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Campaign notebook

Thursday, May 26, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I told you two weeks ago that Darren Bailey was hinting at a possible Donald Trump endorsement in Quincy. Lynn Sweet says that at least a Trump Quincy visit is a possibility

There is a lot of political chatter stemming from allies of Rep. Mary Miller, R-Ill., that ex-President Donald Trump might be headlining a rally in Quincy for Miller, locked in a GOP primary battle with Rep. Rodney Davis in the 15th District. Miller is the only Illinois candidate Trump has endorsed, and she was in Mar-A-Largo for a fundraiser with Trump last month. Davis was a 2020 co-chair of Trump’s Illinois campaign.

* Meanwhile

Aurora Mayor Richard Irvin took organizers of the Aurora Pride Parade to task Wednesday for their decision to ban uniformed police officers from marching in the parade next month.

Irvin said he was “extremely distressed and disappointed to learn that you have chosen to ban uniformed law enforcement from participating in the annual Pride Parade this year.”

From the group’s press release

This year, to further this goal, after much discussion, we made the decision that while we would continue to allow and encourage participation in the Aurora Pride Parade by law enforcement officers, we would ask that they participate without service weapons (our rules forbid all weapons), out of uniform, and without the presence of any official vehicles.

Why did we do that?

In short, many members of the community feel uneasy in the presence of official law enforcement vehicles, as well as uniformed officers, due to negative experiences they themselves or someone they know have had. Some of these experiences may be with the Aurora Police Department, some may be with other departments. APD is absolutely ahead of many other departments, but there’s still work to be done. There will already be uniformed officers and vehicles present outside the parade route, and we want the parade route to feel as welcoming as possible for everyone.

* The Peoria Journal-Star asked the gubernatorial candidates how they would bring down health care, prescription and drug costs. Here’s part of Jesse Sullivan’s answer

Healthcare workers have labored tirelessly over the past few years. Now they are being faced with mandates that put the government between them and their patients. We should be thanking these frontline workers, not punishing them. I will end these vaccine mandates.

Richard Irvin’s response was not so odd

I support initiatives to expand healthcare access and lower costs. During the pandemic, we saw a massive acceleration in telemedicine and at-home testing. We must look for ways to modernize our healthcare system, which will give people more options and drive down costs. We need to identify where state regulations may be stifling innovation and work with the General Assembly to cut the red tape. The state should absolutely use its market buying power to negotiate lower costs for prescription drugs in Medicaid and state employee group health. While state governments have limited ability to impact national and global drug pricing, I would join with other governors in urging the Securities and Exchange Commission to take a closer look at so-called ‘pay-for-delay’ agreements between brand-name and generic drug manufacturers where pharmaceutical companies pay generic manufacturers not to market generic drugs past the expiration of a drug’s patent.

* On guns during this week’s debate

On policy, Irvin suggested that the FOID system in Illinois needs reform in order to function.

“The system is broken and it definitely needs fixed,” said Irvin. “But we need background checks to ensure that guns don’t get in the hands of criminals and folks with mental illnesses.” […]

For Sullivan, he cited the importance of renewing Illinoisans faith in God and supporting people in the role of fatherhood.

“When you remove God from our society, these are the types of things that happen,” said Sullivan, referring to the shooting in Texas.

Maybe, but the government can’t force people to believe in God, Jesse.

* I shared a story with you yesterday about how GOP secretary of state candidate Rep. Dan Brady said he wants to offload the Motor Voter program to local election authorities. Here’s a fundraising email from Democratic SoS candidate Alexi Giannoulias in response…

At a forum earlier today, I called out Republican Dan Brady for his plan to “offload” the hugely popular and successful Motor Voter program. Motor Voter has given Illinoisans an easy, convenient option to register to vote or update their registration, so why is Dan Brady trying to get rid of it?

Republicans across the country are systematically limiting access to registration and voting, and now Dan Brady is pushing the same anti-democracy agenda here in Illinois. Brady is walking in lockstep with the Trump wing of the Republican Party and trying to make every aspect of voting — including registration — harder.

Motor Voter is a federal law that has helped millions register to vote, and one of the success stories of the office. I’ll build on that success, expand voter registration, and, if elected, will do everything I can to protect and expand voting rights.

* Meanwhile, from Rep. Brady…

Key education, public safety and GOP organizations have endorsed Dan Brady, a Bloomington Republican, for Illinois Secretary of State.

“I am honored and humbled to have the support of those who teach our children and protect our citizens in Illinois,” Brady said. “I am also pleased to receive the latest in a growing number of endorsements from area Republican organizations.”

