Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 *** Afternoon campaign notebook
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*** UPDATED x1 *** Afternoon campaign notebook

Tuesday, May 24, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* If you want to glimpse what could’ve been if NBC5 and WGN didn’t cave to the GOP gubernatorial candidates and move forward with holding two separate “debates” tonight, you should watch the Daily Herald editorial board’s virtual debate of all the candidates. There was some good back and forth and Richard Irvin held his own. Click here.

For instance, at one point Sen. Darren Bailey claimed that Caterpillar closed down its Aurora plant “because of regulations and taxes.” Irvin quickly countered that Caterpillar did not leave Aurora. It actually left nearby Montgomery. “So,” Irvin retorted, “you might want to get your facts straight.”

Bailey talked about how Irvin supported COVID mandates, but Irvin shot back that Bailey mandated mask-wearing on his megafarm. Bailey later claimed that, despite his son signing a federal pledge under oath to mandate masks, he didn’t actually do it.

Jesse Sullivan talked at one point about how he felt “betrayed” by former Gov. Bruce Rauner and noted that much of Irvin’s team ran Rauner’s 2014 campaign. Irvin replied that Sullivan was living in California at the time, so if he was betrayed by a governor, it was a whole different governor. Not a bad zinger. Irvin prevented Sullivan from responding immediately and then noted correctly that Rauner’s 2018 campaign was helmed by the same guy who’s at the top of Bailey’s campaign food chain. Bailey accused Irvin of lying, and Irvin said the response meant “You know how to tell a lie yourself,” and chuckled. Bailey eventually just smiled and laughed at that one.

And when Gary Rabine brought up a Crain’s Chicago Business story headlined “Aurora homeowners are taxed at the highest effective rate among 53 U.S. cities included in a new study,” Irvin claimed the Illinois Department of Revenue’s figures show Aurora isn’t even in the top 50 in Illinois.

Anyway, it’s worth a look. Bailey and Sullivan could’ve easily called Irvin’s bluff and appeared on the Channel 5 debate with the frontrunner. They didn’t, and that may have been for good reason.

* Politico

Bailey says he wouldn’t support Richard Irvin if he won the Republican primary.

* On to the DGA…

A year ago today, Richard Irvin arrived at the scene of an arrest of his then-girlfriend, accused of hitting a security guard at a marijuana store. An Aurora police officer overheard Irvin say the charges against her “would be taken care of.” Later, Irvin reappointed his then-girlfriend to the City of Aurora’s Hispanic Heritage advisory board.

One year later, Irvin refuses to answer for his corrupt comments. Instead, he openly contested the police report, telling the Tribune the report was “actually incorrect” in its characterization of his comments.

Looks like the “law-and-order candidate” only backs the blue when it works for him.

“While Irvin parades around as the ‘law-and-order’ candidate who’s ‘tough on crime,’ the truth is clear: he only cares when it’s politically convenient,” said DGA Senior Communications Advisor Christina Amestoy. “Mayor Irvin’s corruption runs deep — and a Governor Irvin would be no different. Illinoisans deserve better.”

* Valencia…

Democratic Secretary of State candidate Anna Valencia announced today that she has earned the endorsement of the Illinois National Organization for Women (NOW) PAC, a major endorsement that highlights Valencia’s unwavering commitment to protecting and advancing women’s rights, especially access to abortion and reproductive justice. The endorsement comes as extreme politicians across the country are passing laws undermining a woman’s right to reproductive health and just weeks before a U.S. Supreme Court decision that is expected to undermine these rights in a significant way.

“Illinois NOW PAC is pleased to endorse Anna Valencia for Illinois Secretary of State,” said Laura Welch, President of IL NOW PAC. “Especially now, Illinois must elect leaders like Anna who fully support women and our rights to privacy. She has a proven track record of uplifting those most often disenfranchised in our state—women, people of color and people whose voices aren’t always heard by our elected officials.”

* CD1…

This evening at an Indivisible Chicago candidate forum, Karin Norington-Reaves condemned Jonathan Jackson’s support of defunding the police amid our city and nation’s crime epidemic.

Jackson touted his endorsement from “Our Revolution,” in a release just last week, an organization that supports defunding the police. “Jonathan checks all of the boxes,” an Our Revolution spokesperson confirmed of his positions being consistent with their priorities. Jackson said, “The issues the organization espouses… are in alignment with my beliefs about the type of policies that will deliver the best long-term benefits to the 1st Congressional District.”

“At a time when our District is grappling with almost unprecedented gun violence and crime, defunding the police is an incredibly dangerous proposition,” said Norington-Reaves spokeswoman Samantha Keitt. “We need candidates who will invest in real solutions to our crime problem, not create more opportunities for violence.”

* CD3…

Today, Alderman Gilbert Villegas received endorsements from Sheet Metal Workers Local 73 and IBEW Local 134 in his race for Illinois’ 3rd Congressional Seat.

