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Campaign notebook

Monday, May 2, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* A June 28 primary has no precedent in Illinois’ political memory, so, yeah, Ruttenberg could very well be right. From Kate Walter at the Daily Northwestern

While primary elections usually take place in March, the Illinois General Assembly voted to push the primaries until June 28 to account for delayed 2020 census data.

Rachel Ruttenberg, the board president for the Democratic Party of Evanston, said she is worried that this delay could impact voter turnout in Evanston.

“Even though I know that Evanstonians are typically politically active and passionate about governance, I am concerned that we will be challenged to turn out the votes in late June,” Ruttenberg said.

* From Pearson’s story on the revamped Democratic Party of Illinois

The modernization of the party also is reflected in a comprehensive post-primary campaign for Democrats across the November ballot that is expected to be unveiled in coming days. Funded and led by the billionaire Pritzker, the coordinated campaign will also enlist the state party organization, the Illinois Democratic County Chairs’ Association and other ancillary groups.

“You know, this is a challenging year and we shouldn’t take anything for granted,” Durbin said. “So let’s all get it together.”

The party’s evolution from the Madigan era also is seen in the development, from scratch, of a digital program, something Witt called a “core part of how campaigns need to communicate in 2022.″

Witt said Kelly “had this vision for a modern professional party” and how it communicates its message, as well as “trying to engage volunteers and organizers and activists who will get that message to their network.” The party is six months into developing its email program, and its mailing list now totals more than 100,000 people, she said.

They definitely have some major knots to untangle during the primary season to get their thing ready for November. But they’re also not alone in that.

* House Republican Leader Jim Durkin was asked by WCIA last week about his support for Richard Irvin in the GOP primary

Q: What is it about the rest of the field that you believe makes them unable to beat Gov. Pritzker?

A: We’ve got to be able to win in the suburbs and also in Chicago. None of them have that type of quality or appeal that is strong enough as Richard’s to be able to reach into areas where we traditionally have not won. So that is why I think Richard, on balance, is clearly the strongest candidate to compete against JB Pritzker. And here’s also why: The DGA, the Democratic Governors Association, is not running TV ads against Darren Bailey, or Gary Rabine or Jesse Sullivan. They’re running against Richard Irvin. They are scared of Richard. They don’t want to run against Richard. That is why they’re making this huge investment.

Q: So you’re saying Democrats aren’t scared of any of the other candidates, only Richard?

A: No. Clearly. They’d be running television commercials against them as well.

He ain’t wrong.

* Speaking of Richard Irvin, this mailer is from the same guy who hasn’t yet said, despite being asked multiple times, for whom he voted for president in 2020 and 2016, or, for that matter, in any of the many Democratic primaries he took part in…

* Politifact says congressional candidate is telling the truth

Orland Park Mayor Keith Pekau claims the village’s crime is the lowest it has been in 27 years.

Since Pekau first announced his GOP bid last year for Illinois’ 6th Congressional District, he has repeatedly touted Orland Park’s low crime numbers.

“We’ve reduced crime to its lowest level in 27 years,” Pekau said in a recent Facebook campaign ad with more than 88,000 views. […]

Pekau claims crime in Orland Park is at its lowest level in 27 years. Index crimes are currently at their lowest, but the crime problems in some areas remain. Pekau also did not mention the high number of violent crimes reported in 2017, the year he took office.

We rate this claim True.

* On to the SoS race…

Secretary of State Candidate David Moore is proud to receive the endorsements of two people who are synonymous with good government and integrity. At a news conference Monday, May 2, 2022, 10 a.m., at the Hotel Allegro, 171 W. Randolph St., Orpheum Room, 3rd Floor, U.S. Rep. Danny Davis (7th CD) and former Chicago Alderman Dick Simpson will endorse Moore as their choice for the next Illinois Secretary of State. Both men believe Moore’s record of integrity and good government are the two most important characteristics for the person seeking to replace Secretary Jesse White, who is retiring after this term.

At the news conference, Moore will outline his plans to keep the office transparent and accountable to prevent it from returning to a political seat instead of a servant’s seat.

The recent media revelations showing elected officials using their political positions to enrich themselves is why the secretary of state’s seat must remain a servant’s seat and not a steppingstone for people’s political resumes or ambitions,” says Moore, who also serves as Chicago’s 17th Ward alderman.

* Illinois Family Action has traditionally been the hardcore of the hardcore on the far right…

Jim Marter for Congress (IL-14) Receives Illinois Family Action Endorsement

Oswego, IL (April 30, 2022) – “I’m excited and grateful to receive this important endorsement from Illinois Family Action. Their mission in part is to make sure our politicians and representatives honor the values of family, faith and freedom. For too long, we’ve confined the voice of people of faith to their houses of worship. Then, we started seeing big government locking them out of their churches. Pro-family, pro-faith, regular Americans, deserve a voice in Congress and in society. They pay taxes, make their communities better and try to raise their kids as productive citizens who love America and their fellow man. I share these values and I hear their voice. Freedom, family and faith are pillars of our society and policies should favor them, not undermine them,” said Marter.

