Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Chicago makes bid for 2024 Democratic National Convention
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Chicago makes bid for 2024 Democratic National Convention

Thursday, Mar 31, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* NBC News

Democrats are eyeing Chicago as a city of interest to host the party’s 2024 convention and the mayor, the governor and a key U.S. senator are coordinating on a plan to make it happen, the firm helping with a potential bid confirmed to NBC News on Wednesday.

While the discussions are early and informal, some national Democrats already see the Midwestern city as an appealing contender, in part for its heartland geography — touching key swing states like Wisconsin and Michigan — but also because of the comfort that would come with holding a marquee political event in a tried-and-true blue state, a source who has taken part in early discussions with national Democrats said.

“As the DNC begins planning for the 2024 Democratic National Convention, Chicago is considering a bid to be host city,” Tarrah Cooper Wright, CEO of Rise Strategy Group, who is helping assist with a potential Chicago bid, said in a statement to NBC News. The firm was hired by a nascent committee supporting a Chicago convention bid made up of elected officials, businesses, civic and labor leaders, she said.

Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot and Sen. Tammy Duckworth — who is also a DNC vice chair — have been coordinating on the possible bid along with the state’s Democratic Party Chair, Rep. Robin Kelly, and Sen. Dick Durbin, Cooper Wright said.

* Sun-Times

“As the DNC begins planning for the 2024 Democratic National Convention, Chicago is considering a bid to be host city, said Tarrah Cooper Wright, communications strategist and CEO of Rise Strategy Group, issuing a statement on behalf of a group whose members were not named but are trying to get the ball rolling on a bid.

“From previous Democratic Conventions to the NATO Summit and annual large-scale events like the Air & Water Show, Chicago has a track record of successfully hosting large-scale events, and has the leadership required to make a convention a success,” Cooper Wright said.

“Our city and state — a vibrant and diverse metropolis, thriving suburbs and strong rural communities — offer proof that our party’s policies deliver for American families, and a convention would provide a boost to the local economy. Given the potential for Chicago to be an ideal host, we have agreed to explore this possibility and will make a decision in the near future.”

Cooper Wright, a former press secretary for ex-Mayor Rahm Emanuel,was confirmed by the Illinois Senate as a member of the Illinois Sports Facilities Authority on Wednesday. She was nominated by Pritzker for that post.

Under Emanuel, Cooper Wright helped to oversee messaging on large scale Chicago events, including the 2012 NATO Summit and the 2015 National Football League Draft.

* Tribune

Democrats have given cities until October to express whether they will submit a bid to host their convention, with Las Vegas and Nashville also under consideration. Republicans, who have moved more quickly on the selection process, have reportedly settled on Milwaukee and Nashville as convention finalists.

Milwaukee was the host of the 2020 Democratic convention that was drastically scaled back due to the pandemic. Party officials are looking at the chance to return to a more traditional convention in 2024, though they may borrow elements from two years ago, such as satellite convention events in other cities, DNC Chairman Jaime Harrison has said.

Pritzker touted Chicago’s potential as a host city to Harrison during a visit last fall. And a convention could provide major economic benefits to a host city, with Harrison noting in the past that economic activity of between $150 million and $200 million during non-pandemic times.

But as much as Democrats in Illinois want to showcase Chicago as an example of Democratic leadership, the city also will have to overcome national perceptions of crime and violence. Republicans locally and nationally have used the issue of outbreaks of violent crime to accuse Democrats of adopting a soft-on-crime posture.


  1. - Hahaha - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 8:09 am:

    Democrats under fire for their anti-police rhetoric and a violent crime wave choosing to go to the epicenter of rising crime in America? Interesting choice that would be.

  2. - SWIL_Voter - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 8:12 am:

    Comments like HAHAs are why labeling the entire Republican Party as the Q caucus is entirely appropriate.

  3. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 8:16 am:

    ===Democrats under fire for their anti-police rhetoric and a violent crime wave choosing to go to the epicenter of rising crime in America?===

    The NCAA was just here. Just, like, *Days* ago.

    ===Interesting choice that would be.===

    Maybe they could ask the NCAA how good of a host Chicago was.

  4. - Cheryl44 - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 8:16 am:

    I agree with SWIL.

  5. - Anchors Away - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 8:16 am:

    Oh give me a break, Hahaha. Chicago is a wonderful international city that shines in the summer time. We have hotels and restaurants and attractions that convention goers will love. We are a blue state in the middle of the Midwest and we have a lot of wonderfully progressive wins to tout. Crime is an issue right now all over the country - not just Chicago. Any major city struggles with similar things so I’m not here for the putting down of our city and state.

