Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 *** Rate the new DGA ad
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*** UPDATED x1 *** Rate the new DGA ad

Friday, May 13, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Here we go

* Script

Republican Darren Bailey. An agenda too conservative for Illinois.

100 percent pro-life, Bailey wants to ban abortions and make it illegal here in Illinois.

An NRA member, Bailey opposes sensible gun control and says he’ll protect the Second Amendment at all cost.

And Bailey proudly embraces the Trump agenda, calling into question our elections and fighting for gun owners and the unborn.

Tell Darren Bailey his policies are just too conservative for Illinois.

The governor was asked about the ad today and the ILGOP has a response. I’ll get to those in a bit.

*** UPDATE *** ILGOP Executive Director Shaun McCabe…

“JB Pritzker is a failed Governor and weak man buoyed by his billions in inherited fortune. A lifetime of privilege coupled with obvious desperation has Pritzker believing he is entitled to pick which Republican he will face in the general election. Thankfully, Illinois Republicans are too smart to let Pritzker’s meddling - laundered through the DGA - influence who our nominee is.

The DGA and Governor Pritzker are flailing and it’s important for every person, including the media, to call out this severe case of election meddling.”

* During the governor’s exchange with reporters today, he said he, himself was trying to get the message out about Bailey, which would not be in line with the whole purpose of an independent expenditure

Q: Today, there’s a new ad from the Democratic Governors Association you’ve given quite generously to that group. The ad implies that Bailey is too conservative for Illinois. Might that only helped Bailey in the primary to point out his conservative roots?

A: Look, I’m focused on beating the Republicans in November. And so let me start with I’m a Democrat and I’m a Democratic governor. So yeah, I support the Democratic Governors Association, and have for some time. I think everything that’s in that ad is accurate. I mean, he is wrong for Illinois. He is somebody who stands up against Roe v. Wade. He’s somebody who stands up, opposed to advancing the interests of working families across Illinois. And you know, so I’m gonna say so.

Q: [Unintelligible] Are you afraid of Richard Irvin?

A: Are you saying that when I criticize a Republican that that’s… I say when I criticize Republicans, it elevates attention to all the good that Democrats have done in the state and that I as governor have done in the state. I’m not afraid of any of the Republicans. We’re gonna run a tough race against Republicans. We’ve got 5, 6, 6 and a half months I think, until the general election. We’re gonna beat them in November. But we’re just you know, they’re attacking me every single day. The Democratic Governors Association is I think responding to some of that.

Q: [Compares the new DGA ad to the Jeanne Ives ad from four years ago where she is labeled as “too conservative for Illinois”] This looks like meddling by Democrats in the Republican primary. Can you respond to that?

A: You gotta remember that Darren Bailey sued me, you know, a year and a half ago, almost two years ago now, to take mitigations away that frankly, have ended up with people dying in the state of Illinois. Darren Bailey has been attacking my policies since day one. Certainly if he becomes the Republican nominee, he’s gonna be a tough competitor. I’m simply trying to tell everybody who Darren Bailey really is.

Q: [Asked whether he’d rather face Darren Bailey or Richard Irvin, who is the “more moderate” of the two]

A: It’s a mess over there. I have no idea who’s gonna win that Republican primary. I mean, I think there are six candidates running. You know, it’s early. There seem to be more undecided voters there than there are people who’ve decided on somebody.

Q: You personally have contributed to the Democratic Governors Association, you’re behind this ad.

A: I have con… I’ve, you know, I mean, there’s a whole history of my contributing to the Democratic Governors Association, not just in the last the last year, I guess, but also over the course of the time since I began running for governor in 2017.

…Adding… House GOP Leader Jim Durkin, who has endorsed Irvin…

JB Pritzker is so scared to face Richard Irvin in the General Election that he will do anything to win, even if it means trying to hijack the Republican primary to ensure the weakest candidate is his opponent this November. All Republican gubernatorial candidates need to immediately disavow these ads and tell Pritzker to stay out of the primary.

