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Campaign notebook

Friday, Apr 29, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* GOP gubernatorial candidate…

Gee. Strategies for equity and diversity. In a diverse state, of all places.

Also, clever phrasing, but $5.1 billion would be more than half of Illinois’ K-12 budget.

* Sullivan’s tweet is based on this Fox News story

Blue states across the country are using billions of taxpayer dollars from President Biden’s $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package to push core tenets of critical race theory (CRT) in public schools.

The American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act, which the Democrats passed in March 2021 without any Republican support, was billed by the Democratic Party as a necessity for reopening schools during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the law provided over $122 billion for the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER), which helped multiple states implement “implicit bias” and “anti-racism” training, among other programs, according to research from One Nation shared with and verified by Fox News Digital.


Hi there –

Fox News reports Illinois is using $5.1 billion in COVID relief money to teach students Critical Race Theory.

Illinois is one of a handful of states “that have used or plan to use billions of dollars in ARP funding for their state education departments to implement certain tenets of CRT.”

NRCC Comment: “Illinois children are being taught Critical Race Theory because Sean Casten, Marie Newman, Bill Foster, and Lauren Underwood voted for Democrats’ corrupt socialist stimulus.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Courtney Parella

* Emily Bittner at the governor’s office…

This story is a sensationalized lie about a manufactured far right boogeyman. Illinois is committed to teaching history accurately and has worked to make schools more equitable and inclusive for all students and staff – which is a strange and troubling thing to see Republicans criticize. They want to take schools back to the 1950s, and Governor Pritzker stands firm in his commitment to make sure schools are safe and welcoming centers of learning.

…Adding… DPI…

“Instead of focusing on cutting costs, supporting our education system, or safeguarding public health, Illinois Republicans seem to be more interested in banning books, defunding public schools, and inserting their extremist views into the classroom,” said Jake Lewis, Deputy Director of the Democratic Party of Illinois. “While the Illinois Republican Party moves even further to the right, Democrats have passed another balanced budget, led the state to its third credit upgrade, and fought to lower costs for all families. Illinois voters will not let the Republican Party roll back the clock on the progress our state has made.”

* Meanwhile, this looks like fun…

* Delia…

Today, Delia Ramirez’s campaign for Congress announced the endorsement of the Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) which represents 14,000 members in Illinois, many living in the 3rd Congressional District, working for the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA).

“Representative Ramirez has a track record of fighting to improve the lives of workers and every resident of Illinois. Her legislative accomplishments on affordable housing, healthcare for seniors and education are without a doubt exemplary of her unwavering commitment to working families. We are proud to support her campaign and look forward to continuing to partner with Leader Ramirez to fight for workers and infrastructure funding at the federal level,” said Deborah Cosey- Lane, Illinois State Conference Board President.

In addition, Representative Ramirez was also endorsed by the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen Division 294 and Peace Action, a political organization focusing on reducing the deployment of nuclear weapons and maintaining peace resolution at the center of U.S Foreign Policy.

* WGN’s Ben Bradley and Andrew Schroedter

The harassment occurs via text messages, blasted out to voters across the south suburb. Three officials are in the crosshairs: Clerk Nyota Figgs, Alderman James Patton and Alderman Monet Wilson

The scope extends far beyond politics.

One message falsely stated Patton’s family participated in racially motivated attacks.

Another mocked the physical appearance of Wilson and her children, while another listed names of 17 men that Figgs allegedly slept with. […]

The three officials routinely clash with Thaddeus Jones, the mayor of Calumet City who doubles as a Democratic state representative.

In Wilson’s case, she says she wasn’t targeted by the texter until announcing she would run against Jones in the upcoming Democratic primary, for the 29th District state representative seat.

However, she and Patton and Figgs acknowledge they have no evidence tying Jones or his allies to the messages. And he denies any involvement.

* But of course…

* State Senate…

Rachel Ventura earned three new endorsements from Illinois-based organizations. Planned Parenthood Illinois Action PAC, Equality Illinois, and Vote Mama were three state organizations who saw Ventura as the strongest candidate to win the 43rd State Senate seat.

