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Thursday, May 26, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* How are ya?


  1. - PublicServant - Thursday, May 26, 22 @ 8:57 am:

    I’m going for a spin on my Vespa today.

  2. - Grandson of Man - Thursday, May 26, 22 @ 9:00 am:

    Doing well, thanks, and hope you are too.

    Enjoyed the Sox win last night. Great comeback win by the Blues (ugh). Love watching playoff-level sports.

  3. - vern - Thursday, May 26, 22 @ 9:16 am:

    I found out recently that MLB just posts every game on YouTube and has been doing so for 10+ years. I don’t think the league does a ton of things right, but this is a big improvement over the other major sports who jealously guard their back catalogues. I’ve been trying to find a Bulls game from 2013 for years, but the entire 2016 Cubs playoff run is free in high def. ESPN Classic is long gone, it’s time to liberate sports history.

  4. - former cubs fan - Thursday, May 26, 22 @ 9:16 am:

    have we rated the Pritzker ad where he talks about his mother and how he feels compelled to help people who need help? If not, we should…its an amazing ad. I think he needs to in crease the buy on that one. I realize that positives don’t really drive up numbers when you have high name ID, but its a great ad, and the world would be a better place if our elected officials spoke to us about kindness, rather than the vitriolic negative ads designed only to drive an opponents numbers down. I give this Pritzker ad an A+.

  5. - Rich Miller - Thursday, May 26, 22 @ 9:17 am:

    ===If not, we should===

    We did… four years ago

  6. - H-W - Thursday, May 26, 22 @ 9:20 am:

    Still numb, and reeling from the Texas tragedy. In case others missed it, another teenage boy was arrested outside Dallas yesterday, when he was seen walking to school carrying a weapon. He was arrested in his school, and had apparently put the weapon in his car. They police found two weapons in his car, in the school parking lot.

    I am a veteran, but not a hunter. I used to love target shooting and was pretty good. I am not opposed to guns, per se. Nonetheless, it seems there are two kinds of gun owners in America. One group seeks comfort in the knowledge that they can kill animals and feed themselves. The other group seeks comfort in the knowledge they have the ability to kill other humans if they feel threatened. And of course, there is an overlap. But it is the latter group, those who seek comfort in knowing they can kill other humans we must address as a nation. Seeking spiritual comfort by knowing one has the ability to kill other humans is a mental illness, and has become a social disease in America.

  7. - Da big bad wolf - Thursday, May 26, 22 @ 9:36 am:

    === Seeking spiritual comfort by knowing one has the ability to kill other humans is a mental illness, and has become a social disease in America.===

    It’s not just other people. Most people killed by guns are killed by their own hand. And that is one thing that Illinois gets right. Because of the three day wait period there are less suicides by guns in Illinois than states that don’t have the three day waiting period. In those three days maybe these folks get help, change their minds, have family intervene.

  8. - Amalia - Thursday, May 26, 22 @ 9:40 am:

    thank you -H-W for that thoughtful post. Much needed today.

  9. - NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Thursday, May 26, 22 @ 10:11 am:

    ==Still numb, and reeling from the Texas tragedy. In case others missed it, another teenage boy was arrested outside Dallas yesterday, when he was seen walking to school carrying a weapon.==

    Close to home yesterday at Lee School in Springfield, a student brought a gun to school:

  10. - cermak_rd - Thursday, May 26, 22 @ 10:30 am:


    Oh a Vespa. Is it one of the new electric ones? Can you ride it on streets? I am wondering about how viable an electric one would be for my Spring, Summer, Fall commutes. Also wondering how other drivers treat them. Do they drive aggressive like they do with bicycles>

  11. - cermak_rd - Thursday, May 26, 22 @ 10:47 am:


    For me it’s the numbness of the tragedy itself (dead children, devastated families and communities, thoughts of the survivors from that classroom and the trauma they are stuck with for a long, long time), but also the fact that it seems hopeless to break out of the Groundhog day loop.

    I mean, if we aren’t going to do anything about weapons, how about armed guards at every school? Or metal detectors at every school? Or a mental health care system that actually functions. Or at least can we not study functional societies and see how they avoid these incidents. In Germany, you can own a gun if you are a member of a sports club. There is smuggling over the border so you can get an illegal weapon if you are going to commit a crime, and yet their incidence of these by population is so much lower. Why?

  12. - Anon221 - Thursday, May 26, 22 @ 10:48 am:

    Just before the last storm front moved through last night, I saw fireflies out for the first time this year…. a few minutes of calm and peace as they rode the wind.

