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Campaign notebook

Thursday, May 12, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Jesse Sullivan’s campaign has told reporters that the candidate has “never” ever “lied” about his service. As we’ve already discussed, there’s definitely been some stretching. But an op-ed he wrote for the Catholic Community at Stanford’s newsletter contains this bio…

Jesse Sullivan ’15 has been led from government and nonprofit work, to joining the military and being deployed in Afghanistan, to attending Stanford’s Graduate School of Business and creating Alter, a start up organization in Haiti and Myanmar.

I asked the Sullivan campaign if he wrote that bio and if he didn’t, then why didn’t he correct the record. They referred me to this link, which didn’t really answer my question. Perhaps he’s too busy managing his plunging crypto accounts. /s

Sullivan wrote in the op-ed that he “was serving with the U.S. military in the deadliest district of the Afghan war,” so that may have naturally led the bio writer to assume he meant he was in the military, since that’s the common meaning of that phrase.

* Republican congressional candidate Catalina Lauf skipped a League of Women Voters candidates forum and her excuse was a doozy

Candidates are too afraid to go against the status quo - so instead, a lot of them get sucked into traps like attending forums hosted by far-leftist groups. These far-leftist groups control the questions and watch Republicans debate amongst themselves, so it’s not like we’re debating THEM. We are debating each other and they sit there and laugh! WE are NOT attending because we are not afraid to disrupt the status quo and we’re NOT going to cower to the mob, just like we won’t once we get to Washington. The League of Women Voters are anti-American, anti-women, anti-gun/anti-individual liberties and they should be exposed for what they are instead of supported.


The excuse was called out for its lameness by the McHenry County Blog

If Lauf, or any of the 11th District Republican candidates really wanted to make a point with the LWV, all six candidates could/should have worked together and made sure no IL-11 Republican candidate attended tonight.

That would have upset the status quo and none of the candidates to my knowledge tried to organize an LWV boycott.

* Marie Newman, who is in a major Democratic primary battle against fellow US Rep. Sean Casten, writes about her abortion for CNN

I was just 19 years old and about midway through college when I found out I was pregnant. There was absolutely no way I could afford to raise a child. I was already working two jobs, which hardly covered enough money to support myself.

But it wasn’t just my finances that drove my decision to end my pregnancy. In my heart, I knew one thing to be true: As a teenager barely out of childhood myself, I simply was not ready to take on the monumental responsibility of becoming a parent.

From that perspective, terminating the pregnancy, while a difficult act, was not a difficult decision. A few days after my positive pregnancy test, I visited a reproductive health care clinic not far from campus to have an abortion.

Looking back more than 30 years, I have no doubt that I made the right choice. I am grateful for that teenage version of myself who had the wisdom and the courage to make that difficult decision. And I’m even more grateful that I had the freedom to exercise that choice.

Like many faced with similarly difficult options, I had a life ahead of me, a career and endless opportunities that eventually put me in a place where I was one day ready to start a family. And when I finally became a mom, it was among the most wonderful, meaningful experiences of my life.

* On the complete opposite side of the spectrum…

Illinois Family Action (IFA), the political arm of the largest pro-life/pro-family advocacy organization in Illinois, today endorsed candidate David Shestokas for Illinois Attorney General. “This primary election is critical for the direction of pro- family issues in Illinois and the Attorney General is a key office to protecting families’ freedoms of choice in education, religion, and life. We support David Shestokas because he has a long career of articulated personal commitment to defending the laws of God,” said David Smith, Executive Director of Illinois Family Action.

“David’s passion for truth and integrity in government shows he will protect the unborn from a wayward government that has been complicit in the murder of over 63,000 babies. He has shown dedication to justice and equality under the law and is a strong advocate for protecting our unalienable rights. David believes that the Attorney General is the people’s lawyer and not the governor’s or the government’s. He has an agenda to Make Crime Illegal Again by monitoring county state’s attorney’s failures to prosecute and will direct appropriate prosecutions when a state’s attorney refuses to do so. He will create a law enforcement hotline for officers who have put themselves in harm’s way to make a good arrest only to see prosecution declined. David has been an eye witness to illegal election activity and will fulfill the Illinois Attorney General Act’s directive to prosecute election crime with his experience to direct the office investigators. His record, vision, and integrity are why IFA endorses David Shestokas to be elected as the People’s lawyer, the Illinois Attorney General,” concluded Mr. Smith.

