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Campaign notebook

Friday, May 6, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Says the guy who took Democratic ballots in local and statewide primaries in 2014, 2016, 2017, 2020 and 2021…

Also, note the limp wrist imagery. Sheesh.

* Griffin money roundup…

* Billionaire Ken Griffin adds $25 million to his investment in Richard Irvin’s GOP bid for governor: By doubling his financial commitment to Irvin, Griffin appears to be showing confidence in a campaign strategy that has been high in the use of TV ads and mailers while low in public contact and visibility.

* Ken Griffin dumps another $25 million into Republican Richard Irvin’s campaign: “It takes a lot of money to compete in a GOP primary when you’re a pro-abortion Democrat running on lies and misinformation from your basement,” Bailey campaign spokesman Joe DeBose said.

* Ken Griffin Gives $25 Million to Illinois GOP Governor Candidate: The $45 million investment in Irvin’s campaign would be the biggest expenditure he’s made on behalf of a single candidate.

* Ken Griffin puts another $25 million behind Irvin for governor: “Richard Irvin is the best candidate to tackle the severe problems facing our state,” Griffin said in a statement. “Richard will create jobs, fight corruption and reverse Illinois’ economic decline. As a former prosecutor he also has the expertise to reduce the senseless violence that is tearing apart our communities. Unlike the current governor, Richard will put people ahead of politics, which is what every citizen of Illinois wants, needs and deserves.”

I have no knowledge of this, but I’m guessing that some of that cash might be used to boost the rest of the Grif slate.

* Speaking of Griffin, here’s a question for Irvin from Shaw News

Should the wealthiest Illinois residents pay more or less in taxes? Please explain.

With taxes already high and inflation out of control, the hardworking families, small business owners and family farmers across this state need us to come together to control spending and cut taxes. We can absolutely make that happen – lowering taxes for all families in Illinois. According to news reports, billionaire J.B. Pritzker hides his fortune in the Bahamas to avoid paying U.S. and Illinois taxes. He’s also under investigation for property tax fraud. It’s time to vote out a tax-avoiding billionaire who campaigns to raise taxes on everyone in Illinois.

tl/dr: No.

* DPI…

It’s now been 4 days since the Supreme Court draft opinion overturning Roe v. Wade was leaked and Ken Griffin’s handpicked gubernatorial candidate Richard Irvin still hasn’t told Illinoisians where he stands on protecting reproductive rights.

Instead, Irvin has been taking in baseball games and a new influx of $25 million dollars from Ken Griffin.

Does Irvin think Roe should be overturned? Would he seek to institute a harsh abortion ban like we’ve seen in Texas and Oklahoma? Does he agree with his running mate Avery Bourne that there should be no exceptions to abortion, including in cases of rape and incest?

Irvin’s silence is deafening and Ken Griffin knows it. Will $25 million more be enough to drown out Irvin’s flailing strategy of avoiding voters and the press?

Irvin’s campaign team found the time to comment on baseball this week, but can’t be bothered to weigh in on women’s fundamental rights. Illinois voters deserve more.

* Still with Irvin…

Today the Irvin for Illinois campaign is rolling out a new list of co-chairs; a group of over 50 grassroots Republican leaders who are endorsing Richard Irvin and Avery Bourne’s campaign to take back Illinois from out of control crime, corruption, and Democrat overspending. The new list adds to the continuous growing support of now over 200 leaders — including 18 current or former county sheriffs, 27 current mayors, and 17 state legislators. […]

The following have endorsed Irvin for Illinois as co-chairs for the campaign:

