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Democratic legislator says he was “attacked” by Democratic governor

Wednesday, Jun 1, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Earlier today…

Today, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker endorsed Democratic candidate for State Senate Mary Edly-Allen.

“I am thrilled to endorse Mary Edly-Allen for State Senate in Illinois’ 31st District,” said Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker. “Mary has been a fierce advocate for women’s reproductive rights and critical investments in mental health care, childcare, and violence prevention programs that strengthen public safety. She has been an invaluable leader in the legislature, and I look forward to our continued partnership to keep Springfield on the side of working families.”

“I am honored to be endorsed by Governor Pritzer, who has been a life-long advocate for women’s healthcare. In 2019, Governor Pritzker and I worked together to strengthen Roe v. Wade into Illinois law to ensure that reproductive health care will never be in jeopardy in our state,” said Democratic candidate for State Senate Mary Edly-Allen. “Under the Governor’s leadership, I am ready to continue the fight for the health and safety of all Illinois families. Governor Pritzker’s endorsement serves as proof of my commitment to protecting a woman’s right to choose, supporting common sense gun reform, and being the hardworking, ethical leader our community deserves.”

Mary Edly-Allen has also been endorsed by State Senator Melinda Bush, AFL-CIO, Brady PAC, Gun Violence Prevention G-PAC, Giffords PAC, Illinois Federation of Teachers, Indo-American Democratic Organization, Lake County Federation of Teachers Local 504, LiUNA! Chicago Laborers’ District Council, Personal PAC, and The International Union of Operating Engineers Local 150.

* Press release from Edly-Allen’s primary opponent, Rep. Sam Yingling…

It is ironic that on the first day of LGBTQ+ PRIDE month Governor Pritzker attacked the only openly LGBTQ+ legislator outside the City of Chicago, State Representative Sam Yingling.

Yingling, who fights every day for the rights of all his constituents, straight and gay, every color and every creed said, “As a gay man, I am used to being bullied. But, I did not expect to be attacked on the first day of PRIDE month by a fellow Democrat.”

Yingling continued, “I was the first Lake County elected official to endorse Governor Pritzker in his contested primary four years ago. I have and will continue to support his legislative agenda. But let’s be clear, this is not about policy or our Democratic values. This is about the Governor making moves to control the Illinois Democratic Party. When I joined with 18 of my colleagues to replace former House Speaker Michael Madigan it was to start a new day where voters decide the outcome of elections.”

Gov. Pritzker has attacked Yingling and sided with Yingling’s opponent in the race for State Senate, Mary Edley Allen, who has voted against working families and the communities of color.

Mary Edly-Allen, who was a chosen candidate of Madigan, has opposed Democratic legislative priorities including: voting against minimum wage which had support from labor and working families. She refused to show up for work after losing her reelection as state representative, missing a series of important votes on budgetary matters, pandemic relief, and the Black Caucus’ historic SAFT-E Act. The Act’s narrow passage succeeded because Representative Yingling stood with the Black Caucus.


This press release, by the way, was sent by the same PR firm which handled media for that mostly bogus hit on Sen. Melinda Bush, who is backing MEA.

Also, too, Yingling had plenty of backing from the Madigan crew over the years. C’mon, man.


  1. - Roadrager - Wednesday, Jun 1, 22 @ 2:46 pm:

    Gonna need Yingling to cite sources on this “attack.”

  2. - Lake Villa Township - Wednesday, Jun 1, 22 @ 2:48 pm:

    Yingling flailing, not a good look as MEA ramps up momentum. Despite voting against the minimum wage increase Edly Allen has a decent amount of labor support which says a lot in my opinion.

  3. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Jun 1, 22 @ 2:49 pm:

    ===”But, I did not expect to be attacked on the first day of PRIDE month by a fellow Democrat.”===

    It has nothing to do with Yingling’s status as a gay legislator nor this being the first day of PRIDE month. It’s politics Sam. You’re not a victim. Stop acting like one.

  4. - Opening Date - Wednesday, Jun 1, 22 @ 2:49 pm:

    He’s no a serious legislator. Never has been.

  5. - Roman - Wednesday, Jun 1, 22 @ 2:50 pm:

    Unless he has a poll showing JB is unpopular among likely Democratic primary voters in the district (which is highly unlikely,) playing the victim card here makes no sense.

