Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » New Irvin TV ad calls Bailey “Pritzker’s favorite tax-raising Republican,” campaign claims DGA is doubling ad buy this week
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New Irvin TV ad calls Bailey “Pritzker’s favorite tax-raising Republican,” campaign claims DGA is doubling ad buy this week

Friday, May 13, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

Aurora Mayor Richard Irvin’s gubernatorial campaign today launched a new ad “Proud” highlighting J.B. Pritzker’s massive funding of Darren Bailey’s campaign for governor.

“J.B. Pritzker is in desperation mode, funding a massive increase in TV ad spending to ensure he gets Darren Bailey as his opponent this November, and Darren Bailey is happily accepting Pritzker’s assistance,” said Irvin Spokeswoman Eleni Demertzis. “Darren Bailey’s candidacy is so weak he needs J.B. Pritzker to do his dirty work.”


    • The Democratic Governors Association is doubling their ad buy this week.
    • Irvin opponents including Republicans, the Democratic Governors Association, and other outside groups have so far spent $22 million, $8 million of that directly against Irvin.
    • Governor Pritzker has donated millions to the Democratic Governors Association.

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The DGA had no comment on whether the group is changing up its advertising buy. But I’m told two new ads have started running this morning (or will begin later today).


  1. - Arsenal - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 6:36 am:

    Gotta say, Pritzker doesn’t quite seem like the one in desperation mode.

  2. - former cubs fan - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 6:41 am:

    pretty sad state of affairs that irvin needs to go negative on bailey to keep his numbers down. to have the backing of illinois’ richest resident and access to millions of dollars and you’re in a dog fight with the bafoon bailey. irvin’s rose garden strategy may be a total bust.

  3. - Rabid - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 6:54 am:

    8 million in truth, tops 45 million in falsehood

  4. - Former Downstater - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 6:56 am:

    Yawn. The Irvin campaign seems to be in full whining mode now.

  5. - Galway Bay - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 6:57 am:

    Who knows the outcome and frankly I wanted someone else to run but it seems clear to me by the money being spent against him the DGA must fear Irvin.

  6. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 7:07 am:

    It’s a C-


    There’s so much crammed in this ad, a shoehorn won’t let this slipper fit on “Taxerella”

    In :30 seconds, we go from all this that the DGA is doing, then “let’s talk about taxes…” and I’m gonna stop here for a second….

    … if you stretch the ad to highlight Bailey’s own words, make it about Bailey welcoming Dems meddling, make it about Bailey and the DGA, that’s a pretty good and solid ad.

    So let’s talk about taxes now.

    In 16 or so seconds, they drop the “13 times” taxes raised. Well, “ok”, you wanna in :30 seconds complain about meddling (rightly so, sure, but that’s the issue) then try to double scoop taxes *and* say Bailey is supported by Pritzker… not because he can beat Bailey… but because they’re “kindred spirits”?

    It’s… a lot.

    You have/d $45 million, do TWO ads.

    This is the ad of a candidate with $15 million of needed messaging and only $5 million worth of cash to spread it.

    It’s a C-

    I get where they are going, but what a muddied and cramped way too much to get there.

  7. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 7:08 am:

    ===must fear Irvin.===

    They fear a race where $300-400 million can be spent, when $30+ million can defuse it.

  8. - Arsenal - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 7:16 am:

    ==it seems clear to me by the money being spent against him the DGA must fear Irvin.==

    Then he must fear them, too. He’s now run two ads whining about them.

  9. - PublicServant - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 7:37 am:

    ===. “Darren Bailey’s candidacy is so weak he needs J.B. Pritzker to do his dirty work.” ===

    And Irvin’s Republican creds and candidacy are so weak, he needs billionaire Ken Griffin’s millions to do his dirty work. “Let me finish. Let. Let me finish.” Oh, you’re finished. Stop the attack ads, and start talking about HOW you’re supposedly going to implement your bogus talking points. Oh, and start answering reporter’s questions, Goofball.

  10. - PublicServant - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 7:39 am:

    It’s an F.

  11. - South Loop - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 7:46 am:

    “And Irvin’s Republican creds and candidacy are so weak”

    I’m not sure Irwin’s story of public housing, military service, legal work on both sides of the bench, and first black mayor in the 2nd largest city of the state are “so weak”, particularly compared to Pritzker’s pre-glittered path to adulthood.

  12. - Henry Francis - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 7:46 am:

    “Making Pritzker proud”?? This is such a dumb ad. It doesn’t make JB look desperate, it makes Irvin look desperate.

  13. - South Loop - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 7:46 am:

    typo: IRVIN

  14. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 7:53 am:

    ===I’m not sure Irwin’s story of public housing, military service, legal work on both sides of the bench, and first black mayor in the 2nd largest city of the state are “so weak”===

    They aren’t telling that story.