…Adding… Christina Amestoy with the DGA…

“Illinoisians need to know how out-of-touch and conservative Darren Bailey’s agenda is. These ads make it clear: Darren Bailey’s policies are too conservative for Illinois.”


  1. - Arsenal - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 10:03 am:

    The trick of these ads is that the DGA could run them again in October without changing a word.

  2. - Amalia - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 10:03 am:

    I’m confused. Which opponent don’t the Democrats want for the General?

  3. - Grandson of Man - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 10:04 am:

    Excellent trolling. Darren Bailey greatly approves of this message. If Bailey wins the Primary, it may be with an assist from the DGA, like a 2-on-1 in hockey. One of the better ads, rated A.

  4. - The Ford Lawyer - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 10:06 am:

    Sounds like they are trying to help him out in the primary. There is nothing in that ad that would scare away the GOP base. In fact, the ad makes a good counter to the mailers that Irvin is sending out, calling into question Bailey’s bona fides. This is a Grade A head fake, and I would give it an A for that reason. Great pro-Bailey primary ad.

  5. - Homebody - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 10:08 am:

    If their intent was to actually pump up Bailey in the primary while also claiming it is an anti-Bailey attack add for general purposes, it is masterful…

    … and it is also a great illustration of how far the far fight has diverged from the bulk of Illinois voters in their slavish adherence for a handful of niche issues over actual functional governance.

  6. - well... - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 10:08 am:

    Utterly shameless on JB’s part. Here’s hoping the voters see through it.

  7. - 47th Ward - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 10:10 am:

    I dig it.

  8. - Pundent - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 10:11 am:

    =And Bailey proudly embraces the Trump agenda=

    I’d give this an A. I’ve yet to see the picture of Richard Irvin at Mar a Lago. Being the “preferred” Trump candidate might be almost as good as snagging an endorsement. More than 50% of Republicans believe Trump’s support is a factor and 1/3 of the GOP voters are still on the fence.

  9. - Three Dimensional Checkers - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 10:12 am:

    I needed this laugh. So shameless.

  10. - Arsenal - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 10:12 am:

    I actually think that this is a little weak in terms of pumping up Bailey. Sometimes the scary-voice-and-grainy-visuals just overwhelm everything else.

    But it is effective as an ad to define Bailey, and since he has a real chance to win the primary, that’s useful.

    It really illustrates the strength of Pritzker’s position. He can take a couple fliers on defining his potential opponents- all of them- early, and maybe bank shot it into weakening one of them before they’re even chosen.

  11. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 10:13 am:

    It’s not like this is a distortion of Bailey… unlike Irvin.

    It’s a B+

    Reverse psychology, why not.

  12. - Cool Papa Bell - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 10:15 am:

    A - Well done. Bailey himself couldn’t make a better ad.

  13. - Arsenal - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 10:15 am:

    ==Bailey himself couldn’t make a better ad. ==

    He certainly hasn’t yet.

  14. - Fan - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 10:16 am:

    It could help Bailey downstate but not so much in the suburbs even with GOP voters.

  15. - New Day - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 10:17 am:

    “The trick of these ads is that the DGA could run them again in October without changing a word.”

    Exactly. They are perfect. Don’t change a word.


  16. - Nagidam - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 10:18 am:

    We call that a twofer. Should Sen. Bailey win he will see that add again in November.

  17. - New Day - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 10:18 am:

    Actually, let me amend that. For the General you’d change the voiceover and add that he wants to criminalize the woman, even in cases of rape and incest. But otherwise, yea, it’s pretty close to perfect.

  18. - fs - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 10:20 am:

    If abortion really is as big of an issue as it’s being projected, this may not be as big of a boost to Bailey as it’s intended to be. While most Republicans are pro-life, a very large chunk of them do not want to make it illegal in all cases. Portraying Bailey as someone who will outlaw it, while probably true, might not help him with voters who aren’t already in his camp.

  19. - OneMan - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 10:21 am:

    I Hope Bailey sends them a nice edible arrangement or at least a fruit basket.