    Edgar Alvaredo, Barrington Township Trustee, President Barrington Township GOP
    Emily Bastedo, Elmhurst Alderman
    Barry Bebart, 39th Ward GOP Committeeman
    Sonia Berg, Former Moline Alderwoman, IHDA Board Member
    Rocco Biscaglio, Leyden Township Supervisor
    Shannon Bumann, Superintendent, AlWood Schools (Woodhull)
    Nick Caiafa, Mayor of Schiller Park
    Thomas Cauley Jr, Mayor of Hinsdale
    Steve Chirico, Mayor of Naperville
    Gina Cunningham, Mayor of Woodridge
    Chris Curtis, Mayor of Kankakee
    Nick Cuzzone, Mayor of Villa Park
    Frank DeSimone, Mayor of Bensenville
    Darren Duncan, Vermilion County Treasurer
    Andy Ezard, Mayor of Jacksonville
    John Farney, Former Champaign County Auditor and Former Treasurer
    Dave Guerin, Mayor of River Grove
    Jeff Hamilton, Livingston County Sheriff
    Sandy Hamilton, Illinois State Representative (HD 99)
    Greg Hart, DuPage County Board
    Chuck Hernandez, 38th Ward GOP Committeeman
    Mark Hosty, Illinois Republican Party State Central Committeeman 7th CD
    Mike Houston, Former Mayor of Springfield
    Katherine Keefe, McHenry County Circuit Clerk
    Todd Koehn, Grundy County Treasurer
    Jennifer Konen, Mayor of Sugar Grove
    Jake Leahy, Vice President Bannockburn School District 106 Board of Education
    Scott Levin, Mayor of Elmhurst
    Mike Marron, Illinois State Representative (HD 104)
    John McPeek, Mayor of Harrisburg
    Roger Orozco, Police Officer, School Board Member
    Ruben Pineda, Mayor of West Chicago
    Terry Prillaman, Former Mayor of Rossville
    Don Puchalski, DuPage County Board
    Tom Rader, Mayor of Riverton
    Greg Ridenour, Grundy County Board
    Ruben Rodriguez, Kendall County Board Member
    Paul Santucci, Naperville Township Trustee
    Frank Saverino, Mayor of Carol Stream
    Skip Saviano, Mayor of Elmwood Park, Former Illinois State Representative
    Jeffrey Schielke, Mayor of Batavia
    Mark Senak, Mayor of Glen Ellyn
    Jeffrey Sherwin, Mayor of Northlake
    John Simonton, Lee County Sheriff
    Brad Stephens, Illinois State Representative (HD 20), Mayor of Rosemont, Leyden Township GOP Committeeman
    Steve Streit, Mayor of Lockport
    Phil Suess, Mayor of Wheaton
    Jason Taylor, Johnson County Commissioner
    Tom Templeton, Former LaSalle County Sheriff
    Lee Trejo, Roselle Trustee, Former DuPage Young Republican Chairman
    Frank Trilla, Mayor of Willowbrook
    Kevin Turner, Jo Daviess County Sheriff
    Kerri Urbanski, 45th Ward GOP Committeeman
    Kevin Wallace, Mayor of Bartlett
    Andy Wheeler, Kankakee County Board Chairman

* SoS…

With the U.S. Supreme Court on the verge of potentially overturning Roe v. Wade next month, Democratic Secretary of State candidate Anna Valencia today joined Planned Parenthood Illinois Action, women elected officials and community leaders in vowing to fight to protect women’s fundamental right to make their decisions about their bodies. Valencia also highlighted the clear choice in the Democratic primary.

“With access to reproductive health under attack, I am fired up even more to ensure that we don’t go back,” said Valencia. “So let me be clear about who my opponent is. While we were fighting the Rauner administration, my opponent, Alexi Giannoulias, was nowhere to be found. When we were fighting the Trump administration, Alexi was nowhere to be found. He has been absent for the biggest fights facing our communities over the last 12 years. The one time he did pop up to speak out, it was to urge us to work with Donald Trump—are you kidding me, Alexi?

“Donald Trump’s presidency is the reason we find ourselves in the crisis we face today. The three Justices he placed on the Supreme Court are about to take the rights of women across our country away. And you wanted us to get behind his presidency? No way, no how,” said Valencia.

“Now you want to be our Democratic nominee here in Illinois. Where have you been, and what have you done? I’ve been here, standing up for women and all of our communities. I’ve used my voice and my platform to speak up for our rights. I’ve been in the streets marching for our freedoms. And I will continue to do whatever I can to use my platform to fight like hell to protect women’s right to choose,” said Valencia.

Valencia was joined by PPIA Chair Jennifer Welch, State Representative Kelly Cassidy, Grit and Grace CEO Cheryle Jackson, State Representative Ann Williams, MWRD Commissioner Josina Morita and several other women leaders who highlighted why Valencia is the best candidate in this race and why it’s critical to elect leaders for statewide office who will always stand up for women’s reproductive rights. In previous elections, PPIA has endorsed multiple candidates in races, but is only endorsing Valencia in the primary for Secretary of State.

* CD17…

Today, Jonathan Logemann, Democratic candidate for Illinois’ 17th Congressional District, announced the endorsement of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local Union 364. IBEW Local 364 represents nearly 800 workers in northwestern Illinois, and this endorsement marks Jonathan’s 12th endorsement from local labor unions representing workers in Illinois’ 17th congressional district. With more endorsements from local labor unions than all other candidates in the race combined, Jonathan is showing that he is the best choice for working families and organized labor.

* Media advisory…

Villegas to Announce Key Endorsements in Race for Congress

Chicago, IL - On Monday, May 9th, the Villegas for Congress campaign will hold a press conference at Plumbers Local 130 Union Hall to announce two new key endorsements in the race for Illinois’ newly created 3rd Congressional District.

Alderman Gilbert Villegas, two new key endorsements, and officials who have endorsed or are supporting his campaign. This list includes Cook County Clerk Iris Martínez, Cook County Commissioner Bridget Gainer, Sen. Cristina Castro, Rep. Eva-Dina Delgado, Rep. Marty Moylan, Mayor Skip Saviano, Mayor Rodney Craig, Members of the Joint Council 25 of the Teamsters Union, Members of Local 130 of the Plumbers Union, Members of SEIU Local 1, and more.