* National poll…

* The education culture war is raging. But for most parents, it’s background noise: That satisfaction extends to hot-button topics. In the poll, 76% of respondents agree that “my child’s school does a good job keeping me informed about the curriculum, including potentially controversial topics.” “It really is a pretty vocal minority that is hyper-focused on parental rights and decisions around curriculum,” observes Mallory Newall of Ipsos, which conducted the poll. Just 18% of parents say their child’s school taught about gender and sexuality in a way that clashed with their family’s values; just 19% say the same about race and racism; and just 14% feel that way about U.S. history.

* From the poll: More parents believe their child’s school is teaching about race and racism, the impact of slavery, and sexuality and gender identity in a way that is consistent with their values than not. However, a sizeable portion – roughly one in three – indicate they don’t know. Republican (26%) parents are more likely than Democratic (11%) and independent (17%) ones to say their child’s school is not teaching about sexuality and gender identity in a way that is consistent with their values. This is the only issue in the survey where there is a significant difference in opinion between Republican and Democratic parents.

…Adding… We’ve already discussed the Jesse Sullivan endorsement, but here are other Lake County GOP endorsements…

1. Governor/Lt. Governor: Jesse Sullivan/Kathleen Murphy (68%);

2. Attorney General: David Shestokas (60%);

3. Secretary of State: Dan Brady (84.6%);

4. U.S. Senator: Kathy Salvi (92.3%);

5. U.S. House (CD-5): Maggie McGonigal (100%);

6. U.S. House (CD-11): Mark Carroll (60%);

That AG candidate has not yet reported raising a single thin dime.

…Adding… Planned Parenthood made just one endorsement in the SoS primary…

Democratic Secretary of State candidate Anna Valencia announced today that she has earned the endorsement of Planned Parenthood of Illinois Action (PPIA), a major endorsement that highlights Valencia’s unwavering commitment to protecting and advancing reproductive rights. In previous elections, PPIA has endorsed multiple candidates in races, but is only endorsing Valencia in the primary for Secretary of State.

“The Planned Parenthood Illinois Action board of directors is proud to endorse pro-choice champion, Anna Valencia, for Secretary of State,” said Jennifer Welch, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood of Illinois Action. “Valencia is a stalwart supporter of sexual and reproductive health and in this moment, when access to essential health care is on the line, Illinois needs leadership that has strong pro-choice values.”


  1. - paradox - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 11:39 am:

    Better weather (not just for voters but also for door knockers), more time for voters to learn about the candidates, expanded Early Voting…. am I missing something here? Why would turnout go down?

  2. - paradox - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 11:40 am:

    oh, and also kids aren’t in school so that’s one less thing for working parents to juggle on Election Day when it comes to finding time to vote.

  3. - Arsenal - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 11:42 am:

    ==He ain’t wrong.==

    Although I think Dems are in danger of underrating the other candidates- if things are bad enough, any of them could win, and polarization being what it is, I kinda suspect even Irvin and Bailey to perform within about 5% of each other. There’s tons of stories throughout political history of incumbents getting trounced by the challenger they “Wanted” to face.

  4. - Arsenal - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 11:44 am:

    ==Speaking of Richard Irvin==

    I find it very interesting here that Sullivan has been added to Irvin’s messaging. The Griff Gang is seeing something that I am not.

  5. - Rich Miller - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 11:45 am:

    ===has been added===

    He’s been on it for a bit. Sullivan is spending money, and they don’t like to take chances.

  6. - Candy Dogood - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 12:02 pm:

    ===The modernization of the party also is reflected in a comprehensive post-primary campaign for Democrats across the November ballot that is expected to be unveiled in coming days.===

    A significant portion of the staff for this should already be in place, including organizing directors, regional organizing directors, a voter protection director, et al. Illinois has consistently been behind other states bringing on staffing for state and congressional races, often waiting until the DNC, DCCC, or DSCC starts funding staff positions around August or September before bringing people on board which significantly limits the over all effectiveness of field operations and creates significant dependency on GOTV operations handled by county and precinct organizations which has mixed results and are typically in progress when the staff that doesn’t appear until the final 100 days show up.

    ===“had this vision for a modern professional party”===

    This isn’t something that is revolutionary, it is something that has been deployed successfully for years across other states and Illinois lagged behind because of the influence of a handful of people.

    If the DPI is going to modernize we should expect there to be a more robust level of staff coming into an election year than there has been historically and an organization that isn’t completely dependent on legislative employees “volunteering.”

    Focusing on electronic communication or emails is a nice touch, but it’s also a safe space since it doesn’t actually involve attempting to organize local fiefdoms that may be somewhat resistant to the idea that we can’t rely on whatever version of machine politics they like the imagine they’re involved in.