    I’d love to see the convention come to Illinois. And I think the engagement of our press and politicians would make for a really wonderful convention. Glad the Gov and others are pushing it. I hope it happens. And if it does - I hope you host a memorable party, Rich, for this whole politically nerdy community on here!

  6. - Google Is Your Friend - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 8:17 am:

    Ed Burke will have to update his book

  7. - Arsenal - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 8:18 am:

    ==Democrats under fire for their anti-police rhetoric and a violent crime wave choosing to go to the epicenter of rising crime in America?==

    Chicago is 28th in per capita homicides, 8th in per capital all violent crime.

  8. - Arsenal - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 8:20 am:

    One thing about these conventions is that they are becoming such a (n unnecessarily) large production that the number of cities that can adequately accommodate them are shrinking. So it’s no surprise that Chicago is putting in a serious bid, there’s just not that many other places that could.

  9. - Wow - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 8:20 am:

    No way they pick Chiraq

  10. - vern - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 8:22 am:

    All of these primaries for the state central committee are gonna look pretty silly if every elected in the state gets to go to the convention. That’s the only perk of that otherwise useless gig.

    As for Hahaha’s comment, my humble suggestion is that Republicans might have more electoral success in Illinois if they didn’t openly despise the massive economic engine where a huge chunk of voters live. But I’m just a humble blog commenter, I’m sure the geniuses behind “encourage Republicans to move to other states” know what they’re doing.

  11. - OneMan - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 8:23 am:

    Wonder if they would have the lottery again for time slots in the ‘protest zone’ I went to the drawing last time at the Harold Washington Library and it was one of the most entertaining things I ever saw.

    From 1968 to an accounting firm running a lottery on stage so you could protest.

  12. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 8:26 am:

    ===No way they pick Chiraq===

    It’s like folks have this need to tell exactly who they are.

    The top choice for tourists…

    ===For the fifth year in a row, Chicago was ranked the No. 1 big city in the U.S. by Condé Nast Traveler for its vibrant restaurant scene, museums and architecture. Condé Nast Traveler surveyed more than 800,000 readers on which cities they loved visiting most.===

    But if you have angry, racist type thoughts, it’s easy to ignore things like that.

  13. - Telly - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 8:31 am:

    No bigger Chicago cheerleader than me, but Las Vegas makes more sense for the Dems. Nevada and Arizona becoming an important part of their electoral math.

  14. - Flyin' Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 8:37 am:

    Anytime Vegas is in the mix, good luck.

  15. - Ron Burgundy - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 8:42 am:

    Chicago won’t get it, because IL is a safe blue state and doesn’t bring them anything they don’t already have. They should go to a swing state instead.

  16. - Jose Abreu's Next Homer - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 8:43 am:

    c’mon Arlington Heights, get in the mix!

  17. - Friendly Bob Adams - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 8:45 am:

    I agree with Telly. Illinois electoral votes are in the bag for the Dems. Why not go to Nevada or Arizona?

  18. - MisterJayEm - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 8:52 am:

    I’m for Chicago, but against this idea.

    I can see the obvious benefits for Chicago and Illinois elected officials, but the benefits to the citizens of the city and state are, at best, speculative.

    – MrJM

  19. - Boy Blunder - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 8:55 am:

    Genuinely curious…has there been any data to show that holding a convention in a state leads to better odds of carrying that state in the general election?

  20. - Boy Blunder - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 8:55 am:

    Genuinely curious…has there been any data to show that holding a convention in a state leads to better odds of carrying that state in the general election?

  21. - Blake - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 8:57 am:

    Chicago should pursue both parties if the process isn’t too far along to still be in the running for the RNC.

  22. - West Side the Best Side - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 8:58 am:

    “What could possibly go wrong wit holdin’ da convention in dis beautiful city?” Richard J. Daley, 1968

  23. - The Hills 60010 - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 9:07 am:

    - vern - “All of these primaries for the state central committee are gonna look pretty silly if every elected in the state gets to go to the convention. That’s the only perk of that otherwise useless gig.”

    Vern, just not True, SCC members were not, to my knowledge, ever granted guaranteed access to DP conventions. The Illinois Democratic Party holds elections to determine who has access to the conventions. Also, the SCC may have been an only ceremonial “useless gig” under Madiganstonia, Illinois Dems allowed that; but that is not what it has been the last, and hopefully will not be in upcoming cycles, if the party’s supposed to be leadership has any sense.

