Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Richard Irvin’s new TV ad responds to DGA attack
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Richard Irvin’s new TV ad responds to DGA attack

Friday, Apr 1, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

The Irvin for Illinois campaign is setting the record straight on Pritzker’s cowardice in having his Democratic allies launch illegitimate attack ads to hijack the Republican gubernatorial primary.

The new 30-second tv spot “Best Chance” clears the air that the Democratic Governors Association is doing Pritzker’s dirty work to smear Richard’s strong record as a decorated combat veteran, tough on crime prosecutor and successful mayor of Illinois’ second largest city.

“Instead of manning up, J.B. Pritzker is letting the Democratic Governors Association do his dirty work in maligning the strongest candidate to take him out this November,” Irvin for Illinois campaign spokesperson Eleni Demertzis said. “J.B. Pritzker needs to take the silver spoon out of his mouth and fight his own battles.”

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* By the way, House GOP Leader Jim Durkin also attacked the governor’s manhood yesterday

“Instead of being a man and putting his name on these false attacks, Governor Pritzker chooses to hide behind political insider groups by forcing them to meddle into the GOP primary on his behalf,” Durkin said.

…Adding… Christina Amestoy at the DGA…

“Republicans can whine all they want but they can’t point to anything false in this ad. This ad reveals Richard Irvin’s real record on crime and even he knows it - that’s why he still won’t talk about the 15 years of his career profiting off of defending these types of criminals. Turns out the only thing Richard Irvin won’t defend is his own record.”

* Another Irvin press release from this morning…

Today the Irvin for Illinois campaign is announcing a new list of legislative co-chairs who support Richard Irvin and Avery Bourne to take back Illinois from skyrocketing crime, high taxes, and never-ending corruption.

Topping the list of endorsers is State Senator and Deputy Minority Leader Sue Rezin (R-Morris), who believes we need new leadership in Springfield for a better Illinois.

“Our state has been critically mismanaged under JB Pritzker’s leadership,” said Rezin. “Illinois faces out-of-control crime, ongoing corruption within the statehouse, and diminished care for veterans at state-run facilities without real solutions to address these challenges. We have an opportunity for real leadership in Illinois with Richard Irvin and Avery Bourne, and I’m proud to support them.”

State Representative Ryan Spain (R-Peoria) has worked alongside Avery Bourne in the statehouse, and has seen her success in the General Assembly firsthand.

“Illinois under JB Pritzker has been one disaster after another—from his failure to take accountability for the state’s significant challenges or his inability to manage problems at state agencies,” said Spain. “Now we have an opportunity to elect proven leaders who have prioritized Illinois families and have pledged to root out crime and corruption, and provide the relief residents so badly need, which is why I am putting my full support behind Richard Irvin and Avery Bourne.”

Aurora Mayor and gubernatorial candidate Richard Irvin and his running mate, State Representative Avery Bourne (R-Morrisonvile) released the following statement regarding the endorsements:

“We are pleased to have this resounding support from legislative leaders who understand that JB Pritzker has not met the needs of families and businesses across Illinois. There are countless challenges our state faces–from crime and corruption to our state’s fiscal stability. Together, we are committed to taking our state back and working to reduce crime, cut taxes, and fight corruption.”

The legislative endorsements include the following lawmakers:

    Tim Ozinga, Illinois State Representative (HD 37)
    Seth Lewis, Illinois State Representative (HD 45)
    Dan Ugaste, Illinois State Representative (HD 65)
    Jeff Keicher, Illinois State Representative (HD 70)
    Ryan Spain, Illinois State Representative (HD 73)
    David Welter, Illinois State Representative (HD 75)
    Jackie Haas, Illinois State Representative (HD 79)
    Jim Durkin, Illinois State Representative (HD 82)
    Tim Butler, Illinois State Representative (HD 87)
    Mark Batinick, Illinois State Representative (HD 97)
    Amy Elik, Illinois State Representative (HD 111)
    Donald DeWitte, Illinois State Senator (SD 33)
    Sue Rezin, Illinois State Senator (SD 38)
    John Curran, Illinois State Senator (SD 41)

Jesse Sullivan tried hard to convince Sen. Rezin to be his running mate. Didn’t work. Rep. Spain is one of the most likeable members of the HGOP caucus.


