- Grandson of Man - Thursday, Apr 7, 22 @ 8:38 am:
Awaiting the budget/inflation and anti-crime bill votes in these final days. The GA needs to bring those babies across the finish line. That should be fun. Looking very forward to the historic SCOTUS confirmation vote as well.
- Give Me A Break - Thursday, Apr 7, 22 @ 8:40 am:
Allow this old goober to look back at the “old days” of budget making and remember things like,
The Four Tops emerging from the Gov’s Office one at a time to speak the press about the budget making process.
“Budgeteers” working through the night with approp staff to craft the language that would be presented in caucus meetings.
The budget was actually a Conference Committee Report.
The Senate President standing next to the Speaker as the third reading vote was taken on the budget.
Watching the sun come up over the Statehouse as the last of the end of session party goers realized it was time to go home.
Brookfield property management has thrown in the towel on Water Tower Place deciding to hand the property over to its lender given its diminished value. The reason is likely whatever issue fits your narrative but in reality a bit more complex.
- Jose Abreu's Next Homer - Thursday, Apr 7, 22 @ 9:15 am:
CTA lately, yikes. I’m forgoing hopping on the blue line at Montrose and instead taking the Metra at Mayfair. CTA is really up for grabs.
It is 43 degrees outside and it is raining. The Cubs are scheduled to open against Milwaukee at Wrigley. Milwaukee has a dome. I have been to openers wearing a parka. I don’t know why cold climate teams don’t play their first week or so on the road in either cities with warmer climates or in cities with domes?
- Jose Abreu's Next Homer - Thursday, Apr 7, 22 @ 10:04 am:
@Downstate, safety when it comes to personal safety. Man stabbed on the Green line yesterday. Two days ago crime wave at State/Lake that spread to other train and also a conductor got lured out and pushed onto the tracks. Just to name things this week.
=I don’t know why cold climate teams don’t play their first week or so on the road in either cities with warmer climates or in cities with domes?=
Not sure how the scheduling was re-worked this year, but this would normally be week 2. But my personal belief is that the season should be shortened by a month starting in mid-April and ending around mid-September. Playing playoff games up to nearly November in cold weather cities doesn’t work well either. But revenue needs dictate otherwise.
Thanks. Were those events in daylight or evening hours? I’m asking as I have some travels slated. In particular, I love to use the CTA to attend Cub games.
Agree to some extent… it’s certainly too long of a season with the ever-expanding playoff qualifiers. I thought going back to a 154-game schedule would be a good move, but obviously the owners don’t want to give up the revenue of losing four home games.
@Downstate. I prefer taking CTA to and from Cubs games too. Generally you are safe in crowded cars except for the pickpockets and the drunks. The drunks are easy to see and avoid but not the pickpockets. Keep you valuables in a safe place and don’t wave your iPhone around.
Interesting lead sentence to this morning’s Sun-Times story about Bally’s plan for a River West casino:
“Executives from an East Coast gambling company on Wednesday tried to gas up support for their proposed River West casino by insisting it would ease traffic in the congested neighborhood — but they were met by a room of many possible future neighbors urging them to pump the brakes.”
Ironically, when I saw the lede to the story this morning on one of the news links here (my eyes hadn’t fully awakened yet), I actually thought Wally’s was going to open a new truck stop at River West. Then a few seconds later I realized it was Bally’s.
Just had an Illinois used car dealer try adding an illegal $299 “doc fee” to a purchase that wasn’t being financed (only financed vehicles are allowed to charge a doc fee). Bet the Illinois AG’s office will be all over them too when I file a complaint (not).
- Grandson of Man - Thursday, Apr 7, 22 @ 8:38 am:
Awaiting the budget/inflation and anti-crime bill votes in these final days. The GA needs to bring those babies across the finish line. That should be fun. Looking very forward to the historic SCOTUS confirmation vote as well.
- Give Me A Break - Thursday, Apr 7, 22 @ 8:40 am:
Allow this old goober to look back at the “old days” of budget making and remember things like,
The Four Tops emerging from the Gov’s Office one at a time to speak the press about the budget making process.
“Budgeteers” working through the night with approp staff to craft the language that would be presented in caucus meetings.
The budget was actually a Conference Committee Report.
The Senate President standing next to the Speaker as the third reading vote was taken on the budget.
Watching the sun come up over the Statehouse as the last of the end of session party goers realized it was time to go home.
Wow, I’m old.
- NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Thursday, Apr 7, 22 @ 8:53 am:
==Allow this old goober to look back at the “old days” of budget making==
All of which you described basically ended with the Blago/Quinn/Rauner nightmare.
- Give Me A Break - Thursday, Apr 7, 22 @ 8:55 am:
“All of which you described basically ended with the Blago/Quinn/Rauner nightmare.”
Correct. Somewhere right now, Tom Ryder and Gary Hannig are looking at budget numbers.
- Pundent - Thursday, Apr 7, 22 @ 9:04 am:
Brookfield property management has thrown in the towel on Water Tower Place deciding to hand the property over to its lender given its diminished value. The reason is likely whatever issue fits your narrative but in reality a bit more complex.
