Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x3 *** Irvin campaign claims Pritzker “prioritizes criminals over communities,” as ILGOP chair slams the governor’s “abnormal and insane governing philosophy”
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*** UPDATED x3 *** Irvin campaign claims Pritzker “prioritizes criminals over communities,” as ILGOP chair slams the governor’s “abnormal and insane governing philosophy”

Monday, May 2, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* First up, Richard Irvin…

Another weekend of violent crime in J.B. Pritzker’s Illinois – with nine people killed and 26 wounded in violent attacks across Chicago and surrounding areas. This weekend’s news included a man who was fatally shot in a downtown hotel Sunday morning just one mile away from Pritzker’s own residence. The day before, a woman was murdered and another man injured at State Street and the Chicago River. On Sunday night a theater performance was canceled due to a shooting in the Loop.

Crime on the Chicago Transit Authority continues to pose a threat to citizens, with two separate attacks occurring less than an hour apart Saturday night. In one incident, a man was struck with a knife to the head and pushed onto the tracks at a Green Line station. In a second incident, a man riding a Blue Line train was attacked with a knife by an unknown man.

A Wall Street Journal report uncovered that some Chicago neighborhoods are fed up with Pritzker’s dereliction of duty in keeping communities safe and have hired their own private security companies to patrol their neighborhoods. P4 Security Solutions LLC has been hired by at least five neighborhoods on the north side of Chicago, most of these in affluent communities where residents can afford to pay for extra safety measures.

“With a governor in office who prioritizes criminals over communities, violent crime will continue to escalate,” said Irvin for Illinois campaign spokesperson Eleni Demertzis. “Communities across the state are desperate for leadership that will empower our law enforcement to combat skyrocketing crime.”

*** UPDATE 3 *** This Sun-Times story illustrates why it’s so tricky to try to politically capitalize on specific crime incidents before the full story is known

Two men were wounded near the Theater District in the Loop when the victims of a robbery opened fire at the thieves and hit them instead — prompting the cancellation of a Sunday evening performance of a musical nearby.

The robbery had occurred at a Taco Bell near the 100 block of North Wabash Street late Sunday afternoon, according to Chief of Detectives Brendan Deenihan. The victims began chasing the robbers and firing at them, he said.

Two men, 27 and 55 — described by Deenihan as “unintended targets” — were shot in an alley on the block.


How’s that tourism push going, JB?

Tragedy once again struck the city of Chicago over the weekend as criminals had their way. Several individuals became victims in places once thought to be immune from such thoughtless violence, including a man on the second floor of a Streeterville hotel.

CWB Chicago…

“Officers responded to calls of shots fired on the second floor of Sonesta ES Suites, 201 East Walton, just before 5 a.m. They found the victim in the hallway with gunshot wounds throughout his body, according to CPD.

The man died a short time later at Northwestern Memorial Hospital.”

“The victim is the 13th person shot on the Near North Side so far this year and the fourth person shot since Friday morning. He is the second murder victim in the neighborhood this weekend.

By comparison, there were three shooting victims on the Near North Side at this point last year and four as of May 1, 2020.

On Saturday morning, a woman was killed and another injured when a man shot them during an argument on State Street near Marina City.

Friday morning, a man claimed that home invaders shot him inside his high-rise apartment on the first block of West Elm. The circumstances of that incident remain under investigation.”

Getting shot and killed in a hotel on the Near North Side might put a damper on Pritzker’s recent tourism push in which he declares Illinois in “The Middle of Everything.”

Perhaps not the parallel Pritzker was thinking when his team devised that slogan, but it sure seems like Illinois’ global city is at the heart of lawlessness, and pro-criminal policies that have prevailed in Democrat politics over the last few years. It’s time Governor Pritzker stopped catering to the radical anti-police fringe in his party and started protecting the public from violent criminals.

* From the state GOP chair’s weekly newsletter…

Prosecutors speak out against Pritzker’s plan to end cash bail

Under Governor JB Pritzker’s leadership, Illinois has become one of the most radically pro-criminal, anti-police states in the nation. So, it’s no surprise that state’s attorneys - the top prosecutors in each of their respective counties - are no fan of Pritzker’s new criminal “reform” of eliminating cash bail.