  13. - Skeptic - Thursday, May 26, 22 @ 11:03 am:

    “I’ve been trying to find a Bulls game from 2013″ Not too terribly long ago, I wanted to watch the game where the Cubs scored 22 runs and lost. Lo and behold. YouTube had it. (Before I watched it, I figure there was just a strong wind blowing out that day. It turns out it was simply two horrible teams playing horribly.)

  14. - DuPage - Thursday, May 26, 22 @ 11:26 am:

    The Texas shooter entered the school through an unlocked back door. Schools should review this sort of security problem. They could use scan cards, bio-readers, or key entry that re-locks when the key is removed. If money is not available for those upgrades, they could have all doors changed to “emergency exit only” with only one entrance door with a security guard who would buzz them in.

  15. - Anonymous - Thursday, May 26, 22 @ 11:29 am:

    ==Not too terribly long ago, I wanted to watch the game where the Cubs scored 22 runs and lost. Lo and behold. YouTube had it. (Before I watched it, I figure there was just a strong wind blowing out that day. It turns out it was simply two horrible teams playing horribly.)==

    May 17, 1979, Phils 23-22 over Cubs. Exactly 8 weeks before Disco Demolition on the South Side.

  16. - H-W - Thursday, May 26, 22 @ 11:40 am:

    @ cermak_rd — I stop short at alternatives that introduce more weapons into communities. For example, armed officers in every school represents a defeat in that we are creating militarized schools. How can you teach love of country or peace under the guise of armed officers? Alternatively, I have a nasty debate recently with a person who argued we should require teachers to undergo concealed carry training, and then arm the teachers. I see that as an even worse idea.

    As to things like metal detectors and other forms on non-invasive surveillance, I am not opposed given that mass killings in schools have become more common. While school shootings are still in fact, very rare occurrences at the aggregate level, the lethality of these shootings seems to have gone up a lot in the past two decades.

    I think if we look at the patterns, we will see that this increasing lethality is a significant factor, and one that can be managed/controlled. Controlling the amount of rounds that a weapon can carry is one way to reduce deaths. We might also consider regulating the number of rounds that can be owned.

    Another thing we need to consider is that we are witnessing children killing children. That suggests legislation regarding who can possess and access weapons, and under what circumstances. For example, if children under 18 or adults under 21 are not allowed under any circumstance to own a weapon, then fewer children will own weapons. If parents must own weapons that children are allowed to access (e.g., hunting weapons), those parents could be legally bound for any tragedies associated with the weapons they own (not simply civil cases, but mandatory felony cases). In addition, those parents must be fully responsible for securing those weapons except when the child is under the direct supervision of the actual owner of the weapon. If you do not own a secure safe, you cannot have weapons in your home. There cannot be anymore incidents in which a child sneaks a weapon. When a child is in possession of a weapon, its owner should be punished significantly (not simply fines, but jail time).

    I am just spitballing here. But the idea that “evil exists and no law can prevent evil” is perhaps the most wicked meme I am seeing plastered on the internet right now. The idea that we should accept law breaking (e.g., mass murder) because evil exists is defeatism run amok. It empowers the killers and the manufacturers of weapons. It is also immoral, irrational and unGodly (at least, according to the New Testament). To not act against evil is to allow evil in our presence. To tolerate evil is to promote evil. It also contradicts any notion that America is some sort of shining light on a hill. It suggest we accept being among the worst nations, rather than the best.

    In any case, I think we can craft better laws than the ones we have, and we should federalize those laws rather than acting as if regulating individual behavior is unconstitutional, and state’s rights trump the rights of U.S. citizens.

  17. - cermak_rd - Thursday, May 26, 22 @ 12:36 pm:


    Good thoughts. I am dubious about the America a the best. I think part of why I study languages is because I like the glimpse they give me of what a functioning society looks like. I know other countries have their drawbacks too, but when it comes to mass death events we are the king of the hill other than societies suffering war conditions.

  18. - Proud Papa Bear - Thursday, May 26, 22 @ 1:33 pm:

    A local right-wing activist has plastered our town with Max Solomon signs. The way the sign is designed, it appears the candidate’s name is Solomon Fields.

  19. - thisjustinagain - Thursday, May 26, 22 @ 1:53 pm:

    Let me know how all those restrictions worked here, because a Chicago TV reporter and crew were just threatened by a man pointing a gun at them as he walked through their live shot. Do you really think criminals will obey more laws??

  20. - H-W - Thursday, May 26, 22 @ 4:35 pm:

    @ ThisJustInAgain — What exactly is your point? Are you suggesting that because crime exists, there is no need for laws? It is a foolish argument. Of course there will always be people who break the laws. That however is not a reasonable argument for not making nor having laws. It is simply an argument for allowing crime to persist. I prefer working to create a better society and healthier communities in contrast to your suggestion that we not create laws because they will be broken.

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