  20. - Back to the Future - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 10:22 am:

    Very uncomfortable with the low road campaign philosophy and culture of the Pritzker/DGA folks. It sets a very bad example for young people thinking about getting involved in politics or government.
    Winning campaigns and having ethics are still possible - - even in Illinois.

  21. - Baloneymous - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 10:22 am:

    B+ or even A- ad. Irvin gaslights Republicans that Bailey is an anti-Trump liberal Democrat, the DGA paints Bailey as a right-wing extremist. Bailey can’t even afford this must attention himself.

  22. - Arsenal - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 10:23 am:

    == Portraying Bailey as someone who will outlaw it, while probably true, might not help him with voters who aren’t already in his camp. ==

    That’s something I was thinking about, too.

    OTOH, if, say, 35% of Republican primary voters really want an expansive anti-abortion state, Bailey can probably win by soaking them all up.

  23. - Arsenal - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 10:26 am:

    == I think everything that’s in that ad is accurate. I mean, he is wrong for Illinois. He is somebody who stands up against Roe v. Wade. He’s somebody who stands up, opposed to advancing the interests of working families across Illinois. And you know, so I’m gonna say so.==

    This response is exactly where you keep the peanut butter- top shelf.

  24. - SWSider - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 10:28 am:

    Love to see the far right empowered by the Democrats .

    I can’t see how this would have disastrous impacts on our democracy and country.

  25. - Real - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 10:29 am:

    A+ ad.

  26. - Real - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 10:29 am:

    I give it an A.

  27. - Springfieldish - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 10:30 am:

    “You personally have contributed to the Democratic Governors Association, you’re behind this ad.”

    A journalist asked this question? It’s not even a question.

  28. - Lakefront - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 10:32 am:

    == Darren Bailey has been attacking my policies since day one. Certainly if he becomes the Republican nominee, he’s gonna be a tough competitor ==

    Pritzker out here planting advertisement seeds. Can’t wait for this quote to show up in a pro-Bailey ad soon on a tv screen near you.

  29. - fs - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 10:34 am:

    == OTOH, if, say, 35% of Republican primary voters really want an expansive anti-abortion state,==

    According to the WGN poll, only 18% want to outlaw it in all cases. 15% say it should be legal in all cases, another 15% legal in all cases up to 20 weeks, and another 13% legal in all cases up to 6 weeks. If, and I still say it’s a big if, abortion a huge issue in June, and if there are multiple other candidates remaining in the race who are just as staunchly pro-life and splitting that vote, this framing could actually hurt Bailey imho. Especially in the suburbs.

  30. - phocion - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 10:37 am:

    Could cut either way. Plenty of GOP voters don’t want to completely outlaw abortions. In fact, in a poll from last fall, 52 percent of GOP voters responding said that they wanted the ruling in Roe v. Wade to remain intact. Guess it depends who turns out on primary election day in Illinois.

    To the update: the Governor is being disingenuous and everyone knows it. Of course this is the same tactic they used in the Ives race. And of course this ad is meant to meddle in the Republican primary. Politics aint beanbag. Just own it.

  31. - TheInvisibleMan - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 10:37 am:

    > Thankfully, *Illinois Republicans are too smart* to let Pritzker’s meddling […] influence who our nominee is.

    Bold move Cotton, lets see how it plays out.

  32. - Arsenal - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 10:37 am:

    ==Love to see the far right empowered by the Democrats .==

    Ah, yes, once again, Republicans have no control over the choices they make.

    Who’s the not-far-right candidate in the primary, exactly? Irvin is pro-life and is slamming his opponents for insufficient loyalty to Trump. If he wins, is the “Far right” not “empowered” in any meaningful sense?

    The fact is, Republicans made their choice a long time ago. They want pro-life, pro-gun, pro-Trump candidates. Democrats can’t change that, all they can do is beat the Republicans in November. And like I said earlier, if bailey is the nominee, this ad would help them beat him.

