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Campaign notebook

Wednesday, Apr 6, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Irvin’s ex has only worked at this particular developer’s office for a few weeks, so if this is some sort of pay to play, it’s pretty darned brazen. But I dunno. Here’s WTTW

The ex-wife of Aurora Mayor and GOP gubernatorial candidate Richard Irvin works with a development team that stands to receive up to $15 million in Aurora city incentives, with the potential for millions more.

Crystal Rollins is listed as director of business development and strategy for JTE Real Estate Services, which says on its website it does construction management, property acquisition and development, and property management for the $128 million redevelopment of the city’s long-vacant former Copley Hospital. JTE is part of a group of companies called Fox Valley Developers that came together to land the redevelopment deal.

JTE is run by Irvin’s former mayoral campaign treasurer Michael Poulakidas. Through a spokesperson, Poulakidas said Rollins joined the company in a full-time position in mid-March and “has had no role in our Aurora-based projects.”

All the projects currently listed on JTE’s website are Aurora-based.

Rollins and Irvin were married at the time the city struck the redevelopment deal in 2019. They finalized their divorce in December 2021, weeks before Irvin announced his run for governor, according to DuPage County court records. […]

All told, a WTTW News analysis found that the companies and individuals connected to the massive project that will transform the former Copley Hospital into a mixed-use development donated $66,636 to Irvin’s mayoral campaign fund, $22,150 to the Kane County judicial campaign of Irvin’s former private practice law partner, Brittany Pedersen, and $35,000 to a political action committee called Build R Future run by Irvin’s mayoral campaign manager Dennis Cook.

Emphasis added. The one curious constant in these stories is the Aurora developer contributions to the mayor’s former law partner. And the above-mentioned Build R Future has contributed heavily to Pedersen’s campaign fund

Public records show that Build R Future has contributed $50,000 to the campaign of Irvin’s former private practice law partner Brittany Pedersen, a criminal defense attorney who is running as a Democrat for Kane County Circuit Court judge. Scientel has also contributed $10,000 to Pedersen’s judicial campaign, and Santos has contributed an additional $4,000. In 2020, the Illinois State Bar Association rated her as “not recommended” for the office.

* 19 Democrats are vying to replace retiring US Rep. Bobby Rush. Crain’s looks at fundraising

Heading the list at the moment: That would be Jonathan Swain, a civic activist and small-business owner who has strong ties to City Hall. His campaign reports taking in $357,000 in the quarter ended March 31, with almost all of it ($314,000) still in the bank. The list of donors is not yet available, but is said to include only minimal cash from Swain himself.

Other wannabes: Businessman Jonathan Jackson, the son of civil rights leader the Rev. Jesse Jackson and brother of former Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., also is doing pretty well. He said his total will be “in the high 100s,” though that man include a fairly large amount from the candidate himself.

Another contender worth watching is Chicago Ald. Pat Dowell, 3rd. Her campaign declined to release figures early, but has told union friends that her total will be north of $300,000. Dowell has an edge because she assembled a $475,000 warchest when she earlier was running for Illinois secretary of state. That money can’t be directly transferred to a federal race, but Dowell can and has written refunds to some donors, who in turn have re-donated to the congressional account.

Also reporting some figures is the campaign of state Sen. Jacqueline Collins. She took in $79,000 with $62,000 left in the bank, but she was among the last contenders to enter the race and thus hasn’t had as much time to stock her piggy bank.

* Press release

Club for Growth Action released two new IL-15 ads. “Ally,” which will run on television, and “Our Top Story Tonight- Mary Miller,” which will run on radio, highlight Rep. Mary Miller’s commitment to conservative values and President Donald Trump’s endorsement of Miller.

Politico’s Illinois Playbook published an exclusive report on the new ads.

Click here to watch the TV ad, “Ally”

Click here to listen to the radio ad, “Our Top Story- Mary Miller”

This is the first flight of ads that Club for Growth Action plans to run in the race to ensure Mary Miller secures the Republican nomination. The ads will begin today, April 6th.

Response from Rodney Davis campaign…

Washington, DC’s biggest opponent of the Farm Bill, dark money Super PAC Club for Growth, is backing double-talking politician Mary Miller’s campaign with $400,000 in advertising, despite the fact that Miller has raked in over $1 million in government subsidies from Farm Bill programs over the years.

