Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » DeVore airs dirty laundry in lawsuit against girlfriend’s mother, appears to advocate using federal law to convict medical providers over vaccinations
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DeVore airs dirty laundry in lawsuit against girlfriend’s mother, appears to advocate using federal law to convict medical providers over vaccinations

Friday, Jun 3, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Awake Illinois

Candidate for IL Attorney General Thomas DeVore has filed a defamation suit against David Shestokas (also running for Attorney General), Bobby Pitton (running for US Senate), and 2 other parties. It alleges that the mother of DeVore’s girlfriend (Craig) colluded with Shestokas, Shestokas’ sister, and Pitton in the defamation effort.

In the civil lawsuit filed May 16th, they are alleged to be behind a circulated substack post that accused DeVore of domestic battery among other activities, all of which DeVore says are false and caused harm to his reputation.

The petition was posted to Bobby Pitton’s campaign site and may be downloaded below. The civil lawsuit requests that all parties preserve electronic records for discovery.

DeVore, an Awake IL Warrior, is seeking damages in excess of $50k. We support him getting every dime in damages along with a Republican primary victory for Attorney General.

* He’s also suing Julie Craig, the mother of his girlfriend

NOW COMES the Plaintiff, THOMAS DEVORE, by and through his attorneys, Polinske & Associates, P.C., and Brian L. Polinske, and in support of his Complaint for Defamation Per Se against Defendant, Julie Craig, and against the Respondents in Discovery, David Shestokas, Jill Shestokas, and Bobby Piton […]

Defendant Craig created a defamatory article alleging the Plaintiff had committed criminal offense(s) such as (Domestic Battery, Obstruction of Justice, Sexual Predator). At no time has the Plaintiff committed a Domestic Battery or any other offense alleged by Craig.

There has never been any investigation against Plaintiff for Domestic Battery, or any other criminal offense proclaimed by Craig. There has never been any complaint made against Plaintiff for Domestic Battery, or any other criminal offense proclaimed by Craig.

Defendant Craig’s post also proclaims the Plaintiff is under investigation by the Attorney Regulation and Disciplinary Commission for, inter alia, complaints against him by current or former clients. There are no complaints pending against Plaintiff with the Attorney Regulation and Disciplinacy Commission made against him by any current or fonner clients. Her claims therefore alleged that the Plaintiff is unfit to practice as an attorney.

Defendant Craig’s post also proclaims that the Plaintiff was intoxicated in public (above the legal limit) on or about April 20, 2020. At no relevant time was the Plaintiff intoxicated.

The publication is attached hereto and labelled Plaintiffs Exhibit 1. Defendant Craig has continually expressed public animus towards the Plaintiff on multiple occasions due to her disagreement with the fact that her daughter is dating the Plaintiff. Plaintiff’s Exhibit 1 was sent by Defendant Craig to Respondent Shestokas.

Upon information and belief, Respondent Shestokas and Defendant Craig acted in concert in the production and dissemination of Exhibit 1 in an effort to harm Plaintiff to the personal satisfaction of Craig and to the political benefit of Shestokas. Respondent Shestokas then circulated a copy of the defamatory publication to other members of the general public.

Further Respondent Shestokas caused his staff, Respondent Jill Shestokas, to circulate the defamatory publication to the general public. Respondent Shestokas then, in concert with Respondent Piton caused the defamatory publication to be published to the general public via a fictitiously named Substack account under the name “Roger Casteel, Writer.”

Upon information and belief, Respondent Shestokas, who is also is a candidate running for the elected public office of Illinois Attorney General, has with actual malice caused to be disseminated false information to cause hann to the reputation of Plaintiff in order to further his own political ambitions.

And, yes, the exhibit is at the link.

I saw that story back in April and reached out to DeVore’s girlfriend on Facebook. Here’s her response…

None of it’s true. Thank you.

Tom wasn’t drunk and he never touched me. It’s completely false. Have a nice day.

Inaccurate *

The allegation she made at the time was that DeVore smashed her phone. Video is here and here.

* While we’re on the topic of attorney general candidate DeVore…

I’m your huckleberry!!

Posted by Thomas DeVore on Tuesday, May 31, 2022

* From the linked story, this is what DeVore appears to be advocating

The PREP [federal Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness] Act doesn’t insulate actors from criminal liability if the people giving the vaccine “know” or “should have known” that the vaccines are killing/harming people.

The key is this. The PREP Act basically provides liability protection up to the point that it becomes obvious to the person or organization giving the shot that they are killing or harming people. Once you cross that line, you become criminally liable.

So if the CDC says the vaccines are safe, and everyone you give it to dies, and you keep giving it anyway, you are criminally liable. Then your fate is up to the jury.

The PREP Act was never intended as a license to kill.