  6. - Anon - Wednesday, Jun 1, 22 @ 2:51 pm:

    Plenty of backing from the Madigan crew is an understatement

  7. - Pundent - Wednesday, Jun 1, 22 @ 2:56 pm:

    Whether he admits it or not, but claiming that he’s been attacked based on his sexual orientation, he’s diminishing others who may have a legitimate claim.

    We shouldn’t stand for any form of discrimination. But we also shouldn’t allow it to be the reflexive response if things don’t go your way.

  8. - Amalia - Wednesday, Jun 1, 22 @ 2:57 pm:

    kinda Amber Heard like.

  9. - hisgirlfriday - Wednesday, Jun 1, 22 @ 2:59 pm:

    It may make Sam feel better to accuse Pritzker of being anti-gay for not endorsing him, but this does not seem like smart politics.

  10. - low level - Wednesday, Jun 1, 22 @ 3:09 pm:

    And here I thought Sam was really bright and astute politically. Guess I was wrong.

  11. - KSDinCU - Wednesday, Jun 1, 22 @ 3:09 pm:

    Did the press release really misspell both Edly-Allen’s name and the name of the SAFE-T Act? Sloppy.

  12. - SpiDem - Wednesday, Jun 1, 22 @ 3:09 pm:

    Sam Yingling making a strong play for the Robin Kelly endorsement here?

    Or perhaps he simply felt the urge to light himself on fire?

  13. - IllinoisCitizen - Wednesday, Jun 1, 22 @ 3:11 pm:

    Is there context here? IS there a reason that he’s being challenged and endorsed, though he’s a sitting member? Just curious as to any backstory that may enlighten the situation?

  14. - fs - Wednesday, Jun 1, 22 @ 3:14 pm:

    It’s a bold strategy, Cotton, let’s see if it pays off for him

  15. - vern - Wednesday, Jun 1, 22 @ 3:20 pm:

    Ok, let me start with the most important fact here:

    Sam Yingling is going to win this primary.

    You all may not like him, and that’s fine. But he’s been spending millions of dollars on campaigns there for 10 years. His name ID is at maximum in his state rep district, especially among Democrats. Conversely, MEA represented six total precincts of that district for 2 years. So in order to win, MEA would need to blow Sam out in the other half of the senate district, which is basically impossible with equal spending starting from scratch name ID. This race was fundamentally over on filing day.

    And Pritzker would know that if he ever stepped foot in Lake County outside of Waukegan. Since becoming Governor, he’s been to that district one time, to tour a COVID vaccination site. Every other trip he makes to Lake County is to the same city. That narrow view of one of the state’s biggest counties will inevitably lead to mistakes and hurt feelings.

    Obviously Yingling is mad about this. His statement is hyperbolic, a rhetorical trait he’s known for. But who wouldn’t be mad in his position? For all the noise he makes, Yingling has gotten to yes on all the Governor’s priorities. The same can’t be said for MEA.

    Again, if you don’t like Yingling that’s fine. But the Governor doesn’t have the luxury of pique. He has a job to do, and he’s making that job harder on himself by spurning a loyal if temperamental ally. An ally who is extremely likely to be a Senator next year, and now much less likely to continue as an ally.

  16. - SpiDem - Wednesday, Jun 1, 22 @ 3:24 pm:


    I see Yingling’s campaign manager has entered the chat

  17. - NotRich - Wednesday, Jun 1, 22 @ 3:28 pm:

    Sammy will miss those 13th ward pct workers who lived in his district the last 4 cycles.

  18. - vern - Wednesday, Jun 1, 22 @ 3:28 pm:


    Not even close. I’m an every-day commenter here. I criticized Yingling’s rhetorical style in my comment, just like I did in the linked post re: the MEA ethics complaint.

  19. - Hwy 41 - Wednesday, Jun 1, 22 @ 3:32 pm:

    Considering the comments here, it’s a little ridiculous to accuse folks of supporting campaigns. Obviously no one from MEA or Melinda Bush’s camp is posting in support of their candidates here (sarcasm).

  20. - PoliSci for Life - Wednesday, Jun 1, 22 @ 3:35 pm:

    Lol, Vern. JB Pritzker will be just fine. No one is going to care what Sam Yingling thinks of him. If I were Sam though, I might have thought twice about releasing a statement like this drawing attention to an endorsement which I’m going to guess probably does matter to Dem primary voters in Lake County who - I’m just going to guess - rate JB Pritzker pretty highly. The better part of valor and strategery would have been to take your lumps, tell people you are going to continue to fight for things Democrats believe in and live to argue another day. But hey - you are right about one thing - that’s not Sam’s style.