  1. - Flying Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Friday, Apr 1, 22 @ 11:06 am:

    Man, did Bruce Rauner do a number on that party, but good.

    You’re sniveling about an ad buy in early April? That was barely a shot over the bow at Kenny’s muppet.

    Pritzker hasn’t got serious, yet.

  2. - Lake Villa Township - Friday, Apr 1, 22 @ 11:11 am:

    He only thinks it’s meddling because the ad aired on Fox News.

  3. - JS Mill - Friday, Apr 1, 22 @ 11:11 am:

    For all of the gop snowflakes that were upset by the g#p comment from Pritzker, I am sure you will all demand a retraction or something for this garbage.

    From their stance, I assume the gop will not participate in the gubernatorial messaging then? Wiat, didn’t party leadership just come out and throw a full on hissy?


  4. - Been There - Friday, Apr 1, 22 @ 11:14 am:

    Kind of interesting just lumping the minority leader in with the rest of his caucus who endorsed him and senators. You would think you would at least use his title.

  5. - AlfondoGonz - Friday, Apr 1, 22 @ 11:15 am:

    When the (R) Mayor is “man enough” to tell is prospective constituents whether or not he voted for the (R) president, perhaps then he can accuse someone else of hiding behind a skirt.

    “Manning up,” by the way, is dated. I understand Republicans, by and large, don’t respect women. I’d think they’d be wise to hide that fact.

  6. - Arsenal - Friday, Apr 1, 22 @ 11:15 am:

    This is very dumb. Calling more attention to the DGA’s ad and whining about all that inside baseball stuff is, at best, a waste of money.

    Then again, he’s got money to waste.

  7. - Louis G Atsaves - Friday, Apr 1, 22 @ 11:19 am:

    Irvin struck quite the nerve. I rate Irvin’s response as an A+. Highlighting that small print no one else catches was a very smart move. They should find out how much money Pritzker gave the DGA and highlight that one as well.

  8. - Arsenal - Friday, Apr 1, 22 @ 11:19 am:

    For all the talk yesterday that the DGA’s ad shows that Irvin is the one Dems are most worried about (it’s true), this ad is Irvin circling and highlighting his criminal defense career and saying “Please don’t talk about this.”

  9. - John - Friday, Apr 1, 22 @ 11:20 am:

    Bruce Rauner did the same thing four years ago and we didn’t hear a peep from that Jim Durkin guy. So I call hypocrisy on Durkin and the GOP.

  10. - Pundent - Friday, Apr 1, 22 @ 11:33 am:

    Well there’s meddling and then there’s meddling. How does Richard Irvin feel about attempts to overtly influence election officials and or overturn election results?

  11. - Henry Francis - Friday, Apr 1, 22 @ 11:33 am:

    More faux outrage from the party of tough guys. If you want to prove your tough guy bonafides you shoot a stack of papers with an assault weapon, or abruptly end interviews when faced with a question he doesn’t know how to answer.

    Disappointing from Durkin. Especially when he showed off his manliness during the Rauner and Trump years.

  12. - TheInvisibleMan - Friday, Apr 1, 22 @ 11:36 am:

    Just yesterday the reaction to Irvin’s ad was described as “attacking the constitutional rights of defendants”.

    Not 24 hours later, the campaign won’t even mention he was a criminal defense attorney.

    That’s probably a good sign for him, right.

  13. - vern - Friday, Apr 1, 22 @ 11:37 am:

    Real glass jaw stuff, especially if they put money behind it. I thought the founding principle of the Irvin campaign was “we only talk about what we want to talk about,” but that broke down at the first hint of chin music.

    As for the manliness question, it’s pretty funny for the “fight your own battles” quote to come from a spox. Irvin couldn’t say that himself? I guess he was too busy making plans to not attend that forum this weekend.