In addition, there is something known as “jury nullification” where a jury can invalidate an unjust law. This is typically used to exonerate someone, but it can also be used in the reverse direction to convict someone as noted in the Wikipedia article: “It may also happen that a jury convicts a defendant even if no law was broken.”

So once a pharmacy chain in their area/state is put on notice by a district attorney or attorney general or their local Sheriff that the vaccines are killing people and that if they persist in giving the shots and someone is seriously injured or dies, they could be criminally prosecuted, what do you think most pharmacy chains will do?

* Remember that Daily Herald editorial board endorsement of Steve Kim?

His opponents — David Shestokas of Orland Park and Thomas DeVore of downstate Greenville — are talented attorneys and skilled critics of Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s authority to mandate COVID-19 restrictions


  1. - Henry Francis - Friday, Jun 3, 22 @ 12:28 pm:

    == Defendant Craig’s post also proclaims that the Plaintiff was intoxicated in public (above the legal limit) on or about April 20, 2020.==

    == Tom wasn’t drunk==

    Tom doesn’t seem like a stoner to me, but it was 4/20.

  2. - fs - Friday, Jun 3, 22 @ 12:31 pm:

    From the ardc website:

    “Investigations are confidential and information relating to the existence or status of any investigation is not available.”

  3. - vern - Friday, Jun 3, 22 @ 12:35 pm:

    I’ve only watched the first 10 minutes of the video, but I already have one conclusion: if Devore actually cared about this woman he would not have run for high office. He put her in a position where this video would be disseminated and seen by strangers. She’s being asked about it by reporters. That’s the role of reporters, there’s nothing wrong with that. But the role of romantic partner including protecting the people you love from humiliation.

  4. - Lurker - Friday, Jun 3, 22 @ 12:42 pm:

    Five years ago I would have read this and laughed and laughed. But now, I can no longer laugh at the kooks ruining our Party. At some point this will end and the abnormal will be funny again?

  5. - Leap Day William - Friday, Jun 3, 22 @ 12:48 pm:

    Has anybody seen any polling in this race? I’m super curious to see where Devore is sitting and how embarrassing of a general election we are heading toward.

  6. - Big Dipper - Friday, Jun 3, 22 @ 12:51 pm:

    At one point Craig was his client. It would be interesting for ARDC purposes when exactly they started dating.

  7. - JS Mill - Friday, Jun 3, 22 @ 12:52 pm:

    Remember when conservatives criticized litigious people? I do.

    This is the height of hypocrisy. In devore’s world, you can’t make accusations, crazy or otherwise, against him but it’s ok if he does.

    Such gentle fee fees on this guy.

  8. - MrMisery - Friday, Jun 3, 22 @ 12:52 pm:

    ROFL “Devore is a wake il warrior”…I wonder if Devore shared some of the loot from all those law suits Awake helped him gather “donations” for.

  9. - TheInvisibleMan - Friday, Jun 3, 22 @ 12:53 pm:

    “Plalntiff has suffered the damages of harm to his professional and public reputation
    with likely clients and **voters**”

    That would be a great way to be able to use campaign funds instead of your own money to sue someone you don’t like.

    As a public figure, Devore has a steep hill to climb here. Seeing as the communications in question are are primarily related to his political activities, it’s going to be next to impossible for him to win this.

    The writing in the exhibits seems to have been written by someone who is very knowledgeable on libel laws.

    “A complaint was filed with the ARDC about this unethical relationship”

    It’s legal to say you’ve filed a complaint about the most disgusting thing possible.

    “Devore was seen drinking alcohol exceeding the legal limit.”

    Perfectly legal to say. Nobody accused him of driving a vehicle above the legal limit. Drinking above the legal limit is not a criminal act, nor is it defamation per se.

    “The incident was listed as a possible Domestic Battery call.”

    Again, perfectly legal to say how someone else has categorized a call.

    To sum up, the defendants wrote their statements so carefully and precisely, that Devore actually has to reword what was said in his complaint, to re-frame the statements as direct accusations, instead of the descriptions of events that were actually written.

    In his complaint, Devore doesn’t copy word for word what was said - he paraphrases the statements into what he thinks they mean. His submitted exhibits don’t match up with his statement of facts. That’s not how defamation works.

  10. - well… - Friday, Jun 3, 22 @ 12:56 pm:

    == At one point Craig was his client. It would be interesting for ARDC purposes when exactly they started dating.==

    If you watch the video the mother says June 2020

  11. - New Day - Friday, Jun 3, 22 @ 12:58 pm:

    Devore’s not a good guy? Who knew.