  21. - Cheap seats at the Ford Theatre - Wednesday, Jun 1, 22 @ 3:40 pm:

    JB is currently 0:3

    Senate Pres
    DPI Chair
    Fair Tax

    Just saying…

  22. - Just Do It - Wednesday, Jun 1, 22 @ 3:43 pm:

    A) Sam is not a victim here, B) Why on earth would the Governor endorse anyone in this race? JB apparently hasn’t kicked the habit of endorsing when he doesn’t have to . . . . .and perhaps yet again, the loser.

  23. - Joe Bidenopolous - Wednesday, Jun 1, 22 @ 3:43 pm:

    Seems to me that insulting and accusing the governor of being anti-gay when that same governor could entirely fund your opponent without blinking might not be the best strategy.

    But then, Sam has always known what’s best for everyone, not just himself. Right?

  24. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 1, 22 @ 3:45 pm:

    ===DPI Chair===

    Dunno if you can call Kelly actually “winning” anything.

    It’s not like Pritzker is asking to be a part of DPI but DPI seems to want Pritzker in the fold.

    Also, what was the backstory to Croke winning? Is that a Pritzker win?

    I’ll never understood the Senate Prez move by the Governor. That was bad, start to finish.

    Fair Tax was poorly run, we are seeing Pritzker going after the GOP in the primary as a “lesson learned” kind of thing.

  25. - Stu - Wednesday, Jun 1, 22 @ 3:46 pm:

    ==Whether he admits it or not, but claiming that he’s been attacked based on his sexual orientation, he’s diminishing others who may have a legitimate claim.==

    This ^

  26. - walker - Wednesday, Jun 1, 22 @ 3:58 pm:

    Been searching in vain for any Gov attacks directed at Y

  27. - Shytown - Wednesday, Jun 1, 22 @ 4:10 pm:

    Tiny violin playing for Yingling…

  28. - low level - Wednesday, Jun 1, 22 @ 4:14 pm:

    Vern, right, a Senator Yingling will be in a position to derail Gov Pritzker’s legislative program, I’m certain. Please.

  29. - vern - Wednesday, Jun 1, 22 @ 4:28 pm:

    low level, it’s not just Yingling being angry that’ll making things harder in the legislature. Pritzker is signaling here that voting “yes” doesn’t matter, he still might endorse against you. He’s signaling that he’ll meddle in districts he doesn’t understand, and he’ll do it unpredictably and opaquely. It’s of a piece with the state central committee fights he’s picking. For the first time since he became Governor, he seems like he’s making rash, emotional decisions. That can make things harder in any number of ways.

  30. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jun 1, 22 @ 4:34 pm:

    ===he seems like he’s making rash, emotional decisions===

    You cannot possibly tell me after reading those two releases that Pritzker is the irrational rash one of the two men.

  31. - New Day - Wednesday, Jun 1, 22 @ 4:47 pm:

    I like Sam. I really do. And I’m surprised the gov endorsed Edly-Allen. But this response is so over the top and beneath him. It’s really disappointing.

  32. - Lake Villa Township - Wednesday, Jun 1, 22 @ 4:48 pm:

    Vern Avon dems chair and senator Bush are firmly behind MEA I wouldn’t be so sure that Yingling has this race in the bag. Well see what happens especially up here in Lindenhurst.

  33. - vern - Wednesday, Jun 1, 22 @ 4:50 pm:

    === You cannot possibly tell me ===

    I think they both are. What I’m trying to say is that I understand why Yingling is lashing out but I don’t understand why Pritzker decided to endorse MEA. I could’ve predicted Yingling losing his temper, but couldn’t predict Pritzker deciding to dive into this race. Pritzker’s pique is obviously better moderated through staff writing his press releases, but that doesn’t make this decision rational.

  34. - "A Horse is a Horse" - Wednesday, Jun 1, 22 @ 4:50 pm:

    A lot of Madigan’s people burned a lot of gas and logged hundreds of miles on their cars ringing doorbells for Yingling. How soon they forget.

  35. - SpiDem - Wednesday, Jun 1, 22 @ 5:19 pm:

    I’m just spitballing here, but given how rash Yingling sounds publicly here, it makes one wonder how impertinent he may have been with the Governor and his team behind the scenes over the last few years?

    Occams Razor suggests pretty clearly that Pritzker isn’t a fan, and there is likely a reason (or reasons) that aren’t publicly clear to us laypeople that almost certainly exist. Politics ain’t beanbag, and someone endorsing your opponent ain’t an insult.