* Politico

— Gil Villegas has been endorsed by the Latino Victory Fund, which works to elect progressive Latinos to Congress. Villegas is running in the newly created 3rd Congressional District.

— Former Congressman Luis Gutiérrez has endorsed Karin Norington-Reaves in her bid for the 1st Congressional District seat.

— Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky has endorsed Abdelnasser Rashid for 21st District state rep seat. Schakowsky cited Rashid as being “100 percent pro-choice.”

— Pat Dowell has been endorsed by SEIU Local 1 in her bid for the 1st District Congressional seat.

* DPI…

Today, the Democratic Party of Illinois formally indicated it intends to submit an application to the Democratic National Committee for Illinois to be selected as a “pre-window” state for the 2024 presidential nominating process, meaning it would be one of the first five states to hold its primary election. Click HERE to see the letter of intent sent to the DNC by the Democratic Party of Illinois today.

…Adding… With a hat tip to a commenter…


As your next Attorney General, I am proud to stand with the men and women of law enforcement,…

Posted by Thomas DeVore on Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Also, DeVore has filed a motion to withdraw from the Bailey vs. Pritzker case. Click here.


  1. - Watchful eye. - Friday, May 6, 22 @ 2:30 pm:

    How do they legally funnel money down ticket when the caps haven’t been blown?

  2. - Big Dipper - Friday, May 6, 22 @ 2:32 pm:

    ==Alderman Gilbert Villegas, two new key endorsements, and officials who have endorsed or are supporting his campaign. This list includes Cook County Clerk Iris Martínez==

    Bet that is news to Yarbrough.

  3. - Stu - Friday, May 6, 22 @ 2:33 pm:

    And “borrowing” images from Walmart

  4. - H-W - Friday, May 6, 22 @ 2:41 pm:

    I am not sure it is has been noted yet, but AG Candidate Thomas DeVore is reporting the Illinois FOP is endorsing his campaign. Police for Anarchy at the top seems odd.

  5. - Rich Miller - Friday, May 6, 22 @ 2:47 pm:

    ===How do they legally funnel money down ticket===

    They can spend money on behalf of the campaigns and break the caps that way.

  6. - Baloneymous - Friday, May 6, 22 @ 2:49 pm:

    Sheep outfits and limp wrists. SMH. This feeding the bottom of the barrel is entertaining for political junkies but pretty twisted for voter outreach even for a Republican primary. Axe wielding, fire log burning, hedge clippers, fake non-pardons. I hope all these advertising and printing firms are literally laughing themselves to the bank.

  7. - fs - Friday, May 6, 22 @ 3:12 pm:

    Couldn’t Devore have simply filed a Motion for Substitution of Counsel instead of withdrawing? (This presumes that Bailey will have another attorney.) As his counsel, I would think he would not want to put his politician client’s personal contact information out there, but doing it this way he would need to.

  8. - Rudy’s teeth - Friday, May 6, 22 @ 3:22 pm:

    Eyes are burning from the arm candy on Tom DeVore.

  9. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 6, 22 @ 3:29 pm:

    Mighty impressive list of co-chairs for Irvin.

    This $25 million with 7 or so weeks left… time is running out on the others, a real fear is maybe the scrum between the three (Bailey, Rabine, Sullivan) for those not in the 30% or so with Irvin.

    The days are few to try to find a base, as Bailey seems to be the only one with somewhat *of* a base, and Irvin cobbling folks “here and there” like that list (which is impressive)

    Irvin wins, it’ll be because he gaslit better, had the money to gaslit better, and was better off not dealing with questions, any questions, be they on abortion or if “Mayor Irvin” would even endorse a “Candidate Irvin”

    Elections are funny things.

    Not unlike funny gaslighting mailers.

  10. - JoanP - Friday, May 6, 22 @ 3:34 pm:

    = DeVore has filed a motion to withdraw from the Bailey vs. Pritzker case =

    Wonder if he’s filed similar motions in all his pending cases?

    = Couldn’t Devore have simply filed a Motion for Substitution of Counsel instead of withdrawing? =

    He could, but only if there were another attorney ready to file an appearance.

  11. - Big Dipper - Friday, May 6, 22 @ 4:10 pm:

    There are other attorneys at Tommy’s firm so I would take the “I’m too busy with my AG run” with a huge grain of salt.

  12. - Favorably reported - Friday, May 6, 22 @ 4:17 pm:

    By “fighting “Rauner and “fighting” trump, does Valencia mean using her government job to line her lobbyist husband’s pockets, and using her office to encourage other cities to hire her husbands clients?

  13. - Myrtis - Tuesday, May 17, 22 @ 5:11 pm:

    Hi, yup this post is genuinely pleasant and I have learned lot of
    things from it on the topic of blogging. thanks.

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