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Campaign notebook

Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tom Demmer and Shannon Teresi…

It’s no secret this year’s budget is filled with election year gimmicks, including some blatant attempts to buy votes with tax rebates featuring the names of statewide elected officials. Today, Treasurer candidate Tom Demmer and Comptroller candidate Shannon Teresi are calling on Michael Frerichs and Susana Mendoza to display they are opposed to the corrupt practice of campaigning on taxpayer dollars by keeping their names off of these checks and any other communications or promotional materials associated with this election-year gimmick.

State checks are signed by the comptroller and treasurer. Not sure how they could keep their names off of them.

* CD6 GOP primary candidate brings the (un)usual suspects together…

* Meanwhile, Gary Rabine finally issued a statement today (Wednesday) about Richard Irvin’s Monday press conference…

This is what a train wreck looks like. $45 million can’t paper over a bad candidate who would be a horrible Governor. Republicans – don’t be fooled by Fake-Republican-Governor-Candidate, Richard Irvin. I’m the only candidate in this race with the experience to turn this state around. I am the common sense candidate who can’t be bought.”

Rabine’s video is here.

* Speaking of which

During an unrelated bill signing event at the Peoria Civic Center on Tuesday, the governor said Irvin should be able to answer questions directly.

“It’s very important to answer questions, especially if you’re going to put yourself forward to the public and ask them to trust you and believe in you,” he said. “They’ve gotta know where you stand on the issues.” […]

Pritzker didn’t directly answer Irvin’s allegations about his management of the veterans home crisis, but the governor claimed it’s hypocritical for Republicans to criticize him for his handling of the crisis, even as they pushed back against the COVID mitigations his administration imposed.

“We were trying to keep people healthy and safe in the worst moments of this worldwide pandemic, deadly pandemic. And it was necessary for us to ask people to do the right thing. The people at that press conference, all of the people fought the mitigations, including the gentleman you’re talking about,” he said, referring to the Aurora mayor.

Um, Mayor Irvin publicly supported the mitigations and even threatened to crack down on his local violators, even though he’s running away from that stance as fast as he can right now.

* Back to the far right

A suburban Republican congressional candidate has distanced herself from a pro-Christian, conservative political group with which she’d been aligned, saying she disagrees with many of its tenets — especially strict limits on divorce and eliminating court-ordered child support.

Jaime Milton, a Fox River Grove resident running in Illinois’ 14th District, said she reevaluated her association with the Kingdom Conservative Party. […]

She said she strongly disagrees with the Kingdom Conservative Party’s stance that divorce should only be allowed in cases involving adultery or when “an unbelieving spouse” no longer wants to be married. […]

Milton also disagrees with the group’s objection to court-mandated child support, which it calls an “unconstitutional practice” that’s allowed socialism “to permeate our nation.” […]

Milton said she isn’t fond of the party’s disdain for government aid for the poor, either. While the group called it “a pathway to communism,” Milton said she supports “giving people financial assistance to get them on their feet.”

* Politico

Samantha Steele’s team jumped the gun in telling Playbook that she was endorsed by Iris Martinez, the clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County. Martinez has not endorsed Steele, who is competing against incumbent Michael Cabonargi. In fact, Martinez hasn’t made a decision in the Board of Review race.

* Rockford Register Star

Republican candidate for Illinois governor Darren Bailey made a campaign stop in Rockford Monday, telling a crowd of about 300 supporters that he’s the man to unseat JB Pritzker in November. […]

“The polling and our grassroots (efforts) are proving to us that we are going to win,” Bailey said. “By this fall, when people understand inflation that’s coming our way, when businesses unemployment insurance fees are almost double, when people are being let off of work and they are earning 20% less benefits, when the gas price continues to go up and doesn’t go down, people are going to be waking up and realizing that something’s not right.” […]

Area Republicans in attendance Monday included Winnebago County Sheriff Gary Caruana, County Board Chairman Joe Chiarelli, and state Sen. Dave Syverson. The fundraiser was sponsored by Elevate & Inspire, Awake Illinois, Freedom Illinois, and Freedom Now Initiative.

…Adding… I checked with the reporter who wrote that story and Sen. Bailey did not take news media questions at his Rockford event.

* More…

* State rep candidates square off at forum - Zalewski defends record on abortion rights, Rashid slams ties to Madigan: Rashid mentioned that Zalewski’s father, who he didn’t name, is one of those mentioned in the charges against Madigan as getting a contract with ComEd for little or no work. Rashid described Zalewski’s father as a ghost payroller for ComEd. Zalewski responded by saying that he will not criticize his father. “You’re never going to get me to say a cross word about my dad,” Zalewski said. “I love him dearly. I’ve known the man my entire life.” Zalewski described how his father rose from humble beginnings. “I’m the son of a garbageman,” Zalewski said. “My dad was on the back of a garbage truck. He worked his way up.”