  36. - low level - Wednesday, Jun 1, 22 @ 5:30 pm:

    ==A lot of Madigan’s people burned a lot of gas and logged hundreds of miles on their cars ringing doorbells for Yingling. ==

    I wonder if 13th Ward Alderman Marty Quinn or the Moody Bros made the trip as well for Sam back in the day?

  37. - Kiss my Grits - Wednesday, Jun 1, 22 @ 5:57 pm:

    Why would anyone want an endorsement from someone who does not want to endorse them. I do see a bully, but its not JB. There is so many credible attacks on the LGBTQ+ that claiming your opponent got endorsed on the first day of pride month shows how little the issues truly matter to Sam. In particular when it comes to his need for power met. Power > Issues = Sam

  38. - Jibba - Wednesday, Jun 1, 22 @ 6:06 pm:

    World’s most obvious headline: “Difficult Legislator Incensed by Lack of Support”

    Just Like Marie Newman yesterday, Dems are too sufficiently diverse to be much affected by these types of claims.

  39. - Kiss my Grits - Wednesday, Jun 1, 22 @ 6:10 pm:

    …and by the way, what in the name of little baby jesus kind of PR firm is this??

  40. - Correcting - Wednesday, Jun 1, 22 @ 6:16 pm:

    There is nothing ironic about it.

  41. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jun 1, 22 @ 6:21 pm:

    === he’s been spending millions of dollars on campaigns there===

    Correction. Madigan spent most of that money. And now Yingling can’t raise much dough. Or, at least he’s not reporting it.

  42. - Lulu in Lake - Wednesday, Jun 1, 22 @ 6:43 pm:

    Going by the campaign disclosures this quarter, Yingling’s only “big” donors these days are a couple of his fellow local reps — who have been carrying him for years. It’s a weird one to consider.

  43. - Quenton Galvin - Wednesday, Jun 1, 22 @ 6:43 pm:

    This type of outlandish hyperbole is typical of Sam and his crew

  44. - Candy Dogood - Wednesday, Jun 1, 22 @ 7:13 pm:

    ===An ally who is extremely likely to be a Senator next year, and now much less likely to continue as an ally. ===

    This is some pretty dumb political calculus and I hope this kind of thing stops. Intra-party primaries and political stand offs are a normal and healthy thing, but at the end of the day in today’s political climate it would be both stupid and foolish for a State Senator in the Democratic Party to set themselves opposed to a Governor who represents the Democratic Party unless they’re doing it from a position that is more to the left.

    We should hope we’re electing State Senators and State Representatives that aren’t so vain that they’d let an endorsement for their primary opponent undermine what actions that they’d take in the State Senate.

    Inflicting self harm to “own” your political opposition is the Republican thing to do.

  45. - vern - Wednesday, Jun 1, 22 @ 7:14 pm:

    === Madigan spent most of that money ===

    Yea but it was spent sending 500+ mailers to everyone in the Round Lakes and Grayslake designed to raise Yingling’s name ID and favorables. Wherever the money came from it reached its final form as the name “Yingling” in every mailbox

  46. - Lake County Outsider - Wednesday, Jun 1, 22 @ 7:46 pm:

    == “Difficult Legislator Incensed by Lack of Support” ==

    That headline absolutely nails it.

    Don’t underestimate Melinda Bush’s role in this. She has the governor’s ear. And she would crawl across a desert covered in broken glass to beat Yingling.

  47. - Anon - Wednesday, Jun 1, 22 @ 11:24 pm:

    Yingling talking about bullying is an oxymoron. He is the Democratic bully in Lake County. It’s his way/Jaffe’s way or the highway.
    Yingling’s legislative record is an absolute joke for having served in the GA for almost 10 years. Hundreds of bills only to end up in the Rules Committee. Like Trump, if Yingling’s lips are moving, he boasting to uninformed constituents about nothing.
    Perhaps there is a new dawn of LC DEMs coming 6/29. Yingling and the likes going bah-bye!

  48. - Former Downstater - Thursday, Jun 2, 22 @ 5:37 am:

    What’s the name of the PR firm?

  49. - LC Progress - Thursday, Jun 2, 22 @ 8:52 am:

    @Former Downstate…the PR firm sounds like the language of Lowell Jaffe (Yingling’s Spouse), Jacob Meister and Ed Mullin

  50. - Lincoln Lad - Friday, Jun 3, 22 @ 10:20 am:

    Regret past support of Yingling after reading this today. That’s over, need to be better and smarter than that.

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