The Illinois Education Association (IEA), comprised of more than 135,000 members including elementary and secondary teachers, higher education faculty and staff, educational support professionals, and retired educators has endorsed Brady for Secretary of State. In their endorsement, the IEA cited Brady’s pledge to modernize services at the department of motor vehicles, making it even easier to register to vote, and Brady’s pledge to upgrade libraries, especially those in rural areas, with more technology and internet.

So, in that press release, Brady is touting his support for Motor Voter. Maybe pick a lane?

…Adding… From Rep. Brady…

The Secretary of State office is bound to motor voter, because of federal law. I can not change that. I think local election authorities are best prepared to register voters. However, the Secretary of State office could share a digital photo from a license or ID card, which is done now with your signature on your voter ID card from your license. This would further help to protect the voting process and help election Judges.

* CD6…

Today, U.S. Congressman Sean Casten released his second TV ad of the cycle to highlight his 100% pro-choice record. The ad is part of the campaign’s nearly 7-figure television ad buy & will be seen on both broadcast and cable channels.

With the pending decision from the Supreme Court to strike down abortion rights, voters across the 6th District will be reminded of Congressman Casten’s 100% pro-choice record in Congress and his commitment to protecting a woman’s right to make her own health care decisions. He is endorsed by Planned Parenthood Action Fund, NARAL Pro-Choice America, Marcie Love (the founder of Personal PAC), and numerous other pro-choice leaders across Illinois.

The ad is here.

* Apparently, Mary Miller is now a fake Republican…


Biden and the Radical Left’s America-LAST agenda has left our Southern Border WIDE OPEN. To make matters worse, Conservative Congressman Rodney Davis’s FAKE Republican opponent stands with Radical Democrats like Pelosi on illegal immigration!

Rodney’s opponent even said, “If there’s an illegal alien - or illegal immigrants that lives next door and they need something, it is our responsibility as individuals to help those people.” This is why we need to support a REAL Republican like Rodney who will STOP Open Borders.


Instead of this radical Pelosi-backed plan Rodney Davis proposes we finish President Trump’s Border Wall, ban Sanctuary Cities, and STOP illegal immigrants from voting in our elections.

Help Rodney Davis get tough on immigration and STOP his FAKE Republican opponent from gaining power before it’s too late.


Thank you,

Team Rodney

* DPI…

In the aftermath of this week’s horrific massacre at a Texas elementary school, the usual pattern continued as major gun-related stocks surged in price. For Ken Griffin, Richard Irvin’s biggest donor, that means big returns on his investments in Smith & Wesson, Vista Outdoor, and Sturm Ruger.

Just last week, newly-filed records showed that Citadel and Citadel Securities — of which Ken Griffin is founder and CEO — expanded their holdings in gun and ammunition manufacturers by 62% during the first quarter of 2022, totaling $139 million.

Citadel’s holdings in Smith & Wesson Brands Inc. and Sturm, Ruger and Co. Inc., two of the nation’s largest gun manufacturers, are valued at nearly $23 million combined, and the new filing showed a more than three-fold increase in holdings for ammunition manufacturer Vista Outdoor.

A report released earlier this year revealed that guns manufactured by Citadel-linked companies were responsible for one in four recovered firearms from Chicago homicides in the past five years.

Griffin is profiting off of one of the most violent and deadly massacres in American history and what does Richard Irvin have to say about it? Nothing.

When will Richard Irvin stand up to his megadonor and say enough is enough?

* CD17…

Today, Jonathan Logemann, Democratic candidate for Illinois’ 17th Congressional District, announced the endorsement of the Painters District Council No. 30. PDC 30 comprises nine locals throughout 29 counties in Northwest and Central Illinois, and represents the 14th local labor endorsement Jonathan has received during his campaign.

* Taxes are too high and spending is too low, says this Democrat…

The “change” she backs is a property tax cap, which won’t do much to increase services.

* More…

* Rep. Lauren Underwood leading drive to bolster swing district Democrats on Obamacare subsidies


  1. - fs - Thursday, May 26, 22 @ 2:52 pm:

    The sj-r had an article today noting an increase in both early voting numbers and mail in ballot requests. Waiting until the last month to make a big splash or push a big story may be a thing of the past soon. Candidates this year may also regret it, especially with a summer primary date.

  2. - NotRich - Thursday, May 26, 22 @ 3:01 pm:

    One Trump visit could make up those 6 points. Lol

  3. - JS Mill - Thursday, May 26, 22 @ 3:13 pm:

    Irvin’s response on health care was the best statement that I have heard from him this whole election.

    More of that could have gotten him elected.

    =When you remove God from our society=

    I have heard that from other people too. Exactly how do you “remove” god? I wouldn’t think would be possible to remove an omnipotent god from anything. If you are a true believer it is simply a stupid thing to state, which seems about right for Jesse.