  33. - Excitable Boy - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 10:38 am:

    Hilarious and accurate. A+

  34. - hisgirlfriday - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 10:39 am:

    @BackToTheFuture - How is this ad taking the “low road” by the DGA?

    It is telling the truth about the political positions of a Republican candidate running for governor.

    It is a million times more truthful than the ads Irvin’s campaign has been running during this campaign claiming every foe is a closet Obama supporter.

    You may not like voters knowing the truth about Darren Bailey because you think that somehow disadvantages your preferred candidate but that doesn’t make it unethical.

    This calls to mind that great Harry Truman quote. “I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”

  35. - TheInvisibleMan - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 10:39 am:

    Rating for the ad;


    Simple psychology. The easiest way to get someone to do exactly what you want, is to let them think it was their idea.

  36. - Danville Dan - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 10:39 am:

    DGA should rebrand as DGAF.

    This ad could get Bailey elected governor of Wyoming.

  37. - Arsenal - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 10:41 am:

    ==Winning campaigns and having ethics are still possible - - even in Illinois. ==

    What’s the ethical transgression, exactly? Is anything the ad says not true? Does it even say anything they won’t say about him in October, if he’s the nominee?

    It sucks that Republicans have been hot-boxing with Fox News and Breitbart for so long that the things that attract them to a candidate repulse the rest of the IL electorate, but Dems didn’t cause that, and I don’t think it’s unfair of Dems to point that out.

  38. - Roman - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 10:45 am:

    == could run them again in October without changing a word. ==

    Maybe not all of it.

    “…fighting for gun owners and the unborn.”

    They’re using conservative-speak there to capture the attention of Republican viewers. When they’re appealing to undecided voters in the General they won’t use the term “unborn.”

  39. - Arsenal - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 10:48 am:

    ==Maybe not all of it.

    “…fighting for gun owners and the unborn.” ==

    That’s fair. I think I also heard the VO say “liberal” at one point, which wouldn’t be used in October.

    But those October ads would probably make some other word choice that I would think clangs a little, so I stand by my broader point, that this is the exact message the Dems will be delivering all fall if Bailey is the nominee.

    And if Irvin weren’t on tilt, he could say so.

  40. - King Louis XVI - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 10:48 am:

    — Utterly shameless on JB’s part. Here’s hoping the voters see through it.—

    Run a counter $1.9 million ad campaign and voters might see through it.

  41. - Pundent - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 10:49 am:

    The GOP response has me reconsidering upping my grade to an A+. They’ve basically acknowledged that pointing out the extreme (GOP mainstream) positions makes them unelectable. They should be proud of Bailey’s alignment with their party leader. Instead they consider it “meddling.” It’s as if they’re ashamed of being pro-life, protecting the 2nd amendment, and supporting our former President. Is that really the message they want to convey to their primary voters? They would have been better off saying nothing.

  42. - Arsenal - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 10:49 am:

    Also, Irvin releasing a “pre-buttal” ad just calls more attention to this one. Really gotta question that guy’s political instincts sometimes.

  43. - Leap Day William - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 10:51 am:

    == Very uncomfortable with the low road campaign philosophy and culture of the Pritzker/DGA folks. It sets a very bad example for young people thinking about getting involved in politics or government.
    Winning campaigns and having ethics are still possible - - even in Illinois. ==

    And what example is that? Having their own views openly stated by their opposition? There is nothing unethical or low road about this at all. Bailey could take this ad, change the music and the person doing the voice-over, adjust a couple of words, and run it as a positive ad for himself because that’s how on-the-nose this entire message is.

    If you don’t want your radical ultra MAGA right-wing views used against you, then don’t openly state radical ultra MAGA right wing views. You’re only uncomfortable because this is so effective of an ad.

  44. - SWSider - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 11:01 am:

    ==Who’s the not-far-right candidate in the primary, exactly?==

    Buddy, if you’re not sure who the far-right candidate is… I’m not sure I can help you.

