* Lynn Sweet…
The first Hispanic member of Congress from Illinois – ex-Rep. Luis Gutierrez — and the second — Rep. Jesus “Chuy” Garcia — are endorsing different candidates in the Democratic primary virtually certain to yield the third Hispanic member of Congress from the state.
The Chicago Sun-Times has learned that Gutierrez on Monday will endorse the Democratic primary bid of Ald. Gil Villegas (36th) at an event at the Chicago Journeymen Plumbers Local Union 130 hall, 1340 W. Washington Blvd.
Villegas will also pick up the support Monday of Illinois Comptroller Susana Mendoza, the highest-ranking Hispanic elected official in Illinois. […]
Villegas “represents the future of the Democratic party,” Gutierrez told the Sun-Times. He is critical of Democrats and groups — such as the Working Families Party which supports Ramirez — who identify with the “defund the police” slogan and movement. […]
Gutierrez said, “I don’t want to send another congressman (to Washington) who is going into the defund the police caucus.I want a Congressman who is going to hold the police to a high level of accountability but is also going to guarantee they are better trained, better equipped and better understanding of the (impact of) escalation.”
* But it’s not just the groups that have endorsed Ramirez talking about defunding the police. Rep. Ramirez herself called for defunding the police less than 2 years ago…
When asked for comment by the Sun-Times, Ramirez pointed to votes she took during the spring session to increase police funding. I’ve asked for the full statement and will post it when I get it.
…Adding… The Ramirez statement…
As State Representative, Leader Ramirez voted to secure over $300 million in evidence-based approaches like expanding mental health resources, violence prevention, and domestic violence programs, as well as supporting major efforts to reduce the rape kit backlog. And she voted to invest resources into creating corresponder programs along with providing more than $100 million in funding training and pension benefits for police officers and first responders. Leader Ramirez wholeheartedly believes that investing in people and the root causes of violence, namely poverty, and racism, is the best approach to reckon with the violence we face.
- Arsenal - Monday, May 9, 22 @ 9:36 am:
“Defund the police” was just about the most self-defeating slogan I can remember.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, May 9, 22 @ 9:39 am:
===I was informed===
Please cite.
It may be true, may not but be true, but you weren’t “informed”, you were told.
- Ash Burrower - Monday, May 9, 22 @ 9:43 am:
“Defund the police” being embraced by people who usually don’t like “neoliberalism” or “privatization” clearly never learned what those words actually meant
- Michelle Flaherty - Monday, May 9, 22 @ 9:43 am:
I often find that the most reliable, official information is shared “over the weekend.”
(Can’t decide if this is snark or not.)
- Downstate - Monday, May 9, 22 @ 9:44 am:
“Please cite.”
…..by a friend with strong ties to the academy. (I can’t reveal more than that without revealing their identity.)
- Al - Monday, May 9, 22 @ 9:44 am:
Maybe the part of the problem are police unions? How they function.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, May 9, 22 @ 9:45 am:
===… by a friend===
“Sure, Jan”
How does the state police class(es) figure in to Chicago policing?
- SWIL_Voter - Monday, May 9, 22 @ 9:47 am:
“Defund the police” being embraced by people who usually don’t like “neoliberalism” or “privatization” clearly never learned what those words actually meant.”
I can assure you that you are the one who needs a dictionary. Police are the foot soldiers of capital. Opposing police, neoliberalization, and the privatization of common services is the same thing, and far more consistent than being a Democrat bragging about how much money you gave to an already bloated unaccountably violent police force.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, May 9, 22 @ 9:55 am:
=== When you have to resort..===
… to a “friend” in whatever, that’s Facebook ridiculousness.
It isn’t an argument. It’s a “feeling”. Save that for Facebook, or cite it.
- Snapp - Monday, May 9, 22 @ 10:08 am:
Guess this validates that DR clearly ahead
- Rich Miller - Monday, May 9, 22 @ 10:12 am:
===Guess this validates===
Stop assuming stuff like that.
- New Day - Monday, May 9, 22 @ 10:24 am:
That Ramirez statement, through its silence on the issue, essentially confirms that she would - to quote Luis Gutierrez - become part of the defund the police caucus. Yikes.
- Lincoln Lad - Monday, May 9, 22 @ 10:24 am:
How does Chuy end up opposite Mendoza and Gutierrez? Gil Villegas is a strong candidate and deserves the support.
- Snapp - Monday, May 9, 22 @ 10:32 am:
Of course there’s a lot of ballgame left, but if the lead was contested you’d think the GV camp would share poll insights.
- Chris in ChiTown - Monday, May 9, 22 @ 10:45 am:
It seems that some former officeholder went from going off on a police officer for shooting an unarmed teenager to finding the line “defund the police” to criticize a state representative who has funded violence prevention initiatives & funded police departments. I guess sometimes facts don’t matter here, though. Only messaging does?