    The SCC persons are supposed to be part of the rally up base grassroots organizers for The Party. These people are supposed to be the day-to-day face to face volunteer base worker bees whose dedication frees up the electeds to not have to continually: seek promising candidates for low level offices, train and help organize local volunteers, help ensure that there is a big tent structure for electeds to tap into each election cycle, etc. Yeppy, ole Cook County is set up differently than the collars and the rest of the state, we don’t have ward bosses, hence all the “they don’t do nuthin” thought, and all these supposed to be busy electeds hopping up to run for a position they will have to set back to useless ceremonial because they will not have the time. Passion and dedication cannot be manufactured nor paid for, but the foolish must think so.

  24. - Bruce( no not him) - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 9:12 am:

    I’m ok with it, as long as the state doesn’t spend too much of my tax dollars for it. /s

  25. - Steve - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 9:15 am:

    I think Chicago is a very good choice for 2024. It’s in the middle of the country. Chicago is a one party Democratic party town where the mayor and governor are from. Chicago is a celebration of Democratic party values. The unions might even give the Democrats a break on the labor.

  26. - PublicServant - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 9:17 am:

    “Da Police are not here to create disorder, they’re here to preserve disorder.” Mayor Daley - 1968.

  27. - DuPage Saint - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 9:36 am:

    Nice if Chicago gets it but I think both parties should rethink conventions. Way over rated now nothing but a long boring commercial. Or make them more competitive so they actually do pick a candidate

  28. - cover - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 9:40 am:

    = Under Emanuel, Cooper Wright helped to oversee messaging on large scale Chicago events, including the 2012 NATO Summit and the 2015 National Football League Draft. =

    Wasn’t that NATO summit where the one protester held up a sign that said “Rahm Emmanuel likes Nickelback”?

  29. - Joe Bidenopolous - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 9:40 am:

    As a Chicagoan and someone who has attended every D convention since 1996 (2020 excepted), when it was last in Chicago, I say for the love of God, pretty pretty please, do not hold the convention here. Conventions are a colossal PITA for host cities and their residents

  30. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 9:43 am:

    ===Illinois Dems allowed that; but that is not what it has been the last, and hopefully will not be in upcoming cycles, if the party’s supposed to be leadership has any sense.===

    Well… the HDems, the SDems, the governor have shunned a great deal of the idea of this new organization with a figurehead leader, so it’s really not much different except formally now others are saying they don’t want to be connected to the group.

  31. - ZC - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 9:43 am:

    As far as boosting one’s electoral chances, it definitely won’t matter if the Dems put their convention in Nashville. TN = not flipping. Las Vegas is a debate.

  32. - JoanP - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 9:57 am:

    = I think both parties should rethink conventions =

    But they are the only opportunity for some folks to wear silly hats.

  33. - Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 10:07 am:

    Chicago should pursue both parties?

    The great bipartisan bridge builder, JB Pritzker would be a big help reaching out to the GQP

  34. - Vote Quimby - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 10:12 am:

    ==It’s like folks have this need to tell exactly who they are.==
    It makes my reading easier… I scroll past them.

  35. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 10:12 am:

    === JB Pritzker would be a big help reaching out to the GQP===

    If the GQP weren’t a thing, or embraced by the party, your joke wouldn’t be funny at all.

    Since they are embraced, it’s a pretty funny joke.

    I’ll be shocked if the GOP Convention isn’t in either Florida or Texas, trolling as it is all but requires such a location.

  36. - Grandson of Man - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 10:14 am:

    Chicago would be a great choice. It and the surrounding area keeps winning every year in corporate relocations

    Homicides were decreasing under Obama and Rahm. But there was no praise from the crime scolds, which says they only care about crime when they think they can use it as a political weapon. Just like deficits and debt. Also, there was a lack of criticism and even support of Rauner’s budget sabotage, and the program cuts and spike in homicides. That says more than any anti-crime posturing.

  37. - ZC - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 10:16 am:

    The 1996 Democratic convention is largely remembered today, when it is remembered, for the macarena. But I think that means it did its job well.

  38. - Politics Drive Policy - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 10:29 am:

    Biden (if he runs again, unlikely) would actually need to run in his record and not simply being Trump. You would want to have a convention in area that wins over Karens. Given Queen Lori is an anti-Karen in many ways while also being a heavy Karen works vs winning people from the center. I get she may not be mayor by then, but the city has been a different place since Covid. Only way it recovers is to get rid of status quo (Lori and JB), otherwise they willed her pounded if this continues for 3 more years.

    What works in DNC favor is time. A lot can change in 3 years, I doubt much changes under Biden but everyone on this site thought 2020 was the norm for the rest of their lives yet here we are.