As reported by WGEM, even a Democrat state’s attorney, Will County’s James Glasgow, has serious concerns about the new law as he relayed a frightening scenario. “If someone murders a person, and that’s the only person that we’re aware of that they’re a danger to, that doesn’t fulfill the burden,” Glasgow said. “I mean any normal sane person would say that’s insane, that’s absurd, that’s ridiculous it can’t be in the law but it’s in the law.”

You’re right, James. Any “normal sane person” would say a law immediately releasing violent criminals onto our streets to commit more acts of violence is “absurd” and “ridiculous.” More importantly, it doesn’t keep our communities safe.

Governor Pritzker has the abnormal and insane governing philosophy that prioritizes the thoughts and feelings of violent criminals above law enforcement and public safety.

Four more years of JB Pritzker is dangerous for Illinois.

Governors own. Get used to it, even though this is all just way over the top and it’s a national issue

With violent crime increasing in many parts of the U.S., Republicans see a winning strategy in portraying Democrats as soft on crime ahead of this year’s elections. In ads, campaign appearances and interviews, the GOP has ripped liberal policies and blamed Democratic lawmakers from the White House to city councils for the violence.

But in Oklahoma, where Gov. Kevin Stitt is being targeted for mass commutations and a crime that involved cannibalism, the attacks are different: Stitt is a Republican.

In one ad, a woman’s voice says Stitt commuted the prison sentence of a man who later “brutally murdered his neighbor, then tried to feed her organs to his family.” The ad, paid for by a group called Conservative Voice of America, concludes, “Oklahomans deserve a governor who cracks down on violent criminals, not one who lets them go.”

I guess it could always be worse.

*** UPDATE 1 *** Press release…

Governor JB Pritzker announced the launch of $113 million in funding opportunities for community organizations working on violence prevention and interruption across the state. This funding builds on $73 million already distributed by the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) to organizations in FY22 as well as an additional $71.8 million in the pipeline, with grant agreements expected to be finalized prior to the summer.

These grant applications are part of a series of funding opportunities to reduce firearm violence by implementing evidence-based solutions.

“This is an unprecedented effort to stop the cycle of violence in our communities and invest resources in the communities where they are needed the most,” said Governor Pritzker. “From expanding summer jobs, to investing in behavioral health programs and youth development, we are bringing historic levels of funding to proven programs that prevent violence and keep people safe.”

The Reimagine Public Safety Act (RPSA) is a three-year, multi-pronged approach to violence prevention that calls for research-backed services like summer and afterschool programming, job training and placement, high-risk youth intervention services, violence interruption, case management, trauma-informed mental health care supported by Medicaid, and more.

The funds are available in neighborhoods that have experienced concentrated firearm violence, including 42 areas across the state — 26 in Chicago and 16 in the suburbs and downstate. The effort is designed to support both short-term needs and address long-term causes of firearm violence to safeguard impacted communities through research-based violence prevention methods.

Community-based organizations that provide services in any of the 42 eligible communities (and follow GATA guidelines) can apply. Applications will be accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis to expedite funding.

Organizations interested in this second round of violence prevention funding are encouraged to use free IDHS resources, including navigator and technical assistance programs, webinars, and a GATA app. These resources are available at

“These investments are designed to build on past work and create enduring change. Illinois is carrying out an historic commitment - in resources and programs to combat violence. In addition to the anti-violence work of Reimagine Public Safety, IDHS is also strengthening and deepening existing youth development programs,” said Grace B. Hou, Secretary, Illinois Department of Human Services.

“The experts in our communities that do this work understand that when you invest in people—especially youth, teens and families—you are invested in violence prevention,” said Chris Patterson, Assistant Secretary of the Office of Firearm Violence Prevention. “We invite all qualified community-based organizations to join us and apply for funding.”

“Today, communities are a step closer to addressing the problem of firearm violence with this round of funding being made available. We are encouraging all communities to apply, get GATA certified so we can work hand-in-hand with affected communities, intervening with at risk youth, supporting survivors and working from a grass roots level. We want every single community to get the public safety everyone deserves,” State Senator Robert Peters (D-Chicago).

“Many Illinois communities have been impacted by an increase in gun violence,” said State Representative Justin Slaughter (D-Chicago). Real public safety demands that we address the root causes of violence at the grassroots level. This next round of funding will allow for communities to get the financial resources needed to make impact and change.”

IDHS is focused on bringing resources into communities to address the epidemic of firearm violence that has impacted too many Illinois communities.