    ==Ah, yes, once again, Republicans have no control over the choices they make.==

    They certainly do. But as someone who wants to move our state and country to the left, I think spending millions of dollars to help a far-right candidate win the Gubernatorial primary in one of the country’s largest and most important states, will embolden a movement that has been insanely destructive. And I certainly don’t want the ostensibly left party to spend millions of their dollars to help this movement.


  45. - fs - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 11:06 am:

    How electable the candidate is in the fall is also going to play in the minds of some voters. I’m not sure how many, but anecdotally I’ve heard it from more than a few. This ad also doesn’t help Bailey in that regard. It’s definitely an interesting play, against a lot of unknown variables this year.

  46. - Rich Miller - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 11:08 am:

    ===It is a million times more truthful than the ads Irvin’s campaign has been running during this campaign claiming every foe is a closet Obama supporter.===


  47. - Cheryl44 - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 11:09 am:

    A Republican complaining about someone inheriting wealth. I expect to see a flying pig next.

  48. - Jibba - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 11:09 am:

    ===Utterly shameless ===

    But completely true. And hilarious.

    === low road campaign philosophy===

    Maybe you can enlighten us about how a completely true ad is “low road”ing, especially compared to the blatantly misleading ads run by Irvin?

  49. - Rich Miller - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 11:09 am:

    ===will embolden a movement===

    Also true.

  50. - Arsenal - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 11:10 am:

    ==if you’re not sure who the far-right candidate is==

    Oh, I have no problem identifying the far-right candidates, that’s my point. I have so many to choose from. We have a video articulating Bailey’s far-right bona fides above. Sullivan thinks God is a cryptobro. Irvin is pro-life and is slamming his opponents for insufficient loyalty to Trump. They’re *all* far right.

    (Maybe not Schimpf, but he’s hardly running a campaign in the first place.)

    And that’s what brings me to my conclusion, that *the far right is empowered*. It will be empowered if Bailey is the nominee or if Irvin is the nominee, it’s going to be empowered if Dems tell the truther about Bailey (As they are in this ad) or if they don’t.

    ==I think spending millions of dollars to help a far-right candidate==

    The thing is, not spending that money just helps a different far right candidate.

    The war for the the heart and soul of the Republican Party is over. The angels lost. All we can do is beat them in November.

  51. - G'Kar - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 11:23 am:

    I just saw this ad back to back with another new DGA ad that attacks Irvin as mayor by highlighting supposed “pay to play” and claiming Irvin is corrupt on cable.

  52. - Arsenal - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 11:29 am:

    ==Utterly shameless on JB’s part. Here’s hoping the voters see through it. ==

    What’s to be ashamed of, and what is there to see through? Is it not accurate? Is Bailey not pro-life? Is he not an NRA-member? We were just yesterday laughing at Bailey for being so desperate for Trump’s approval.

  53. - Back to the Future - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 11:29 am:

    Like the Truman Quote.
    Irvin’s mailers portraying Bailey as a “liberal” are actually as offensive.
    Team Irvin and Team Pritzker have the same kinda approach to using the millions they have been given to use in campaigns.
    Thinking trying to influence the other party’s primary is just a step over the line for me, but I appreciate your opinion.

  54. - Rich Miller - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 11:43 am:

    ===Irvin’s mailers portraying Bailey as a “liberal” are actually as offensive===

    Why? Those mailers are just off the charts misleading.

  55. - Thomas Paine - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 11:44 am:

    “ JB Pritzker is a weak man buoyed by his billions in inherited fortune. A lifetime of privilege coupled with obvious desperation has Pritzker believing he is entitled to pick which Republican he will face in the general election.”

    McCabe continued: “Ken Griffin is also a weak man but he is buoyed by tens of billions. A lifetime of privilege has led Griffin to believe he can dictate to mayors, governors and even to Presidents what government policy should be, and after a string of failures that includes Governor Rauner, he know thinks he should be handpicking who Pritzker should face in November.”

    Let’s never forget that Ken Griffin and the GOP believe that the amount of money you have is a measure of your virtue.