  14. - The Hills - Friday, Apr 1, 22 @ 11:37 am:

    ““Instead of manning up, J.B. Pritzker is letting the Democratic Governors Association do his dirty work in maligning the strongest candidate to take him out this November,” Irvin for Illinois campaign spokesperson Eleni Demertzis said. “J.B. Pritzker needs to take the silver spoon out of his mouth and fight his own battles.””

    Just amazing. I sincerely hope The Governor’s people manage to keep his energy, this time, off gnats and ankle biters. Hope he stays focused and in his executive lane.

    Ya see, Mr. Irving poses no real threat to Governor Pritzker. Mayor Irving just does not come across well, the campaign messaging seems disjointed. That bootstrap and “culture of dependency” ad didn’t sell well to the demographic needed to put any Illinois gubernatorial candidate over the top. He cannot run to the right and then hope “the folk” forget the hurtfulness spouted if he manages to win the primary.

  15. - Elliott Ness - Friday, Apr 1, 22 @ 11:40 am:

    Bottom line, Irvin can beat Pritzker in the fall, none of the others can. Of course the DGA is going to attack Irvin and try to deflect by throwing a little dirt toward Beetle. They are concerned about Irvin and they should be…

  16. - AlfondoGonz - Friday, Apr 1, 22 @ 11:41 am:

    “They should find out how much money Pritzker gave the DGA and highlight that one as well.”

    It’ll take a real crack team to get to the bottom of that /s

    It’s interesting you think Irving struck the nerve…in responding to an ad attacking him. Seems his nerve was struck.

  17. - The Way I See It - Friday, Apr 1, 22 @ 11:42 am:

    A waste of money but political consultants and media buyers gotta eat too.

  18. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Apr 1, 22 @ 11:47 am:

    Boy, I am missing out on big paydays.

    To the post,

    Here’s my take to the overall.

    Irvin is now engaged, by his own choice (The Griffin Crew’s Choice) in a “two front war”

    They have the dollars to do it, but I think that’s what Pritzker’s Crew wants too… Irvin chasing his tail every 14 minutes against “all”


    It’s a B, but what really is this? It’s allowing the escalation, is that at all good? Now it adds to more questions about Irvin too?

    To Durkin? Easy. He’s worried Irvin won’t be the nominee. The rest is to that end.

  19. - Arsenal - Friday, Apr 1, 22 @ 11:47 am:

    ==Irvin struck quite the nerve.==

    Was it his own? Because this ad is the proverbial hit dog hollarin’.

    ==Highlighting that small print no one else catches was a very smart move. ==

    The reason they all get away with the small print being small is that nobody cares about it.

  20. - Huh? - Friday, Apr 1, 22 @ 11:48 am:

    What’s the saying? “All’s fair in love and …” or is it “politics ain’t beanbag”?

  21. - Arsenal - Friday, Apr 1, 22 @ 11:50 am:

    Turns out I’ve been so surprised at how bad an idea this is I didn’t even rate it.

    C-. Highlighting someone else’s oppo on you is Big Dumb, and it doesn’t even answer those charges, it just whines about who paid for the ad, which no one cares about. It’s like the girlfriend seeing on the boyfriend’s text messages that he’s cheating and then he gets mad that she spied on him.

    The positive is that he does work in his CV one more time, so this ad isn’t a complete failure.

  22. - Grandson of Man - Friday, Apr 1, 22 @ 11:55 am:

    Not a bad ad, but the conversation has been shifted toward Irvin’s defense attorney work. He profited from the very types of people he is now demonizing. Rauner profited from the public employee unions he despises. Very Rauner-like.

  23. - Louis G Atsaves - Friday, Apr 1, 22 @ 11:57 am:

    ===Was it his own? Because this ad is the proverbial hit dog hollarin’.===

    I can recall when Topinka was part of Blagojevich’s ads dancing with George Ryan. She didn’t have the funds to fight that one off which constantly ran on the airwaves.

    By comparison who is hollarin’ now? I still rate it an A+.

  24. - PublicServant - Friday, Apr 1, 22 @ 12:02 pm:

    === Spain is one of the most likeable members of the HGOP caucus. ===

    That may be, Rich, but that’s not saying much given the competition.