  12. - zatoichi - Friday, Jun 3, 22 @ 1:06 pm:

    Apparently the local hospital and Walmart has killed me four times. Plus my family and most of my friends. Wish I would have known. Must be hearing Rod Sterlings voice.. dink, dink, dink, dink…

  13. - Skeptic - Friday, Jun 3, 22 @ 1:26 pm:

    “So if the CDC says the vaccines are safe, and everyone you give it to dies, and you keep giving it anyway, you are criminally liable.” So I presume the burden of proof that the vaccines caused (and not just coincident with) the deaths is on the prosecution? That would be interesting to watch.

  14. - West Side the Best Side - Friday, Jun 3, 22 @ 1:30 pm:

    So DeVore is Awake, but Woke is bad? I’m so confused. Can someone just wake me up when this is all over?

  15. - Frank Rizzo - Friday, Jun 3, 22 @ 1:38 pm:

    what is his strategy here, besides to try to silence his girlfriend’s mother?

    Cant they subpoena his girlfriend and let her testify under oath about what happened that night and when the relationship began? wouldnt that jeopardize his license to practice law if the relationship began when he was representing her, as her mother claims?

    I did not need to see DeVore in his skivvies today

  16. - vern - Friday, Jun 3, 22 @ 1:50 pm:

    Ok having watched the full video, I’m just now processing that this took place in April after he had already announced for Attorney General. Personally, I would’ve dropped out the next day. We’ve joked about how Devore has too many balls in the air and his life seems unsustainable, but the results of that aren’t a joking matter. He put a loved one through one of the worst nights of her life, on camera. And what did he wake up and think was important the next day?

    What a cruel, absurd person.

  17. - JS Mill - Friday, Jun 3, 22 @ 1:51 pm:

    =and everyone you give it to dies=

    I guess they are doing a really good job of keeping this quiet if EVERYONE is dying.

    Nope, seems like a completely legit story/theory. /s

  18. - duck duck goose - Friday, Jun 3, 22 @ 2:13 pm:

    =and everyone you give it to dies=

    To be fair, 100% of the people who received the vaccine will die at some point…

  19. - Club J - Friday, Jun 3, 22 @ 2:16 pm:

    This takes me back to the “window lickers” lawsuit. I didn’t do it but there’s a Facebook post proving I did it so let’s file a lawsuit. Now he’s filing a lawsuit because he got caught. You treat a girl bad and she’s going to want her Daddy no matter what. So now the bullies at the Awake IL are backing this game of DeVore. How sad.

  20. - Steve Polite - Friday, Jun 3, 22 @ 2:28 pm:

    Along with what zatoichi said, my wife and I have also died four times. Thank you to Sangamon County Health Department for making getting the shots easy and convenient.

  21. - Da big bad wolf - Friday, Jun 3, 22 @ 2:30 pm:

    A guy that will sue dear old mom. Goodness what a catch./s

  22. - Ron Burgundy - Friday, Jun 3, 22 @ 2:32 pm:

    -“Investigations are confidential and information relating to the existence or status of any investigation is not available.”-

    This is true. The ARDC will not comment, but an attorney would be informed if a complaint from the public had been received against them. Only if the Administrator of the ARDC determines that disciplinary charges are warranted would they file a formal complaint, which would then be public record. 95% of complaints received never reach that point.

  23. - fs - Friday, Jun 3, 22 @ 2:32 pm:

    After watching that video, Devore needs to drop out tonight. If he had one ounce of compassion in his bones, he would. And if he doesn’t, other candidates. Especially the ones that were named in the video, need to call for him to drop out.

    And if that relationship began after he began representing her as her attorney, the ARDC needs to step in.

  24. - Big Dipper - Friday, Jun 3, 22 @ 2:43 pm:

    So in his “other” defamation suit he is claiming that he was offended when Pritzker called him a grifter. But he is wearing a “Grifter Nation” t-shirt, suggesting that he finds it amusing not offensive.

  25. - TheInvisibleMan - Friday, Jun 3, 22 @ 2:43 pm:

    “Devore needs to drop out tonight.”

    That would be making the easy mistake of thinking his primary intentions are to win the office.

    After years and years of his courtroom performances during the pandemic it should be obvious what he is really doing.

  26. - Lefty Lefty - Friday, Jun 3, 22 @ 2:52 pm:

    Is spelling your opponent’s name wrong a Republican strategy? The other day it was “Daren Baily” and today it’s Bobby Pitton. 3 times.

    They’re the smartest people in their lives so they can’t be errors.

  27. - Big Dipper - Friday, Jun 3, 22 @ 2:57 pm:

    ==Defendant Craig’s post also proclaims that the Plaintiff was intoxicated in public (above the legal limit) on or about April 20, 2020.==

    The crack legal team can’t even get the year right.

  28. - Amalia - Friday, Jun 3, 22 @ 3:04 pm:

    devore, the gift that keeps on giving.

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