    I will be surprised if this cycle is more than a baby step into the 21st century, Abby Witt has had her work cut out for her since she joined the team. There are plenty of people that think the way things have worked has worked for them, and plenty of people who think that things don’t need to be any different.

  7. - Long year - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 12:25 pm:

    No one on the Grif slate got the Lake County endorsement. Guess money can’t buy you love.

  8. - Lake Villa Township - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 12:27 pm:

    The Lake county GOP vote was ranked choice, I am a dem PC so I did not partake in the vote myself but I think that as long as tabulation is swift and reliable that ranked choice should be the norm.

  9. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 12:29 pm:

    It’s the comic relief I need, DPI.

    Until DPI figures out how they’ll gel with statehouse leadership, including the governor, it’s a great deal of folly.

    Also… Durkin ain’t wrong. Nope.

    While Irvin’s Crew rarely leaves thing that chance, any chance it’s not Irvin as the nominee… it’ll sink the GOP and hurt Durkin, his caucus, and threaten Durkin’s own leadership, if the “wrong” Republicans win in both the primary and general.

  10. - Arsenal - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 12:30 pm:

    ==No one on the Grif slate got the Lake County endorsement. Guess money can’t buy you love. ==

    I’d defer to someone who knows a lot more about the local issues, but my suspicion is that with Lake Party really turning blue lately, the county party apparatus has become a little fringe-ier.

    Still, you’d think the Griff Gang would want to run up the score in the suburbs.

  11. - Donnie Elgin - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 12:34 pm:

    “The party’s evolution from the Madigan era also is seen in the development″

    Lots of Madigan money still rattling around in both the DPI and individual campaign coffers. And MJM is still listed as part of the Dem State Central Committee leadership (Hon.Michael Madigan 3rd Congressional District) so that is some evolution.

  12. - G'Kar - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 12:35 pm:

    A few years ago I saw an ad for a room heater that was powered by burning junk mail, catalogs, etc. I wish I had purchased one because if I save the mailers I’m getting for Irvin, pro-Irvin pacs, anti-Irvin pacs, a few from Sullivan, and even one from Bailey, I’d have more than enough fuel to heat the house come this winter.

  13. - Rich Miller - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 12:36 pm:

    === And MJM is still listed ===

    Because he didn’t resign. He’s not running again.

  14. - Charlie Wheeler - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 1:03 pm:

    Point of information

    Illinois primary elections were held in April almost continuously from the time the state replaced the old system of party nominating conventions in the early 1900s until 1966, when the primary election was June 14. In 1968, the primary was on June 11, after which a March date became standard, beginning with the March 17, 1970, primary.


    Charlie Wheeler

  15. - Lake Villa Township - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 1:20 pm:

    Wait so Lake County GOP didn’t endorse a candidate in IL10?

  16. - Amalia - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 1:26 pm:

    oh we forget the Evanstonians will be summering unlike the rest of us.

  17. - Proud Sucker - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 2:03 pm:

    Mrs. Sucker and I each received one of these Saturday. We were impressed that they used nice pictures of POTUS 43 and 45. Great smiles. Something where they were shouting or looking angry seems to better fit the mailer.

  18. - Ron Burgundy - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 2:10 pm:

    Notice the mailer said the “tickets” said it, not necessarily the gubernatorial candidates.

  19. - Back to the Future - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 2:43 pm:

    Someone must think these post card ideas must work or Team Irvin would not be sending them out. I suppose if you think you have enough money to spend you can tell a story loud enough that your opponents will be buried under some negative cloud that will get you votes.
    Of course if this makes your own candidate seem like a hypocrite you just ignore the consequences of your really dumb approach as you cash checks in your account.
    As a rule KG picks really smart people to work with him and that is a big reason he has been successful. Wonder were he came up with Team Irvin to spend his money on?

  20. - NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 2:50 pm:

    ==In 1968, the primary was on June 11,==

    Sadly, that was a week after RFK’s assassination after winning the June 4, 1968 California primary. IIRC Ohio also had their primary that same tragic day.

  21. - zatoichi - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 4:04 pm:

    In the last week I got a 6-7 different postcards from Irvin. All say the same text with different fonts, pics, graphics layouts. Committee must have gotten 10 designs and took them all. They sure riding Bailey’s comment about a Biden vote hard.

  22. - Homebody - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 4:16 pm:

    What the heck does the Secretary of State have to do with reproductive health?

  23. - Charles Wright - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 4:29 pm:

    Jesse Sullivan wins Lake County with ~70% of the vote after winning Wheeling Township GOP with ~70% of the vote a couple of weeks ago. Jeb Bush, er I mean, Richard Irvin, isn’t cakewalking or connecting.

  24. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 4:31 pm:

    ===Jesse Sullivan wins===

    Meh. An endorsement is no different than the endorsements Irvin, Bailey, any candidate gets.

    ===isn’t cakewalking or connecting.===

    Got statewide polling to cite?


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