  4. - Proud Papa Bear - Thursday, May 26, 22 @ 3:14 pm:

    “Now they are being faced with mandates that put the government between them and their patients.”
    Jesse Sullivan’s switch from anti- to pro-choice has been nothing short of stunning.

  5. - Pundent - Thursday, May 26, 22 @ 3:34 pm:

    =Exactly how do you “remove” god?=

    My interpretation of this is when you don’t believe what I believe because I’m better than you. And you’re right, it is a stupid thing to say.

  6. - Blake - Thursday, May 26, 22 @ 3:35 pm:

    I will second that Irvin had an excellent response to the health care question.

  7. - Narc - Thursday, May 26, 22 @ 3:36 pm:

    === We need to identify where state regulations may be stifling innovation and work with the General Assembly to cut the red tape. The state should absolutely use its market buying power to negotiate lower costs for prescription drugs in Medicaid and state employee group health. ===

    So Irvin is saying we need less government interference in healthcare and simultaneously saying the government needs to interfere in drug pricing? Got it.

    Medicaid already requires drug companies to give them rebates in order to be covered. It’s already a successful cost-reduction program. How is he this inept?

  8. - Ron Burgundy - Thursday, May 26, 22 @ 3:41 pm:

    -Healthcare workers have labored tirelessly over the past few years. Now they are being faced with mandates that put the government between them and their patients. We should be thanking these frontline workers, not punishing them. I will end these vaccine mandates.-

    Never go full cuckoo. Maybe the healthcare workers would like it better if they had less patients?

    -When you remove God from our society-

    No one is removing God from anywhere. However, there are certain places that God wasn’t supposed to be in the first place. Separation of Church and State? Heard of it? Also, I’m very sorry that not everyone wants to worship your particular chosen God. I think that’s something you will just have to deal with.

  9. - MisterJayEm - Thursday, May 26, 22 @ 3:43 pm:

    “a Trump Quincy visit is a possibility…”

    JB should offer to cover the cost of fuel.

    – MrJM

  10. - MisterJayEm - Thursday, May 26, 22 @ 3:45 pm:

    “In short, many members of the community feel uneasy in the presence of official law enforcement vehicles, as well as uniformed officers, due to negative experiences they themselves or someone they know have had.”

    When you routinely treat people like trash, they just might disinvite you to their party.

    To whom is this news?

    – MrJM

  11. - 47th Ward - Thursday, May 26, 22 @ 3:46 pm:

    ===For Sullivan, he cited the importance of renewing Illinoisans faith in God===

    When is someone going to tell him that the Pope appoints Catholic bishops, not the voters. He’s running for the wrong office.

  12. - Ron Burgundy - Thursday, May 26, 22 @ 3:50 pm:

    -the Pope appoints Catholic bishops-

    Bishop? He comes off like he wants to lead a Crusade.

  13. - Real - Thursday, May 26, 22 @ 3:56 pm:

    =When you remove God from our society=

    At least for Christian scripture there are writings in scripture where God speaks of people not recognizing him or his ways. Which is basically removing God.

  14. - TheInvisibleMan - Thursday, May 26, 22 @ 3:56 pm:

    In preferring Rodney Davis to the alternative in that district, I keep forgetting the type of person Rodney actually is.

    I thank him for reminding me.

  15. - Unionman - Thursday, May 26, 22 @ 4:01 pm:

    Healthcare-Maybe try limiting the pork that exists in the system. Limit maximum senior management salaries. A lot of people would be able to afford their healthcare if senior executives were not being paid 10+million a year.
    Tort reform

  16. - Norseman - Thursday, May 26, 22 @ 4:02 pm:

    Irvin was better prepped for the health question. He’s not proposing anything of consequence or actions that can be controlled by the State. The regulation streamlining is standard GOP pablum.

  17. - Ron Burgundy - Thursday, May 26, 22 @ 4:02 pm:

    -for their decision to ban uniformed police officers from marching in the parade next month.-

    So much for their invite to the anniversary of the Stonewall “Riot”. /s

  18. - Rabid - Thursday, May 26, 22 @ 4:09 pm:

    No village people allowed ?

  19. - Manchester - Thursday, May 26, 22 @ 8:04 pm:

    A Trump visit to Quincy? I wouldn’t count on that although the folks over there are very conservative.

  20. - hisgirlfriday - Thursday, May 26, 22 @ 10:31 pm:

    Previously I thought a Trump endorsement would put Bailey over the top but after seeing how big the anti-Trump backlash was in the GOP primary in Georgia I’m just not sure. As much as a Trump endorsement would help Bailey consolidate the not-Irvin vote, especially Downstate, it could backfire and push suburban GOP primary voters (many of which will be Democrats due to the lack of top-tier action on the Dem side) into the Irvin camp to stop Bailey.

    Very curious how this all shakes out.

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