    The truly righteous Dem would back up their Covid boba fixes and continue to do remote conventions, this article just hammers the point the “science” is subjective.

  39. - vern - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 10:31 am:

    === The great bipartisan bridge builder, JB Pritzker would be a big help reaching out to the (thought it was banned again acronym) ===

    Well LP, Pritzker got 81% of the vote in Chicago in 2018. Might be worth asking if that has any connection to Republicans holding no statewide offices and super-minorities in both chambers.

    Your comment implies that “the City of Chicago” and “the Democratic Party” are synonyms, which will be true for as long as Republicans continue insulting those voters. The onus is on the Republicans to build those bridges if they want to win elections in Illinois.

  40. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 10:33 am:

    === if he runs again, unlikely===

    If you’ve got the lottery numbers too, that’d be great.

    ===The truly righteous Dem would back up their Covid boba fixes and continue to do remote conventions, this article just hammers the point the “science” is subjective.===

    And your worried about “Dem Karens”, lol

  41. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 10:36 am:

    === Your comment implies that “the City of Chicago” and “the Democratic Party” are synonyms, which will be true for as long as Republicans…===

    … continue to endorse Dems in Chicago races like mayor.


  42. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 10:54 am:

    August in Las Vegas? No thanks.

    It would be great for Chicago if the DNC returns. Of course, given its small size and proximity, it would be good for Illinois if the DNC goes back to Milwaukee. That would fill a lot of hotels rooms in Lake County.

    If COVID taught the Democratic National Committee anything, it’s that a made for TV event that engages with communities across the country is a far better use of time than jamming folks into a convention center to clap and cheer at canned speeches.

  43. - Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 11:09 am:

    Hey Vern

    there is an election this year that smart Democrats are worried about

    Some are tone deaf and are doubling down on their failed polices and calling their opponents names instead of moderating their positions

  44. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 11:28 am:

    - Lucky Pierre -

    The national headwinds are a thing.

    If Bailey leads the ticket in Illinois, that helps Illinois Dems tremendously, especially over a ticket led by Irvin, which helps a red wave land.

  45. - vern - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 11:43 am:


    i agree that this will be a rough midterm for Democrats. I also agree that name calling and failure to moderate are the sort of things that can lose elections. It’s especially true when the name-calling is directed at voters instead of politicians. It’s going to be a rough year for Democrats, but that roughness will be mitigated by Republicans choosing to insult Chicagoans at every turn (a form of name-calling) instead of trying to win their votes (which would be a form of moderation). Republicans are not wild animals who can only ever react to Democratic words and actions. They have the power and agency to change their tone about Chicago whenever they want to.

  46. - Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 11:45 am:

    You wishing it won’t make it come true.

    Bailey not running ads in the northern part of the state where 3/4 of the people live is a tell about the likelihood of his victory.

  47. - Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 11:53 am:

    Hey Vern

    I think the insulting of the political leadership in Chicago is bipartisan and given the numbers led mostly by loyal Democrats who are unhappy with the Mayor, State’s Attorney, indicted former Speaker of the House and the other corrupt politicians.

  48. - The Hills 60010 - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 12:03 pm:

    - Oswego Willy -

    “Well… the HDems, the SDems, the governor have shunned a great deal of the idea of this new organization with a figurehead leader, so it’s really not much different except formally now others are saying they don’t want to be connected to the group.”

    Respects to you, but could the caddish bunch who now claim to be shunning efforts at the wee baby genesis efforts at reformation and righting of the Illinois Democratic SCC be distancing themselves because they were part of, and comfortable with, the ole timey rot of “that’s the way it was always done” in Illinois?

    State Central Committees exist all over the nation, but none of them in formation like what was allowed in Illinois. The “figurehead”, perhaps just a necessary shake it up transitional lead until the Democratic Party of Illinois is free of despots and wannabe overlords. The Thing was not The Thing it was supposed to be.

    Fair to Middling Dems and Progressives in the Collars and Outlands are not apt to be lemming like followers if the IL House, IL Senate, and The Governor think the ole timey ways of Illinois Democratic Party shenanigans are going to be acceptable.

    Illinoisans have no idea the true role of the Democratic SCC.

  49. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 12:39 pm:

    This will be fun.