President and Business Manager of Sheet Metal Workers Local 73, Raymond Suggs, expressed the union’s support for Villegas.

“The members of Sheet Workers Local 73 are proud to endorse a fellow brother Teamster who is running to represent working people in the US Congress. We are confident that Gil Villegas will serve the workers of this district and the country well, as he understand what it means to work hard and fight for fairness in the workplace,” said Raymond Suggs, President & Business Manager for Local 73.

Don Finn, Business Manager and Financial Secretary for IBEW Local 134, spoke in support of Alderman Villegas.

“Experience, leadership, professionalism and integrity are all important aspects in a candidate, but the shared values and dedication to protecting Workers’ Rights (including the right to collectively bargain conditions of employment, especially for those employees’ seeking representation in their workplace), preserving area standard wages, and ensuring workplace safety are what distinguishes his candidacy and solidifies our endorsement,” said Business Manager & Financial Secretary Don Finn.
Villegas reacted to the support.

“Driving a bakery truck as a Teamster was one of the proudest experiences of my life, and having support from two strong organizations of the Chicagoland labor movement is especially important to me. This campaign is about getting things done for ordinary working people and their families, and with this support, I know we’ll be successful in this race for Congress” said Alderman Gilbert Villegas.

…Adding… Pritzker campaign…

Tonight, the Republican candidates for governor will finally meet to answer questions from the public and reporters––but not on the same stage. Throughout the messy and divisive primary contest, the GOP candidates have lobbed brutal attacks at each other but have spent little time discussing their policies and records. Although the candidates are unwilling to actually meet on the same debate stage, tonight’s two “debates” will be a long-awaited opportunity to demand answers from those running for office who have spent the primary ducking, dodging, and running away from tough questions.

Voters are still waiting for answers to major questions such as:

    • Do you support the nationwide abortion ban proposed by Republicans?
    • Do you think Roe v. Wade should be overturned?
    • Did you vote for Donald Trump?
    • Will you support Donald Trump in 2024?
    • Do you support background checks for gun purchases and the FOID card?
    • Did Joe Biden win a free and fair election in 2020?
    • Do you consider the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol an insurrection?
    • Do you support a $15 minimum wage?
    • Do you support the Workers’ Rights Amendment?
    • Do you support the Black Lives Matter movement?
    • What would you do as governor to protect Illinoisans from the COVID-19 pandemic?
    • Do you support LGBTQ+ Illinoisans’ constitutionally-protected right to marry?

During the 2018 primary, Governor JB Pritzker had already participated in more than 36 forums, six televised debates and 10 editorial board sessions with his Democratic primary opponents. Republicans have made it clear that political points and sneaky campaign tactics are more important than sharing the same debate stage to publicly discuss the issues most important to Illinois families.

*** UPDATE *** A new IE for Karin Norington-Reaves…

Forward Progress (5/24-6/06) 
Chicago Cable - ~$161K

Click here for what appears to be the spot.


  1. - Immigrants Welcome - Tuesday, May 24, 22 @ 3:08 pm:

    Bailey won’t support Irvin, but would Irvin support Bailey?

  2. - Norseman - Tuesday, May 24, 22 @ 3:15 pm:

    === Bailey accused Irvin of lying, and Irvin said the response meant “You know how to tell a lie yourself,” and chuckled. ===

    Boys, boys behave yourselves. We know that you’re all GOP politicians and adhere to the motto, “Let No Lie Go Unsaid.”

  3. - Arsenal - Tuesday, May 24, 22 @ 3:16 pm:

    Irvin’s strategy of silence has long seemed more trouble than just being open and honest would be, and it’s been a real indictment of someone’s political instincts.

  4. - TheInvisibleMan - Tuesday, May 24, 22 @ 3:34 pm:

    I see Bailey is already making plans for how he will handle losing - badly.

  5. - fs - Tuesday, May 24, 22 @ 3:44 pm:

    == Bailey later claimed that, despite his son signing a federal pledge under oath to mandate masks, he didn’t actually do it.==

    Accusing your son and business of perjury to try, and fail, to score a political point. Bold.

  6. - Amalia - Tuesday, May 24, 22 @ 3:44 pm:

    wish everyone could have heard the reaction from the husband when I told him there were TWO debates tonight, same office, same party, different candidates. ABSURD.

  7. - Red Ranger - Tuesday, May 24, 22 @ 3:55 pm:

    The Pritzker update section of this post demonstrates why Irvin will have such a hard time in the general. He cant answer any of those questions with a simple, straight-forward answer. Further, JB is so much more comfortable and authentic when compared to Irvin and isn’t afraid to go in front of a mic. Voters will see that very clearly right out of the gate.