    Mayor Irvin and his story versus the created Candidate Irvin… they ain’t tellin’ that story… at all.

  15. - Nadigam - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 8:06 am:

    Two polls show a two horse race and tightening. Get used to these adds the next six weeks or so. None of the messaging is surprising. Nor is Pritzkers involvement to stop Irvin.

  16. - South Loop - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 8:12 am:

    “They aren’t telling that story.”

    The point was to PublicServant’s statement that Irvin’s credentials are “weak”, when in fact they are a rather impressive.

  17. - Arsenal - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 8:15 am:

    == The point was to PublicServant’s statement that Irvin’s credentials are “weak”, when in fact they are a rather impressive.==

    PublicServant explicitly referenced *Republican* “creds and candidacy”, not his biography.

  18. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 8:15 am:

    ===The point was to PublicServant’s statement that Irvin’s credentials are “weak”, when in fact they are a rather impressive.===

    Then why aren’t they using them?

    They want to tell “The Z Story”…

  19. - Downstate - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 8:17 am:

    Bailey, via his machinations over Covid, has gotten lots of press. I would presume his name recognition was higher, at the start.

    Having met both Bailey and Ravine, I just don’t think Bailey comes off well, particularly in the Chicago metro area.

  20. - hisgirlfriday - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 8:23 am:

    I don’t think the Pritzker spending makes it clear he fears Irvin.

    He has other reasons to spend the money to try to tank Irvin, like wanting to humiliate Ken Griffin.

  21. - South Loop - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 8:23 am:

    “Then why aren’t they using them?”

    Great point. But it also raises the question of why does the DGA fear him?

  22. - Grandson of Man - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 8:28 am:

    Whiny and defensive, rehashing the first ad about the DGA. Is this how a frontrunner and the next governor acts? Does Irvin think he can just completely remake himself and coast to the nomination because of Griffin bucks? This dude/campaign has a major character issue, including really thin skin.

  23. - Arsenal - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 8:30 am:

    == it also raises the question of why does the DGA fear him?==

    Maybe it’s for the same reason he’s afraid of them.

  24. - Big Dipper - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 8:31 am:

    Wow, mayor of a suburb who doesn’t care or understand that mayors can’t call in the National Guard and governors can’t commute federal sentences, hides from the press, and feels compelled to brazenly lie about his opponents. “Rather impressive” means different things to me.

  25. - Back to the Future - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 8:36 am:

    Thinking OW really nailed what is wrong about this commercial.

  26. - Socially DIstant Watcher - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 8:40 am:

    All of the candidates in the Republican governor’s primary are pointing fingers at the other candidates and saying, “they’re really a Democrat.”

    How does any message break through when they’re all saying the same thing about each other?

  27. - Grandson of Man - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 8:44 am:

    Irvin is feared because of Griffin bucks. Are people forgetting what Griffin and Rauner did to this state, or do some actually still support it? Irvin has shown that he is controlled. If you’re a patriot, he’s using you from afar to get to the General, where he may largely or substantially change back again.

  28. - Homebody - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 8:57 am:

    Has Irvin said anything at all about why he would be a GOOD choice as opposed to just saying Bailey is ‘bad’? Like does he have a platform at all?

  29. - Rich Miller - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 8:59 am:

    === Like does he have a platform at all? ===

    Like no.

  30. - Anthony - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 9:01 am:

    – Gotta say, Pritzker doesn’t quite seem like the one in desperation mode –

    the R primary is now clearly (and expectantly) a two-man race. The last month or so Irvin’s goal will be to knock out Bailey; and JB’s goal will remain knocking out Irvin.

    Only difference, JB election is in 1/2 year.

    Irvin isn’t in desperation mode; JB is in more desperation mode knowing the general won’t be a cake-walk if Irvin gets the nomination

  31. - Pundent - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 9:02 am:

    The ad is a D. It doesn’t say that Irvin is feared by Pritzker, it reinforces that his support among Republicans is soft. And some of this can be attributed to his unwillingness to answer even the simplest of questions.

    Darren Bailey is to Richard Irvin as Jeanne Ives was to Bruce Rauner. And I suspect the results may be similar. To the extent that Pritzker can exploit this fissure it will only weaken Irvin. And that assumes that he can win the primary.

  32. - Anthony - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 9:02 am:

    – Has Irvin said anything at all about why he would be a GOOD choice —

    I don’t believe so. Hide and dodge, and spend!

  33. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 9:05 am:

    ===does he have a platform at all?===

    Gaslighting, projection, and/or misleading is the plan.

    A plan isn’t a platform.

