Jesse Sullivan tests positive for COVID, will attend debate remotely
Thursday, Jun 2, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller * It really is everywhere. I know so many people with it…
Dude, you have a contagious and potentially deadly or disabling disease. You’d really go except for the protocols? Unreal.
- Ron Burgundy - Thursday, Jun 2, 22 @ 12:44 pm:
The more we hear about his actual vision, this test result may be the most positive thing about the guy. /s
- John Lopez - Thursday, Jun 2, 22 @ 12:44 pm:
How convenient.
- Anon E Moose - Thursday, Jun 2, 22 @ 12:46 pm:
“Due to ABC’s COVID protocol”
Those damn TV stations that don’t want to spread a virus during a pandemic.
- Melido Perez - Thursday, Jun 2, 22 @ 12:46 pm:
How soon until he blames Madigan for the ABC protocols?
- PublicServant - Thursday, Jun 2, 22 @ 12:57 pm:
=== Dude, you have a contagious and potentially deadly or disabling disease. You’d really go except for the protocols? Unreal. ===
Because Freedom.
- Big Dipper - Thursday, Jun 2, 22 @ 1:19 pm:
If you don’t take a deadly pandemic seriously, how are we supposed to trust your judgement on any important matter?
- Ducky LaMoore - Thursday, Jun 2, 22 @ 1:23 pm:
“Dude, you have a contagious and potentially deadly or disabling disease. You’d really go except for the protocols?”
Well, yeah. He is pro-family. Everyone else can die. /s
- New Day - Thursday, Jun 2, 22 @ 1:26 pm:
So you would have shown up to spread the disease but for the protocol? So you have no concerns about contaminating vulnerable people? Got it.
- thisjustinagain - Thursday, Jun 2, 22 @ 1:57 pm:
Another clueless Illinois Republican being clueless. And he HAS the disease that caused all the problems.
- Amalia - Thursday, Jun 2, 22 @ 1:57 pm:
I’m pretty sure he’s not going anywhere in this primary, but he scares me because he is telegenic, booksmart, and has a certain kind of allure. terrifying guy.
- Rudy’s teeth - Thursday, Jun 2, 22 @ 2:08 pm:
Jesse Sullivan has a personality for infomercials not government. His “I have all the answers” doesn’t lend itself to compromise and collaboration.
A messianic complex does not bode well for his candidacy.
- Pundent - Thursday, Jun 2, 22 @ 2:32 pm:
=A messianic complex does not bode well for his candidacy.=
Sadly this might play better in Washington than in state government. And I fear that this is nothing more than a trial run to introduce voters to Jesse Sullivan. I don’t think we’ve heard the last of him.
- Stormsw7706 - Thursday, Jun 2, 22 @ 3:20 pm:
Finally, something positive has emerged from his campaign
- MisterJayEm - Thursday, Jun 2, 22 @ 3:29 pm:
Trying to ride the coat-tales of the more popular virus.
– MrJM
- Dotnonymous - Thursday, Jun 2, 22 @ 3:37 pm:
@MrJM…Savage and funny at the same time.
It ain’t a race but MrJM takes first place…for sure.
- hisgirlfriday - Thursday, Jun 2, 22 @ 7:07 pm:
Is there any way to stream this debate?
- 13th - Thursday, Jun 2, 22 @ 11:01 pm:
I know it late and probably not many people will see this, but following what Baily has shown over this long period, he should just attend in person /s