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Rate the new Rodney Davis TV ad

Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

Today, Rodney Davis’ campaign for Congress in the 15th District released a new ad titled “Bill,” which features Lt. Col. Bill Buechsenschuetz, Army, Retired, who served in the Vietnam War. Bill talks about how Mary Miller betrayed our troops by voting with the Squad to defund our military. Bill also talks about Rodney’s work to strengthen our military and support our veterans.

“As long as I am in Congress, I will never allow our military to be defunded. Unfortunately Mary Miller can’t say the same. She needs to stop hiding from her record of voting with the Socialist Squad to defund our military and come clean to voters. I will always stand with our troops and veterans. America’s safety is my top priority.” - Congressman Rodney Davis, Republican candidate for Congress in IL-15

Mary Miller twice voted in September and December against defense funding legislation, known as the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which provides the Department of Defense (DOD) with the legal authority to spend taxpayer dollars in support of our military. Miller teamed up with AOC and other far-left members of the Squad in opposing the NDAA.

In December, Miller bragged about being the only Republican from Illinois to vote against the NDAA and called Republicans who voted for it RINOs. Mark Maxwell previously reported on Miller’s vote against the NDAA in December.

Rodney Davis proudly voted in support of the NDAA and has worked in Congress to support our troops and veterans.

* The spot

* Script

Bill: I served in Vietnam, and I’ll never forget the way politicians betrayed me and my fellow soldiers, and that’s why I cannot support Mary Miller.

In Congress, Miller voted with the Squad to defund our military. Voting against our troops in these dangerous times is indefensible.

Rodney Davis is fighting to strengthen our military, and he has the backs of veterans.

Rodney: I’m Rodney Davis, and I approved this message.

“Voted with the Squad” is a nice touch, and accurate. There’s an old saying about how ideology is a circle and eventually the right and left meet. It’s not completely true, of course, but it seems to apply in this instance.

* Meanwhile, from US Rep. Miller…

Congresswoman Mary Miller released the following statement congratulating Trump-endorsed Congressman Alex Mooney for winning the Republican Primary in West Virginia’s 2nd Congressional District:

“With President Trump’s endorsement and the backing of grassroots conservatives, Alex Mooney was able to defeat the DC establishment in a stunning victory that all of the “experts” said would be impossible,” said Miller.

“I look forward to continuing to serve in the House Freedom Caucus with Alex to advance President Trump’s policies including securing the border, returning America to energy independence, and defending the Second Amendment. Alex Mooney’s victory is an important reminder that Republican Primary voters want to support pro-Trump, pro-Second Amendment conservatives, and they will not be fooled by Swamp-funded RINOs who voted for the January 6th Commission like Rodney Davis.”

Miller serves in the conservative House Freedom Caucus with Rep. Alex Mooney, and both were endorsed by President Trump in competitive Republican primaries caused by Congressional redistricting. Like Mooney, Miller is running an America First campaign against an establishment Republican funded by the DC Swamp.

With 95 percent reporting, Rep. Alex Mooney has secured 54.3 percent of the vote to Rep. David McKinley’s 35.5 percent.


  1. - vern - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 9:07 am:

    A-. Fairly soft-focus for a negative spot but overall really effective. Davis continues to focus on first-order politics while Miller is wandering the country looking for deeper rabbit holes. A quick review of her government-side twitter account shows only 2 events in Illinois since March 1st. What is she doing with her days?

  2. - illini - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 9:18 am:

    And Mary has the distinction of being the only Congressman/woman from Illinois to vote against the Supplemental Appropriations bill for Ukraine. She and 57 other America First “patriots”are likely very proud of having this distinction.

    I wonder how this will play with the voters in the 15th?

  3. - Lakefront - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 9:19 am:

    B+ ad.

    Hate to agree with Mary Miller on anything but the Mooney-McKinley race in WV might be some cause for concern for “establishment” Rs. Though Mooney certainly has higher name ID than Miller.