    ===the caddish bunch who now claim to be shunning efforts at the wee baby genesis efforts at reformation and righting of the Illinois Democratic SCC be distancing themselves because they were part of, and comfortable with, the ole timey rot of “that’s the way it was always done” in Illinois?===


    As it played out, time and again the phony idea of what was sold and what was possible worked to an utterly embarrassing end with Kelly first saying she could do the job, and finally begging to be a mere figurehead to save face, and along the way Kelly and those “non-cads” alienated but just a governor but labor who now has this lil group trying to mend fences as they need labor far more than labor needs this lil group.

    I dunno if this lil group’s idea of calling the governor, speaker, and president “cads” is a good way to be a team player or be a team they should want to be apart of, I’d say they made a wise choice to stay clear of this silly, as labor is doing.

    === The “figurehead”, perhaps just a necessary shake it up transitional lead until the Democratic Party of Illinois is free of despots and wannabe overlords. The Thing was not The Thing it was supposed to be.===


    Yeah, well, the thing is, it was never suppose to be a figurehead thingy, that’s on the lil group that couldn’t listen or understand actual rules or laws, so now this spinning here, yeah, um, no, it’s not good, not by any measure, and steering clear of a train wreck is smart, especially when this lil group isn’t a needed thing for the caucuses’ political things or the governor’s own political apparatus too.

    What you may not be grasping… they marginalized themselves… purposely… by accident.

    === Fair to Middling Dems and Progressives in the Collars and Outlands are not apt to be lemming like followers if the IL House, IL Senate, and The Governor think the ole timey ways of Illinois Democratic Party shenanigans are going to be acceptable.===

    “That’s how you feel? Ok. We’ll take it from here”

    - labor, governor, speaker, president.

    I don’t think your idea of this being good is working how you think it is.

    You’re excited that the group, and you here, yourself, feels it’s important to alienate actual elected Dems… for a mail indicia?

    They can get seats for the convection, so that’s nice.

  50. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 1:05 pm:

    === Bailey not running ads in the northern part of the state where 3/4 of the people live is a tell about the likelihood of his victory.===

    I think Rich had a whole post about 50% of GOP primary voters are “downstate” voters.

    One race at a time, but I’ll grant you this, I’d like to see some polling, and if the virtual tent revivals on Facebook by The Apostle Darren Bailey resonate to name ID.

    That I’d like to see.

  51. - A Guy - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 1:46 pm:

    DNC likely cares less about what DPI thinks…Chicago is a great national city. The illusion of it being the hometown of their living Messiah still exists, even though the chosen one is rarely here…He’s still their best national hood ornament. Vegas offers almost too much distraction. Chicago, a bit less and manageable distraction. Restaurants and hotels here could use the biz. The city could also remind people that there’s more to it than what they’ve been hearing for several years. Forget about bases and blue votes; none of that matters in the least. It’s TV and production values. People have too easily forgotten the coronations that took place in Chicago. I would make a guess they get the convention if they really want it.

    Last time both parties considered being in the United Center. Would be nice to see the city pull that off.

  52. - Huh? - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 1:50 pm:

    “What could possibly go wrong wit holdin’ da convention in dis beautiful city?” Richard J. Daley, 1968′

    Can I cross a national guard line, with guns drawn, on Randolph St like I did in 1968?

    Aah. The memories of an eleven year old boy.

  53. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 2:06 pm:

    === The city could also remind people that there’s more to it than what they’ve been hearing for several years.===


    ===For the fifth year in a row, Chicago was ranked the No. 1 big city in the U.S. by Condé Nast Traveler for its vibrant restaurant scene, museums and architecture. Condé Nast Traveler surveyed more than 800,000 readers on which cities they loved visiting most.===

    “Sure, Jan”

    People know.

  54. - Bruce( no not him) - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 2:14 pm:

    ==reaching out to the GQP==
    Oops, Rich forgot to put the ban back in place. :)

  55. - Fivegreenleaves - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 8:14 pm:

    I would love to see St. Louis get the GOP convention. Illinois could benefit from both parties’ conventions.

  56. - A Guy - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 9:55 pm:

    ==People know.==

    No they don’t. Some may. But the Conde Nast reference was only brought up to refute what many, many people are saying or thinking. If you don’t think this city has a very obvious PR problem, you’re dopier and more of I contrarian than I thought possible. And that is quite something.

  57. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 31, 22 @ 10:32 pm:

    === No they don’t. Some may. But the Conde Nast reference was only brought up to refute what many, many people are saying or thinking.===


    Anecdotal silly versus facts. lol

    People know.

    === If you don’t think this city has a very obvious PR problem===

    The Chicago Tribune Editorial board and folks like yourself see positive PR and say… “but it’s bad”

    Your silliness was predicted on folks outside “not knowing”

    Welp, that’s untrue.

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