”

…Adding… Press release…

After the Illinois State Board of Education reported an increase in cases of college students substitute teaching on a temporary license, State Senator Meg Loughran Cappel (D-Shorewood) advanced a plan through the Senate that would expand the pool of substitute teachers.

“Substitute teachers are in high demand and short supply, and that has left school districts scrambling to find different ways to ensure students are being educated and supervised throughout the day,” Loughran Cappel said.

Under Loughran Cappel’s measure, currently-enrolled Illinois students in the field of education who have at least90 credit hours would be able to obtain a substitute teaching license. By giving them creditable hours for this on-the-job training, more students will be able to substitute teach, and schools will have additional resources for finding temporary, short-term teachers.

“Real work experience can help transition student teachers into professionals,” Loughran Cappel said. “This legislation will ensure that student teachers are given every opportunity to succeed.”

House Bill 4798 now goes to the governor for his approval.

* More…

* Bill requiring rescue equipment along Lakefront on desk of Gov. J.B. Pritzker


  1. - cermak_rd - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 12:39 pm:

    Any venue relief should only be given to businesses that did not lay off any staff during COVID, and that existed for a period of time prior to COVID. And it should not be used for propping up any businesses that have struggled to get custom after the mandates ended, if they can’t rustle up business, well that’s their marketing teams business, not the people’s.

  2. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 12:46 pm:

    =Under Senator Scott Bennett’s (D-Champaign) Senate Bill 3856, public universities and community colleges would be required to provide all necessary coursework materials for rental free of charge for Illinois students.=

    This is a good bill. MAP grant eligible families are not the only ones that struggle with the cost of education. Sen. Laura Fine does not seem to get that. IN fact, it is those families just above the cut line that hurt the most. They make too much to get school for free, but are not wealthy.

  3. - NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 12:47 pm:

    ==Any venue relief should only be given to businesses that did not lay off any staff during COVID, and that existed for a period of time prior to COVID. And it should not be used for propping up any businesses that have struggled to get custom after the mandates ended, if they can’t rustle up business, well that’s their marketing teams business, not the people’s.==

    Also, venue and restaurant relief should only be given to those places that enforced mask and social distancing mandates to a T. If any existed. Or those places that kept indoor dining closed (usally fast food places) even at those times they were not required to (during Phase 4 and up).

  4. - Bourbon Street - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 12:57 pm:

    I’m not opposed to re-naming U.S. Highway 20 “Illinois Medal of Honor Highway”, but I thought it was already named “Ulysses S. Grant Highway” (at least for the part of it near Galena). I could be wrong or it could be an unofficial designation.

  5. - cermak_rd - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 1:12 pm:

    I thought that 45 was Gran’t highway. How many does he have in IL?

  6. - very old soil - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 1:35 pm:

    My Garmin unit says Rt. 20 is Ulysses “South” Grant Highway.

  7. - OneMan - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 1:40 pm:

    == I thought that 45 was Gran’t highway. How many does he have in IL? ==

    Not nearly enough.

  8. - NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 2:05 pm:

    I propose a “Grant And Lincoln Highway” from Galena to Springfield on these routes:

    -20 from Galena to Route 84
    -Route 84 from US 20 to Savanna
    -US 52 from Savanna to Mt. Carroll
    -Route 78 from Mt. Carroll to Havana
    -Route 97 from Havana to Springfield, including going through New Salem (underneath that wooden bridge over 97 between the boat and the rest of the site).

  9. - Pot calling kettle - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 2:54 pm:

    Yay, Dolostone (exclamation point)

    Although…”caused a major mineral rush in Galena, Ill. in the early 1800s”…not quite. For the record, the minerals galena (a lead ore) and sphalerite (a zinc ore) were the cause of the mineral rush in Galena and SW Wisconsin. The galena and sphalerite deposits were emplaced in the dolostone by hot water coming up from below.

  10. - Southern - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 3:28 pm:

    Press release…
    Sen. Darren Bailey, Republican gubernatorial candidate, announced today that he is strongly opposed to Dolostone.
    “”If there’s one thing that makes my blood boil, it’s Dolostone. Just burns my a—,” Bailey told reporters.
    Bailey said he will file alternative legislation that names Country Rock the official rock of Illinois.
    “I’m talkin’ Allmann Brothers, I’m talkin’ Charlie Daniels, I’m talkin’ Lynyrd Skynyrd,” Bailey said. “That there is the kind of rock that our schoolchildren need to hear. Christian Rock would be good, too, but we definitely don’t need to expose our children to no Dolostone.

  11. - Amalia - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 3:34 pm:

    glad to see Sen. Feigenholtz wants to help businesses. there is a synergy between restaurants and entertainment venues, action at one helps another. we need to get back to community businesses with action that supports an entire community. as for layoffs, it’s really hard out there and some have absolutely not been able to sustain during the pandemic. and now many are even having trouble hiring as the landscape for that has changed dramatically. I’m just happy when fav restaurants, theaters, bars, stores are still open as many have closed. more help needed so glad to see this effort by the Senator.

  12. - yep - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 6:30 pm:

    US Hwy 20 spans the entire state… you can have multiple names for the highway, as long as the signs are spaced far enough away. This highway has special significance to a national initiative - many veterans groups have been excited about this project. Illinois is just one of many states across the country doing this - it will ultimately go from west coast to east coast along US Highway 20.

  13. - ChicagoBars - Wednesday, Mar 30, 22 @ 7:38 pm:

    FWIW the major Federal relief program (Restaurant Revitalization Fund) for bars and restaurants was meant to cover their provable 2020 losses not covered by PPP loans. Good plan. Alas Congress woefully underfunded it. Congress, in it’s infinite wisdom seems intent on not fully funding those still waiting for help with their 2020 shutdown losses.

    Nobody in DC is proposing help for anyone’s 2021 losses when tourism & biz travel were still very suppressed. Senator Feigenholtz’s bill would be a godsend to the places that bled cash much of 2020 and are, in most cases 0 for 4 on DCEO grant & RRF grant programs.

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