“The state’s investment is welcome recognition of the comprehensive, urgent, and often-unsung work community organizations have been doing to strengthen and expand community-led violence prevention infrastructure in Illinois,” Soledad McGrath, Executive Director, Northwestern Neighborhood & Network Initiative, Research Professor, Institute for Policy Research, Northwestern University.

Additionally, the administration is launching a statewide a series of community roundtables. Community conversations will take place in Rockford, Champaign, Peoria, and East St. Louis with local community advisors, faith-based leaders, and elected officials. The Reimagine Public Safety Act requires the Office of Firearm Violence Prevention to convene Local Advisory Councils (LAC) in the 16 RPSA eligible service areas outside of Chicago.

To apply for funding, visit

*** UPDATE 2 *** Natalie Edelstein at the Pritzker campaign…

Make no mistake, Republicans are exploiting tragedy for political gain while providing no solutions other than shouting “lock them up.” It is not only cynical and counter-productive, it is wrong.

The governor has taken steps to address crime at every level: solving crimes that have occurred and addressing the root causes.

The Republicans yelling the loudest about public safety concerns—including Avery Bourne and Darren Bailey—are also those voting against the budget and for defunding violence prevention programs.


  1. - SWIL_Voter - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 11:06 am:

    I’d say cheering on murders and gloating about it is as low as the GOP can get, but I’m certain they’ll continue to be even more despicable excuses for humans than they already are. Still 6 months to go

  2. - Arsenal - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 11:08 am:

    ==most of these in affluent communities where residents can afford to pay for extra safety measures==

    In other words, rich white folk freaked out, lol.

    ==“With a governor in office who prioritizes criminals over communities”==

    We talking about the criminal defense attorney?

  3. - PublicServant - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 11:20 am:

    Hire more Police, please.

  4. - Captain Obvious - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 11:21 am:

    Don’t think the guy riddled with bullets in that hotel would think the criticism is “over the top” or just a “national issue.” Nor would any other of the victims. Pretty callous attitude.

  5. - Tonight - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 11:23 am:

    Dems who discount the fear and angst out there do it at their own peril. The suburbs matter big time in Illinois politics. Political people should get out of their political bubbles and ask their non political friends and neighbors. They are worried. They are not happy with what they hear and see. Even if it’s overblown, it’s perceived as reality.

  6. - JS Mill - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 11:23 am:

    = that some Chicago neighborhoods are fed up with Pritzker’s dereliction of duty in keeping communities safe=

    So Irvin can’t handle crime and wants the governor to step up?

  7. - Arsenal - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 11:25 am:

    ==Pretty callous attitude. ==

    LOL, yeah, *Rich* is the one being callous, not the folks screeching about these people’s intense personal tragedies in hopes of scoring a couple political points.

  8. - Amalia - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 11:26 am:

    The crime in Chicago is on Lightfoot with a spillover to JB. but if Zelensky can have a wartime everyday approach with secret help from the USA, Lightfoot can get it together with an assist from JB. She should have one main thing on her table every day and it is crime fighting.

  9. - Arsenal - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 11:26 am:

    ==Dems who discount the fear and angst out there do it at their own peril.==

    Yes, but there’s not many Dems actually doing that.

  10. - SWIL_Voter - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 11:27 am:

    “They are worried. They are not happy with what they hear and see. Even if it’s overblown, it’s perceived as reality.”

    Nobody is overlooking or downplaying it. Nobody. Intelligent people understand that turning it into a political football will make it much harder to actually address the problem though. And these attempts by the GOP to spike the football come off as monstrous

  11. - Arsenal - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 11:28 am:

    ==The crime in Chicago is on Lightfoot with a spillover to JB.==

    Yeah, but JB’s the one on the ballot this year. There might be a little insulation as voters sometimes do consider crime a “city” problem, but if they’re mad enough, they’re going to take it out on whatever incumbent is handy.

  12. - Norseman - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 11:28 am:

    The GOP’s insane rhetoric will get them votes. The trouble is that the GOP lovingly embraces a primary factor in violent crimes - guns. They want guns on buses, guns for churches, guns for schools, guns for domestic abusers, guns for the mentally ill. It’s not just plain guns, they want assault rifles so that the victims of violence, like kids, are shredded by the deadly effect of the ammunition.

    Sadly, the effort to find legitimate solutions will fall victim to the rhetoric.

  13. - SWIL_Voter - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 11:32 am:

    “Even if it’s overblown, it’s perceived as reality.”