* Billionaire Ken Griffin is Illinois’s biggest political benefactor. But what are his donations doing to democracy?: Beyond that, an examination of Griffin’s political spending shows that he has consistently funded campaigns that distort issues and ignore facts, sometimes appallingly so, playing to voters’ worst instincts and contributing to the growing toxicity of our political life. … But it may be Griffin’s support of the Congressional Leadership Fund, a Super PAC backed by House Republican leadership, that has done the most to promote a toxic political culture. Griffin donated $10 million to CLF in the 2020 election cycle, up from $4.5 million in the previous two-year cycle, according to Federal Election Commission records. And he gave $11.5 million last year alone, with the current cycle just getting underway. According to the Guardian, CLF “[uses] inflammatory tactics to paint political opponents as unsafe or untrustworthy” and “has a particular reputation for running what critics see as sometimes race-baiting attack ads.” In 2018 the Guardian included three CLF ads among the five “most bigoted and divisive political ads” of the year. Reviewing a selection of three years of CLF ads, Politifact determined that more than half were “false” or “mostly false.” Just 13 percent were “mostly true” and zero were completely accurate.


  1. - Roadrager - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 1:44 pm:

    ==A suburban Republican congressional candidate has distanced herself from a pro-Christian, conservative political group with which she’d been aligned, saying she disagrees with many of its tenets==

    When you find out the things you have no problem agreeing with might cost you a few votes in the general.

  2. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 1:46 pm:

    === State checks are signed by the comptroller and treasurer. Not sure how they could keep their names off of them.===

    Are they asking that the current comptroller and treasurer ignore their “constitutional duties”?

    Whom do they want to sign the checks, Daffy Duck?

  3. - Amalia - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 1:49 pm:

    oooh, local Rudy G. please cover him. as in put something over that mess.

  4. - Steve Rogers - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 1:51 pm:

    Serious question for Demmer and Teresi, if you’re elected, who will sign checks on behalf of the state since you’ve stated it’s a corrupt practice? How will the state pay its bills after January 2023?

  5. - Henry Francis - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 2:04 pm:

    == Serious question for Demmer and Teresi==

    Why ask a serious question to a most unserious proposal? If I recall correctly, weren’t some federal stimulus checks delayed because a certain President wanted to add his name to the checks?

    Tom Devore as a “Special Guest” of an event headlined by Rudy? Wow. I don’t know if that signals Tom moving up in the world, or how far Rudy continues to fall.

  6. - ;) - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 2:05 pm:

    Why is Rashid still running? We vote for anything but him every time.

  7. - Rudy’s teeth - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 2:05 pm:

    Considering that lineup in Oakbrook, no one will be handing out invites to Mensa.

  8. - Dave - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 2:06 pm:

    “An Unbelieving Spouse”–good name for a rock band!

  9. - Arsenal - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 2:10 pm:

    ==Um, Mayor Irvin publicly supported the mitigations and even threatened to crack down on his local violators, even though he’s running away from that stance as fast as he can right now.==

    It’s pretty funny that Pritzker, almost certainly inadvertently, put Irvin in a situation where he may have to halt his retreat from that stance.

  10. - Ok - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 2:18 pm:

    Key passage:

    “During an unrelated bill signing event at the Peoria Civic Center on Tuesday,”

  11. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 2:30 pm:

    “Griffin’s support of the Congressional Leadership Fund, a Super PAC backed by House Republican leadership, that has done the most to promote a toxic political culture.”

    That’s for sure. Rauner and his supporters absolutely did that, refusing to compromise and negotiate in good faith, purposely loading poison pills in legislative asks and trashing deals like the grand bargain. The ILGOP went along with this, until the deliberate pain became unbearable in their districts. If this happened only to others, they would not care.

  12. - Moi - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 2:31 pm:

    Rudy Giuliani must not be too busy with Cameo video requests

  13. - TheInvisibleMan - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 2:36 pm:

    “divorce should only be allowed in cases involving adultery or when “an unbelieving spouse” no longer wants to be married.”

    Coming soon to a Dominionist Theocracy near you.

  14. - New Day - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 3:19 pm:

    “Treasurer candidate Tom Demmer and Comptroller candidate Shannon Teresi are calling on Michael Frerichs and Susana Mendoza to display they are opposed to…”

    Wait, I thought the GOP was opposed to virtue signaling. What is “display they are opposed” if not virtue signaling? Oh yea, and it’s the law. Cmon Tom, you’re a seasoned pro. I expect more from you.

  15. - sal-says - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 3:24 pm:


    == in. I’m the only candidate in this race with the experience to turn this state around. ==

    The last Repub non-gov turned the state around to crap. Current gov turned state around for the better, better bond ratings, etc. So does this Repub wanna turn back the state like Ruiner ?

  16. - NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 6:46 pm:

    ==The last Repub non-gov turned the state around to crap==

    As did the second-to-last Republican governor (Ryan)

  17. - McHenry Candidate Forum - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 11:29 pm:

    The June 4th Candidate Forum in McHenry County could be critical to those 72% undecideds in the US Senate race (all 7 confirmed campaigns attending)…and all Governor candidates but one are confirmed for attending. Could get interesting with projected couple thousand voters possible in attendance.

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