“Mary Miller is a fraud. Her campaign is failing, so she’s selling out her constituents to get campaign support from a dark money group opposed to the interests of Illinois farmers and rural America. Mary Miller should immediately denounce Club for Growth for their opposition to the Farm Bill and reject their endorsement, or she should return the $1 million in government subsidies she received back to taxpayers. She can’t have it both ways. This dark money group is working to defeat Rodney Davis because he’s a leading voice for Illinois farmers and rural America in Congress. He will never back down from his pro-Ag record.” - Davis campaign spokesperson Aaron DeGroot

Club for Growth, a DC based dark money organization, has been one of the leading opponents of the Farm Bill, federal legislation with vital programs that support the American farmer, agribusiness, and rural America as a whole. Club for Growth opposed the Farm Bill in 2018 and 2014 and is expected to oppose it again next year. They called the Farm Bill “…nothing less than socialism with a Republican seal of approval on it.”

Why would Mary Miller tout an endorsement from a group so hostile to her own constituents? Does Mary Miller agree that the Farm Bill is nothing less than Socialism?

* Casten…

Today, Congressman Sean Casten announced he raised over $784,000 in the first quarter of 2022. The campaign’s impressive fundraising haul is its highest first-quarter ever and brings its total cash on hand to over $2,000,000. The campaign has raised over $2.75 million this cycle and has a lifetime average online donation of $42.58.

* Budzinski…

Today, Nikki Budzinski announced that her campaign raised over $500,000 in the first quarter of 2022 and enters the second quarter of 2022 with well over $1 million cash-on-hand. To date, she has raised over $1.4 million since entering the race in August 2021. Budzinski’s fundraising puts her in a strong position to communicate with voters and get the vote out.

* Press release…

The Irvin for Illinois campaign is proud to announce the endorsement of Aurora Firefighters Local 99. The union represents nearly 180 firefighters working in the City of Aurora who have seen improvements in their industry under Mayor Richard Irvin’s leadership. Irvin’s commitment to public safety has not only impacted crime statistics but has also spurred economic development.

“In the last five years, Mayor Irvin has empowered the Aurora Fire Department by always giving us a seat at the table on major issues,” President of Aurora Firefighters Local 99 Garrett Oros said. “His leadership on public safety issues in Aurora has proven that he is the best candidate to make Illinois a safer place to live and work.”

“Richard Irvin is the best choice to lead Illinois forward. Our state faces many challenges in the coming years and Richard Irvin is the proven leader who isn’t afraid to tackle those head on, to find solutions that will make Illinois a better, safer state. We know Mayor Irvin has made Aurora a safer place to live and work and he can do the same for the greater state of Illinois.”

* 11th CD…

Today, Jerry Evans, a small business owner and music teacher seeking the Republican nomination to represent Illinois’ 11th Congressional District, announced he has been endorsed by former State Representative Jeanne Ives.

“We need more people with a background like Jerry Evans in Congress,” writes Jeanne Ives. “As a small business owner Jerry will watch out for taxpayers. As a parent, Jerry will make sure that parents get a say in all aspects of their children’s education. And as a conservative, I trust Jerry to protect our borders and secure our energy independence once again.”

“Throughout her career, from serving on the Wheaton City Council, to the Illinois State House and eventually running for Congress, Jeanne has demonstrated not only a willingness to lead on difficult issues and question powerful House leaders, but also an insightful understanding of policy,” writes Jerry Evans. “Jeanne is a true conservative leader whose tireless work has paved the way for victory in Illinois’ 11th Congressional District. It is a genuine honor to receive her endorsement.”

Catalina Lauf, another GOP candidate in that district, was with Rauner and against Ives in 2018.

* More…

* Lauf shows lack of honesty and maturity with video bombing at Congressman Bill Foster’s Aurora district office claiming it was “closed” when facts reveal it was open, and all one had to do was knock, or ring the doorbell which Lauf video shows was present for her to use


  1. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 1:52 pm:

    Holy pay to play appearance Batman. There goes the anti-corruption angle for Richard “Fast Eddie” Irvin, aka “the Democrat.”

  2. - B-Hills 60010 - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 2:10 pm:

    “Rollins joined the company in a full-time position in mid-March and “has had no role in our Aurora-based projects.”

    “Emphasis added. The one curious constant in these stories is the Aurora developer contributions to the mayor’s former law partner. And the above-mentioned Build R Future has contributed heavily to Pedersen’s campaign fund…”

    Most likely, sadly interesting is all that can be offered at this point.