    Do you want politicians to deal with the perception of crime or the reality of crime? For decades these manufactured panics have dealt solely with perception, and that led to us having the most incarcerated country on earth with little social benefit to show for it. Addressing the reality of crime involves addressing poverty and lack of opportunity. Are the people continuously screeching about the perception of crime proposing anything to address the reality of crime? Or are they just screeching for political points?

  14. - Grandson of Man - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 11:33 am:

    The ILGOP solution to crime is financial starvation and tax cuts, utter magic fairy dust. They voted against the budget. It’s Raunerism. That should be a softball down the middle of the plate for Democrats and Pritzker, in terms of counter-messaging.

  15. - Downstate - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 11:39 am:

    “That should be a softball down the middle of the plate for Democrats and Pritzker”

    But while Priztker and team control all the political levers and the money, the problems of crime continue to get worse.

  16. - Snark - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 11:39 am:

    Snark all you want or claim that this is being aggrandized for political purposes - but the reality is business are terrified of investment more resources into the city, parents of suburbanite kids are not letting their kids into the city to shop and enjoy what the city used to offer safely and businesses and residents are moving the suburbs. Scoff at the logic and claimed exaggerations of crime all you want - but that’s the reality of what’s going on. And it’s all hurting the city.

  17. - Roadrager - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 11:40 am:

    ==Hire more Police, please.==

    I have some news for you about the Chicago Police Department’s record on crime prevention and solving violent crime in the city, and it predates Lori Lightfoot, David Brown, COVID-19, the consent decree, and the recent uptick in retirements from the force. Upping the ranks with a bunch of rookies in a rushed fashion is not going to help much, if any.

  18. - Levois J - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 11:40 am:

    I may not agree with everything Gov. Pritzker is doing or even advocates for, however, unlike a few of our past governors he’s actually governing. He has some accomplishments to back it up, especially the more financial accomplishments.

  19. - vern - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 11:50 am:

    === Getting shot and killed in a hotel on the Near North Side might put a damper on Pritzker’s recent tourism push in which he declares Illinois in “The Middle of Everything.” ===

    Maybe it’s just me but that sentence reads like they’re implying that Pritzker was the victim in that shooting. I guess it’s probably a grammar error, given that they also mis-inflected “Democrat” instead of its adjectival form “Democratic.”

    Either way, the tone of the ILGOP statement is snotty and cruel. “How’s that tourism push going, JB?” is not a moral or well-adjusted reaction to a human death. The party of life ™ couldn’t even bring itself to fake solemnity or mourn the victims.

  20. - Cheryl44 - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 11:54 am:

    We don’t need more police. We need police who are better trained and supported.

  21. - Huh? - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 11:55 am:

    Since when is it the responsibility of the governor to manage the Chicago Police Department. Assigning more ISP can only with the coordination of CPD.

    By extension, where is Sheriff Dart? Why isn’t he getting pummeled for not doing more to control crime in Cook County?

  22. - JS Mill - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 12:00 pm:

    = the problems of crime continue to get worse.=

    Why can’t Irvin do anything about crime? That is his message, yet he keeps telling us he is tough on crime while looking to Pritzker for a solution.

    That does not speak well of Irvin’s tough on crime bonafides.

  23. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 12:01 pm:

    “Condé Nast Traveler recognized Chicago as the #1 Best Big City in the U.S. for the fifth year in a row in the results of its annual Readers’ Choice Awards. Since 2017, Chicago has ranked number one in this category for its incredible restaurants, interesting and diverse attractions, and welcoming residents.”

    Snark or not, Chicago is still seen as a place to visit… and invest…

    “World Business Chicago today announced that, for the eighth year in a row, Chicago leads the U.S. in foreign direct investment (FDI) according to the 2020 IBM Global Location Trends report. The annual report, which outlines the latest trends in corporate location selection, named Chicago the top North American metro in foreign direct investment projects”

    The goal of the overall exercise is to strike fear in old angry white Americans and use Black Lives Matters to be a fulcrum to bring in crime, tying the two together.

    Meanwhile… Oklahoma just in the last week made abortions more difficult to have.

    The table is being set for the racist thinkers, even by Irvin, even against Irvin… but abortion is waiting in the wings… prolly why this push on crime is being baked, over-baked, to stave off what could be a backlash of women deciding Republicans are dangerous to women’s health.