  4. - Downstate - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 9:20 am:

    Either way, after the election Miller will no longer be our congressperson. I’m grateful. I really hope Rodney prevails in his effort.

  5. - TheInvisibleMan - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 9:23 am:

    “Congresswoman Mary Miller released the following statement”

    It’s nice to see Mary Miller using her evangelical experience of completely ignoring or dealing with the pedophile on her staff.

    Just ignore it and it goes away - just like cancer goes away when you ignore it.

  6. - Say What? - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 9:38 am:

    The appearance of ignoring our Veterans does not play well Downstate. This will leave Mary Miller explaining = losing.

  7. - Dirty Red - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 9:38 am:

    It’s telling the Davis campaign believes the “carpetbagger” and “voted with AOC” angles are more effective than being at Jan. 6 and the Miller family’s Three Percenters affiliations.

  8. - Ron Burgundy - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 9:43 am:

    One does the job. The other performs. Simple as that.

  9. - vern - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 9:43 am:

    === This will leave Mary Miller explaining = losing. ===

    Say What, I don’t think Mary is the explaining type. Last week’s “logistical difficulty” is more her style.

  10. - Southern - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 9:44 am:

    Not as effective as LBJ’s ‘Daisy Girl’ commercial but more effective than a Richard Irvin press conference.

  11. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 9:46 am:

    ===…more effective than being at Jan. 6 and the Miller family’s Three Percenters affiliations.===

    That’s center cut filet.

    Davis’ bigger problem is the wonder “if” Trump will campaign for Miller, and “when” that would be.

    The ad?

    It’s a B/B+

    While it separates and is important, why it gets the B/B+, the elephant in the primary is where the cult will finally fall, and which elephant gets their votes.

    It’s effective to its intent.


  12. - SWIL_Voter - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 9:51 am:

    As of February, 2022, 56% of Americans said defense spending should be cut. Privacy and human rights advocates have long opposed the NDAA, and there are lots of those kinds of people in both parties. In this case it’s the establishment deeply out of touch with the American voter

  13. - Narc - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 9:52 am:

    “As long as I am in Congress, I will never allow our military to be defunded”

    In other words, anything other than a continuously-expanding military budget is a betrayal of The Troops. Something something fiscal responsibility.

    Use of “defund” to subtly invoke memories of BLM protests and, you know, those people is clever, I admit.

  14. - Huh? - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 9:58 am:

    Hitching AOC with miller is hysterical.

  15. - Pot calling kettle - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 10:11 am:

    == 56% of Americans said defense spending should be cut. ==

    That’s probably not representative of that district or the district’s Republican primary voters.

  16. - cover - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 10:16 am:

    = As of February, 2022, 56% of Americans said defense spending should be cut =

    Bet that percentage plummeted just 1 month later

  17. - SWIL_Voter - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 10:23 am:

    “Bet that percentage plummeted just 1 month later“

    Whatever the number is, the point is one can hardly describe this as two ideological extremes bending so far as to make a circle. This is just a pretty mainstream position after 20 years of unending death and trillions of dollars wasted

  18. - Jocko - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 10:26 am:

    ==I will never allow our military to be defunded==

    Despite the fact that our peacetime military is corporate welfare and a bloated jobs program? Or that we’re still on the hook for about 6 trillion for unsuccessful wars in Iraq and Afghanistan?

  19. - The Dude - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 10:33 am:

    Honestly that’s about as good of a political ad as you can get.

    I’m giving it an A- though because the music was cliché for a political ad.

  20. - low level - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 10:55 am:

    ==Privacy and human rights advocates have long opposed the NDAA,==.

    Miller is a human rights activist?

    The ad is outsanding… I remember when that vote happened laughing like crazy becuase it clearly was a stupid vote for her on many levels.

  21. - The Old Man - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 11:03 am:

    Will not vote for Mary miller, she and her crowd are kooks.