- Jose Abreu's Next Homer - Thursday, Apr 7, 22 @ 9:15 am:
CTA lately, yikes. I’m forgoing hopping on the blue line at Montrose and instead taking the Metra at Mayfair. CTA is really up for grabs.
- Downstate - Thursday, Apr 7, 22 @ 9:53 am:
“CTA is really up for grabs.”
Can you elaborate a little more for this non-urbanite? Maintenance, safety, reliability. What’s the issue?
- Groucho - Thursday, Apr 7, 22 @ 9:58 am:
It is 43 degrees outside and it is raining. The Cubs are scheduled to open against Milwaukee at Wrigley. Milwaukee has a dome. I have been to openers wearing a parka. I don’t know why cold climate teams don’t play their first week or so on the road in either cities with warmer climates or in cities with domes?
- Jose Abreu's Next Homer - Thursday, Apr 7, 22 @ 10:04 am:
@Downstate, safety when it comes to personal safety. Man stabbed on the Green line yesterday. Two days ago crime wave at State/Lake that spread to other train and also a conductor got lured out and pushed onto the tracks. Just to name things this week.
- Vote Quimby - Thursday, Apr 7, 22 @ 10:14 am:
I’ve been out of state for several years, can I ask a newbie question please?
Are bills introduced and then sent to the Rules Committee still in the “graveyard” and will likely never see the light of day again? TIA
- Pundent - Thursday, Apr 7, 22 @ 10:16 am:
=I don’t know why cold climate teams don’t play their first week or so on the road in either cities with warmer climates or in cities with domes?=
Not sure how the scheduling was re-worked this year, but this would normally be week 2. But my personal belief is that the season should be shortened by a month starting in mid-April and ending around mid-September. Playing playoff games up to nearly November in cold weather cities doesn’t work well either. But revenue needs dictate otherwise.
- Downstate - Thursday, Apr 7, 22 @ 10:16 am:
“Just to name things this week.”
Thanks. Were those events in daylight or evening hours? I’m asking as I have some travels slated. In particular, I love to use the CTA to attend Cub games.
- Vote Quimby - Thursday, Apr 7, 22 @ 10:32 am:
==season should be shortened by a month==
Agree to some extent… it’s certainly too long of a season with the ever-expanding playoff qualifiers. I thought going back to a 154-game schedule would be a good move, but obviously the owners don’t want to give up the revenue of losing four home games.
- Rudy’s teeth - Thursday, Apr 7, 22 @ 10:32 am:
Individuals on electronic monitoring have two “free days” where they can leave home for any reason.
Often individuals ride the trains, attack and intimidate people, or threaten riders waiting on platforms.
Have an easy walk to Division/Clark station, but I take the #22 or #36 bus to get downtown. The Division/Clark station could be Dante’s tenth circle.
Time to add canine patrols to CTA trains to provide some semblance of safety and sanity to public transportation.
- G'Kar - Thursday, Apr 7, 22 @ 10:51 am:
Not yet, but I will be having fun when the Pirates start beating up the Cardinals.
- Downstate - Thursday, Apr 7, 22 @ 10:51 am:
“Individuals on electronic monitoring have two “free days””
It’s ironic that your freedom is being limited by convicts who are given “free days”.
- G'Kar - Thursday, Apr 7, 22 @ 10:52 am:
Also, today is National Beer Day and I will be having fun later this afternoon when I go and support my favorite local brewpub.
- Suburbanon - Thursday, Apr 7, 22 @ 11:10 am:
@Downstate. I prefer taking CTA to and from Cubs games too. Generally you are safe in crowded cars except for the pickpockets and the drunks. The drunks are easy to see and avoid but not the pickpockets. Keep you valuables in a safe place and don’t wave your iPhone around.
- NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Thursday, Apr 7, 22 @ 11:15 am:
==Also, today is National Beer Day==
I thought every Cubs home game was National Beer Day.
- Downstate - Thursday, Apr 7, 22 @ 11:35 am:
“Keep you valuables…”
Thank you.
- NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Thursday, Apr 7, 22 @ 12:03 pm:
Interesting lead sentence to this morning’s Sun-Times story about Bally’s plan for a River West casino:
“Executives from an East Coast gambling company on Wednesday tried to gas up support for their proposed River West casino by insisting it would ease traffic in the congested neighborhood — but they were met by a room of many possible future neighbors urging them to pump the brakes.”
Ironically, when I saw the lede to the story this morning on one of the news links here (my eyes hadn’t fully awakened yet), I actually thought Wally’s was going to open a new truck stop at River West. Then a few seconds later I realized it was Bally’s.
- NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Thursday, Apr 7, 22 @ 12:19 pm:
Not only is today opening day of MLB, but also opening day of the Masters.
- Amalia - Thursday, Apr 7, 22 @ 12:34 pm:
Having fun watching Dick Durbin speaking from the floor of the U.S. Senate. What a guy.
- thisjustinagain - Thursday, Apr 7, 22 @ 12:57 pm:
Just had an Illinois used car dealer try adding an illegal $299 “doc fee” to a purchase that wasn’t being financed (only financed vehicles are allowed to charge a doc fee). Bet the Illinois AG’s office will be all over them too when I file a complaint (not).