  25. - Arsenal - Friday, Apr 1, 22 @ 12:03 pm:

    ==By comparison who is hollarin’ now? ==

    Irvin is. He’s the one who rushed out a whiney response ad about how unfair it is for people to actually look at his record.

  26. - 47th Ward - Friday, Apr 1, 22 @ 12:06 pm:

    Irvin keeps flattering himself as “Pritzker’s worst nightmare,” when in actuality, it is Griffin’s unlimited cash and desperation for a return to feudalism that most likely keeps the Governor up at night.

    Me personally? My worst nightmare is the one where I find myself back in high school wearing only my underwear. That one wakes me up everytime.

  27. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Apr 1, 22 @ 12:10 pm:

    === I can recall when Topinka was part of Blagojevich’s ads dancing with George Ryan. She didn’t have the funds to fight that one off which constantly ran on the airwaves.

    By comparison who is hollarin’ now? I still rate it an A+.===

    An easy grader there…

    The line of thought to never let something go unanswered, that’s a thing, good on the Irvin Crew, but then there’s the realty of “scared” versus the last ad “to own the libs”…what exactly is Irvin’s message to his record?

    If the Griffin Crew would embrace more the mayor of the second largest city in Illinois, and less of the Griffin styled candidate that rarely mirrors Mayor Irvin, that might help most going forward.

    If you’d like, I can likely make a case Eleni Demertzis’ own blurb is better than the ad itself.

    This two front campaign might be better fought with one Richard Irvin, the incumbent mayor of Aurora.

  28. - Pundent - Friday, Apr 1, 22 @ 12:12 pm:

    Why exactly is pointing out Irvin’s career as a criminal defense attorney, combat history, and prior stance on black lives matter “meddling”?

    Irvin characterizes the above as a “false ad?” What about his prior work and statements is exactly false? If anybody should be “manning up,” as Eleni Demertzis suggests, shouldn’t it be the guy that doesn’t want to acknowledge his past and attacks others for bringing it up?

    Lots of parallels between this campaign and the last governor. I wonder why?

  29. - Norseman - Friday, Apr 1, 22 @ 12:13 pm:

    MEH, the ad is what it is. These type of response ads are a dime a dozen. False attacks (although the predicate for the DGA ad is just as valid as that of Irvin’s ads) yada, yada, yada …

    As for the effect, OW is right on target.

  30. - Say What? - Friday, Apr 1, 22 @ 12:16 pm:

    The ultra right crowd is trying to sell Irvin as a Democrat and a Pritzker puppet. To that end, ads against Irvin paid for by the DGA helps Irvin solidify his bonafides.

    The tough language also helps with the GOP base. Hard to continue suggesting to the Eastern Bloc crowd that Irvin is some kind of carpetbagger when the other side is running ads undeniably insinuating that you are the guy they fear. Calling out the Governor as “afraid” to put his own name on it also helps with his GOP base message that only he can win.

    A+ - the DGA ads are a great conduit from which Irvin can counter punch.

  31. - Arsenal - Friday, Apr 1, 22 @ 12:16 pm:

    ==The line of thought to never let something go unanswered, that’s a thing, good on the Irvin Crew==

    Eh, sometimes it’s a pitch in the dirt and you should just take the ball.

    This probably isn’t one of those times- puncturing Irvin’s Tuff On Crime ™ image would be pretty damaging to his campaign. But there’s a right way to do it and a wrong way to do it. This ad is the wrong way.

    If it were me, I’d just re-assert my Tuff On Crime ™ credentials. But the problem there, of course, is that Irvin doesn’t really have any. He’s a criminal defense attorney who supported criminal justice reform bills and lied about what he did in response to riots. And he does not have a plan for what to do about crime, either. So I guess there’s not much else he can do besides publicly lament his misfortune.

  32. - OneMan - Friday, Apr 1, 22 @ 12:18 pm:

    Gonna be the contrarian here.


    Why: One of the arguments against Richard is that he is a RINO and saying ‘Look the Democrats are coming after me’ isn’t a bad argument for a primary and it plays and reinforces the ‘worst nightmare’.