  24. - Arsenal - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 12:09 pm:

    ==but the reality is business are terrified of investment more resources into the city==

    Is this “the reality”? It certainly conflicts with some of the info Oswego Willy just provided.

  25. - Arsenal - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 12:16 pm:

    ==parents of suburbanite kids are not letting their kids into the city to shop and enjoy what the city used to offer safely==

    This is also inconsistent with what I’ve seen parents do first hand (and what I did myself recently, although I guess I live downstate, not in the suburbs).

    I think there’s a danger in this “scoff at the ‘over-the-top rhetoric’ all you want, but…” attitude. It ends up creating a feedback loop where you put yourself in your own bubble.

    The spike in crime is bad, and of course any crime is a tragedy that should not occur. But Chicago just isn’t some lawless hellmouth, even though Republicans have been saying it is for decades.

  26. - Arsenal - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 12:25 pm:

    ==Either way, the tone of the ILGOP statement is snotty and cruel.==

    The good news for ILGOP is that nobody reads PRs anyway.

  27. - low level - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 12:25 pm:

    ==have hired their own private security companies to patrol their neighborhoods. ==

    Yes, they have, but they don’t blame the governor for the increase in crime. They blame the mayor and Kim Foxx for the most part. Alderpersons as well but not as much.

    I certainly dont blame the ILGOP and this rhetoric may bring down turnout in the city in the fall, esp in the vote rich 2nd and 42nd wards.

    It will also be fascinating to see if this helps defeat some Dem state reps in primaries. I think its certainly possible.

  28. - Snark - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 12:32 pm:

    I live in a Northwest Suburb and run a business in Chicago that is moving to Oak Brook.

    1. My kids prom groups were not allowed to go to the city (not by me) despite it being the location for most all past-years events and parents openly discuss their kids no longer being able to head down there unaccompanied. And our town is not along given my sampling of friends.

    2. Office movers came to quote our move job last week and we were told we were the third company they visiting that day and 20th that month that is moving to the suburbs.

    One must merely observe the sad state of affairs in the loop with closed store front and seediness if anyone dares works past 6pm in the loop.

    Plus, restaurant clients of mine in River North have had to amend the closing time so as to get their workers out of their establishments and home before the 2am crowd rolls into town. Finally, take a look at suburban home inventories - and where those buyers are coming from in droves.

    Just my facts and observations. But hey, I’m sure Conde Nest knows better.

  29. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 12:42 pm:

    ===run a business in Chicago that is moving to Oak Brook===

    How much of your business now is done remotely, if you live in the northwest suburbs, how’s that commute now gonna treat ya with gas prices?

    ===My kids prom groups were not allowed to go to the city===

    Perception, and also anecdotal.

    ===Finally, take a look at suburban home inventories===

    It’s a sellers market. People are moving everywhere to anywhere.

    It’s not like there aren’t homes selling in She-Caw-Go… otherwise how can folks move to the suburbs?

  30. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 12:47 pm:

    === we were the third company they visiting that day and 20th that month that is moving to the suburbs.===

    This sounds like a Lightfoot problem… businesses staying in Illinois… I thought businesses were leaving Illinois… it sounds like “20” companies are staying in Illinois, which is a credit to the state retaining businesses?

  31. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 12:50 pm:

    ===One must merely observe the sad state of affairs in the loop with closed store front and seediness if anyone dares works past 6pm in the loop.===

    Which urban downtown is the shining example?

    Please cite something besides anecdotal “observations”


  32. - Sue - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 1:08 pm:

    As detailed in the Saturday WSJ- several Chicago Neighborhoods have been forced to create community private policing patrols to protect their residents from surging crime activities which have exploded since the Summer of 2020. Anyone who watches the news already knows the big uptick in car jacking and shoplifting which is forcing some businesses to hire their own security. There is something entirely wrong when citizens have to purchase services which the government is supposed to provide. So to some extent Irvin isn’t wrong about Pritzker ( and Lightfoot) failing to do their jobs to protect folks. They both complain about diverging circumstances between the haves and havenots so rather then only some people feeling safer maybe they could focus on crime prevention AND prosecution

  33. - Thomas Paine - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 1:17 pm:

    To the Update:

    === including Avery Bourne and Darren Bailey—are also those voting against the budget and for defunding violence prevention programs ===

    Buried the lede there, folks.

    If Avery Bourne voted against a budget that funded the police, she voted to defund the police, and “Jason Irvin’s running mate voted to defund the police” is really all you need to say..