- Chris in ChiTown - Monday, May 9, 22 @ 10:51 am:
Hey, New Day,
She stated that she voted for funding of violence prevention initiatives & she voted for funding for police departments. How does Ramirez voting for funding of police departments make her against police departments? Please explain?
- SaulGoodman - Monday, May 9, 22 @ 11:06 am:
**How does Chuy end up opposite Mendoza and Gutierrez?**
Chuy and Mendoza are very often on different sides. Guttierrez is all over the place.
- Paradox - Monday, May 9, 22 @ 11:22 am:
“Investing in the root causes of racism” wow, I know what they meant but maybe the PR team could’ve worked a tiny bit harder on that phrasing?
- Anonymous - Monday, May 9, 22 @ 11:25 am:
Ramirez signing a letter and telling her colleagues of conscience to join them in calling for a defunding of the Chicago police.
Her own words used against her.
Funding is great but her signature on that statement is more than enough to say she is for defunding the police.
- Calderos Hand - Monday, May 9, 22 @ 11:32 am:
You know what’s scarier to suburbanites than defund? A screaming LVG with a vein popped up on his forehead.
- Jocko - Monday, May 9, 22 @ 11:34 am:
Law enforcement has become the community equivalent of defense spending. Question how it’s spent and you’re accused of being ’soft’ and bear responsibility if something bad happens in the meantime.
I’m starting to feel like The Bobs (from ‘Office Space’) asking law enforcement, “What would you say you do here?”
- Franklin - Monday, May 9, 22 @ 11:49 am:
Chickens come home to roost.
- Montrose - Monday, May 9, 22 @ 11:55 am:
“Funding is great but her signature on that statement is more than enough to say she is for defunding the police.”
I think you need to revisit the common phrase “actions speak louder than words.”
Honestly, I think United Working Families and others on the left are probably really frustrated that Delia voted for that increase and is not giving a full throttled defense of her name on that letter.
- Anonymous - Monday, May 9, 22 @ 11:59 am:
I hope all these defund the police folks led by the squad are shown the door in November
- Pizza Man - Monday, May 9, 22 @ 12:08 pm:
Will this defund issue sink Rep. Ramirez’s ship? Most likely if Gil Villegas can promote this now till June.
- Anonymous - Monday, May 9, 22 @ 12:08 pm:
“I think you need to revisit the common phrase “actions speak louder than words.”
Not an untrue statement at all.
Her action to fund the police is noted and stated. So is her action to sign a letter to immediately work to defund the Chicago police. And call people out on it as well.
- TR - Monday, May 9, 22 @ 12:43 pm:
Interesting race to watch. Contested primaries are usually, but not always, won by the most ideologically “pure” candidate — which would be Ramirez. Villegas is staking out the middle ground on crime, as are a few candidates in some state legislative Dem primaries. My guess is that a low turnout primary will help the ideologically pure, but we’ll see.
- Benniefly2 - Monday, May 9, 22 @ 1:34 pm:
First of I am glad someone brought this up because, as we all know, local police budgets are controlled by the US Congress… err… wait… ummm… Well, at least we all are mad at all of those police departments that saw a reduction in fundin… Ummm…. So that didn’t happen either? Uhh…
Seriously though, I live in this newly created district. I am going to vote in this primary and I really only care about things that are in the positions job description. It’s like my refusal to vote for anyone for state and local races who talk about ‘protecting your social security’. Guess that makes me a weirdo or something.
- Da big bad wolf - Monday, May 9, 22 @ 2:22 pm:
=== I hope all these defund the police folks led by the squad are shown the door in November===
Lol. All both of them?
- Amalia - Monday, May 9, 22 @ 4:01 pm:
another squad member in training. not good.
- James - Monday, May 9, 22 @ 4:51 pm:
These Villegas endorsements by products of the Chicago Democratic machine are not surprising. You tend to dance with whomever brung ya. Luis and Iris both hispanics in their mid to late 60s, both Daleyites (Luis chose to become a Daleyite after Harold died). Iris started out working with Ben Reyes, in Daley’s fleet management department, was assisted in becoming a state rep by Victor Reyes’ HDO. Susana Mendoza, at age 49 is a SW-sider who got her start as a state rep through Madigan.
Jesus Garcia, who supports Delia was never a machine democrat–came up with Harold in the 80s and has built his own base outside of the machine.
Gilbert Villegas, before becoming alderman, worked in high level State of IL jobs. Delia Ramirez at age 38 is a lifetime Humboldt Park resident, with experience running not for profits before being elected state rep in 2018.
- Ashland Adam - Monday, May 9, 22 @ 5:36 pm:
They both have experience in legislative bodies. Villegas as Mayor Lightfoot’s floor leader. As stated earlier - he worked in Illinois govt., under Gov. Blagojevich. He’s also been a lobbyist. Ramirez - asst. majority leader in the Illinois House. While the city council and GA are both legislative bodies, I’d think the GA is better preparation for the US House than the the day to day business of Chicago aldermen. Interesting race.