    As for all this ‘what about January 6th’ stuff, I am going to go out on a short limb that virtually no Republican primary voters really care about it. You might, but odds are if that is an election issue for you, you are not voting in the Republican primary in Illinois.

    I would love to see the polling of persuadable voters in the Governor race that would rate ‘January 6th’ in the top 5 or even the top 10 of their issues.

  33. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Apr 1, 22 @ 12:20 pm:

    First, tipping cap to - Norseman -…


    ===…sometimes it’s a pitch in the dirt and you should just take the ball.

    This probably isn’t one of those times===

    I look at it as a flex too, a flex to resources(?)

    It’s a tough thing, however, fighting a two front battle

  34. - Ron Burgundy - Friday, Apr 1, 22 @ 12:22 pm:

    False. They keep using that word, but don’t say what they claim is false about it.

  35. - Dotnonymous - Friday, Apr 1, 22 @ 12:26 pm:

    “I can recall when Topinka was part of Blagojevich’s ads dancing with George Ryan.”

    Antiquated tales from the crypt.

  36. - Groucho - Friday, Apr 1, 22 @ 12:49 pm:

    Good Ad. This ad is designed to win the republican primary, not beat Pritzker.

  37. - Arsenal - Friday, Apr 1, 22 @ 12:58 pm:

    ==It’s a tough thing, however, fighting a two front battle ==

    It was probably inevitable, though, unless Irvin just absolutely exploded on the launchpad. And even then, Pritzker’s team would probably just want to make the rubble bounce since Bailey comes in all but pre-defined.

    That being said, you don’t always want to be on React like this.

  38. - H-W - Friday, Apr 1, 22 @ 1:22 pm:

    = Instead of manning up =
    = Instead of being a man =

    Jeez. What is wrong with Republican politicians? Masculinity is not a tool to be played as if one shoe fits all. Masculinity is also not a requirement for politics.

  39. - Grandson of Man - Friday, Apr 1, 22 @ 1:30 pm:

    “If the Griffin Crew would embrace more the mayor of the second largest city in Illinois”

    Irvin got campaign contributions from businesses who got city tax breaks and contracts.

    That’s another part of the phoniness and something open to attack, running as anti-corruption but looking like pay to play.

  40. - Dotnonymous - Friday, Apr 1, 22 @ 1:53 pm:

    Manning up was Will Smith’s toxic problem…He didn’t.

    Love is love and violence is violence.

    Love begats love…violence begats violence.

  41. - Henry Francis - Friday, Apr 1, 22 @ 1:54 pm:

    If Ken Griffin was a real man, he’d walk up and slap JB in the face and tell him to “keep my candidate’s name out of your [bleeping] mouth.”

  42. - Arsenal - Friday, Apr 1, 22 @ 2:04 pm:

    ==If Ken Griffin was a real man, he’d walk up and slap JB in the face and tell him to “keep my candidate’s name out of your [bleeping] mouth.” ==

    We could avoid the entire election if those two would just have it out in person.

  43. - Rabid - Friday, Apr 1, 22 @ 2:13 pm:

    Just a proxy war over fair tax

  44. - Leeroy Jenkins - Friday, Apr 1, 22 @ 2:54 pm:

    ===I understand Republicans, by and large, don’t respect women.===

    Blanket statements are never useful.

  45. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Apr 1, 22 @ 2:58 pm:

    === ===I understand Republicans, by and large, don’t respect women.===

    Blanket statements are never useful.===

    It is important to recognize that Republicans are dangerous to women’s health.

    That’s the message that will be put out there.

  46. - zatoichi - Friday, Apr 1, 22 @ 3:41 pm:

    Just watched Irvin ad on cable. One of his claims was there should be ‘No Handouts’. Handouts simply hold people back. Unless some rich person wants to cover the costs of a campaign.

  47. - Anonymous - Sunday, Apr 3, 22 @ 3:06 pm:

    Richard Irvin is meddling in the Republican Primary. He voted five of the last six times in the Democrat Primary.

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