  34. - Arsenal - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 1:17 pm:

    == People are moving everywhere to anywhere.==

    Additionally, Chicago shedding population to the suburbs has been going on for quite a while now. I don’t think it’s pegged to crime, but rather home prices (Which could be it’s own reason to vote out an incumbent, of course).

  35. - low level - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 1:26 pm:

    I definitely get what he/she is saying about the empty storefronts. You never used to see that along Mich Ave and now it is commonplace. Whatever the reason, this is at least contributing to the perception that the city is no longer safe.

    That said, I think voters blame Lightfoot and Foxx more than Pritzker. But still a bad look for Dems overall.

  36. - Anyone Remember - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 1:26 pm:

    ===By extension, where is Sheriff Dart? Why isn’t he getting pummeled for not doing more to control crime in Cook County?===

    Given the widely dispersed areas the Cook County Sheriff’s Police are responsible for, they’re spread pretty thin.

    Besides, Dart’s got his hands full with a jail that, at one point, had more inmates that 40+ state DOCs. And dealing with correctional officers that think they’re law enforcement officers.

  37. - jimbo - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 1:40 pm:

    ~~One must merely observe the sad state of affairs in the loop with closed store front~~

    Retail is dying. Everywhere. Nationwide. People increasingly don’t go to stores to shop. Malls are now full of bowling, fitness clubs, and being torn down for apartments. Neither Michigan nor State will be an exception.

    I can see the Prime trucks on my residential street. They average 6-10 *every single day*.

    A new mayor, a new governor isn’t going to change this.

  38. - Politics Commenter - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 1:53 pm:

    “ They voted against the budget. It’s Raunerism.”

    Last time I checked Rauner isn’t the governor right now. Its Pritzker. Like him or hate him blaming the problems now on someone who has been gone for years doesn’t make Pritzker look good.

  39. - SWIL_Voter - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 2:01 pm:

    “blaming the problems now on someone who has been gone for years doesn’t make Pritzker look good.”

    Again, do we want to address crime or give the perception we’re addressing crime? The former involves understanding decades of history and decisions. The latter, well, see above

  40. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 2:07 pm:

    ===Rauner isn’t the governor right now===

    Prolly why the reference was to Raunerism not Rauner.

    Keep up

  41. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 2:11 pm:

    ===Two men were wounded near the Theater District in the Loop when the victims of a robbery opened fire at the thieves and hit them instead===

    Innocent victims of gun violence, committed by victims themselves.

    Dunno what this says to the overall

  42. - cover - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 2:27 pm:

    = Innocent victims of gun violence, committed by victims themselves.

    Dunno what this says to the overall =

    It shows that there are limits to the “guns everywhere” philosophy of today’s GOP. I can pretty well guarantee that the 2A crowd will have no public comment on this unfortunate incident.

  43. - Anyone Remember - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 2:33 pm:

    ” … blaming the problems now on someone who has been gone for years doesn’t make Pritzker look good.”

    So Jim Edgar gets off free as a bird for the Edgar Pension Ramp? (And I’d included Walker and Thompson for their pension wrongs, but they’ve shuffled off this mortal coil.)

  44. - Grandson of Man - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 2:37 pm:

    “Prolly why the reference was to Raunerism not Rauner.”

    Correct. Deliberate budget starvation is Raunerism, more so for Irvin/Bourne because they took Griffin’s millions.

  45. - 47th Ward - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 2:42 pm:

    ===Dunno what this says to the overall===

    To me this says that those CC supporters back in the day, who insisted allowing law abiding citizens to carry concealed firearms, would not lead to wild west shootouts across the state.

    Incidents like this one say otherwise.

  46. - Chicagonk - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 3:08 pm:

    The three elements of deterrence are probability of arrest, probability of conviction, and severity of punishment. Chicago has significant issues with the first two elements and while severity of punishment is the least influential of the three elements when it comes to deterrence, a short to moderate prison sentence is still a required element of deterrence for serious crimes.

    Criminology might not be a science with the certainty of physics or chemistry, but a lot of research has been done around causes of crime as well as crime prevention - Hopefully legislature is using that research rather than funding ineffective practices (especially those poorly run violence intervention groups in the city)

  47. - Arsenal - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 3:09 pm:

    == This Sun-Times story illustrates why it’s so tricky to try to politically capitalize on specific crime incidents before the full story is known…==

    Well, the good news for ILGOP is that they aren’t *really* being specific. They do this every week, so they’re working in the aggregate. As soon as inconvenient details about one story emerge, they’re already on to the next one. And I suppose that they’d argue that the very fact that the injuries were instigated by an attempted robbery still reflects poorly on Pritzker.