  8. - Google Is Your Friend - Tuesday, May 24, 22 @ 4:12 pm:

    - Immigrants Welcome - Tuesday, May 24, 22 @ 3:08 pm:

    Irvin always votes GOP in the general election, remember? Even if he thinks they are racist idiots

  9. - Back to the Future - Tuesday, May 24, 22 @ 4:34 pm:

    Another day another DGI/Pritzker rant about Mayor Irvin.
    Thinking that may be a bit sleazy to be trying to influence the Republican Party primary, but becoming increasingly certain that this rants are becoming boring.

  10. - Back to the Future - Tuesday, May 24, 22 @ 4:42 pm:

    Thanks for the Daily Herald link.
    It really is worth watching.

  11. - Arsenal - Tuesday, May 24, 22 @ 4:44 pm:

    ==Another day another DGI/Pritzker rant about Mayor Irvin.==

    Wow, so strange that a political campaign runs against its opponents. Sure seems unsportsmanlike that they won’t just let the other guy win.

  12. - David Thompson - Tuesday, May 24, 22 @ 5:25 pm:

    Irvin’s strategy of hiding from Bailey tonight might backfire. More people will get to know Bailey and issues on WGN.

  13. - well... - Tuesday, May 24, 22 @ 5:30 pm:

    ==Irvin’s strategy of hiding from Bailey tonight might backfire. More people will get to know Bailey and issues on WGN.==

    Except now President Biden is giving a nationwide televised address 15 minutes into said debate.

  14. - Amalia - Tuesday, May 24, 22 @ 6:50 pm:

    Random comments from my house…..Griffin bought the split debates. Irvin is an empty suit. How does it feel to be owned by a white man in 2022, Mayor I.

  15. - Eastsider - Tuesday, May 24, 22 @ 7:03 pm:

    Interesting how none of Pritzker’s recommended questions address the kitchen table issues that most Illinois voters really care about. The social issues dodge is a smokescreen hiding politics as usual

  16. - Amalia - Tuesday, May 24, 22 @ 7:10 pm:

    oh, poor Bailey opening. wow, this is being seen all over the state. what about the NBC5 Chicago one?

  17. - Amalia - Tuesday, May 24, 22 @ 7:33 pm:

    does the performance match the commercial? Bailey No. Irvin No.
    Sullivan Yes.

  18. - Norseman - Tuesday, May 24, 22 @ 7:59 pm:

    === How does it feel to be owned by a white man in 2022, ===

    Not cool.

    Irvin made the choice to sell his soul.

  19. - West Side the Best Side - Wednesday, May 25, 22 @ 7:40 am:

    Watchful eye - Did u get up on the rong side of you’re bed tooday? (Do I need to note “snark”?)

  20. - West Side the Best Side - Wednesday, May 25, 22 @ 7:44 am:

    Doh’. I just commented on a post that got deleted between the time I commented and it got posted. Feel like Abe Simpson news article “Old man yells at cloud.”

  21. - Terry Salad - Wednesday, May 25, 22 @ 8:10 am:

    Suddenly all the campaign commercials showing Bailey joyfully blasting a hanging cooler with an assault rifle are nowhere to be seen. I wonder how come?

  22. - OneMan - Wednesday, May 25, 22 @ 8:34 am:

    == For instance, at one point Sen. Darren Bailey claimed that Caterpillar closed down its Aurora plant “because of regulations and taxes.” Irvin quickly countered that Caterpillar did not leave Aurora. It actually left nearby Montgomery. “So,” Irvin retorted, “you might want to get your facts straight. ==

    The number of folks who think that the plant was in Aurora is quite high (it was near the edge of town) it even was indirectly referenced, as a Chrysler plant for quite some time in Aurora’s Wikipedia entry.

  23. - TheInvisibleMan - Wednesday, May 25, 22 @ 8:35 am:


    The upcoming election for regional superintendent of schools in my county, has one of the campaigners holding a raffle for a handgun.

    Thinking ahead about consequences in the future is not this groups strong suit.

  24. - Huh? - Wednesday, May 25, 22 @ 8:48 am:

    One Man - Even Caterpillar said the plant was in Aurora.

  25. - Norseman - Wednesday, May 25, 22 @ 10:53 am:

    Huh, I lived blocks from the southern border of Aurora. Caterpillar was physically in Montgomery. If you’re a corporate mouthpiece, which location would you mention to folks? A small suburban village or the 2nd largest city in the state that’s within a few miles distance?

  26. - Da big bad wolf - Wednesday, May 25, 22 @ 12:50 pm:

    === Interesting how none of Pritzker’s recommended questions address the kitchen table issues that most Illinois voters really care about. The social issues dodge is a smokescreen hiding politics as usual.===

    Seriously? Nobody really cares about abortion, background checks for guns, workers rights, the pandemic, minimum wage?
    Tell us what DO the guys down at the tavern care about?

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