David Shestokas responded, “The IFA endorsement fortifies the troops of Illinois’ patriot campaigns in our historic mission to hold steady for the God loving, moral backbone of this country. I will continue to fight as David Smith has stated for preserving and advancing the interest of family, faith, and freedom. Thank you very much David Smith and IFA.”

* Well, I suppose that’s one way to spin an endorsement from a major trade union…

As part of his DC Swamp-funded campaign, RINO Rodney Davis is now being funded by one of Joe Biden’s major Super PACs.

The United Association of Plumbers and Pipefitters Union, which spent over $1.2 million attacking President Trump in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan, is launching TV advertisements in support of RINO Rodney Davis.

Joe Biden’s liberal DC Super PACs are endorsing RINO Rodney Davis because like Joe Biden, RINO Rodney Davis supports red-flag gun confiscation and amnesty for illegal immigrants.

Today, we are launching a new website,, where you can learn more facts about RINO Rodney’s embrace of the Biden Agenda. includes shocking facts on:

    • Rodney Davis supporting Dick Durbin’s federal gun confiscation
    • Rodney Davis joining Adam Kinzinger to support amnesty for illegal immigrants
    • Rodney Davis betraying President Trump in 2016
    • Rodney Davis embracing Liz Cheney for President
    • Rodney Davis voting for the January 6th Commission

I am honored to have President Trump’s endorsement and support because of my conservative America First record, which includes my unwavering support for the Second Amendment, border security, and ballot security.

* Press release…

Democratic Secretary of State candidate Anna Valencia today has released a new digital ad, “Choice,” highlighting her commitment to reproductive justice and history of working alongside women elected officials and community leaders fighting the Trump and Rauner administrations. Released in the wake of the draft Supreme Court opinion indicating the Court may soon overturn Roe v. Wade and following yesterday’s failed U.S. Senate vote to codify Roe, the ad highlights the clear choice for voters in the Democratic primary on June 28.

The video is here.

* Politico

Illinois House speaker gets fellow lawmakers to donate more than $200K to wife’s judicial campaign: “ShawnTe Raines-Welch, an attorney running for judge on the Democratic ticket, has vastly outraised her opponents in the obscure race for a newly created Cook County subcircuit court seat,” by WTTW’s Paris Schutz.

— Republican Dan Brady, the Illinois state representative and secretary of state candidate, will be feted at a fundraiser tonight cohosted by House Minority Leader Jim Durkin. Brady is running against former U.S. Attorney John Milhiser, who’s part of billionaire Ken Griffin’s Republican slate. Durkin is endorsing everyone on that slate but Milhiser.

— Rep. Sean Casten has been endorsed by Cook County Treasurer Maria Pappas, state Rep. Justin Slaughter, and Tinley Park Mayor Mike Glotz in his bid for the 6th District seat. Full list

* There was apparently an embargo on this. No longer…


  1. - Nick - Thursday, May 12, 22 @ 2:05 pm:

    Buckner seems like the most serious challenger to lightfoot to date, I think?

  2. - Amalia - Thursday, May 12, 22 @ 2:09 pm:

    so the consultants have finally decided, this guy.

  3. - New Day - Thursday, May 12, 22 @ 2:09 pm:

    Catalina Lauf needs to change her name to Catalina OOF. The League of Women Voters is a far leftist group? Geez, only if you think Democracy is some kind of commie plot.

  4. - Blue state - Thursday, May 12, 22 @ 2:09 pm:

    Would that Illinois legislators had the courage to enact abortion laws similar to that of France.

  5. - ;) - Thursday, May 12, 22 @ 2:10 pm:

    Buckner is going nowhere.

  6. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 12, 22 @ 2:10 pm:

    Stolen Valor Sullivan is a concoction created by Jesse Sullivan to give himself phony credibility by being wholly dishonest.

    The cryptocurrency candidate prolly is worried more about the (hashtag) CrytoCrash than defending his blatant attempt to steal valor from real heroes.

    California Cash might dry up, since cryptocurrency is gone with the wind?

  7. - TheInvisibleMan - Thursday, May 12, 22 @ 2:15 pm:

    “Buckner is going nowhere.”

    And if he is, hopefully he takes an Uber to get there.

    But in all seriousness, I think he would make an excellent mayor of Chicago.

  8. - jimbo - Thursday, May 12, 22 @ 2:25 pm:

    How does “reproductive justice” apply to the SOS position?

  9. - Rudy’s teeth - Thursday, May 12, 22 @ 2:26 pm:

    If Kam Buckner is elected mayor of Chicago, at least he’ll have a driver.