  22. - low level - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 11:37 am:

    Miller needs to explain how assisting Putin is helping to Make America Great Again

  23. - Pundent - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 12:03 pm:

    =Miller needs to explain how assisting Putin is helping to Make America Great Again=

    Miller is banking on loyalty to her leader carrying the day. And incompatible positions is a feature, not a bug, of the leader’s decision making. It’s the reason why her “response” focuses on the support of her leader and not her vote. For Mary Miller her campaign is a simple as that.

  24. - ChrisB - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 12:07 pm:

    ==It’s telling the Davis campaign believes the “carpetbagger”==

    “They don’t even live in the district” is ALWAYS a winning message. Not shocking at all he leads with it.

  25. - South of 80 - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 12:09 pm:

    White guy from a town in IL no one has ever heard of? Check. Bashing minorities? Check. A+ for a GOP Primary, good job Aaron.

  26. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 12:17 pm:

    - ChrisB -

    You are conveniently ignoring the second part;

    ===… are more effective than being at Jan. 6 and the Miller family’s Three Percenters affiliations.===

    The observation as it is, its about the real status of GOP voters and not alienating insurrection apologist or racist thinkers.

    Normally, “in before times”, those affiliations might be damaging, now it’s best to not even say anything about it?

  27. - Hmm - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 12:36 pm:

    Do most primary voters know who “the squad” is? Maybe a year or two ago but now?

    That’s the risk here. You’re baking on undecideds following DC enough to know.

  28. - Hmm - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 12:43 pm:

    B+ Should have had a big pic of squad vs Miller on that graphic. But effective.

  29. - ChrisB - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 12:56 pm:


    I’m not ignoring it. “Carpetbagger” is your old reliable lead off hitter. It gets on base and scores points early. It might pull a Tim Anderson and hit a home run on the first pitch, but you generally want your cleanup hitter doing that.

    Ask yourself, does the average voter know what a three-percenter is? IIRC, it took some time after Jan 6 to identify Miller’s pickup and the symbol on the back. And that’s where I learned what a three-percenter was.

    That’s too many dots to connect when the cheap easy points are still on the board. Ones you don’t need to spend a lot of money on to explain.

  30. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 1:05 pm:

    === Ask yourself, does the average voter know what a three-percenter is?===

    Ask yourself, does the average *Republican Primary* voter know what the insurrection was, and if the Millers were there… in that district?

    That’s the *thing*, that’s the point I took away.

    It’s not like Davis or Miller were supporting Kinzinger and his thoughts. Ask yourself, why is Kinzinger still standing alone?

    ===That’s too many dots to connect===

    It’s not about dots and too many, too few… it’s Davis doesn’t want to connect them at all.

    Insurrectionist sympathizers and racist thinkers ARE the base, can’t tell them they are bad, or Miller being in town as she was on January 6th as bad either.

    With respect.

  31. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 1:05 pm:

    ===Maybe a year or two ago but now?===

    I would assume he polled that before spending money on a TV ad.

  32. - Professor - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 1:09 pm:

    I cant help but wonder how Davis would have voted on Trump’s impeachment if he could have foreseen the future. We have what we have: Mary Miller who quotes Hitler, and Rodney Davis who stood firm with Donald Trump for all those votes.

  33. - Pundent - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 1:10 pm:

    =Ask yourself, does the average voter know what a three-percenter is?=

    I think you’re overlooking the larger point. In “normal” times treasonous, anti-democratic behavior would be called out as such. Today it’s seen as an attack on “patriotism.”

  34. - Steve Rogers - Wednesday, May 11, 22 @ 2:02 pm:

    A great follow up ad for Davis would be to get a WWII vet to say why saying Hitler was right is the most un-American thing a person can say.

  35. - Robert M Roman - Thursday, May 12, 22 @ 4:52 am:

    Wasn’t “stabbed in the back by politicians” a Nazi trope? Though, if I remember correctly, it was an immediately post WW1 German equivalent of an “establishment conservative” who came up with it.

    History doesn’t quite repeat itself, but…

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