    Honestly forget Bailey v Irvin, Griffin v Pritzker is the debate I want to see.

  56. - Roadrager - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 11:45 am:

    Pritzker sees he’s running against the same guy he was four years ago, so why not use the same primary ad he did four years ago? Gives red meat to the horde and kneecaps the big-moneyed alleged “moderate” going forward if he wins.

  57. - low level - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 11:54 am:

    I love it. Finally, national Democrats are using their heads and fighting back effectively. So often the DC people arent as sensible as we are here in the midwest - and that goes for both sides. Many of my GOP friends have shared the same frustrations.

    A+. Keep going DGA.

  58. - Back to the Future - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 12:01 pm:

    “off the charts misleading”
    Absolutely agree.
    I earlier referred to Team Irvin’s Ad portraying Bailey as a “liberal” as - - “nuts”, but on board for misleading too.

  59. - Pundent - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 12:50 pm:

    =Thinking trying to influence the other party’s primary is just a step over the line for me, but I appreciate your opinion.=

    Pointing out that the guy who’s polling within the margin of error and angling for the coveted Trump endorsement seems like smart politics too me. Everything that Pritzker points out in this ad is factual and a source of pride for Darren Bailey. And whether you want to admit it or not he is a legitimate candidate for the nomination.

  60. - Real - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 1:00 pm:

    =Thinking trying to influence the other party’s primary is just a step over the line for me, but I appreciate your opinion.=

    Griffin is not the only one with money to play dirty.

  61. - Nick - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 1:26 pm:

    It’s actually funny how on the nose they are.

    Even putting “liberal gun control” in large font.

    Stands for the unborn guns and trump.

  62. - JS Mill - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 1:27 pm:

    ==Thinking trying to influence the other party’s primary is just a step over the line for me, but I appreciate your opinion.==

    How about lying? Is that over the line? Irvin has been the worst in that regard, Sullivan and Bailey are not much better. Is that something you approve of?

    The DGA ads are well within the bounds of good taste in politics and not invented by the DGA either.

  63. - Southern - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 1:38 pm:

    It’s ingenious. Some strategist at DGA (or Team Pritzker?) is thinking at a whole other level.
    Only giving it an A++ because it didn’t mention masks. Otherwise would be A+++.

  64. - Back to the Future - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 1:53 pm:

    JS Mill
    “How about lying? …Is that something you approve of?”
    Don’t approve of lying.
    Hope that clears things up for you.

  65. - New Day - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 2:29 pm:

    There is nothing remotely unethical about this. They identify this as a DGA ad and Pritzker is very public in his decades-long support for DGA. So there’s no subterfuge. It’s also 100% factual in a way that Darren Bailey would LOVE to advertise about himself. There’s zero in this ad that Darren Bailey would object to.

    And let’s not forget that both parties have been doing things like this for years. Remember Rush Limbaugh’s Operation Chaos - where he tried to get Republicans to vote in the Democratic primary for president to push Hillary over the top? Claire McCaskill did this in MO (Todd Akin, “legitimate rape”). It’s totally fair to help the other party pick the candidate you want to run against.

    I’m far more exorcised by the dishonesty in politics, especially the dishonesty of GOP candidates trying to hide their real views from the voters. Lay it all out there and let the voters decide.

  66. - Pundent - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 3:41 pm:

    =All Republican gubernatorial candidates need to immediately disavow these ads and tell Pritzker to stay out of the primary.=

    So Jim Durkin believes that Darren Bailey needs to disavow an ad that takes exception with Republican principles? That’s truly bizarre thinking. Is Jim Durkin also ashamed to be associated with the pro life movement, second amendment, and former President? It sure sounds like it. And if President Trump ends up supporting Darren Bailey should that be disavowed as well?

  67. - wow now - Friday, May 13, 22 @ 3:46 pm:

    A plus - great ad

    Not only does it attack Bailey for being too conservative for Illinois, it puts those red meat issues front and center which are issues that Irvin doesn’t want to talk about.

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