  10. - thechampaignlife - Thursday, May 12, 22 @ 2:40 pm:

    ===joining the military and being deployed in Afghanistan===

    In his mind, he probably thinks he did join the military, just not in the enlistment sense. He joined them like you would a lobbyist at Boone’s.

  11. - New Day - Thursday, May 12, 22 @ 2:43 pm:

    Kam Buckner is a talented guy. Just don’t know if he can pull it together.

  12. - Pot calling kettle - Thursday, May 12, 22 @ 2:44 pm:

    ==watch Republicans debate amongst themselves, so it’s not like we’re debating THEM. We are debating each other==

    Someone needs to tell Lauf that is the definition of a debate. The whole idea is that the candidates debate each other. -sigh-

  13. - Ron Burgundy - Thursday, May 12, 22 @ 2:48 pm:

    -These far-leftist groups control the questions and watch Republicans debate amongst themselves, so it’s not like we’re debating THEM-

    When the League of Women Voters runs for something, you can debate them.

  14. - Pot calling kettle - Thursday, May 12, 22 @ 2:50 pm:

    ==We support David Shestokas because he has a long career of articulated personal commitment to defending the laws of God==
    ==David believes that the Attorney General is the people’s lawyer and not the governor’s or the government’s.==

    These folks do not understand the duties of the state Atty General.

    Ill help them out: SECTION 15. ATTORNEY GENERAL - DUTIES The Attorney General shall be the legal officer of the State, and shall have the duties and powers that may be prescribed by law.
    (Source: Illinois Constitution.)

    Turns out, the Atty General is the government’s lawyer (and the Governor’s lawyer in many instances) and not God’s lawyer.

  15. - West Side the Best Side - Thursday, May 12, 22 @ 2:57 pm:

    Just so CapFax doesn’t get it wrong like WTTW and Politico did, it’s not a newly created seat in the 4th Subcircuit, it’s a vacancy created by the retirement of Judge Patrick Rogers.

  16. - 47th Ward - Thursday, May 12, 22 @ 2:57 pm:

    Jesse has been dealing with this stolen valor problem since day one and still hasn’t gotten past it. Save your money and what’s left of your reputation and go back to California.

  17. - Rich Miller - Thursday, May 12, 22 @ 2:59 pm:

    ===doesn’t get it wrong like===

    Worry not.

  18. - Lt Guv - Thursday, May 12, 22 @ 3:04 pm:

    Lauf needs a medication adjustment - stat.

  19. - Roadrager - Thursday, May 12, 22 @ 3:05 pm:

    ==Turns out, the Atty General is the government’s lawyer (and the Governor’s lawyer in many instances) and not God’s lawyer.==

    But these people’s entire plan is to make (their very specific interpretation of) the law of the Lord and the law of the land one in the same, so you can see how it makes perfect sense to them.

  20. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 12, 22 @ 3:08 pm:

    The only winners in a Lauf campaign and candidacy has been those grifting off Lauf, with a ridiculous burn rate, and Foster, who could luck out and have Lauf as the nominee and enough negative Lauf brings to the table that a campaign going after her candidacy could be a winning route for Foster.

    Lauf is exactly what’s wrong with the GOP’s tilt these days in Illinois, specifically.

  21. - Pundent - Thursday, May 12, 22 @ 4:07 pm:

    Nothing about Catalina Lauf or her campaign suggests she’s serious. Her stance with the LWV makes clear that she has nothing of substance to offer and won’t subject herself to the embarrassment that would come from a debate. If the GOP allows her to be the standard bearer in the 11th they’ll deserve the ridicule they’ll rightfully get.

  22. - jackmac - Thursday, May 12, 22 @ 4:20 pm:

    Although Catalina Lauf’s resume is pretty light on actual experience, she clearly holds a Master’s Degree in wingnut talking points when she calls the League of Women Voters “anti-American, anti-women, anti-gun/anti-individual liberties,” blah, blah, blah.

  23. - Anonymous - Thursday, May 12, 22 @ 5:03 pm:

    When Catalina Lauf participated in the League of Women Voters Debate two years ago, the moderators asked whether she supported the Equal Rights Amendment.

    She didn’t know what it was.

  24. - Lonesome Rhodes - Thursday, May 12, 22 @ 9:53 pm:

    Having attended dozens of the LWV ‘debates’ in the past here in central IL , I can say they are ( at least around here ) very tilted and biased against any non- progressive liberal. The LWV ain’t what it used to be.

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