* Russ Stewart

The noisy emergence of police officer Erin Jones as an opponent of state Senator Rob Martwick (D-10) is interesting. Martwick has $348,515 on-hand, raised $119,089, and will be given another $100,00 by senate President Don Harmon’s (D) campaign committee. Jones has $4,584 on-hand, giving Martwick a 76-1 money advantage. Jones touts FOP’s endorsement, but needs more from the FOP, which has indicated that her candidacy is her top priority. Having survived a petition challenge from the Martwick camp, can or will FOP president John Catanzara deliver for her? […]

Tina Wallace got noticed when she reported $83,719 on-hand in her D-2s, compared to state Representative opponent Lindsey LaPointe’s (D-19) on-hand of $155,888. But $80,000 of that was a personal loan from Wallace, and she raised $20,000 from others but has only a few thousand left on-hand, She’s in trouble. Keith Thornton has withdrawn.

An interesting race is developing in the 15th District, vacated in 2021 by John D’Amico (D) to take a job with the Plumbers Union. D’Amico still has $316,047 on-hand, a bundle more than appointee Mike Kelly’s (D) on-hand of $22,222. D’Amico told me he would spend some of his money to nominate and elect Kelly, a Mayfair firefighter, who is facing a challenge from the Left in Michael Rabbitt, who has $25,115 on-hand.

The big question is what the campaign cash-rich charter schools will do in those Martwick and LaPointe races. And as long as Wallace is willing to spend the money she loaned her campaign, she has decent bucks on hand. Rep. Kelly will get the cash he needs, and he will also have plenty of help in the field. The Northwest Side is buzzing with political activity again, and we haven’t even mentioned Rep. Kathleen Willis’ Democratic primary in this post.

…Adding… The first round of Personal PAC endorsements is out. Click here. Rep. Denyse Wang Stoneback isn’t on the list, but that could change. Also, no nod yet in the 16th Senate District primary between Lamont Williams and Willie Preston.


  1. - LakeCo - Friday, Apr 29, 22 @ 2:32 pm:

    Republicans say “equity” “diversity” and “anti-racism” like they’re dirty words…

  2. - walker - Friday, Apr 29, 22 @ 2:41 pm:

    I thought Sulivan might have some intelligence and integrity. I was apparently wrong.

  3. - SWIL_Voter - Friday, Apr 29, 22 @ 2:42 pm:

    People who oppose equity, diversity, and anti-racism are not good people. They are impediments to progress in any free society. They should be swiftly driven from public life and shamed forever

  4. - Arsenal - Friday, Apr 29, 22 @ 2:47 pm:

    I guess Sullivan’s high paid consultant from Youngkin’s campaign forgot to tell him that the secret sauce of Youngkin’s education win was promising to put more money into schools, not complaining that they got too much.

    Just as well, ILGOP has basically abandoned education as an issue anyway.

  5. - JS Mill - Friday, Apr 29, 22 @ 2:48 pm:

    Not that we needed any more examples from candidate “stolen valor” but we now know what truly reprehensible and dishonest person he is.

  6. - 47th Ward - Friday, Apr 29, 22 @ 2:49 pm:

    We have a lot of problems in our state, from unfunded pensions to skyrocketing property taxes to you name it. Critical Race Theory is NOT being taught in K-12 schools, and even if it was, this is all a ridiculously transparent attempt at culture wars that serve only to inflame and distract.

    It’s tiresome. The entire right wing noise machine is fixated on this. We have big problems we should be focusing on solving. Talking about this nonsense doesn’t solve anything.

    Republicans who peddle this garbage have nothing of substance to offer.

  7. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Apr 29, 22 @ 2:53 pm:

    A real fail for Sullivan is this idea sold, either to him or embraced by his crew as Sullivan sold it, that his neophyte run will allow niche positions while embracing radical right ideology, including religion.

    Sullivan is now the “good looking Californian that scares people when he speaks”

    At this point the grifting, thought only by me to be for cryptocurrency is actually being done by his paid staff, man, they are soaking this guy and letting him sink to the honesty of policy.

  8. - hisgirlfriday - Friday, Apr 29, 22 @ 2:58 pm:

    Mendoza’s tweet brings back some happy memories. I was a RATM fan back in the day and saw them live at their show in Rosemont in ‘99 or thereabouts.

    Have also more recently been enjoying the stories that Tom Morello shares about his Illinois background on his SiriusXM shows.

  9. - Sir Reel - Friday, Apr 29, 22 @ 3:05 pm:

    Wow, $5.1 billion! I’m gonna cash in by writing a CRT textbook. I’ll get rich. Oh wait, it’s not true.

  10. - Homebody - Friday, Apr 29, 22 @ 3:07 pm:

    I’d like to thank the NRCC for publicizing all the good work being done by the State of Illinois.

