Preserve And Promote Healthcare Access – Support Your Local Hospital
Tuesday, Apr 5, 2022 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] For over two years, your hospitals, and their physicians, nurses, caregivers, and myriad additional staff have been there every, single day, caring for every patient with compassion and commitment. Your hospitals, and their caregivers, are now in need of your help. Pre-pandemic, over 40% of Illinois hospitals were losing money or operating on slim margins of less than 2%. In the wake of COVID-19, hospital staffing costs have jumped by up to 20%, due in large part to the exorbitant rates being charged by nurse staffing agencies. Record inflation is driving up other operating costs. To preserve access to healthcare services and to advance health equity across Illinois, the hospital community is asking Illinois lawmakers to support IHA’s 3-pronged legislative package, including:
• A one-time $350 million in hospital assessment tax relief in the next fiscal year. • $68 million for Safety Net Hospital Health Equity grants to support all safety net hospitals. Without the requested state support, hospitals will be forced to make difficult choices, including reduction or closure of service lines, and we risk the potential closure of some of the state’s most vulnerable hospitals. Please support IHA’s legislative package to preserve access to healthcare services and to advance health equity in communities across Illinois.