    But, y’know, if we actually want to prevent crime (they don’t) someone is going to have to be pretty clever to explain how cash bail would’ve stopped this one.

  48. - Louis G Atsaves - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 3:14 pm:

    Yup. Blame those complaining about the violence gripping the City of Chicago. Don’t blame the Mayor or Governor of Illinois. Blame Republicans who are complaining about it.

    In the meantime, WBEZ reported last week that out of $50 million set aside for violence prevention programs, just a tiny pittance was spent by the Pritzker Administration.

    Wake up Governor.

  49. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 3:17 pm:

    - Louis G Atsaves -

    Do you still have an office in the Loop?

    Why or why not.

  50. - Pot calling kettle - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 3:25 pm:

    ===Two men were wounded near the Theater District in the Loop when the victims of a robbery opened fire at the thieves and hit them instead===

    This is a significant part of the Republican message. Wondering if the two shooters will be hailed as heroes like the kid who killed a couple of folks in Kenosha?

  51. - Soccermom - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 3:32 pm:

    I would love to see Irvin’s list of normal, sane governors.

  52. - Seymour Kid - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 3:39 pm:

    Would someone please direct me to Irvin’s plan to reduce violent crime in Illinois and particularly in Chicago?

  53. - Politics Commenter - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 3:55 pm:

    “ So Jim Edgar gets off free as a bird for the Edgar Pension Ramp? (And I’d included Walker and Thompson for their pension wrongs, but they’ve shuffled off this mortal coil.)”

    Point being, Jim Edgar is not up for election this year. Pritzker is on the ballot. I personally feel that he’s done about the best he can and will likely vote for him, especially if Bailey is the Republican nominee. That being said he should stand up for what he did to correct the problems that Rauner and Edger caused, will help him far more than hurt.

    “Prolly why the reference was to Raunerism not Rauner.

    Keep up”

    Again, calling it “Raunerism” is just another way to try and blame Rauner on this. Playing the Blame Rauner card isn’t going to help Democrats anymore than the Blame Madigan card will for Republicans. Also, no need for an insult at the end, we can have differing beliefs and still get along here.

  54. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 4:08 pm:

    ===Point being===

    Governors own. They always do. Good or bad.


    No. Please keep up, or read slower;

    The policy of voting no to squeeze or hurt a state, or to continually be against anything towards governing *is* a policy.

    It’s Raunerism.

    Not grasping that simplicity isn’t really grasping at all what this whole campaign Irvin is waging and what Pritzker is fighting.

    It’s not that tough to grasp.

  55. - JS Mill - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 6:42 pm:

    =Would someone please direct me to Irvin’s plan to reduce violent crime in Illinois and particularly in Chicago?=

    Irvin Plan:

    1.Look tough. Not just run of the mill tough either, like really, really tough.


    3.Ask Griff what to do.

  56. - Grandson of Man - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 8:13 pm:

    “what could be a backlash of women deciding Republicans are dangerous to women’s health”

    According to breaking news, a draft of the SCOTUS ruling on abortion has been leaked, and Roe will be overturned. The decision isn’t official, but if it’s the ruling, that may help shape things in Illinois and elsewhere.

  57. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 2, 22 @ 8:29 pm:

    ===Keep repeating it all you want===

    The policy of voting no to squeeze or hurt a state, or to continually be against anything towards governing *is* a policy.

    It’s Raunerism.

    Not grasping that simplicity isn’t really grasping at all what this whole campaign Irvin is waging and what Pritzker is fighting.

    Your feeble attempt to pretend that Griffin and Rauner gave birth to a side hustle to tear down organized labor by decimating a state… maybe try to grasp what is real.

    === I did not approve of Rauner and voted for Pritzker in 2018===

    I don’t care.

    ===but don’t pretend Republicans are these demons who know no right===

    Just wait till Roe is overturn this summer.

    ===it creates unnecessary anger and hate when this country and state has enough as is.===

    “Creates”? LOL

    Friend, tell that to every closed social service Rauner closed with no budget.

    This ain’t beanbag, it’s not “do better”… it’s know better…

    “Unnecessary Anger”… I mean.. seriously?

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