    Think on this ad for a moment;

    Irvin is a victim, projecting on Bailey the “Democrat” label, and misleading (although it’s quite tasty that Bailey is excited) that Pritzker/Dems are in some sort of cahoots “almost” with Dems and Pritzker… “favorite Democrat”

    There’s no platform to this race for Irvin, there’s a plan to win the nomination.

    Now there’s a worry that this plan needs more messaging.

  34. - QCMan - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 9:10 am:

    Anthony is Pritzker though? All I hear from Irvin is that Pritzker and Bailey are bad and that’s it. Voters want to know why Pritzker is bad because according to the polls a majority of people are thinking IL is heading in the right direction. That alone should scare Irvin. People don’t want to go back to the Rauner days

  35. - Arsenal - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 9:11 am:

    ==Irvin is a victim==

    And, to be fair, that has a strong emotional appeal in today’s ILGOP.

  36. - Southern - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 9:13 am:

    Don’t know that it moves the needle.

  37. - Jocko - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 9:15 am:


    This might pass for junior high class president, but governor? Focus Irvin…Focus.

  38. - NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 9:15 am:

    I am surprised someone has never asked Bailey, “Did you join most of the rest of Southern Illinois and vote for Poshard for Governor?” 1998 may have been the last time many Southern Illinois counties went Democratic in any election.

  39. - Arsenal - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 9:16 am:

    ==Don’t know that it moves the needle. ==

    In a way, maybe Irvin doesn’t want it to. He is ahead, after all. I can only assume that he’d have everyone vote today if he could.

  40. - Donnie Elgin - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 9:18 am:

    “Irvin is a victim, projecting on Bailey the “Democrat” label…There’s no platform ”

    First, you win the primary - no need for a platform to achieve that. Irvin then takes aim at JB, Crime/Taxes/Corruption will be the Irvin/Bourne focus. Policy wonks may want to examine a detailed platform, not true for the vast majority of voters

  41. - JS Mill - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 9:23 am:

    Subsidized housing isn’t public housing.

    Being stationed in a war zone isn’t combat.

    Honesty isn’t Irvin’s strength

    Better Irvin- Received public aid, military veteran

    I could have voted for that guy, as OW says “mayor Irvin” is the story I could have supported.

    The ad is a gentleman’s “C”. Seems like they are in panic mode.

  42. - AD - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 9:24 am:

    B. Both of these guys are still relatively unknown to most people, so trying to define Bailey before he can define himself makes sense.

    Not an A because it’s too busy for most people who aren’t paying a lot of attention when these ads are playing. Could be split into two separate ads, one for the DGA support and another for the 13 property tax hikes.

  43. - Larry Bowa Jr. - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 9:27 am:

    “I’m not sure Irwin’s story of public housing, military service, legal work on both sides of the bench, and first black mayor in the 2nd largest city of the state”

    That’s funny. You just wrote out a list of things that republican primary voters have demonstrated time and again that they could not care less about, aside from the military service.

  44. - Rich Miller - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 9:36 am:

    ===Voters want to know why Pritzker is bad because according to the polls a majority===

    Republican voters don’t have to be prodded on that topic.

  45. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 9:39 am:

    ===First, you win the primary - no need for a platform to achieve that===

    If you are saying GOP is completely void of any polices, that quite the indictment on how the GOP voters in Illinois are mere sheep to big money silly tales

    Wait till abortion is flooding the airwaves this summer.

  46. - Lakefront - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 9:46 am:


    It makes sense for Irvin to go so hard after Bailey. Between DGA and Ole U-Line himself, Bailey is a hapless, but well-funded candidate. Having $10 million+ thrown at your cause isn’t chump change. No matter how much the other guy has.

  47. - What? - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 9:47 am:

    Sums up what’s wrong with the Democratic Party nationally. While Democrats are bleeding support in critical swing states needed to hold onto Congress and state legislatures, they’re pouring money into a GOP primary. I can think of a million ways to spend resources better.

  48. - Arsenal - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 9:52 am:

    ==While Democrats are bleeding support in critical swing states needed to hold onto Congress and state legislatures, they’re pouring money into a GOP primary.==

    Let’s be real, this isn’t taking anything away from any other candidate.

  49. - Pundent - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 10:04 am:

    =While Democrats are bleeding support in critical swing states needed to hold onto Congress and state legislatures, they’re pouring money into a GOP primary.=

    Do you think having Bailey as a nominee helps others further down the ballot? Same holds true for Irvin if there’s a lack of enthusiasm. A weak GOP gubernatorial candidate benefits Democrats throughout the state.

  50. - Arsenal - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 10:56 am:

    ==Do you think having Bailey as a nominee helps others further down the ballot?==

    I imagine that Casten, Foster, Budzinksi, and whoever emerges from IL-17 hope Bailey is the nominee.

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