  11. - Amalia - Friday, Apr 29, 22 @ 3:08 pm:

    I can just hear Sus yelling “awesome.” and yes, it is.

  12. - Lake Effect - Friday, Apr 29, 22 @ 3:19 pm:

    Antiracism is neo-racism. Equity is a far cry from equality.

  13. - In_The_Middle - Friday, Apr 29, 22 @ 3:20 pm:

    Sullivan forgot to include the work “woke”.

  14. - Lake Effect - Friday, Apr 29, 22 @ 3:25 pm:

    Sir Reel, publish that book!

    “Racism will disappear when [it’s] no longer profitable and no longer psychologically useful. When that happens, it’ll be gone” -Toni Morrison

  15. - The Snowman - Friday, Apr 29, 22 @ 3:38 pm:

    So they say Rachel Ventura is the most electable Democrat in the 43rd. I dare say any Democrat running in the 43rd will win in November. The question is do the Democrats want a far-left candidate (Ventura) or a center-left candidate (Mattson).

  16. - Blake - Friday, Apr 29, 22 @ 3:40 pm:

    SWIL_voter, are you a secret right-winger trying to make the left look like oppressors?
    Driving people from public life for what? Opposing affirmative action?

  17. - lake county democrat - Friday, Apr 29, 22 @ 3:42 pm:

    Re: Mendoza - I know Tom Morello is radical chic, but does anyone on the left care that the guy is a supporter of the Maoist group “Shining Path” (he emblazoned his guitar with their name (Sendero Luminoso) which routinely blew up civilians in rural Peru?

  18. - Montrose - Friday, Apr 29, 22 @ 3:43 pm:

    “Antiracism is neo-racism. Equity is a far cry from equality.”


    To Sullivan’s stuff - as others have said, the fact that we have reached a point where Republicans have turned words like “equity” in something to be feared and hated. That is so incredibly messed up.

    To Lightfoot - Me thinks thou doth protest too much. Really. You doth.

  19. - Nick Name - Friday, Apr 29, 22 @ 3:44 pm:

    Republicans: ZOMG equity diversity CRT[banned punctuation]

    Democrats: Rage Against the Machine and crowd surfing woo-hoo[banned punctuation]

    I know who I’m voting for (hint: it ain’t the guy fear-mongering about CRT).

  20. - Grandson of Man - Friday, Apr 29, 22 @ 3:46 pm:

    Republicans are stuck with their base and can’t run against each other as moderates, apparently. They can’t say, “I’m Candidate X and I support BLM and locking up violent criminals.” They have to go full culture war against the “woke mob” and liberals. They have to go “criminal thugs, handouts, all lives matter,” and all the other dog whistles.

  21. - SWIL_Voter - Friday, Apr 29, 22 @ 3:47 pm:

    “Driving people from public life for what?”

    Read the post again for the answer.

    People who oppose equity, diversity, and anti-racism have no business being public servants. They’re explicitly telling you they don’t want to serve the entire public. Please let me know if you’d like me to reiterate this again.

  22. - Rudy’s teeth - Friday, Apr 29, 22 @ 4:02 pm:

    Mr. TED Talk—Jesse Sullivan finds a way to worm his idea of service into any and all spots.

    No one is buying this nonsense…especially CRT.

  23. - Original Rambler - Friday, Apr 29, 22 @ 4:24 pm:

    LCD - here’s an Illinois boy who done good returning to celebrate his roots but dammit you’ll find some way to slam him and Mendoza. Would it have been okay if it was Ted Nugent? You can separate the politics from the music. Good on Mendoza heading downstate to join Tom Morello.

  24. - Candy Dogood - Friday, Apr 29, 22 @ 4:24 pm:

    At least Jesse will look better in his tacticool gear than Darren will when they storm the State Board of Elections over the primaries being rigged against them.

  25. - OneMan - Friday, Apr 29, 22 @ 4:26 pm:

    Just was listening to (didn’t finish it yet) a Tim Ferris podcast where he was playing an interview he did with Tom Morello a few years ago.

    Tom’s mom had left Marseilles as a single woman and traveled the world for 20 years. He and his mom ended up in Libertyville for a while (his mom taught there) and he talked about being the only black kid in town and how the realtor had to ask their neighbors in the apartment complex if it would be OK for them to live there. The part I have listened to so far was very interesting.

  26. - Original Rambler - Friday, Apr 29, 22 @ 4:26 pm:

    The WGN story on Jones closed by noting that the aldermen are not cooperating with the formal investigation.

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