  3. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 2:16 pm:

    Man, Irvin’s “people” sure have a lot of money moving around that little circle of theirs. Irvin seems to have “buffers” though, kind of like MJM.

    I am sure there is a legit reason though./s

    =despite the fact that Miller has raked in over $1 million in government subsidies=

    A conservative socialist?

  4. - MisterJayEm - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 2:17 pm:

    Irvin’s Aurora is looking more and more like West Cicero.

    – MrJM

  5. - Big Tent - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 2:31 pm:

    Catalina Lauf’s 15 minutes were up two years ago.

  6. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 2:38 pm:

    So, so, so much to unpack;

    Great stuff today, Rich.


    Gotta be glad the other 4 are so terribly inept that the likelihood of any of them parlaying it isn’t great… they gotta hope the DGA uses it and doesn’t save it for July.

    Miller? (Note: No relation to Rich)

    Will this help Miller be so “nationally embraced for a local message”… or is this about Davis kinda not a bad guy, not a good guy, and merely just a guy, standing in front of a new district, asking it to not love Miller?


    It’s about the grift, not much about trying to find a base, be a pillar to building a base, or keeping folks on board as the base.

    🎶🎵As long as the checks clear🎵🎶

    - Lauf vendors

  7. - Shytown - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 2:47 pm:

    Let’s put some other names to this story and see what folks think. Lori Lightfoot’s wife (or ex-wife, what’s it matter), Amy, takes an executive position with a developer who received $15 million in 2019 from the City towards the $100 million redevelopment of the former Michael Reese site. This firm is run by Lightfoot’s former campaign treasurer and the company is still doing business with the city and still drawing down from these City incentives.

    Anyone think this might not be a front page story in Chicago?

  8. - Carlos Danger - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 2:53 pm:

    lol classic catalina

  9. - Back to the Future - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 2:53 pm:

    I like Paris Schultzfrom WTTW, but from the headline to his conclusion that something is wrong with this lady getting a job her resume indicates she is qualified for is a long way from decent reporting.
    All we really know is that she is a black professional businesswoman who got a job two weeks ago that she appears to be qualified for. Not sure I understand why it makes sense to try to create and connect some imaginary dots to drag her through the press.
    The reporters could have looked at her background and education, but instead they lead with innuendo and strongly imply something shady is going on. Not one fact or word on her not being unqualified for her new job because of her experience or education appears in this story.
    Just not in favor of dragging someone’s reputation through the mud for a cheap unsubstantiated TV shot.
    I think we can all expect better reporting out of WTTW.

  10. - Real - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 2:54 pm:

    Ken Dunkin 2.0 and Cicero 2.0

  11. - Long time Independent - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 2:55 pm:

    Irwin is lucky none of his opponents ( maybe Sullivan) have the necessary money to make this stuff stick. That’s blatant pay to play

  12. - OneMan - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 2:58 pm:

    Two Aurora thoughts:
    For being the second-largest city in the state, it is in many ways very much a small town in some things.

    If these guys pull off the Old Copley rehab and repurpose, they will be beloved in Aurora, to say the least. I live by ‘new’ Copley and the way they left the old one to rot is embarrassing, to say the least.

  13. - Vote Quimby - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 3:06 pm:

    ==I think we can all expect better reporting out of WTTW==

    I think this is a nice example of reporting… I didn’t read where they connected any dots, and I sure didn’t see the former Mrs. Irvin’s resume in the article.

  14. - Back to the Future - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 3:27 pm:

    I am sure Mr. Schutz could have looked up the company website, called or went on a Google field trip.

  15. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 3:32 pm:

    == Not one fact or word on her not being unqualified for her new job because of her experience or education appears in this story.==

    bc her qualifications aren’t the question, the question is if this firm got city benefits because of genuine merit or bc of their connections to the mayor.

  16. - Shytown - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 3:35 pm:

    == I think we can all expect better reporting out of WTTW. ==

    It’s the job of the media to scrutinize potential pay to play when it involves family of elected officials. It’s the ABCs of reporting. The city of aurora and its mayor is not absolved of that scrutiny, nor his family members.

  17. - Bruce( no not him) - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 4:06 pm:

    == it’s pretty darned brazen.==
    This is Illinois. We expect brazen, don’t we?

  18. - Concerned in Aurora - Wednesday, Apr 6, 22 @ 5:35 pm:

    What WTTW didn’t mention is Ms Petersen and Mr.Irvin have 3 or 4 year twins together.

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